HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-12-23, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23,. 1965
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Marjory Schwalm, Dottie •and
. Shelley Kipfer and Brenda
Link visited several shut-ins in
the village Friday evening and
sang several delightful Christ-
mas carols.
Ed Normington is spending
the winter months with his
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Traquair, and
family, Woodstock.
Nine large Christmas stock-
ings were packed by Hensall
Kinsmen and Kinettes and de-
livered to patients at the On-
tario Hospital, Goderich, and six
pair of pyjamas made by some
of the Kinette members for the
Children's Aid Society, Goder-
Mr. and Mrs. George Arm-
strong left this week to spend
the holiday season with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Merlin Love, and fam-
ily in Claremont, California,
Mrs. John Henderson, Jack,
Jean, Sylvia and Kathie are
spending Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and
family in Hamilton.
At Carmel Presbyterian
Church Sunday morning the
following were welcomed into
the church on profession of
faith: Faye Taylor, Janice Bon-
thron, Rose Marie Campbell,
Carolyn Campbell, Cheryl Mous-
seau, Lois Wright, Charles
Schwalm and John Skea.
Mrs. Grace Harpole left on
May Peace of which the angels
The Joy the shepherds knew,
Bring blessings wonderful to
On Christmas Day to you.
Maude Hedden
...y ..� .,..
Thursday for Ottawa where she
will spend the winter months
with her daughter and son -in
law, Mr, and Mrs. D, H. Pea
cock, and family,
Mrs Stanley Mitchell, who re-
cently underwent surgery in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, is
improving nicely, and expects
to be home for Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. William Roose-
boom and infant son Allan, left
on Tuesday by jet from the In-
ternational Airport, Toronto,
for Holland, where they will
spend Christmas and New Years
with their mothers, brothers
and sisters. They expect to be
away four weeks. It is 14 years
since Mr. Rooseboom last took
a trip to his homeland. The
trip from Toronto to Amster-
dam took seven hours.
St. Paul's WA
The WA of St. Paul's Angli-
can Church met at the home of
Mrs. Mary Taylor Wednesday,
with president Mrs. Tom Laven-
der presiding. Rev. J. P. Gan -
don presented the study book,
"Let God Go Free", Election
of officers was held: past presi-
dent, Mrs. T. Lavender; presi-
dent, Mrs. Annie Reir; secre-
tary -treasurer, Mrs. Barrie Jack-
Carmel Group
Cheer Shut-ins
Twelve Christmas boxes were
packed at the home of Mrs.
Earl Campbell on Wednesday
afternoon for the shut-ins of
Carmel Presbyterian Church, a
project of the Senior Women's
Missionary Society of the
Nine ladles assisting were
Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Len Purdy,
Mrs, Ed Munn, Mrs. Pearl Love,
Mrs. George Walz, Mrs Stewart
McQueen, Mrs Harry Snell, Mrs.
Harvey Hyde, Mrs. Malcolm
Farewell For
Departing Couple
A farewell party for Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Pepper, who are
taking up residence in Seaforth,
was held in the SS 10 Tucker -
smith, when that school section
honored the eouple and pre-
sented them with end tables.
About eight tables of euchre
were in play. The lone hand
winner was Richard Taylor;
Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse won
ladies' first and Diane McKay
consolation. Winner of first
prize for men was Tom Slavin.
r 1✓1 r k k 1 Y 1r) Y Y1tr Ir Ir Ir
Milk enriches
holiday menus!
Step up your milk supply for Christ-
mas baking, cooking ... and for those
"refrigerator raiders" home for holi-
day vacation)
'Specially Prepared — And Realy to Drink!
Whipping Cream
Always Rich in Flavour!
At any time of tre year, Dairy
Products are by far Your Best
food value!
Brownies Visit
The First Hensall Golden
Hand Brownies and their lead-
ers, Brown Owl Mrs. Robert
Cook and Snowy Owl Mrs. Par-
rie Jackson, visited Queensway
nursing home last Tuesday af-
ternoon. Carols were sung and
residents given a gift by a
Amber Rebekahs
The regular meeting and
Christmas party of Amber Re-
bekah Lodge was held Wednes-
day evening with noble grand
Mrs. George Clifton presiding.
Plans were finalized for the
visit of the assembly officer,
Mrs. Audrey Whitehead, on
January 5, when Pride of Huron
Lodge, Exeter, will confer the
degree at the lodge hall, fol-
lowing the banquet at Carmel
Presbyterian Church. Members
exchanged gifts and a Christ-
mas lunch was served.
Christmas in the Churches
Beautiful decorations, emble-
matic of the Christmas season,
formed an attractive setting in
the churches Sunday, with spe-
cial services held.
St. Paul's Anglican Church
The Christmas service of nine
lessons and carols were held
Sunday morning. Lessons were
read by Miss Jean Henderson,
Clark Forrest, David Jackson,
Miss Sylvia Henderson, Mrs.
Barrie Jackson, Mrs. Mary Tay-
lor, Miss Marion Roberts, Jack
Henderson the rector, Rev. J.
P. Gandon, read the Epilogue.
The choir, under direction of
Mrs. Frank Forrest at the or-
gan, sang an anthem, "That glo-
rious song of old". Miss Jean
Henderson was soloist, and a
Christmas carol sung with Clark
Forrest and David Jackson tak-
ing the solos. Miss Kathie
Henderson contributed a solo,
"Silent Night".
Carmel Presbyterian Church
Special services were held
both morning and evening. The
choir rendered a special anthem
and Rev. J. C. Boyne delivered
an inspiring Christmas message.
