HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-12-16, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN Zurich Minor Hockey Game Schedules JUVENILE SERIES For boys under 18 League Classification Clinton B Mitchell B Wingham B Seaforth B Zurich C Dec. 22—Mitchell vs. Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Hensall Arena Dec. 27—Wingham vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Zurich Arena Dec. 30—Zurich vs Clinton, 8:30 p.m. Jan. 5—Mitchell vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 8—Seaforth vs. Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Zurich Arena Jan. 11—Zurich vs Mitchell, 8:30 p.m. San. 12—Zurich vs Clinton, 8:30 p.m. Jan. 14—Zurich vs Wingham, 9:00 p.m. Jan. 17—Zurich vs Seaforth, 8:30 p.m. Jan. 19—Wingham vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 26—Clinton vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Zurich Arena Feb. 1—Zurich vs. Seaforth, 8:30 p.m. Feb. 2—Seaforth vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Hensall Arena Manager: Bob Merner Assist. Manager: George Suplat Coach: Bob Johnson MIDGET SERIES For boys under 16 League Classification Mitchell B Seaforth B Clinton B Zurich D Hensall D Dec. 20—Zurich vs Mitchell, 8:30 p.m. Dec. 29—Seaforth vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 3—Hensall vs Zurich, 8:30 at Zurich Arena Jan. 7—Clinton vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Zurich Arena Jan. 10—Seaforth vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Zurich Arena Jan. 12—Mitchell vs Zurich,. 8:30 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 15—Zurich vs, Seaforth, 8:30 p.m. Jan. 17—Zurich vs Mitchell, 8:30 p.m. Jan. 21—Zurich vs Hensall, 8:30 p.m. Jan. 26—Clinton vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 31—Hensall vs Zurich, 8:30 p.m., at Zurich Arena Feb.2—Zurich vs Clinton 8:30 p.m. Feb. 4—Zurich vs Hensall, 8:30 p.m, Manager: Louis Schilbe. Assistant Manager: Paul Weido. Coach: Don Hesse. BANTAM SERIES For boys under 14 League Classification Mitchell __ B Seaforth B Clinton B Hensall D Clinton RCAF __,. (Bye) D Zurich _ D Dec. 20—Zurich vs Mitchell, 7:00 p.m. Dec. 29—Seaforth vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 3—Hensall vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Zurich Arena Jan, 7—Clinton vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Zurich Arena Jan. 10—Seaforth vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Zurich Arena Jan. 12—Mitchell vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 15—Zurich vs Seaforth, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 17—Zurich vs Mitchell, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 21—Zurich vs Hensall, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 26—Clinton vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 31—Hensall vs Zurich, DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT Hess, the Jeweler ZURICH FINE QUALITY WATCHES — RINGS — SILVERWARE CRYSTAL — CHINA — DRESSER SETS — Shavers — Electrical Appliances — CUCKOO CLOCKS — CHIME CLOCKS We have an excellent stock of Bluebird and Keepsake Diamond and Wedding Rings Yukon Black Diamond Rings for Gents and Ladies SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Illuminated Every Evening Just a $1.00 purchase entitles you to draw for a fine LADIES' or GENTS' GOLD ELCO WRIST WATCH Value $25.00 Draw Christmas Eve 7:00 p.m., at Zurich Arena Feb. 2—Zurich vs Clinton, 7:00 p.m. Feb. 4—Zurich vs Hensall, 7:00 p.m. Manager: Ray McKinnon. Assist. Manager: Phil Overholt. Coach: Don O'Brien. All games: double headers; scheduled with midgets. PEE WEE SERIES For boys under 12 years League Classification Mitchell B Blyth D Hensall D Brussels D Zurich Dec. 22—Mitchell vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Hensall Arena Dec. 27—Blyth vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Zurich Arena Dec. 29—Zurich at Blyth, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 3—Brussels vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Zurich Arena Jan. 5—Mitchell vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Hensall Arena Jan. 8—Hensall vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Zurich Arena Jan. 11—Zurich vs Mitchell, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 13—Zurich vs Blyth, 7:00 Jan. 21—Zurich vs Hensall, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 24—Zurich