HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-12-16, Page 1No, 50—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS
Kinsmen Club of Clinton had municipal,
service club, press and air force people as
guests at their annual civic and press dinner.
Shown here are, front, left to right, Robert
McKinley, Huron MP, guest speaker, and
Andy Peterson, Kin president; standing, F/L
Jerry Smith, mayor of Adastral Park, RCAF
Station; Reeve Duff Thompson, president
of Clinton Lions, and Bill Fleming, of the
Kinsmen Club.—(News-Record Photo)
Ne s o
Dashwood W.I.
Mrs. V. L. Becker, home eco-
nomic convenor, was in charge
of the Christmas meeting of
Dashwood. W.I. "Happy recol-
lections of Christmas as a child"
was the roll call. A number
of community ladies were
guests. Mrs. J. M. Tieman dis-
cussed the motto, "Christmas
Mrs. A. V. Tiernan had a dis-
play and demonstration of
Christmas decorations and gift
wrap. Mrs. J. M. Tiernan and
Mrs. Leonard Schenk sang a
duet. Everyone joined in carol
Mrs. Glen Webb, vice-presi-
dent, dealt with the business.
Donations were given to the
blind, War Memorial Hospital,
Children's Aid and the local
men's club for the children's
Christmas treats. Mrs. Leonard
Schenk gave the report on the
area convention at Stratford in
the absence of Mrs. Irvin Rader,
delegate. The 4-H club leaders
reported on the work of the
girls and announced that
Achievement Day will be in Ex-
eter, January 15.
An exchange of Christmas
gifts and Christmas lunch
brought the meeting to a close.
Christmas Meeting
The annual and Christmas
meeting of Zion Lutheran
Ladies' Aid was held Wednes-
day, December 8.
Reports were heard from all
secretaries and treasurers. The
collection was for the Lutheran
Hour. The ladies donated the
altar for Peace Lutheran Church
in Exeter. A Christmas gift
Christmas Issue
For Next Week
Next week's edition of this
newspaper will be the annual
Christmas issue, which contains
greetings from the various
business people throughout this
area. As it will be impossible
for us to contact everyone re-
garding a greeting advertise-
ment, anyone may give us a
call and we will arrange an ad-
vertisement for you.
In past years it has been our
custom not to publish a news-
paper between Christmas and
New Years, but since both holi-
days fall at the end of the week
we have decided to have an is-
sue on December 30. This edi-
tion will give any merchants an
opportunity to advise year-end
sales as well as providing for
year-end `thank you' advertise-
So, there will be two more
editions of this newspaper be-
fore the year ends, both on the
regular publishing dates. Next
issue will be in the mails on
Thursday, December 23, and
the last one on Thursday, De-
cember 30. The early co-oper-
ation of all correspondents and
advertisers will be greatly ap-
was approved for Arthur Rader,
seminary student.
The officers are as follows:
president, Mrs. Leonard Schenk;
vice-president, Mrs. Harry Hay-
ter; secretary, Mrs. Marie Reste-
mayer; treasurer, Mrs. Janes
Hayter; flower and treat sec-
retary, Mrs. Albert Miller; card
secretary, Mrs. Rudolph Miller;
pianist, Mrs. Albert Rader; as-
sistant, Mrs. Marie Restemayer;
auditors, Mrs. Reinhold Miller
and Mrs. V. L. Becker.
A short program followed,
with group one having Mary
Ann Hayter sing selections;
group three, Christmas carols,
including a German carol;
group four, a reading by Mrs.
Clifford Salmon; group two,
with Mrs. Milford Merner, con-
venor, was in charge of devo-
tions and lunch.
During the lunch hour Rev.
and Mrs. William Gatz were
presented a Christmas gift.
Edward Keller
Edward Keller, 63, passed
away at his late residence, Hay
Township, on Saturday. He
had been in poor health for
many months. He was a farmer.
Surviving are his wife, the
former Frieda Deichert; three
daughters, Ruth (Mrs. Melvin
Greb), Stephen Township; Glor-
ia (Mrs. Max Learn), Soist,
West Germany; Marlene (Mrs.
Roland Gibson), Komoka! eight
sons, Kenneth, Dashwood; El-
gin, Earl, Keith, all of London;
Karl, Hay Township; Murray,
Roger, George all at home; two
sisters, Loretta, D a s h w o o d;
Erma, London; six brothers,
Adolph, Elmore, of Dashwood;
Ar n o 1 d, Stephen Township;
Reinherd, Exeter; Herb, Hay
Township; Harold, Toronto; also
a number of grandchildren.
