Zurich Citizens News, 1965-11-04, Page 13THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAN PIV Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards ef Thanks, In Memorlams, Engagements, 3c a word Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 54c. CASH DISCOUNTS— % Off if paid by Saturday following last Insertlen. BILLING CHARGE-- 10c HARGE-10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday amme•MowJ FOR SALE INT. 8 -FURROW Plow, on rub- ber, like new. Apply to Bill Watson, phone Dashwood 37r19. 45,6,p SPRAYED APPLES — Kings, Tatman Sweets, Snows, Delici- ous, Macs, Greenings, Baldwins, etc. Fred McClymont and Sons, one mile south of Varna. 41,2,3,p HEINTZMAN upright piano, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Theresa Stark, 2364978. 45,b UNDERWOOD LETTERA 32, portable typewriter; new;r, reg- ular $99,50 for only $85. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zur- ich. 21,p SLAB WOOD. We deliver. Dal - Bur Lumber, Hensall. Phone 262-2716, 33tf REMEMBER, you niay be the lucky one. One free draw ticket for every $1.00 value purchased. November draw prize, for ladies' overnight case, to be drawn on November 30, at 6 p.m. Oesch Shoe Store, Zurich. 45,b MODERN HOME, well located in the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway and big garage. Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich. 236-4396. 46tfb FARM FOR SALE — 140 acre farm in the Varna area, Stan- ley Township, good buildings, clay loam land, immediate pos- session. Apply to Harold Jack- son, Realtor, Seaforth, Ontario. 42,3,b JOHN DEERE 3 -furrow hydrau- lic plow, 14 inches, with trip beams and cover boards. Jim McGregor, RR 2, Kippen, phone 262-5156, Hensall. DE KALB COCKERELS, ready to kill; White rock cockerels, six weeks old Call McKinley's Farm and Hatchery Ltd., 262- 2837. 44,b PART HEREFORD and Hol- stein calves; also pure Holstein calves. Apply to Ted Geoffrey, Dial 236-4768. 44,5,P MULLER Bulk Tank, 44 -can, like new. Phone 37r15, Dash- wood. Mc-CORMICK - DEERING A c e bottom plow in A-1 shape. Ap- ply to Noah Gingerich, Bay- field. 44,P FOR RENT LOWER APARTMENT in Hen- saIl, available November .1. Phone Zurich 2364829. 41,2,p BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. HEATED 2 -bedroom apartment, private entrance and garage. Newly decorated. Phone Hen- sall 262-5080. 34,tf HEATED APARTMENT — Up- stairs. Available immediately. Contact Tasty -Nu Bakery, Zur- ich. 32,b LOST and FOUND STRAYED from lot 15, conces- sion 6, Stanley, one Hereford steer, about 600 'to 700 lbs. Phone 482-3214, Clinton, Fred McClymont, Varna. 45,p STRAYED from our premises, red steer, weighing about 800 lbs. Missing for about 1 week. Notify Allan Steckle, 262-5443. 45,b WANTED TO BUY COMING EVENTS The turkey bingo you have been waiting for. Knights of Columbus turkey bingo of Sea - forth and district will be held on Friday, December 3, at 8:30 p.m., in the Canadian Legion Hall, Seaforth. Mark your cal- endar NOW. 45,b Bazaar, bake sale and tea, St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen, Saturday, November 13, at 3 p.m. Sponsored by United Church Women. Fourteenth November, 1965 4th annual Coin Exhibition at the Elm Haven Motel, Clinton, Ontario, doors open at 1:00 p.m. $50,000.00 value in gold coins of the world will be on display. Sponsored by the Huron Coun- ty Numismatic Society. Plan to attend this wonderful exhibition, smorgasbord dinner from 4.30 to 7:00 p.m. 45,p HELP WANTED YOUNG MARRIED MAN inter- ested in learning the printing trade. Steady position, good working conditions. Apply to Herb Turkheim or Joe Hunt, at the Zurich Citizens News. 45,x MEN FOR heating, plumbing and electrical work. Experi- ence or unexperienced. Full or part time. Gingerich's Sales and Service. LABOURERS WANTED — Car- penters and bricklayers. Apply to Blue Water Rest Home, job site, west of Zurich. 45,b APPRENTICE for PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL WORK State age, martial status, educa- tion and experience, if any. This is a steady job, with serv- ices to start immediately. Repy to Box KLN Zurich Citizens News 45,6,b CUSTOM WORK PAINTING, paperhanging and sign painting. Call Ed (Buck) Little, Hensall 262-2247. 40 to 46,b FURNITURE REPAIRED, re- modled and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb WANTED -2 used snow tires, size 6.70 x 15. Call John Robin- son, dial 262.5390. 45,x MARLATT'S DEAD STOCK REMOVAL HIGHEST CASH prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses, $5.00 and up weighing over 1,000 lbs. For prompt service, please call collect: Marlatt Bros., phone 133, Brus- sels, 24-hour service, Licence No. 390-C-65. 