In the evening a special Christ-
mas carol service was held, cen-
tred around the beautiful music
of the season, interspersed by
Scripture passages .and anthems
by the choir. A duet, "Only a
Babe in the Manger", was sung
by Ruth Anne Fleischauer and
Marlene Rader of Zurich, and
a reading, "Why the Chimes
Rang", by Mrs Newell Geiger,
of Zurich.
Hensall United Church
Rev. H. F. Currie, for his
morning message, spoke •on
"God's Answer". The combined
junior and senior choir, under
the direction of Mrs. John Turk-
heim, sang "Thou Bethlehem".
Bob Forrest contributed a
trumpet solo, "The Holy City",
In the evening Hi -C Christmas
vesper service was held. Miss
Gretta Lammie presiding at the
organ consol, President Doug-
las Currie presided. Scripture
reading, Jane Pyette; Christmas
story, "No Room", John God-
dard; solos by Joyce Flynn, "No
Room in the Inn" and "The
Birthday of a King". Eric Ross
sang "0 Holy Night", and ush-
ers were Carolyn Cook and
Arlene Chipchase. Following
the service they continued in
the fellowship hall for a social
The senior department of the
Sunday school conducted spe-
cial Christmas service taken by
Mrs. Currie's class with Ricky
Parker presiding and Roddy
Chapman reading Scripture pas-
sages; Brian Drummond gave
the prayer. Christmas story,
Mrs. Dave Kyle; colored film,
"Each with his own brush", was
shown by Mrs. Walter Spencer,
assisted by Bob Forrest.
V ti
,~rte From all of us to
j" ali of you, we send our g
greetings and best wishes for a merry,
old-fashioned holiday season.
Harry and Ann Klungel, Hensall
Ip , Iyv I✓"
pytCO* ‘tri›>k b
a • •
W. wcmt to say a sincere ®'thank
you." to all our great friends and wish
them all the laughter, fun and good,
deer of this happy holiday Aeasa
Stara krocitiark, Mensal)
+.0 1 .1r.` 1
Fly -Up Ceremony
For Hensall Group
In a Christmas setting last
Tuesday evening six Hensall
Brownies received their wings
and flew up to Guides. They
were Pam Mickle, Kay Davis,
Jill Drysdale, Sheila Sangster
and Ruth Potter, who has re-
cently arrived from France.
Sherie Chuter, who was sick
and unable to be present, will
be received into the Guide Com-
pany on January 4.
A welcome was extended to
all the visitors by Brown Owl.
Mrs. Robert Cook, on behalf of
the Hensall Brownies.
Proficiency b a d g o s, were
awarded to the f o l l o w i n g
Brownies by Snowy Owl Mrs.
Barrie Jackson: Melonie Veal,
house orderly; Bonnie Sangster,
skater and dancer; Judith Mic-
kle, collector; Pam Mickle,
skater, dancer and thrift; Kay
Davis, skater, thrift and collec-
tor; Jill Drysdale, collector and
dancer. Tawny Owl Mrs. Rodg-
er Venner also presented Gold -
Deliver Plants
The CP&T committee of the
IOOF and Amber Rebekah
lodges delivered 25 lovely
Christmas plants to shut-ins at
Hensall and Queensway nursing
home, and to patients in South
Huron Hospital, Exeter, and
Huronview. Plants were deliv-
ered on Sunday afternoon by
members of the committee.
Residents •of Hensall and dis-
trict are going all out this year
in decorating their homes and
lawns with attractive Christmas
decorations and colored lights
in keeping with the Yuletide
M.;) t;F1'
- a s
en Bars to Joan Goddard, Patty
Van Wieren, Joan Allan, Janie
Heal and Diane Chuter, and
district commissioner Mrs. Tom
Lavender presented Golden
Hands to Kay Davis, Pam
Mickle, Sheila Sangster, Karen
Broderick and Jill Drysdale.
Following the presentations a
Brownie play, under the direc-
tion of Tawny Owl Mrs. Rodger
Venner, was acted by several
The Brownie fly -up ceremony
then took place and the First
Hensall Guides carriedon with
the program. Mrs. Tom Laven-
der awarded several class
badges to Pam Sangster and
Linda Fuss, and Jane Pyette
received her citizen, swimmer,
minstrel and homemaker
badges, and Joan Simmons re-
ceived her camper and citizen
rl�,�.Ir 4•" w,�1w wI
Santo's joining
with us
to top your
with a
bright "thank
you" for
• being such Loyal
• Customers.
LI .• .Mrs. Irene Davis, Proprietress.
i } !{ . +tXVl.^T1!:itrih $f it
Times change, but the
good old-fashioned
spirit of
Christmas goes
on forever, and
so do our hearty
wishes for your
happiness, and our
earnest thanks for
your friendly good will.
Season's Greetings from these Hensall Businesses
Hurondale Dairy Fink's Plumbing
Ron Mock and Staff and HEATING
• ,'{6 cctetoct ortm+c6{ir{mwmtC tPn cgt'Za;wockvoct
Christie's 5c to $1
sttctortvoctoveye{s{ octoemtcs{e+:te+c4bmiets{ctvc tgr:
J. Bonthron & Son
Funeral Directors
liocz+tCtmoctoctoiS tG{ocb tttoottool pitoctetocte tG
Ferg's Service Station
Bllighton Ferg, Proprietor
vgtetewtewwwwc{at trtctocctogteocctoctocKtoott
Chubb's Barber Shop
Don McCurdy, Proprietor
M! I .17/11 I hsl m f T 1 I
T. C. Joynt & Son
Men's Wear
Reid's Texaco Service
John ,Reid, Proprietor ,
5:0401SaDrDt tarrtrarneatlaNAZrAy]r1044INN-A2121101-DattAX
Flynn's Barber Shop
Joe Flynn, Proprietor
R. A. Orr Footwear
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All