vs Blyth, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 26—Blyth vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Hensall Arena Feb. 2—Hensall vs Zurich, 7:00 p.m., at Hensall Arena Feb. 4—Zurich vs Brussels, 7:00 p.m. Manager: Glen Weido. Assistant Manager: Ron Wilson. Coach: George Haggitt. Double-header games played with Juveniles on home ice. It was impossible to form a league for the Squirt team due to the distance that they would have to travel. But they have been entered in the WOAA on a bye, and will probably enter into playoffs in February. In the meantime exhibition games will try to be arranged. a BUILDING CONTRACTOR CUSTOM CARPENTRY • YOU NAME IT . . . . . . WE'LL DO IT ! No job is too Targe or too small for us. DICK BEDARD DIAL 236-4679 — ZURICH Call Us for Free Estimates lE IIMtM C +C MZ4V4IM tg ,10CI Ogratet+to-it- iciatc-telotatmigic-Kogtz m4 Where One - Stop Supplies You With All Your Shopping Needs! TOYLAND Come in and see our complete selection of Toys. All the Toys and Games that Children's Christmas Dreams are made of are here now! Do Your Shopping Early While Our Selection Is At Its Best APPLIANCES portoometurocomictclogtoortme Hair Dryers — Toasters • Floor Polishers • Electric Clocks — Mixers • Vacuum Cleaners • Frying Pans -- Kettles • Eectric Irons • Washers and Dryers Refrigerators and Ranges For the Christmas Tree -- GIFTWARE sztammetztmetztvatetatemomoncto • Brassware Fern Stand • Lead Crystal • Magazine Racks • China and Glassware • Fern Stands FURNITURE mictoctatommovatetrectommicum Lamps — Hassocks • Chesterfield Suites • Tables and Chairs Smokers — Rockers — Hampers Wall Mirrors • Kitchen Sets Tea Wagons — Card Tables We also have a Complete Line of Juvenile Furniture for the children, such as Chairs, Tables, High Chairs, Rockers, Cribs, Play -pens, etc. TIEMAN' STANDS, ORNAMENTS, LIGHTS, DECORATIONS, TINSEL, ETC. Hardware and Fruniture PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD !xtrotZk?tx9iib7`+dSr�i+ate?lttZ0420aDt9*042Mba7i]t 4Ii°dt°a=122Y1S4aiDi LUCKY DRAW With Every Purchase of $1.00 or more, a ticket will be given on a lucky draw, for 1 --POLE LAMP 2—DOLL 1;a i°m`i2414 dt 4Zan-SDitt tAZ120001 01, i" ll i 7i"&tDa l ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE Al. FRED DUCHARME Mr. :,.nd Mrs,Dominique Jef- frey, 'if St. Joseph, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jeffrey, of this highway, motored to Detroit on Saturday to spend the week- end with relatives in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Masse spent a few days in their farm home on the Bluewater south. They returned to their home on Sunday last. On Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte, of the Drysdale district, and Mrs. Jo- sephine Ducharme motored to London to visit with William Weising, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. They also called at St. Mary's Hospital where Mrs. Virginia Denomme is in residence, she being a sis- ter to Mrs. Ducharme. From this highway those who motored to Windsor and other points on Friday last were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Durand, of the 14th concession; Mrs. Alice Denomme and Mrs. Dolph Sopha, of this highway. While in Windsor Mrs. Sopha visited with two of her children and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sopha, of Detroit, called on their mother. On their return they stopped at Stoney Pointe to visit an old friend, Mr. Edsel Hould, and Mr. and Mrs. Tele- phore Denomme, who also live in that neighborhood. Mrs. Sopha also called on Mrs, Irene Provialed in Windsor. They report a very enjoyable trip, meeting with several relatives of this parish. They returned to their homes on Sunday last. Lumbering (Cont.) The undertaker was across the street„ a very small build- Correaoondent1 ing with tarpaper roof and sid- ing. At one corner there were a few coffins piled up, all of the same kind and of one price. I had to tell my story of what had happened. The undertaker told me we would have to call a doctor and a detective from Alpena, a town about 40 miles from the burg. Three of these officers arrived on the six o'clock train. I had to meet them at the parlor. They quiz- zed me in different ways at the inquest, but they were human and understandable. After it was over, they congratulated me for the great courage I had, to be able to stand amidst the shock of what I had gone through. This