14,26,p, CUSTOM COMBINING — with Case 1010, with straw chopper 2 self unloading wagons, 40 - foot PTO auger. Will combine wheat, oats, barley, beans or corn. Call Peter Bedard, RR 1, Dashwood, dial 2364665, Zur- ich. 28,tf COMBINING AND SWATHING of grain, beans and corn. We have new equipment to handle your complete job. Phone George Troyer, 262-5282, or 236-4072. 35to41,b SANITATION Services — Sep- tic pumping, tank and drain- age. Repairs. For immediate service, phone Bill Finch, 238-2291. Grand Bend. MASONRY REPAIRS to chim- neys and brick work; pointing and repairs to stone work, plas. ter, fireplaces. Leaks in roofs repaired. Contact Raymond Squire, Box 335, Isabella St., Seaforth, phone 527-1332. Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No, 262-c-63 ARDA Provides Opportunity For All Rural Area Farmers By W. A. Montcalm A number of articles have appeared in the press since the Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act was passed. These articles in some cases de- picted the problem areas where the rural income is unreason- ably low, and illustrated the lack of opportunities for rural people. It is true that rural people have been subjected to widespread social, technological and economic changes during the last 20 to 30 years that necessitated adjustments in the methods and type of farming. A good number of rural people are already supplementing their low farm income by working off the farm and when the farm returns from these small units are included in township or county averages, it does not al- ways represent the true earning for these people. Other farm people with sufficient resources have enlarged these farm .oper- ations requiring more capital and have greatly increased their production with less labour. Some areas, however, are not so favourably located due to the type of soil, and the growing season does not permit alternate crop to be grown successfully. Studies have been conducted by ARDA in several low income Births DIETRICH—Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Dietrich, Zurich, are hap- py to announce the birth of their daughter, Teresa Marie, at South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter, on Saturday, November 6. A 20th grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha, also a sister for Kevin, Randy, Jim- my and Lorraine. GINGERICH—At South Huron Hospital, on Monday, Novem- ber 8, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gingerich, RR 3, Zur- ich, a daughter. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all my Zurich friends who assisted me and who sent cards while I was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital. London.—Helen MacLean. 45,b MISCELLANEOUS LADIES, HAVE you last a Dia- mond? Take •a look at your diamond ring now—ere the claws loose? Wou can't afford to have your precious diamonds fall out of their settings. Bring it in for an examination free of charge. We can repair the claws. Also, we can remount your diamond in a smart set- ting—Albert Hess, Watches and Diamonds, Zurich. 45,p 't ova CLEARII&IG AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises in the Village of Dashwood The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public aution on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 at 1:30 p.m. Three-piece chesterfield suite; dining room suite, including table, chairs, buffet, china cabi- net; chrome kitchen table and chairs; oak rocker; occasional chair; chest of drawers; glass c u p b o a r d; 4 -burner electric range; propane 4 -burner stove; steel bedstead; 2 oak bedsteads; dressers; 'commodes; cedar chest; electric lamps; trilight lamp; GE washing machine; an- tique 'coal oil lamps; assort- ment of glassware; silverware; kitchen utensils; pictures and frames; curtains; drapes; elec- tric toaster and iron; girls' and boys' 26 -inch bicycle; girl's skates, size 2; boy's skates, size 5; set •of platform scales (new); cork insulation Quebec heater; many other miscellaneous items. No reserve. Terms Cash MRS. ALMA HOPCROFT, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer rural areas in Ontario to deter- mine what adjustments can be made to increase rural income and to make a more effective use of land and human re- sources. ARDA is a federal -provincial program designed to work with local government to develop projects to strengthen the rural economy and to enable t?ie nec- essary adjustments that must be made in some parts of you country for rural people who do not have employment oppor- tunities. The