Zurich Citizens News, 1966-01-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1946 Grand Bend Council Told of Deeve's Plans For Cleaning, Up Dirty River The new council of Grand Bend, at the first meeting in the new year gave ample in- dication of the type of munic- ipal government villagers can expect in the forthcoming mon- ths. Newcomer to the council tab- le Douglas A2artin brought the subject of advanced polls to the attention of his fellow me- mbers by reviewing the "bad publicity" f o r Grand Bend which was evident prior t o the 1965 elections. He said that while very few summer residents had in the past av- ailed themselves of the conven- ience of the advance polls, the cost of keeping them open was negligible when it "cut the legs out from under" those who chose to complain when the advance poll was discontinued last December. Council agreed to have Clerk Murray Desjardins study ad- vance poll procedure in other centres. It was noted that an advance poll open for one-half day the Saturday prior to the Monday elections should be su- fficient. Reeve O.J. Wassmann exp- lained more fully his inaugural promise to see Grand Bend "step right out of its shoes and blossom" when he spoke of his desire to set up a meet- ing with the Ausable River Con- servation Authority early in the new year to discuss the possibility of entering a long- term scheme, if necessary, to clean up that "muddy old river we have down there." He said that since much of the livelihood of the residents in Grand Bend was realized from the tourist trade it was up to council to do everything poss- ible to insure the greatest use of existing natural attractions. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church ZURICH Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., M I [r1Eter Mrs. Milton Desch. Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 — 10:00 a.m.—WSWS in charge of service. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson, of Bolivia, will be the speakers. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 Annual meeting of the con- gregation will be a supper meeting. You Are Welcome Zurich Mennoni+e JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME! The river in its present eond- ilius, he indicated, did little to entice the tourists who arr- ived via Lake Huron. Councillor John Manore sug- gested that council take time in 1966 to review the by-laws in force in the village so that all members would be acquain- ted with them prior to a re- quest to village solicitor Elmer Bell to make recommendations if any on some by-laws in ques- tion, Clayton Mathers, appearing on behalf of the Grand Bend Recreation Committee, made a successful appeal for $225 to be used by the committee for minor sports in the village. He said the committee was pay- ing eight dollars an hour for ice -time at Exeter arena for hockey practice and although the team showed real promise the committee was doubtful if it could carry on without a grant. Said councillor Martin. "I hate to spend money but a pro- ject like this is worthwhile." Reeve Wassmann concurred that if the children were kept off the streets and happy, the community had performed its most important duty. Councillor Desjardine made reference to some complaints that the girls in Grand Bend were being neglected by the recreation committee. Mathers agreed this was a problem and said that committee attempts to interest the girls in softball had been futile. Main item of business on the agenda for the initial session of council was the various app- ointments of officers and com- mittees; clerk -treasurer, Murr- ay Desjardins; road foreman, Wellwood Gill; fire chief, Law- rence Mason; solicitors, Bell and Laughton, Exeter; auditor, W.L. Smith and Company, Sar- nia. Library board, Douglas Mar- tin; ARCA, John Manore; Ex- eter High School board repres- entative, W.F.B. MacLaren; Fo- rest District High School board, Clayton Mathers. Committees of council (the first named indicating the ch- airman); fire and light. John Manore, Emmerson Desjardine; health, Manore, Dr. Fred Boy- ce, Parkhill, William Rendle; property, Douglas Martin and Howard Greene; police, Desjar- dine and Greene; relief, reeve and clerk; water, Desjardine and a committee of the whole council; roads, Greene and Man - ore; administration and finan- ce, Martin and Desjardine. