HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-02-10, Page 3A THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1964 MRS, MAUDE REDDEN, Editor Miss Troyann 13e11 was sue- cessful in passing a preliminary dance, the Canasta", on Sun- day at St. Thomas, Mrs. Stewart Bell, while get- ting out of her car in H'ensan, Guides Plan to Raise Funds A meeting of the Hensall Guide Association was held in the United Church on Feb- ruary 1 with a good attendance of Guide and Brownie mothers. Financial report was read and plans discussed to raise money. A candy drive was planned for Saturday, February 12 when a canvass of the vil- lage will be made by, the Guides and Brownies. The annual Guide cookie sale is set for Saturday, April. 30, at 10 a.m. had the misfortune to fall o the ice, X-rays taken ken at Scot Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, revealed torn ligaments in her right leg, which was placed in a east. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Campbell, accompanied by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, left Thursday by car for .California where they will vacation for the month of February and also visit rel- atives Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline and Troyann were snowbound in St. Thomas until Tuesday morning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gelderland, of Ridgetown, were Sunday guests with Mr. aand Mrs. Sim Roobol. Lynne Dodds, Little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds, of Seaforth, who has spent the past three weeks with her ZURICH CI MIENS NEWS n randa re g nts Mr. p .and Mrs. Sim t Roobol, returned home on Sun- day. At the United Church Sun- day morning service, Rev, H. F, Currie delivered a very chal- lenging message and a quartet composed of Miss Joyce Flynn, Miss Ann Mickle, Ted Mock and Robert McNaughton sang a pleasing number, "Under His Wing". Mrs. John Turkheim at the church organ. 99 Years. Old Mr. J. T. Mitchell celebrated his 99th birthday on Monday, February 7, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jarvis Horton. A family dinner marked the occasion. Mr, Mitchell was the recipient of many congratula- tory messages Sgt. Tom Peters, Victoria, Winner •of Ontario Hydro's award to the Champion Weekly Newspaper Correspondent is Mrs. Percy MacMullen, of the Stirling News -Argus. James A, Blay, Hydro's director of public relations, presents the •award at the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association convention in Toronto. Mrs. Mac - Mullen, of Mount Pleasant, has been a News -Argus corre- spondent, for 54 years, carrying on a tradition started by her great grandfather. CONKLIN'S Parade of Values PRE -FINISHED LUAN MAHOGANY PANELING Beautiful four -foot panels of mahog- any. Can be installed easily and quick- ly. Ideal for rec rooms, dens, offices or cottages. 4' x 8' Sheet $4.16 Each 4' x 7' Sheet $3.64 'Each STAINLESS STEEL SINKS Wide rim for perfect seal with counter acid and stain resistant. Complete with basket type strainers. Undercoated to muffle sound. SINGLE BOWL LEDGEBACK 20" x 20'/z" x 7" $18.95 DOUBLE BOWL LEDGEBACK 9•95 18" x 31" x 7" ZCN CLIP THIS COUPON'"^^^�'�'� LUFKIN `MEZURALL' STEEL TAPE MEASURE Regular $2.35 — NOW With This Coupon ONLY $L49 10' POCKET STYLE MAW COMPANY IJMr Irk EXETER, 235-1422 GRAND BEND, 238.2374 Unit 4ofUCW Hear Reports at February Meeting On Thursday afternoon, unit 4 United Church Women met in the friendship hall of the United Church with 29 present. Mrs. James McAllister opened the meeting with invocation, "God does not intend that we Iive unto ourselves alone. He calls us to serve others". Mrs. McAllister gave the de- votional on "The Good Samari- tan", bringing the story down to the present day of living. The topic given by Mrs. E Chipchase was most interesting on "thoughts from St. Paul's letter on 'charity'." Members reported having made many visits on sick and shut-ins. The annual quilting bee commenced Monday, Feb- ruary 7, at 1:00 p.m. and will continue until quota is com- pleted with pot -luck dinners and afternoon teas as some of the highlights. The world day of prayer will be held in this church, Friday, February 25, at 3 p.m., with a union service. Next general meeting will be held Monday evening, February 28. This unit will cater to a dinner for Sunday school sup- erintendents of Huron County and their wives, on Tuesday, March 1, at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. W. 11. Weekes conduct- ed a contest and all enjoyed a social time. B.C„ who has been on special course at Camp Borden, re- cently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters, and Bonnie, before returning to Victoria, B.C. Seaforth Bantams recently defeated Hensall Bantams 4-1 in a WOAA hockey game at the local arena. 