overall objectives are: Better conservation use and management of the land, water, woodland, and labour resources of underemployed rural families. Development of opportunities for non-farm employment in local areas by encouraging new industries or expanding existing business enterprises. Educational and training pro- grams that would prepare the unemployed and underemployed rural people for non-farm em- ployment. The heart of any area's de- velopment, however, rests with the local people. It requires community or group action as well as individual effort. The government does not wish to impose programs that are not acceptable to rural people and it is, therefore, important that an area ARDA-committee com- posed of voluntary representa- tives of the entire community —businessmen, farm leaders, municipal government, clergy and any other persons directly concerned with local area de- velopment — be included. All the branches of the provincial and federal government are available to advise and provide information on the present pol- icies of their respective depart- ments and to discuss the pro- grams that would be most bene- ficial to the area. Senior officials of the various provincial government depart- ments have been appointed to the Ontario ARDA directorate to co-ordinate and define the activities of each department in order to develop a sound social and economic development pro- gram. One rural development officer has been appointed to an area and the personnel will be increased in the near future. The principal functions of these officers will be to: —Provide leadership and initia- tive in the formulation of cur- rent and long-range policies and plans for carrying out the rural areas development program. —Maintain continuous liaison with appropriate departments and agencies of the govern- ment and with officials of public and private organiza- tions to assure co-ordination of effort and utilization of all available resources in support of overall economic and so- cial development in rural areas. --Maintain an inventory of progress or evaluation on the various 'programs in the rural areas. Fifty projects are now under way in the Province of Ontario, and they can be grouped in the following categories: Community Pasture Four have been established— Leeds, Victoria, Manitoulin and Temiskaming. Two of these; Victoria and Temiskaming, were in operation last year. Their purpose is to enable small live stock farms to ex- pand their carrying capacity and hence their incomes. The land is acquired and developed by federal - provincial ARDA. Management and operation costs must be met by rental revenues which are adminis- tered by a local pasture board. Alternative Uses of Land ARDA provides additional fi- nancing to counties and river valley conservation authorities The Best Week TO ADVERTISE is Every Week! to withdraw submarginal agri- cultural lands into forestry and recreation uses. A large scale project financed entirely on a federal -provincial basis is under way to expand crown land forests i n south central Ontario. In northeastern Ontario, a new type of project has recent- ly been approved to consolidate scattered agricultural holdings into large ranch -type units that would be suitable for leasing on a long-term basis to beef live stock ranchers. Small un- economic farm units in remote areas, with resulting high cost of services, has been a major deterrent to agricultural devel- opment in Northern Ontario. Water Management Where water management programs are part of a county rural development plan, ARDA provides additional financial help. These have ineluded water storage, river channel im- p r o v e m e n t for agricultural drainage outlet, marshland de- velopment, and flood control. Research A broad range of research projects are under way includ- ing rural development studies, new crop possibilities, land ca - About People You Know .. . Mr. and Mrs. Wes Parsons, Mitchell, and Mrs. Rita Butson, Staffa, were week -end wisitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson. Mrs. Christine Hartig and daughter Elizabeth, of London, were 'Sunday visitors with Mrs. Anne Turkheim. Mrs. Clara Jacobe and Mr. and Mrs. Laird Jacobe and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Snider, at Sarnia. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and son Robert and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farwell were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hartman, at London. Mrs. Pauline Jeffrey has re- turned to her home at BIake after spending three weeks with relatives and friends in Wind- sor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gascho and Mr. and Mrs. Doug O'Brien were week -end visitors in Wind- sor with Mr. and Mrs. Garry Rogers. 