Zurich Citizens News, 1965-11-18, Page 3�I•
74e qiiteadati eNdeueit
Miss Catharine Anne Christie
will undergo surgery in Clinton
Public hospital this Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Clendon Christie
and Catharine Anne visited with
relatives in New Hamburg on
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol
spent the week -end with their
sister-in-law, Mrs. Tony Gelder-
land, of Ridgetown, and also
visited Mrs. Roobol's brother,
Mr. Gelderland, who is ill in
Chatham General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ben-
gough, Bill and Joe, and Miss
Cassie Dougall visited on Sun-
day with Miss Dougall's cousin,
Miss Mary Mowbrey, of Walton,
who celebrated her 96th birth-
day Monday.
Mrs. John Henderson is visit-
ing 'with her daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Lindsay, and family, of Ham-
For his .sermon subject Sun-
day morning in Carmel Pres-
byterian Church, Rev. J. C.
Hensall Kinettes
Plan Projects
For Fall Season
Mrs. Harold Knight was host-
ess for the meeting of Hensall
Kinettes Wednesday evening,
November 10. Prior to the
meeting members canvassed the
village selling tickets on two
Christmas cakes, which will be
on display in Taylor's Ready -
to -Wear, to be drawn for early
in December.
President Mrs. William Fuss
presided and announced Sun-
day, November 28, as the date
for visiting shut-ins in the vil-
lage and hospitals. This is an
annual project of the club.
Mrs. Grant McGregor has con-
sented to be the Marching
Mother for the March of Dimes
campaign early in the new year.
A letter was received and
read from their adopted child
in Italy. The raffle brought by
Mrs. Ron Wareing was won by
Mrs. Robert Baker.
In a social hour, in contest
form, Mxs. Jack Drysdale was
the winner.
Boyne spoke on "Things old
and new". Miss Ruth Anne
Fleischauer and .Miss Marlene
Rader, of Zurich, sang a duet,
"Beautiful Garden of Prayer".
Mrs. Beatrice Hess presided at
the organ consol.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon TroYer,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Faber and
Fred Funk attended the ban-
quet and graduation at Holiday
Inn, London, Friday last, where
Miss Sandra Troyer received
her diploma from Wells Aca-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale,
Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle,
Hensall; Mr. and Mrs, Les Park-
er, Exeter, attended the annual
Cinderella Ball held by the
Kinette Club of London, in the
Crystal ballroom, Hotel London,
Friday e v e n i n g. A golden
coach; pumpkins, mice and
jewelled slipper combined to
create a fairy tale setting for
the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whiteman,
Ottawa, were week -end guests
with Mr. and Mrs. G or d on
Whiteman and Beverley.
Miss Margie Allan had her
tonsils removed at Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital Friday last.
Mrs. Mary Scott, of London,
was a recent guest with the
Misses Amy and Greta Lammie.
Mrs. Barrie Jackson is a pa-
tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, where she underwent surg-
ery on her nose on Tuesday of
this week.
Gordon Wren is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
with a heart condition,
ew Members
For .Fi Wnies
Ten new members, Patty Row-
cliffe, Aileen Klungel, Lorrie
Downie, Joan Alexander, Gail
Travers, Valerie Clark, Patty
Ann Parker, Beth Turvey, Kim
Parker and Margaret Roose-
boom were received into the
Hensall Brownie Pack on No-
vember 9.
Brown Owl Mrs. Robert Cook
enrolled the Brownies in a cere-
mony arranged by Snowy Owl
Mrs. Barrie Jackson. Mrs. Tom
Lavender, district Guide com-
missioner, presented athletic
A fine selection of 7 colors: Charcoal
birch, mist mahogany, Georgia pine,
blonde walnut, blonde mahogany, mist
maple and platinum walnut. Pre -fin-
ished to a satin gloss, these panels
make cleaning easy with just a damp
$05 $117,35
4' x7' V 4 x8' III
This high-quality, long lasting paint
can be used for both interior and ex-
terior. Ideal for finishing off that
extra room. Reduced to clear—must
be sold!
l,U10E & COfaPAIN p ltiklIED
EXETER, 235.1422
GRAND BEND, 238-2374
badges to 18 Brownies. dinner meeting at the Hotel
Following . the enrollment a Hensall, Wednesday evening.