The body rested at the T.
Harry Hoffman funeral home
until Tuesday noon, -then at
Zion Lutheran Church where
Rev. William Getz was in charge
of the service, with burial at
the Lutheran cemetery.
Branch A.A.L. Meeting
The branch meeting for the
Aid Association for Lutherans
was held in the church base-
ment Tuefsday; December 7.
Both the national and local
officers were voted for; pres-
ident. Gordon Kraft; vice-pres-
ident, Charles Tiernan; secret-
ary-,treasurer, .Albert Milder.
Gordon Kraft showe1r1 slide
on his trip to Europe and
lunch was served.
Santa in Zurich
Santa Claus will pay his of-
ficial visit to Zurich this Sat-
urday afternoon and will visit
the Community Centre at 2
There will be free movies,
entertainment,and treats for
all the children present.
The annual visit of Santa to
Zurich is sponsored by the
Lions Club.
Dashwood Men's Club
Earlier this fall the follow-
ing officers were elected: presi-
dent, Ron Merner; vice-presi-
dents, Jack Geiser, Charles
Tiernan, Hubert Miller; secre-
tary -treasurer, Harry Hayter;
auditors, Mervyn Tiernan and
Milford Merner; finance com-
mittee, Jake Schroeder and Al-
bert Rader; education commit-
tee, Dr. Gulens, William Haugh;
attendance a n membership
committee, Alvin Walper, Ervin
Devine, Charles Martene and
Elmer Rader;, press reporter,
Glen Webb.
Father C. A. Doyle, Zurich,
addressed the men on the Blue
Water Rest Home. The chil-
dren's Christmas party will be
December 18. The men voted
to pay for the new stove at the
community centre, donate to
both churches for the use of
the dishes at the fowl supper,
and the Exeter Legion for the
use of the bingo equipment.
They are sponsoring a skating
rink for the children of the
Dashwood Girl Is
Grand Bend Queen
Hensall Kinsmen
Sell peanuts
Hensall Kinsmen held their
dinner meeting o Thursday
night in the Kosy orner, and
had as their guests Doug Mar-
cell, who is on the !staff of the
Bank of Montreal.
Christmas trees,,an annual
project of the elub,are on sale
and can be seen at the lot on
King Street adjacent to Crest
It was disclosed that the re-
cent peanut drive was very
successful and the response to
the drive by the citizens was
gratifying. Packages left over
can be purchased from any
Kinsmen member and also at
Hensall Motor Sales, Reid's
Texaco, Hyde's Implement Shop
and Charlie's Auto Sales. Presi-
dent Jim Hyde chaired the
Miss Sharon Morenz, Dash-
wood, on Saturday was crowned
Winter Sports Club Queen at
the big parade and celebration
held at Grand Bend. This is
the second time this fall Miss
Morenz has been crowned a
beauty queen. Earlier she won
the title Miss Auto Show, at
Sharon was one of eight con-
testants in the affair, and rep-
resented the Village Inn. Sec-
ond place winner was Miss
Kathy Rowe, of Exeter, while
Joanne Desjardine, of Grand
Bend, placed third.
Judges for the event were
Robert McKinley, Huron MP, of
Zurich; Lorne Henderson, Lamb -
ton MLA, of Sarnia, and Mrs.
Griff Thomas, of Grand Bend,
The crown was presented to
the winner by reeve Stewart
Webb, of Grand. Bend. A sil-
ver platter • and cash was also
presented, and all the contest-
ants received a free member-
ship in the Grand Bend Winter
Sports Club.
The monster parade in the
afternoon was led by the Cen-
tralia RCAF Band, the Thed-
ford Silver Band, and the Exe-
ter Legion Pipe Band. Six
horses, driven by members of
the Dixie Trial Rider s, also
took part in the proeession,
which featured Santa Claus and
the Zurich Lions Majorettes.
Floats winning prizes in the
parade were The Village Inn,
Grand Bend Lions Club, and
Walker Ski Hills.
Following the parade, close
to 500 children were given
treats at the Legion Hall. A
dance in the evening wound
up the day's festivities.
Henson Dinettes
Cake Draw Held
Mrs. Ron Wareing was host-
ess for the regular meeting of
the Hensall Kinette Club on
Wednesday evening, when mem-
bers were informed that their
annual Christmas cake draw
was very successful, with pro-
ceeds very gratifying.