0 Letters October 25, 1965 Dear Editor: I am sending my cheque for $4.00 to renew my paper for another year. I cannot stand to be without the news from Zurich and surrounding terri- tory. Sure enjoy reading your paper from top to bottom. Keep up the good work. Yours truly, Nellie H. Brenneman, Detroit, Michigan. Dear Sir: Please find enclose $3.50 for one year's subscription to the Citizens News. We kind of miss the weekly `news from Zurich. We are all fine here, and the weather is warm all the time. Yours sincerely, Leonard Bowman, 6132 Beechwood Avenue, Sarasota, Florida. nowelimismesseemonmein BAZAAR Bake Sale and Tea IN ST. ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH Kippen SAT., NOV. 13 At 3 p.m. Sponsored by UCW WIEMIONNOMPOMMININNOWNWIMMINNIONN pability mapping. Federal -Provincial ARDA Agreement A five-year agreement com- mencing April 1, 1965, was signed by the federal' and pro- vincial governments in which greater emphasis is placed on concentrating ARDA programs in low income rural areas and less emphasis on resource de- velopment programs. AUCTION SALE AT THE Clinton Legion Hall CLINTON, ONTARIO Tuesday Evening, November 16 8:00 P.M. SHARP Repossessions -- Bankrupt Stocks AND MANY, MANY PERSONAL CONSIGNMENTS CONSISTING OF Appliances -- Furniture — Television FURNITURE — A 2 -piece davenport suite that folds out to a 3/4 -size bed with nylon cover and swivel rocker; a 2 - piece French provincial chesterfield set covered in a top grade nylon cover; 3 other chesterfield sets with foam cushions; 2 9 -piece coppertone or chrome kitchen -dinette sets consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table; 2 7 -piece sets consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" table with an inlaid top; 1 5 -piece deluxe coppertone dinette suite; 3 bookcase bed- room suites complete with bed, dresser, 'chest of drawers and a matching box spring and mattress with each set; 2 sets of lamps consisting of a trilight and 2 table lamps to each set; 1 set of solid step and coffee tables in a arborite finish — other step and coffee tables; 39" continental beds complete with headboard and legs; '1 54" continental bed complete; 4 full size 54" spring -filled mattresses; 2 hostess chairs; platform rocker; 9 x 12 'rug; hi -chair; tele- phone table; kitchen step stool; chrome rocker. APPLIANCES AND TV — A large refrigerator with a full cross -top freezer; 2 electric ranges, one being a deluxe model; a long -skirt washer with pump; a 21 cu. ft. deep freeze that holds over 800 lbs. of frozen food; automatic washer and dryer, matching pair; combination radio and record player; and last of all, 4 different television sets, 21" models that have been checked over and are in A-1 working condition. All the appliances in this sale are guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up at your home. Clothing BRAND NEW CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY A large selection of fall and winter clothing has just been received for auction from one of the largest clothing whole- salers in Canada. This lot consists of Men's Clothing: socks, underwear, ties, sweaters, dress shirts, sport shirts, dress pants, pyjamas, T-shirts, work sacks, work shirts. For the Ladies and Teens: double knit suits, skirts, blouses, nylons, cardigans, pullovers, slims, jackets, dresses, socks, pyjamas, slippers. Boys, Girls, Babies: Jeans, sweaters, shirts, socks, blouses, jackets, pants, sleeper, housecoats, crawler sets, T-shirts, jumpers, skirts, dresses, sweater sets, girls' 3 -piece sets, sleep and play sets, 3 -piece velvet suits, coat and hat sets, and many ether items too numerous to mention. This sale will consist of the largest and best offering that we have ever auctioned in this hall at any time. Don't Miss This Outstanding Sale ! AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD Terms—Cash Cheques Accepted on Furniture 3% Sales Tax in Effect D. A. KAY it SON, CLINTON lc$ALE ON WALLPAPER Buy 1 Roll at Regular Price GET 1 ROLL FOR 1c We must get rid of all our Present Stock to make room for Our 1966 Shipments Cash Sales Only QUARTS Reg. Price $3.35 SALE PRICE $2.25 GALLONS Reg. Price $10.25 SALE PRICE $7.99 PAINT BRUSHES, while they last HALF PRICE KEM-GLO QUARTS GALLONS Reg. Price $3.95 Reg. Price $13.25 SALE PRICE $2.89 SALE PRICE $9.99 D. A. KAY&SON PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 33 HURON ST. -- CLINTON .— 482.9542