95 Years Old Mrs. Katy Meidinger, a pa- tient at Queensway nursing home for the past two and a half years, and a native of Zur- ich, will on Monday, February 14 (Valentine Day) celebrate her 95th birthday. A birthday party will be held for Mrs. Meidinger at the nurs- ing home when refreshments will be served, including a birthday cake. Henson Curlers Hold Banquet social at the community centre Friday evening, February 4, at- tended by 150. Dancing was enjoyed with music provided by Rowe's or- chestra, from Kirkton. In the draw which took place the win. ners were: patio set, Dean Ald- winkle; transistor radio, Brad Sangster, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster; flight bag, John .Anderson; leather kit bag, Mrs. Alex McMurtrie, Kippen. A smorgasbord lunch was served. Another social is planned for the near future, when trophies will be awarded, PAGE THREE Legion Auxi Nary New Minister Inducted At Kippen and Pion Curling Event Brrucef ield United Church Charges The regular meeting of the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxili- ary was held Tuesday in the Legion Hall with the new of- ficers in charge and president Mrs, Harold Campbell conduct- ing her first meeting. Plans were discussed for two curling bonspeils for February and March to which the group will eater, A donation of $25 was given to the Legion Bursary Fund. Thank you notes were read from sick and shut-in members who received Christmas parcels and flowers. Guessing contest prize was won by Mrs. Mary Bisback and the mystery prize went to Mrs. Byran Kyle. - ---0 Obituary MRS. ILA WOOD Mrs, Alda Simmons received word that her sister, Mrs Ila Wood, of Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia, had passed away on Fri- day, February 4, after a two - years' illness. Mrs. Wood, the former Ila Dinsdale, a native of Kippen, took up residence in Santa Barbara, Cal., some 50 years ago, but made frequent trips back to visit her sister, Mrs. Simmons. Mrs. Wood is survived by two grandsons and one sister and other relatives. Within the past 13 months, Mrs. Simmons has been bereaved of three sis- ters and one brother-in-law. Funeral service for Mrs, Wood was held on Monday from Santa Barbara. GIANT WaIlp.per Ir a Paint ALE FEBRUARY 10 to '19 HILDEBRAND PAINT & PAPER Seaforth 1 The Huron presbytery of th United Church u ch of Canada m at St. Andrew's United Churc Kippen, on Wednesday, Feb ruary 2, for the purpose of in- ducting Rev, E. Donald Stuart, CD, MA, BD, into the pastoral charge of Brueefield and Kip - pen churches. e the past seven months. et Following the service a so- h, tial hour wasI he d to givethe h o - Rev. and Mrs. Stuart an oppor- tunity to meet members of the presbytery and congregations. 0 The service was conducted by the chairman of the presby- tery, Rev. A r t h u r Higgen- botham, of Walton, and charge to the minister and congrega- tion delivered by Rev. G. L. Mills Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. During the service a presen- tation was made on behalf of Brueefield and Kippers churches to Rev. Edgar J. Roulston, of Exeter, who has been minister- ing to the pastoral charges for MARCH OF DIMES Battling snow drifts and other elements of less than favorable weather, 16 Kinettes and volunteers canvassed the village of Hensall Monday eve- ning for the March of Dimes campaign. They have collected $191.63 to date, with more don- ations expected to come in very shortly. Canvass lasted one hour. Marchers found the support and co-operation of the resi- dents wonderful and have ex- pressed their thanks and ap- preciation to one and all, Amber Rebekahs Regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held on Wednesday evening, February 2, in the Lodge Hall with noble grand Mrs George CIifton pre- siding. A letter of appreciation was read from the CNIB for the help of the members who canvassed the town in aid of the project, Also 'thank you' notes were read for cards and treats sent to shut-ins. Following the meeting, the seventeenth birthday annivers- ary of the lodge was observed with members entertaining as their guests members of their family or friends. Euchre was the highlight of the evening with .11 tables in play and the winners were: ladies, Mrs. Fred Peters, Mrs. Ross Corbett; men, Ross Rich- ardson, Alex McBeath; lone hands, Mrs. Alex McBeath. Winners in the draw were: basket of groceries, Mrs. A. J. Foster; double deck of cards, Mrs. Fred Beer Mrs. William Fuss, pianist of the lodge, was presented a gift in appreciation of her services as pianist. NOTICE TO Century Farm Owners in Stanley Township Anyone now owning a farm in the Township of Stanley that has been in the same family for 100 years or more, by 1967, please contact the undersigned by February 24, 1966, as they may be eligible for recognition though a project sponsored by the Junior Farmers' Association, to commemorate Canada's Centennial Year. MEL GRAHAM, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Stanley, BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO. Schneider's Assorted Cold Cuts 64OZ. PACKAGES 2 For 49c Beef/Pork Sausage 2 lbs. 89c Hamburg or Hot Dog — 8s Super Save Buns _ _ _ _ 2 Pkgs. 49c Miracle Whip -32-0z. Jar Salad Dressing 65c Large Size — Regularly 79c — SPECIAL Brylcreem Hair Dressing _ 20.Oz. Family Size—Vegetable or Tomato Campbell's Soups 20.0z, Bottles Home Brand ketchup _ 14 Oz. York Kernel Corn 28.0z, Tins Stokely's Pumpkin 7 -Lb. Bag Robin Hood Flour 48.O2, Tins Libby's Tomato Juice 65c 2/49c _ _ 2/53c 2/35c 2/45c 69c 2/69c Smoked p�� Smoked All Side Bacon Steak or Roasts PRODUCE FLORIDA No. 1 SLICED OR IN A PIECE Pink Grapefruit 79c Lb® 89c Lb. FROZEN FOOD 10 OZ PKG Libby's Green Peas 2/45c HIGHLINER —16-0Z. PKG. Cod Fillets 43c SIZE 96s 8 For 59c Dial 262-2017 -•-- H ensa I I