HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-01-28, Page 7THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE :SEVEN' GOING .. BUT NOT YET GONE — This is still the scene in the little telephone office in Dashwood where callers turn a crank on their telephones to signal the oper- ators and hear in response a cheery, "Number please". Mrs. Edwin Miller (left) and Mrs. Leo Gibson have had their hands full at the Dashwood exchange which is completely surrounded by dial equipped areas. Hay Municipal Tele- phone Company officials report however that plans for switchover to dial in Dashwood are proceeding on schedule and work should be completed by fall. Until then it is business as usual for the Dashwood operators who request your sympathetic uunderstanding. Henson Kids Win Hockey Games At Blyth, January 19, Hensall Pee Wees defeated Blyth Pee Wees by a score of 6-1. Last Friday night at Zurich, Hensall boys were the winners, whipping the Zurich Pee Wees 4-1. Saturday night at Hensall Arena, Hensall downed Brus- sels 3-1. Goal getters for Hen- sall: Ricky Parker with two, and Billy Cameron, one. This gives the Hensall Pec Wees nine wins and three losses. Saturday night, January 29, Hensall will meet Blyth at the Hensall Arena, Hensall Tykes Last Friday night in Zurich, Hensall Tykes played Zurich Tykes in a fun packed game with Hensall winning by a score of 6-3. The boys are aged six to eight years. aria EAT! NG ASIMEEMZINEESSIBI Count on Us t Do Things Right! Our skilled, experienced men take pride in their expert work- manship. When they do a job, you KNOW it's right! PLUMBING • HEATING R • ELECTRICAL WORK • FOR EXPERT REPAIRS OR NEW INSTALLATIONS Call TIEMAN'S HARDWARE FURNITURE — COAL — CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD Annual Meeting OF THE ZURICH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL BE HELD IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1966 V. L. BECKER, Presidient ININIAANNNP 8 P.M. WILLIAM BAECHLER, Secretary -Treasurer FEED YOUR CHICKS RIGHT• .. FROM THE START If you are looking for maximum growth with mimimum feed consumption . . . SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is for you. Scien- tifically formulated and tested under actual farm conditions; SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter has the right balance of nutrients your chicks need. With SHUR•GAIN Chick Starter, development of bone, muscle, feathers and stress resistance come naturally. We know SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter will give results. Drop in soon, we'd like to talk about your SHUR-GAIN Starter Program. 1111.GAIN M. DEITZ and SON Noaftaioe teed Service ZURICH TRY THIS ON SADISTS A good many people, decent, kindly, warm-hearted in most respects, have a morbid streak. They get a big vicarious bang out of the gruesome or the gory. Eyes glinting, voices lowered, they discuss with relish Aunt Sadie's cancer of the liver, the week -end accident in which a pillar of the community smashed his pelvis while head- ing for the city with his mis- tress, or Uncle George's ad- vanced dropsy. It's a shame, then, to disap- point these people when there's a chance to add a little color to their lives. This week I had that chance. 1 cut my foot rather badly. Nothing serious, but enough to give me a good heavy limp. It happened on the week -end, and Monday morning I was ready for them. The first eager enquirer caught me just inside the door, as I arrived for work. What was it? Bad fall and a broken ankle? Hopefully. Ar- thritis getting unbearable? Coyly. No, no, nothing as simple as that, I assured her. I explained that my wife and I had been practising our karate on Satur- day night, as usual. Growing bored with smashing those big dents in the refrigerator with the sides of our hands, we'd de- cided to try some footwork. I'd launched a jump -kick at my wife's teeth. She, a real karate expert, had stuck out her tongue, and it was so sharp she'd opened a four -inch gash in my foot. Four inches deep, that is. I don't know whether the lady who'd asked believed me. I just walked off and left her standing there, mouth open, eyes slightly crossed. The next enquiry came from one of those loudmouths who like to embarrass one in front of a group. He tried. Loudly, "Whata do? Get drunk and fall down the cellar stairs, ho -ho?" Not at all, I told him calmly. I'd got drunk, been locked out, slept in a snowbank all night, wakened with a frozen foot, and had had to have three toes amputated. I asked him if he'd like one as a souvenir, but he didn't seem too keen. The next customer was a mal- icious old bat who Looks like Introducing .. . INTERLAKE CHEMICAL SERVICES LIMITED Head Office: 355 Ridout St. North, London The Ultimate in CROP SPRAYING SERVICE Operations and Warehouse: Kippenview Farms KEITH LOVELL DIAL 262-5058 KIPPEN The ABCs of Interlake Service A B cMINIM ACCURATE APPLICATION of the BEST CHEMICALS at the CORRECT TIME ! the flower, but in reality is the serpent under't. "Been fighting with your wife again? It's about time she put her foot down, On yours, bee -bee." "Well, we weren't exactly fighting," I told her. "I had