HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-12-16, Page 3rEIVEMIULtCKNEttnEttnetklClCtEtMIZPC-4lCtri tOZWI 6taEMACKZ. Season's Greetings 1 FROM ' AL and RETA SCHOLL and Staff gaba,Inwsiv,abses:ItiottazAlltzokrzo-mazaoaorzaZIOIZINNIQulaZolanlaaDaltP)1240414 • !r1 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1965 PAGE THRO 74e 4eft44ee Oberon Mr, and Mrs. Fred Beer left Saturday to spend Christmas with their son and daughter-in- law, F/O John Beer, Mrs. Beer, and family at Moose Jaw, Sask., and New Years with their daughter and son-in-law, F/Lt and Mrs, R. D. McArthur, and family, at Rivers, Manatobia. Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, of Ex- eter, and nine members of her Sunday school class of James Street United Church, and Mrs. Jack Fuller, visited at the Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, Sunday morning at 10 a.m., and entertained two of Hensall WI Sees Christmas Skit The highlight of the Christ- mas meeting of Hensall Wom- en's Institute, held Wednesday evening in the Legion Hall, was the presentation of a delightful skit, "The Shawl", under direc- tion of Mrs, Rodger Venner. The following ladies protrayed the roles: Mrs. Pearl Koehler, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs. Wil- bert Dilling, Mrs. V. M Pyette and Mrs. Venner. Members answered the roll call by naming "My favorite Christmas carol". Mrs. Rodger Venner contributed a lovely reading, Mrs. Fred Beer con- ducted a period of Christmas carols accompanied at the piano by Miss Greta Lammie. Mrs. Al Scholl and Mrs. Bev- erly Beaton sang a pleasing duet, "Star of the East", accom- panied by Mrs. Beatrice Hess, of Zurich. A special collection of $28 was taken up which will be given to the Children's Aid Society at Goderich. Mrs. R. M. Peck gave courtesy remarks. President Mrs. Beaton pre- sided for the business and Mrs. N. E. Cook for the program. A Christmas lunch was served. Program convenors were Mrs. V. M. Pyette, Mrs. Wilbert Dill- ing; hostesses, Mrs. Harry Hor- ton, Mrs. Len Purdy. Thirty- eight were present for the meeting. MRS. MAUDE REDDEN, Editor the patients there—Miss Olive Prior and Norman McDonald. George and John Godbolt, sons of Mrs, Godbolt, sang, with guitar accompaniment by John. The pupils also sang. On Sunday morning at 11 a.m, nine pupils of the Messen- gers from Hensall United Church called at the Queens- way Nursing Home and pre- sented each patient with a Christmas candle. A vocal duet, "Frosty the Snowman", was sung by Cindy Parker and Judith Mickle. Mrs. Clendon Christie and Mrs. Jack Corbett were in charge of the project. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sturgis and Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Miss Ann Mickle attended the concert presented by the university choir last Sunday evening in Thames Hall, UWO, Robert Mickle is a member of the choir. The annual Christmas party for the families of the Legion and Auxiliary will be held this Sunday afternoon, in the Legion Hensall The UCW general Christmas meeting of Hensall United Church was held Monday eve- ning with a very good attend- ance of all four units. Each unit met separately at 7:30 to take care of any business trans- actions. At eight o'clock the 71 ladies came together in friendship hall for the Christ- mas meeting, which was in charge of units one, two and three. Mrs. Ron Mock presided and gave the devotional on "The Miracle of Christmas". Christ- mas carols were sung with Mrs. William Fuss accompanying. Mrs. Robert Reaburn told the Christmas story — "Backwards to Christmas". Mrs. Edison Forrest conduct- ed a beautiful candle -lighting service, "The light shineth in darkness". She was assisted by Mrs. John Corbett, Mrs. Ella Drysdale, Mrs. Harry Hoy, Mrs. Harvey Keys and Mrs. Wes Richardson, Mrs. Howard Currie, who took the chair for the business, was pleasantly surprised when Mrs. Walter Spencer, past president, presented her with a gift and expressed how thoroughly she had been appreciated as presi- dent, and so pleased that she will carry on for another year. All units are changing for the coming year. It was reported the bale ar- rived safely in Toronto and weighed 238 pounds. All sec- retaries are to present a writ- ten report for the general meeting on December 29, at a Expert atch eairs a Trophies and Engraving s DIAMONDS - WATCHES - CHINA Anstett Jewellers LTD. CLINTON — WALKERTON — SEAFORTH �r rrrrrr�irrr> Ite)e>;r1>1r>;r;rrer;r;rir,.e')e) & 1 8 8 Milk enriches holiday menus! Step up your milk supply for Christ. Inas baking, cooking ... and for those "refrigerator raiders" home for holi- day vacationl TRY OUR... DELICIOUS EGG NOG 'Specially Prepared — And Realy Whipping Cream Always Rich in Flavour! At any time of tre year, Dairy Products are by far Your Best food value! to Drink! 