HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-02-03, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS NEW HOMES IN HAY TOWNSHIP — Two beautiful new homes have been built in this area of Hay Township during the last few months, and both are now ready for occupancy. In the top photo is the home of Mr and Mrs. Al Scholl, built just west of Hensall on Highway 84, while in the lower photo is the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Haberer, north of Zurich on the Goshen Line. Dave Sangster, of Hen - sail, was the building contractor for the Scholl home, while Zurich Builders' Supply erected the Haberer residence. (Citizens News Photo) DEAR DORIS — I have a wonderful husband and a baby a year and a half. And I want to go back to school. I have always regretted never finish- ing high school and getting a vocation. What if I just had to find work, at some later time? There is an older woman who would come to live with us and take care of Timmie for the 10 months. However, if my ab- sence every day would have a harmful effect on him I would not consider it. I could never live with the fact that I had failed him to satisfy my dream. Wants Education DEAR WANTS — Much de - depends on (1) the kind of mother -substitute your older woman would be; (2) whether you could give all necessary spare time to Timmie, when your home; and (3) how well your constitution could stand up to the triple threat of homemaking, mothering and studying. I have seen small children react desperately to the loss of their mother through absence at work or school. I have seen them develop skin rashes or become silent and withdrawn. Such a lack in early life can do lasting damage to a tender, budding personality. Even in a year or two the situation could be much better; and then I'd say: "More power to you!" DEAR DORIS --- My fiance and I are having a disagree - FEBRUARY... SACRIFICE PHILCO STEREO MODEL 1783 — AM -FM Solid State Transistor ..... 11111.•.. mu LIST PRICE •--- $419 OUR SPECIAL TRADE PRICE $339. Now is the time to get into beautiful Hi-Fi at this low, low price Gingerich's Sales Service Ltd. ZURICH — CLINTON --- SEAFORTH ment over one of our ushers. They have been friends for the past two years. He is a smart aleck and has a very imperti- nent attitude. I dislike him and would rath- er not have him for an usher. His girl is going to be my bridesmaid. My fiance says it is only right to have him. Happy Day DEAR -IAPPY DAY — Bury the hatchet. You'll make more hard feelings by excluding him than he will with his imperti- nence. Have his girl friend put him on his best behavior — or else! DEAR DORIS — My husband has been asked to be church warden and feels honored. I'm pleased, too, but the trouble is, I am the volunteer church sec- retary. Won't it Iook like a clique? I feel I should resign. People use every excuse possible to stay away from church. There must be someone else who could take on my work for a few hours every week, even though many are working mothers, and many more just can't type or handle office work. Church Volunteer DEAR VOLUNTEER — Don't borrow trouble. Small talk has no right to attention, Why not broaden the circle by finding a part-time helper or two? Perhaps someone to turn out the church letter or calendar; another to be respon- sible for reporting one regular meeting. You'll know the ways to divide up the chores. To resign out of hand would seem irresponsible, DEAR DORIS—I'd like to be a social worker because I am very interested in doing things to help people. But now moth- er says this takes a university education. Is that right? Loves People DEAR LOVES — 'Fraid so. Six years, to exact. But for the girl or boy who finds people more exciting than anybody, every minute is worth it. You learn what makes people tick; and how to help them ad- just their works (and personal- ity) tothe tempo (and temper) of life around then. Quite an assignment! Send me ten cents and your name and address on a stamped envelope, for my leaflet: "Is Social Work the Career For You?" To Backward About Corning Forward — Go ahead. Speak first when you meet him on the street. Any gentleman waits for the lady to achknowledge him before he presumes an acquaintanceship. (And let me whisper in your ear that your Bobbie is shy, but will gradu- ally gain more poise if you help him!) Confidential to Faith and Hope—Father Murphy of Res- cue Incorporated (an organiza- tion now operating in several American cities to prevent sui- cides) says he thanks God for psychiatry. He feels there should be a continuing dialogue between science and religion so that each may help the other in the solving of human prob- lems. I'm glad they have both helped you. NOW! Your Subscription to the ZURICH Citizens NEWS Is Due For Renewal - Our mailing list has been corrected up to and includ- ing January 31, 1966. CHECK YOUR LABEL FOR THE RIGHT EXPIRY DATE If your Zabel reads February '66, your subscription is due now. If it reads prior to this date, your subscription is overdue, and should be renewed as soon as possible. Post office regulations demand that all sub- scriptons must be paid in advance. Won't you help us to bring our mailing list uPvta date? YOUR EARLY CO-OPERATION WILL BE APPRECIATED Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME! "' M'uey l/�':J'4 L am\ ^hy THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1746 iimiaspapiwoomamaimmimammitioims Sf. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev, A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 — 1'J:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service You Are Welcome mataimatorameagawasatezers nl. EMMANUEL EVANGELICA#. United Brethren Church ZURICH Rev. M. Shafto, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch. Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3— 8:00 p.m.—WSWS entertain men of congregation. Sub- ject, "Church Union". 4ssorted Flavors -9 Oz. Smith's Pure Jam _ 4/$1 rwo Pounds Coleman's Lard _ _ _ _ 49c Vegetable or Tomato—Tins Heinz Soups _ _ _ _ 4/45c Halves -15 Oz. Aylmer Peaches _ _ 2/49c 5- Off —3 -Lb. Package Tulip Margarine _ _ _ 79c 200s or 300s Kleenex 12s Modess Napkins _ 4/59c _ _ 39c _ 2/29c _ 2/29c Aylmer Canadian Style -15 Oz Pork and Beans — Stokely's —15 Oz. Fancy Pumpkin _ Del Monte -48 Oz. Orange Juice Choice Quality -15 Oz. Aylmer Peas _ _ _ Stokely's-14 Oz. Fancy Kernel Corn 2/37c lOc Off 1 Lb. Nestle's Quik 55c 32.Oz. Bottle Mazola Oil 89c One Gallon Jug Javex, 1 Oc Off _ _ _ _ 79c Assorted —6 -Oz. Bomb Wizard Deoderizers _ 59c Readi-Cut — 2 -Lb. Bag -6c Off Catelli Macaroni _ _ _ 35c 20c Off Surf, Giant Size _ _ _ 79c Lil Abner—Assorted —48 Oz. Fruit Drinks _ Scott— Family Pack _ 4/$1 39c Toilet Tissue 49c Clark's -48 Oz. _ 2/35c Tomato Juice 35c FRUIT and VEGETABLES FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, White, 48s _ 6 For 49c SUNKIST ORANGES, 113s Doz. 59c CALIFORNIA CELERY, 24s Stalk 35c MEAT SPECIALS BOILING FOWL, 5 - 6 Ib. Averages _ _ _ LB. 47c VISKING BOLOGNA 2 LBS. FOR 69c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LBS. FOR 89c DRY CLEANING SPECIAL TILL FURTHER NOTICE Pants $ .65 DRESSES 1.25 SLACKS .65 CAR COATS 1.15 SKIRTS, Plain .65 SPRING COATS 1.25 Pleated .95 SNOW SUITS .85 SUITS 1.25 JACKETS .65 Leave At Doerr's Store — Your Superior MAN MONDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY DOERR'S DIAL 236.4354 -- ZURICF