Thank you notes were read
from sick and shut-ins who had
been presented with boxes of
cookies, another annual project
of the club.
The December 22 meeting has
been cancelled owing to the
Christmas rush. Next meeting
will be held at the hone of the
past president, Mrs. John Baker,
January 12.
Mrs. Harold Caldwell was the
winner of the raffle. President
Mrs. William Fuss chaired the
0 —
Bob McKinley Is
Guest Speaker at
Clinton Kinsmen
Zurich Council Okays Addition
For South Huron High School
The council of the village of
Zurich, at their regular monthly
meeting last Wednesday night,
approved the issuing of deben-
tures towards the addition at
South Huron District High
School. The request for the
approval of the debenture issue
has been hanging fire with most
municipalities for the past cou-
ple of months, and only in the
last two weeks have a couple
of them given their okay on the
matter. The amount to be
raised by the area on deben-
ture issue is approximately
In other business at their
meeting last week, the council
approved an insurance cover-
age of $24,000 on their new fire
Clerk - treasurer Mrs. Elda
Wagner was authorized to pay
village shares to various groups
as follows: County of Huron,
$8675.64; Township of Hay,
$546.56; village of Hensall,
R o b e r t McKinley, Zurich,
newly elected member of par-
liament for Huron, was guest
speaker at the Kinsmen Club
of Clinton press and civic din-
ner meeting in Hotel Clinton
dining room last Tuesday eve-
The MP pledged his support
if district officials were going
to protest to the board of trans-
port commissioners over the
CNR's proposed recommenda-
tion to stop passenger service
on the Goderich-Stratford line.
He suggested that local munici-
pal officials take their own sur-
vey and see where passengers
come from and whether they
would be willing to drive to a
He inquired about a delega-
tion to Ottawa about the RCAF
stations in his riding.
In congratulating the Clinton
Kinsmen on their activities, Mr.
McKinley revealed that he was
a 13 -year perfect attendance
member of Zurich Lions Club.
Santa Claus 'Visits
He sail Children
$1149.82; Hay School Area, Accounts totalling $4176.64
$4533.55; Zurich Separate were approved for payment, at
School, $1564.96. the meeting.
Santa Claus arrived in Hen-
sall last Saturday afternoon in
the pouring rain on the fire
truck, and was greeted by hun-
dreds of children from Hensall
and district. This was the
largest crowd ever to attend
the annual Christmas party,
sponsored by the Hensall busi-
Five hundred and fifty bags
of candy and potato chips and
418 bottles of chocolate milk,
the latter donated by Ron Mock
of H u r on dal e Dairy, were
handed out. For the first time
in history they ran out of can-
dy and chips, having prepared
for about 480—more had to be
The town hall was jammed
for the showing of several car-
toon films with Bill Fuss in
charge of the projector. Treats
were handed out by chief of
police E. R. Davis, reeve Norm-
an H. Jones and clerk Earl
Campbell, assisted by several
members of the senior citizens
Special Service
A large congregation attend-
ed the Sunday school white
gift service at the United
Church. This is a special serv-
ice of the Christmas season
sponsored by the students of
the church school, with the
church beautifully decorated in
Christmas motif.
John Goddard directed the
service and Miss Lois Simmons
read Scripture passages. Caro-
lyn Cook presented the story.
Doug and Tim Mock rendered
a duet, and a trio, composed of
Linda Mock, Nancy Kyle and
Joyce Flynn, sang.
The junior choir led in the
Christmas music singing two
selections. The junior choir
of the Sunday school filed by
the altar and presented white
gifts for the world's needy and
hungry. Ushers were Gary
Kyle, Michael Davis, Paul Drys-
dale and Michael Hoy.
Canvassers on Blue water Rest Home
Campaign Report Favourable Success
Campaign workers for Blue
Water Rest Home building fund
are reporting enthusiastic sup-
port for the project, Already
at least 13 individual gifts have
been for $1,.000 or more, and
there are still more to come in
this category, Gifts of $500
and more are still more num-
Many workers report that the
average gift from persons of
modest means is well over $100.
The village of Zurich, under
the chairmanship of Leroy
Thiel leads in the speed of
their campaign. Already 75
per cent of all calls in the vil-
lage are complete.
In the St. Joseph area, under
the chairmanship of Mrs. Maur -
Hay Township Council Completes
Heavy Year on Drainage Proble s
At the regular meeting of
the Hay Township council last
week, a total of seven tile drain-
age loans were approved. This
year has marked the busiest in
the history of council for tile
drainage loans and municipal
drainage works.