1 1 ick New Officers 2:30, which is under the super- vision of Unit 4, a final meet- ing to close all transactions of the year. Mrs, Harvey Keys reported on friendship and visitation work, having sent 39 boxes to shut- ins and 46 cards. Mrs. Earle Rowe received the slate of of- ficers which was presented by Mrs. W. B. Cross. Slate of Officers Honorary presidents, Mrs. George Armstrong, Miss M. Ellis; past president, Mrs. Wal- ter Spencer; president, Mrs. Howard Currie; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. James McAllister; second vice-president, Mrs. Vern Alderdice; recording see- retary, Mrs. Harry Caldwell; assistant, Mrs. P. L. McNaugh- ton; corresponding secretary, Mrs. N. E. Cook; treasurer, Miss Mary Goodwin. Representative, Unit 1, Mrs. James Taylor; Unit 2, Mrs. Rodger Venner; Unit 3, Mrs. Ken Elder; leader, 4, Mrs. James McAllister. Chairman: Christian citizen- ship and social action, Mrs. Donald Joynt; community friendship and visitation, Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson; co-operation in Christian education and mis- sionary education, Mrs. Doug Cook; finance, Mrs. Walter Spence r; membership, Mrs. Byran Kyle; nominations, Mrs, Ella Drysdale; press and pub- licity, Mrs. Rodger Venner; program, Mrs. Robert Reaburn; social functions, Mrs. Alderdice; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. V. M. Pyette; supply and wel- fare, Mrs. Ernest Chipchase; literature and communications, Mrs. Jack Consitt; manse, Mrs. R. M. Peck; leadership and de- velopment, Mrs. E. Rowe; pian- ist, Mrs. J. C. Goddard; repre- sentative to official board, Mrs. J McAllister; representative to board of stewards, Mrs. Ron Mock; representative to mis- sionary and maintenance, Mrs. Ross Forrest; representative to Christian and missionary edu- cation, Mrs. Doug Cook, Mrs. Edison Forrest. t 'tZts'tctatt:tcteta tz it ttti!xitrostetet{?,tmfitt"it$'t8'.'�-Vz voct0441 Longer Store Hours IN kc Saturday afternoon for the children during December and January HENSALL FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY AND FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS CHRISTMAS WEEK Open Wednesday and Thursday Night — Closed Friday Night at 6:30 p.m. Free Skating Lots of parking — all your needs in one short block. Large stocks and low prices! to3At3A 2zZz..7alt a tZaZI3tGtD Shop in Hensall and Save! DrbrktPa tZatli--Wal20**M-2r t 0+2r-Dr2Wrat-DtWint--Dz @r2A z2r DrD'Mall DtPatWAN' 0aINWzBMAN-3rgrZiaa-D z9i f a nk RA N� LL SIZES ALSO... (With $15.00 Order or More) DUCKS, GEESE, CAPS S, H f . AT COMPETITIVE PRICES SAUSAGE MEATI HAMBURG 49c LB. 2 LB. 79c i COLEMAN'S 11/2 -LB. TINS CANNED HAMS $1.69 PRODUCE SPECIAL CALIFORNIA (No. 1 FROZEN FOOD SUPREME BRAND — 2 -LB. BAG Red Emperor Grapes 5 lbs 49c Peas and Carrots 35c Supreme—Lb. Christmas Cakes _ _ 49c Wishing Well—(4-qt. pack) plus deposit Ginger Ale 75c Bake'n'Serve — Packages Weston's Rolls _ 2/59c • Allen's -48 Oz. Fruit Drinks _ _ _ 2/59c 2 -Lb Package Seedless Raisins _ _ 59c Green Giant — 14 Oz. Corn Niblets _ _ _ 3/59c Clark's Farm House — Frozen -24 Oz. Mince Pies 55c Ladies' Nylons _ _ _ 2 pairs 89c In Shell Peanuts _ _ _ 3 lbs. $1 Caravan Playing Cards_ _ _ 2/$1 White Swan — 60s Serviettes _ 2 pkgs. 35c 48 -Oz. T i n 29c 18" Width 59c TOMATO JUICE FOIL WRAP 'Moir Selection urondale Dairy � troatotomoiza Oc.OLATES Double Size JELLO POW ERS (14-0z. Box) 77c Package 19c Dial 262.2017 * Hensall STORE HOURS: OPEN NIGHTS, DEC. 17, 18, 22, 23 ALSO OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 30. Prices Effective from December 18 to December 24