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service You Are Welcome Gpt Cash from. .Case! UP TO .- /' EXTRA CAISH BONUS WHEN YOU ORDER `'A NEW cABEL COMBINE NOW! A small deposit or your trade-in will guarantee price and delivery without Interest until season of. use. 25°x° OFF we_ on all Case Manure Spreaders arm Supp y Cleve Gingerch, Proprietor RR 3 —• ZURICH About People You Know .. , Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach were New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and other friends and relatives in Detroit. Lambert Witmer visited with friends and relatives in Detroit for a week. Father P. McCabe, from In- dia, visited with Mrs. Nora Mittleholtz and Ken on Sunday and reported Bob is fine and never been sick a day since he left for India and is doing well. Also Miss McCabe from Galt, and Miss Hoffer from Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston are enjoying a three-week va- cation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Toni Meyers spent two weeks at Port Col- borne, Oakville and Streetsvville with members of their family. Bob Erb is a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital, where he underwent surgery. Leonard Erb was in Goderich on Tuesday on petit jury. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batstone and Tommy, Richmond Hill, were New Year's visitors with Mrs. Anne Turkheim, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gascho and other rel- atives. Mrs. Ray Waters and girls spent New Year's week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Deitz. New Year's day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parkins were Mr. and Mrs. C. Flynn and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. H. Willard and family, Mr and Mrs. W. Klopp and family, Mrs. A. Par- kins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steph- en, all of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau. Mrs. E. Eickmeier spent a few days last week visiting with friends at Centralia. DASHWVOOD and DISTRICT MR&. B. rt. riA Oen, Correspondent+ DASHWUOD W. L The January meeting of Das- twou(1 W.I. was h.'ld 00 Tues - (:y, January 4, with the hist - :mica research and current ev- ents group in charge, and Mrs. Irvin Rader convener. The roll call, "bring an antique to stump the ladies" proved most inter - .sting, and it is surprising the strange antiques some poss- ess, Mrs. Harold Kellerman dis- cussed the motto, "a man has attained a true conception of life when he plants a tree und- er which he will never sit." Mrs. Glenn Webb took as hex topic, "Huron County History." Current events were discussed by Mrs. Charles Snell. Mrs. Irvin Rader gave a reading and read material for the Twe- edsmuir History book. Mrs. Glenn Webb, vice-pres- ident, dealt with the business. Many cards of thanks were read acknowledging donations. 4-11 Achievement Day will be on January 15 in South Huron District High School. The dis- trict annual will be in Dash- wood Community Centre on May 19. It was decided to hold euchre parties with the first being January 25. A letter was read from the provincial pres- ident. The Queen and lunch closed the meeting. Harry Hayter atended the National Turkey Federation co- nvention at the Conrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago, last week. ALVIN KELLERMAN Alvin Kellerman, 55, passed away at his late residence in Dashwood, on Wednesday, Jan- uary 5, suddenly as a result of a heart attack. Surviving are his wife, the former l\Xyrtle Beaver, one daughter, Mona, Mrs. Gerald Maier London; one AXISREZZOSINIaarCahMegagrl GRAND BEND CLEANERS ianuaryS I January is the time to get Bargain Prices on Dry Cleaning Trousers, Slacks and Pk -in Skirts 59c Each, or 3 for $1.47 Ladies' and Men's Suits $1.29 SALE CONTINUES UNTIL JANUARY 30 GRAND BEND CLEANERS DROP IN TO YOUR CLOSEST LOCAL AGENT JANUARY SALE Freezer Blitz BEATTY � sod � ■ 18 CU. FT. 19 Gingerich's Sales & Service Ltd. CLINTON ZURICH — SEAI'ORTH son, Calvin, at house; also one grand -daughter. Employed at the Dashwood Planing Mills, he had worked that day. