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Zurich Citizens News, 1965-12-16, Page 8
t?,.,3IE Ei'.�rta ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1965 ZURICH G s EATER CHRISTMAS • DAYS Zurich Merchants Offer Best Buys During Greater Christmas Days The business and professional people of Zurich give an extra special "Season's Greetings" to the farmers and stockmen of this area Your industrious habits and knowledge of agri- culture and animal husbandry have made our area one of the most profitable agricultural sec- tions of the province. The business and professional people of Zurich Iook with pride on their ability to supply your needs and utilize your di- versified products. Farmers and stockmen can assured that they will receive top market price for all their produce, cream, eggs and live- stock here in Zurich. Zurich farm supply houses are always willing and eager to give you professional and scien- tific assistance in the feeding and tare of your land, crops, fowl, livestock and farm ma- chinery. The Zurich lumber yards and farm supply people are glad to assist you with your feed and shelter problems. You can con- sult them with confidence at any time for free information and estimates. We are proud to know you can shop Zurich for all your farm and family needs. We urge you to be here this week for the tremendous "Great- er Christmas Days" from these fine merchants: Zurich Pro Hardware, Westlake Furniture, Stade & Weido, Doerr's Super- ior Store, Gascho's Dry Goods, Gingerich's Sales and Service, C. G. Farm Supply, and Taylor Motors Limited. /T u ETia NE/G#8aq vA0V VALUE B005TER5 ©� r PART: VA -1r A/AIM BdSZNE5SPE4CLE WOCAS' Jr1YS/; G TF TH REA DN� TOTHE BEAUTY O �®t$ AZIMINMESEEP •papnI out pato a4IM-£ '4003-9 •s.ioa6 uol{onpaa-aldnop :r(a�l 1141m >lonyo ad,(; Joao •pooMpJoy UI <<z� 'lea4s ul „>/ s!Ilaa •paads ;oaaaoo aoi einssaad "1VIJ. dS. y,;,Ms Ja65U4 XJon .SdwiS 'Wd2i toot; 95 .o{ 0 wo.) paads lllap (Jana saJoload Ilam pads alqupDi z% 13ddDdONS :ATV F ";6 6Liubo aqyi j Jno( smog pun suoggig P8 'Je(Iud 6uiddDJM snwisiiq) 1ndino7oJ irlr -------- 18 I8 •sa.iu looOJDya 6u1{46li o{ sedld 6UIMD94 wog 6uly4 -!(Jana saod •{allood „04 .Molloy put dl; ieplos'poet/ tp o; Mold 'poet/ 6ullaad ;ulod 'Ja446!1 >pods ;ull; y;lM yam' Joni auDdoJd .1I)I HMO/ 3S0&If d -11Y OIlVW-O-ZN J Zurich Hardware THE HOME OF THE FINE USED CARS with the Best Warranty in Writing 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE .. . 2 -Door Hardtop, 8 cyl., automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, white walls, backup lights, 2 -speed wipers and washers. License A52262. 1964 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible .. . 8 cyl., automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, white walls, back-up lights, 2 -speed wipers and washers. License A17734. 1963 METEOR 4 -DOOR WAGON .. 8 cylinder, stick, radio. License 91259X. 1963 Pontiac Strato Chief Fordor .. 6 cylidner, automatic, radio, white walls, 2 -speed wipers and washers. License A14176. 1963 Buick Le Sabre Hardtop .. . 8 cylinder, automatic, power steering, power brakes, white walls, washers. License 947444. 1963 Chevrolet Biscayne . 6 cylinders, stick. License 2942. MANY, MANY OTHERS IN ALL PRICE RANGES! TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED Ponfiacs • Buick - Acadian - Beaumont - GMC Trucks ZURICH --- EXETER Remember — If You Don't Buy from Taylors YOU WILL PAY T00 MUCH! teIlZIOCItIVZIMONICICICIC Come in and join us for a CUP OF COFFEE and DOUGHNUT this Friday afternoon or evening — Free woeloctvommtetmmotto SPECIAL ! SPECIAL! Pre -Christmas Offer ALL CHILDREN'S DRESSES and JACKETS 25% Discount L:`-'�tielaitD12i211111` 7 dT7ti3'd`4''d`�'tr`�Y"di FO R MEN 6N LY We will be delighted to help you choose and Gift Wrap a present for the lady of your choice! Choose from Our Large Selection of LINGERIE, PURSES, BLOUSES, SWEATERS, SKIRTS, DRESSES ztetVZIMIZIZEICCIZICIMMICI GASCH ' '5 DRY GOODS ZURICH D*2-`11o242426c'Ye}VA`3WW-$'aoi'n't`1121-MV ct`dt'IlaiVaa3'ot`. t`AII `r3M2 ire z-nc3irD'al 3 LBS. AND UP Fryers, Gr ri de 'A' _ - _ _ Lb. 39c Mac. and Cheese Loaf, Chicken Loaf, Dutch Loaf _ Ib. 49c LEGS AND BREASTS Chicken, Frozen Lb. 49c FRUITS and VEGETABLES immashaitioramosmos 1•LB. WINDOW PACK CARTONS Fresh Cranberries 35c NEW CROP — 138s Sunkist Oranges _ _ _ _ Doz. 49c INDIAN RIVER Grapefruit, 48s 5/39c DOERRS' {.FOOD MARKETS. Get Cash from Case! UP TO 300 EXTRA ASH BONUS WREN ,YOU ORDER A NEW COMBINE NOW! A small deposit or your trade-in a • will guarantee price and delivery withoUt interest unlet {.resod Of ua 25% OFF d on all Case Manua Spreaders G. Farm Supply Cleve Gingerich, Proprietor RR 3 ZURICH SPECIAL! FROM FRIGIDAIRE With the Purchase of Any Refrigerator Washer, Dryer Deep Freeze or Range A 7 -FOOT CHRISTMAS TREE (VALUED AT $12.95) FOR ONLY $1.50 Choose from our wide selection of Frigidaire Appliances —What can make a more appropriate Christmas Gift for the woman of the house! MAKE OUR STORE YOUR CHRIS T MAS SHOPPING CENTRE Gingerich's Sales & Service Ltde ZURICH — CLINTON — SEAFORTH a Card Tl bles and (hairs z, Lamps Smokers RECLINERS Chairs For Every Occasion! Rest Rockers - Swivel Rockers - Recliners Drop into our store and browse around. See Our Complete Line of Home Furnishings. Coffee Tables Step Tables End Tables Westlake Furniture ZURICH rr.vrr.•frs Drop into our store and see the big variety of Ideal Christmas Gifts we have, for every member of the family! BLACK and DECKER d roois Electric Drills p(e for ALL SORTS OF him Christmas, HAND TOOLS FOR THE YOUNGSTER Hockey Equipment SKATES Sleighs, Wagons TOBOGGANS We Carry "BAUER" Skates Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING ---• HEATING — :L'1NSMITHIfiIG"