all took place on the fatal Friday. Saturday was long in coming for me. Friday night I spent in the parlor waiting for morning. Mr. Lewis had ordered the five camps closed for the day. Saturday morning prepara- tions were made to board the noon train for Alpena, where we were in time to leave by boat for Port Huron.. It was almost midnight when we left the Alpena port. Strong winds were blowing, causing high waves on the lake, rocking the little two hundred -foot boat so much that the captain ordered all the passengers to lie flat on the first floor. Mostly all the passengers were seasick. The trip to Port Huron was one to remember. I am writing this at the re- quest of those who have not previously read or heard of the accident. My next article will be the last. wirli ricr ;W))- , e - What we heard was identical and again strange to say, all of the other lumberjacks heard not h i n g of what went on through both nights. When telling this little story I hope you are not under the impres- sion of me as being superstiti- ous for such was not the case, especially at that time when I was going through a happy-go- lucky time of life, without fear of the living or unseen spirits. It was the halo way of going through the world; therefore it is not acceptable for me to be branded as superstitious. We did not relate what had happened to anyone, we kept Ade de franti# Atli* Awe STEAKS We that within ourselves. There was not much time between the incident and the passing of my pal, perhaps that accounted for not talking about it. 0 PLAN TB PROGRAM Members of the Huron Coun- ty Tuberculosis Association vot- ed to establish a `pre-employ- ment', `pre -retirement' X-ray program in the county at a meeting in Clinton Thursday. E. R. Knight said there had been 224 appointments to regu- lar chest clinics since the last meeting. One Huron County resident had been admitted to sanatorium. Our tempting foods are carefully prepared and beautifully served. The atmosphere is gracious and congenial, perfect for family dining. Our dining room is air conditioned for your comfort. It's a treat they'll all love. Specialize in - CHICKEN - FISH 11111111111 ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236.4371 — ZURICH xyli ,.r2t .4 2,;, i e- ; ,w- i r1 ' i r i w r w.0 trp r r i e- i i r e r 10 Zurich rea Merchants H 1 � e IS DRAW 50 Va Prizes Given Away! DRAWS TO BE MADE ON DECEMBER 24 Each Purchase of $1.00 or More Entitles You to a Free Draw s ';6ICACt ICI$ Ce c to 'CICS..oMMCWOMIs IM .e,m..EMITIQe I6- MO,IM-tMICCItC 'motor t&tt; VVXIC Dominion Hotel Three Draws — Dinners for Two One Draw — Dinner for Four Mousseau & Parkins GARAGE One Gallon Prestone Hurondale Dairy Two Cards of Milk Tickets Three Quart Jugs Three Cards of Milk Tickets Quarts of Homo One Draw — Six Quarts Beep Zurich Builders' Supply Picnic Table and Benches Town & Country Lounge $10.00 Permanent Taylor Motors One Passenger Snow Tire Rose's Lunch Bar Gift Klopp's Super Service 12 Thermo Tumblers and Ice Bucket Doerr's Superior Food Market First Draw -3 -piece Tea Set Second Draw -20 -piece Set Dishes Third Draw — One Wool Blanket Fourth Draw— Pair Ceramic Vases Hensall District Co-op One Transistor Radio MIJA41,41.4NN Stade & Weido Hardware One Electric Tea Kettle Hess, the Jeweller One Wrist Watch Zurich Variety Store One Pair Budgies and Cage Zurich Hardware Electric Percolator Hi Fashion Beauty Salon $10.00 Permanent Deichert Meat Market One Dinner Ham Milt Oesch Footwear and Nete's Flowers ▪ Deitz & Son Feed Mill Gift: McBrine Luggage One Bag Flour Grand Bend Cleaners One $5.00 Voucher Yungblut's Meat Market One Dinner Ham Tasty -Nu Bakery Two Draws -5 Lbs. Christmas Cakes Lucky Dollar Store Certificate for Groceries —$15.00 Prang's Garage Six Quarts of Sunoco Oil Westlake Furniture Occasional Chair Leo's Plumbing & Heating Door Bell Gingerich's Sales & Service Electric Blanket Gascho's Dry Goods One. Certificate — $10.00 One Gift Certificate — $8.00 tt tt+CICt KdgK GtetttgleICICaCG[ R' 3C KICKKIMEIC- MICKnaX uLe6tCWtC 8 Zetatgtebgle:VtgICICI tERi The following Businesses Made Cash Donations Toward This Draw Hay Municipal Telephone System South Huron Veterinary Clinic Bank of Montreal Zurich Citizens News J. W. Haberer Insurance Agency Robert Westlake Nap Corriv'eau -- Contractor Haberer-Westlake Burial Vaults Shop in Zurich - Where Values Ai.. 1 }tAINZAZOM rxC � i lSk' . i'at i v ,. ,. � 'P iii 'ii