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Saturday, when the ser- vice was conducted by Rev. Merrill James with interment in Dashwood EUB cemetery. Pallbearers were Andrew Di- epstraten, Bill Masse, Ed and Harold Stirs, Leo Gibson and Cliff Salmon. Mrs. Morris Denomme is a patient in South Huron I4os- pital, Exeter. Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family were Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Parke, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Urban Mile, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Dorss- elaer. Sunday guests with lVtr. and Mrs, L. Restemayer and Glenn were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boo- gemans and Laurie Anne, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. hvin Rader and Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Denomme and Brian. WSWS MEETING The WSWS executive of the Evangelical UB Church was in Mr. & Mrs. NORMAN JOHNSTON Missionaries on furlough from Bolivia will speak at Bayfield Baptist Church Sunday, Jan, 16 AT 7:30 P.M. charge of the January meeting. Kellerman, This was followed Mrs. Carl Oestreicher, chair - lady of the following program, opened it with a prayer and a poem. Mrs. Hugh Boyle rend- ered a piano solo, Mrs. Merrill James presented the topic, "our glorious past," assisted by Mrs. Charles Snell, Mrs. Lloyd Eag- leson, Mrs. George Link, Mrs. Ervin Schade and Mrs. Harold by a question and answer per- iod. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher, pres- ident, conducted the business. Annual reports of all commit- tees were read and accepted. Group 2 will be in charge of the annual meeting and group 3 in charge of the choir ban- quet. points to insist on when buying a furnace V Heavy Gauge Steel Combustion Chamber with full 20 -year Guarantee Compact, Modern Styling Wide acceptance for over 100 years Cyclonic Flue Design FP,erglas Insulation Quiet, Vibration -free Operation Efficient, Economical Performance When buying a furnace — consider quality first. The investment is a substantial one and the comfort and well-being of your family is at stake. Only Clare-Hecla guarantees eco- nomical, efficient performance for a full 20 years. VI INTERS AIR CONDITIONERS HAVE:ALL.7 QUALITY' FEATURES Every Clare unit is backed by over a century of leadership in Canada's heating industry — your assurance of complete satisfaction. And, there's a Clare-Hecla furnace to suit your exact heating requirements, whether it be gas, oil or solid fuel. Drop in ... or phone us today Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUIiBING — HEATING — TINSMI'1'IIING" DIAL 236-4921 ZURICH ri : 'OR OO ZO1s/f FOOD PRICE' Campbell's — 10 Oz. Tomato Souk _ _ _ 4/49c Blue Bonnet — 3 -Lb. Bag Margarine 89c Packages Weston's Donuts _ 2/49c McLaren's Assorted — 12 Oz. Relishes and Pickles 3/$1 Regular Dutch Cleanser _ _ 2/37c Facelle Royale—Assorted Colors -333s Facial Tissue _ _ 2/49c New — Ready to Serve— Package Quaker Oatmeal _ 31c Bee Hive — 2 -Lb. Tin Golden Syrup 33c Minnette's-28 Oz. Choice Tomatoes _ • _ 29c Stokely's — 15 Oz. Cram Style Corn _ 2/35c 15 Ounces Green Giant Peas _ 2/39c 11 Ounces Aylmer Catsup _ _ 2/39c Pea or Vegetable — 28 Oz. Habitant Soup _ _ _ 2/45c Aylmer Canadian Style 15 Ox. Beans and Pork _ _ 4/59c Regular, Raspberry, Confetti Betty Crocker Angel Food Cake Mix 59c Ellmar's-6 Oz. Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ 85c Pineapple -Grapefruit -48 Oz. Del Monte Drink _ _ _ 37c _ 49c Royale — 2•Ro11 Pack Paper Towels _ FRUIT and VEGETABLES RED EMPEROR GRAPES 2 LBS. FOR 29c SUNKIST ORANGES, 113s DOZ. 59c COOKING ONIONS, 3 LB. BAG 19c JUMBO SIZE FLORIDA CELERY, STALKS 29c MEAT SPECIALS VISKING BOLOGNA 3 LBS. $1.00 SWEET PICKLED PORK ROLLS LB. 69c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LBS. 89c ca DOl RR'S DIAL 236.4354 — ZURICF Oats elate:tette eV ' SUPERIOR Ci,FO4D MARKE?'6�. i�77$i 41t 47-1`F