the shotgun out and was just trying to scare her a little, just in fun, when the darn thing went off and blew a hole in my foot the size of an orange. Wannta see?" She turned green and started to sway, so I left her. A fourth interrogator, a young lady who loves trouble— other people's, that is — came up to me, eyes glistening, and solicitously hoped it was noth- ing serious. I said not really, just a few severed tendons. Never be able to wiggle my toes again, but lucky to get off so easily. "After all, it was a 30 - foot drop," Gaping, she pursued, "What in the world happened?" "Nothing much. I fell off the roof and landed on one of the iron spikes in the front porch railing." "But what in the world were you doing up on the roof, in the middle of winter? You must have been out of your mind!" "Oh, no, not really. I was just trying to get my wife to come down out of the tree," and that shut her up. As the day went on, I told other vultures that: A Grey- hound bus had stopped on top of my foot and didn't move un- til the lights changed; the foot had been burned beyond recog- nition by a faulty electric blan- ket; that my daughter had been helping to chop kindling for the fireplace, missed, and lopped off all but my littlest toe. Getting my coat in the cloak- room at the end of a pretty in- teresting day, I heard two fe- male colleagues, unaware of my presence, reconstructing the accident. "Drunk as a billy -goat, they say, and climbing a tree after black squirrels, with a shot- gun," "No, no. I heard he'd gone Annual Meeting of Evangeli .cal Church Shows Succesful Year Just Completed The annual meeting of the congregation of Emmanuel United Brethren Church was held following a supper served in the basement by the ladies of the church. The film, "Story of Six Churches", was shown, and commitments registered for 1966 conference year, Reports of the congregation and of all auxiliaries showed a good year, The budget was met in full, and an increased budget subscribed to for 1966. Officers elected were: trus- tees for three years, Jack Mc- Clinchey re-elected, and Jack Schwartz, newly -elected. Re- elected were: Milton Oesch, superintendent of the church school Wayne Horner, assistant superintendent; Ethel Gabel, secretary; Mrs. C. Melick, treas- urer, and Leroy O'Brien head usher. Olive O'Brien is delegate to conference, and Mrs. Harold Rader, alternate, Menno after his wife and kids with axe, and dropped it on his foot." I limped off Quietly. Tri- umphantly. Oesch was selected as lay lead- er of the congregation. All other members of the local conference remain in their positions of the past year. Discussions will be held on church union with the United Church of Canada in the com- bined women's and men's meet- ing in February, and strategic information is being mailed to members from the Canada con- ference office in Kitchener. Voting will be done at the an- nual session of Canada confer- ence meeting in Milverton the last week in May this year. Several members of the local Youth Fellowship. are arrang- ing to go to an international conference for youth in Color- ado this summer. The finance, committee Norman Gascho, chairman, com- mended the congregation for their co-operation in achieving the 1965 goals, and both he and the pastor encouraged a continuation of the same good spirit for the year ahead. The meeting was well at- tended by a majority of the ac- tive resident members of the congregation and personnel of the local conference. rt Expert Watch Repairs • Trp6saes and Engraving • DIAMONDS -WATCHES - CHINA nstett Jeweflers LTD. CLINTON — WALKERTON — SEAFORTH AN APPEAL ON BEHALF OF THE SLUE WATER REST HOME A Rest Home to be operated under the non-profit Charitable Institutions Act, by the Blue Water Rest Home Corporation. LOCATION: Highway 84, one-half mile west of Zurich. ELIGIBILITY: Priority to South Huron and Blue Water Area residents. Department of Welfare maintenance grants avail- able to indigent residents. Paying applicants from any area will receive con- sideration, depending on space available. TYPES OF CARE: Normal, for walking residents. Bed, for the bed -ridden. Special, for the senile or physically disabled. The Home is already under construction, with foundations erected, some floors poured, and walls being built in prepar- ation for the roof. Mechanical work is progressing on schedule. The Fund -Raising campaign is well under way in some areas, and is being organized in others. Your contribution will help to lower the per diem rate. Sources of capital funds are Central Mortgage and Housing Corporatioin, Ontario Government grant, and public subscrip- tion. Contributions of $100 or more are recorded as life mem- bers. All contributions are eligible for income tax exemption. Contributions may be made to the Campaign Office, Zurich, or any of the following district chairmen: MRS. EMERY rESJARDINS Grand Bend MR. HAROLD WALPER Stephen Township MR. GERALD GODBOLT Exeter MR. LORNE KLEINSTIVER Dashwood MR. LEONARD ERB Hay Township MRS. MAURICE bURAND St. Joseph MR. LEROY THIEL Zurch MR. GLENN BELL Tuckersmith Township MR .MENNO STECKLE Stanley Township MR. KEITH WESTLAKE Bayfield