Past president John Baker
Baker, in the absence of presi-
dent Jim Hyde, presided and
extended a welcome to mem-
bers and guests, including dep-
uty governor Paul Van Londer-
sele, of Simooe, who spoke
singing game under the direc-
tion of Brownie Kay Davis was
enjoyed by the Brownies and
the mothers present. Mrs. Lav-
ender then told an interesting
story about the childhood of
the World Chief Guide, Lady
Baden Powell.
The meeting came to a close
with songs by the Brownies,
sung in the darkness due to
power out.
—.--_ 0_
Hensall Kinsmen
Host Londoners
Twenty-two members of Lon-
don Kinsmen club were guests
of Hensall Kinsmen at their
Guest speaker was John Strat-
ton, of Stratford, who spoke on
"What kind of a Kinsman am
I". Mr. Stratton was intro-
duced by Kinsmen Bill Cle-
ment, and thanked by John
Kerr, of London, past deputy
governor ofdistrict one, who
presented him with a gift.
The date for the peanut drive
was announced for Thursday,
December 2, when a canvass of
the village will be made.
Hensall Women's Institute Observes
Public Relations Night At Meeting
Hensall Women's Institute
held their public relations meet-
ing Wednesday evening, No-
vember 10, in the Legion Hall
with 38 present. Interesting
highlights of the London area
convention held in Stratford
were presented by Mrs. Fred
Beer, and report of the board
of directors' meeting held in
Hensall was given by Mrs. Carl
Members answered the roll
call by naming "A form of po-
liteness I admire". Several
items of business were dis-
cussed. The program opened
with a sing -song conducted by
Miss Greta Laramie. Motto:
"An Institute is like a ship,
everyone should take a turn at
the wheel"; Miss M. Ellis; read-
ing, " A deck of cards", Mrs.
Harry Caldwell; solo, "Old Man
River", Don McCurdy, accom-
panist, Miss Lammie; reading
minutes of Hensall WI, Mrs.
Wilbert Dilling,
Courtesy remarks were given
by Mrs, Rodger Venner. All
the numbers were well given
and appreciated by the group.
President Mrs. Beverly Beaton
chaired the meeting for the
business, and Mrs. Annie Reid
for the program.
The Christmas meeting, De -
cember 8, will have as program
convenors, Mrs. V. M. Pyette
and Mrs. Dilling; hostesses,
Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs.
Len Purdy.
Program (convenors for the
public relations meeting were
Mrs. Annie Reid and Mrs.
Maude Hedden; hostesses, Mrs.
Gordon Troyer and Mrs. E. J.
Willert. Prize winners during
the social hour were Mrs. Gar-
field Broderick .and Mrs. Alice
In YLemail
Tuesday, Nov. 23
7 P.M.
Sponsored by
Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary
Lots of people seem to
think that Beli is a
foreign-owned cornpa
What's foreigii
about Mrs. Reed
of Oshawa?
Bell is owned — by far the biggest
part of it, anyway—by people like
Margaret Reed.
When we counted up recently,
there were some 208,000
Bell shareholders. Over
203,000 of them were
Canadian residents. And
altogether, they held
93.5°/o of the total shares.
That's how it has been for
a good many years now.
So if some people think
Bell is foreign-owned —
well, they'd better not let
Mrs. Reed, or any of those
203,000 other Canadians
hear them say so.
Built, operated and owned by Canadians
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ROUND, T- 1v79C
1 -Lb. Bags
Maxwell House Coffee _ 79c
Vim — 3 -Lb. Package
Skim Milk Powder _ _ _ 75c
5 -Lb. Bag
Brown Sugar 45c
Past's —81/2 Oz.
Sugar Crisp _ _ _ _
Post's -6 Ox.
Your Choice
Honey Comb _ _ _ _3 for 88c
No. 1 — Florida — Size 96s
GRAPEFRUIT _ _ _ 1O/59c
Old South — 6 -Oz. Tins
ORANGE JUICE _ _ _ _ 5/88c
Wallace—Package of 3
Robin Hood Celebration — 181/2-0z. Pkgs.
Cakes Mixes 3/$1
Puss 'n' Boots — 15 Oz.
Cat Food 6/
Campfire — 111/2-0z. Pkgs.
Marshmallows 2/4'x= c
Javex, 128 oz. 79c