Council received a written
request from Gordon Troyer
and George Troyer, for a clean-
out and repair on the Deters
drain. The request was accept-
ed and the clerk was instructed
to appoint C. P. Corbett to pre-
sent a report on the drain to
the council as soon as possible.
A refund of $2.00 is to be
made to Mrs. Alice Denomme,
who was assessed and taxed
for a dog in error. Len Erb
is to be refunded $3.00 on his
1964 taxes, when he was charged
in error for a tile drain inspec-
tor's fee. The levy was to
have been made against Ian
McAllister. Another refund.
Schedule Recout
On Stephen Vote
ice Durand, at least 65 per cent
of all calls have been complet-
ed. Stanley Township, with
Menno Steckle as chairman, is f
third with a good 50 per cents
heard from.
General chairman 3. Elgin
McKinley points out that all
gifts can be made on the instal—
ment plan. He emphasizes the',
fact that many people prefer to
spread their giving over a two
to five year period, allowing,
them to be more generous.
Plans are now under way for
a cane^ss in the town of Exeter,
and this will probably take
place right after the first of the
year. Most other areas will
also be left over until the new
year, when canvassers will have
more time to devote,
A recount of the vote on bev-
erage rooms in Stephen Town-
ship—defeated by a small mar-
gin December 6—will be held
Saturday in Goderich.
The township's two hotels,
the Dufferin Hotel, Centralia,
and the Dashwood Hotel, asked
for the recount.
Sixty per cent of the voters
must be in favor of a question
in a liquor vote for approval
of it. Beverage rooms drew
59.37 per cent with 612 voters
for and 419 against.
Banks Announce
Holiday Hours
Bank branches in Canada will
observe the following special
hours of service, according to
R. H. J. McKinnon, manager of
the Zurich branch of the Bank
of Montreal.
On Thursday, December 23,
and Thursday, December 30,
the hours of extended service
applicable to Fridays will be
Banks will close at 3 p.m. on
Friday, December 24, and Fri-
day, December 31, and will re-
main closed on Monday, De-
cember 27, and on Monday,
January 3.
was approved for J. Hovius, of
$2.00 on dog tax His assess-
ment is to be changed from
two dogs to one female.
In other business at the meet-
ing, council set a rate of $8.50
per hour for snow -plowing this
winter, if the service of their
plow is required anywhere.
Arnold Circle See
Colo:. red Slides
The Christmas meeting of
the Presbyterian Arnold Circle
was held in the church auditor-
ium Monday evening and guests
present reminisced with Mrs.
Jack McEwen and her colored.
slides of her many trips.
President Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm chaired the meeting
and the theme of the worship
period was "Peace", with Mrs.
Mildred Bell and Mrs. Lloyd
Mousseau. A singing quartet,
Mrs. Homer Campbell, Mrs.
John Baker, Mrs. Al Hoggarth
and Mrs. Bob Bell, entertained
with Christmas songs.
Mrs. Earl Campbell installed
the officers for 1966. New
cradle roll helper is Mrs. Rol-
and Vanstone.
Mrs. McEwen and Mrs. Mal-
colm Dougall, who helped with
the showing of the slides, were
thanked by Mrs. John Baker.
Life membership certificates
were presented to Mrs. Trevor
Wilson and Mrs. Lloyd Mous-
seau by Mrs. Stewart Bell.
Decorations in the church
for the Christmas season will
be done by Mrs. Don Mousseau;,
Mrs. Bob Bell and Mrs. Harold
Citizens News
Subscription Is
Ideal Gift Item
Are you looking for a last-
minute gift suggestion? A sub-
scription to this newspaper is
a gift that people will appre-
ciate all -year round.
If you wish to send someone
far-off a subscription we will
look after all the details for
you, including the mailing of
an appropriate gift announce-
ment card. Just drop into our
office and tell us where you
want the subscription to go.
.1:[A1 RIFD 40 YEARS AGO — Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.
Wehb were honoured last week when members of their
family treated them to a dinner at the Dominion Hotel,
Zurich, or the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary.
Prior to moving to Grand Bend some years ago, Mr. and
Mrs. Wells) '.ived 'n S' .phen Township. Mr. Webb has re-
tired this year after serving some time as reeve of Grand
Bend couple have three sons, Glenn, warden of
Huron County; Morris, RR 2, Zurich, and Ray, Stephen.