HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-10-21, Page 11THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1965. PAGE THREhh 74e ‘qtecsdaie Ogaetoet MRS. MAUDE REDDEN, Editor NEWS OF HENSALL DISTRICT Hensall Kinsmen are enter-' Wieren has collected 3,000 cigar taining the children of Hensall bands from various countries and district to a Hallowe'en in the world in 32 years, which party this Saturday night at the she had on display, arranged Arena, from 8 to 10. Judging artistically in an exhibit book. of costumes, prizes, treats and All the members of the crew a skating party will feature the were treated to cigars from highlights of the evening. Holland by Mrs. Van Wieren. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle attended the Sunday nine o'clock concert in Thames Hall, UWO, last Sunday evening, and heard Arthur Whittemore and Jack Lowe, duo -pianist and re- cording stars from New York city, playing the great works of Handel, Bach, Mozart and other great composers. James Drummond is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, where he will undergo surgery. The village of Hensall reverts back to Standard Time this Sat- urday, October 30, at 12 mid- night. The UCW bale will be packed the first of November for ship- ment overseas. Donations of good, warm, clean clothing for all ages is required. It is hoped that there will be the usual gen. erous response of the congrega- tion to this worthy project. Chiselhurst UCW bazaar and tea will be held Friday after- noon at 3 p.m., in Chiselhurst United Church. Baking, fancy work and farm produce will be .available. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline and Troyann on Sunday were Rev. John C. Boyne, Exeter; George Durham, London; Ken- neth Studdard, Calgary; Miss Haze] Macdonald, retired deac- onness of New St. James' Church, London, and her sister, Miss E. Macdonald, Goderich; Mrs. Kay Bedard and children, London, Mrs. Archie Noakes under- went surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday of this week. Appeared on TV Mrs. Harry Van Wieren, of RR ,2 Hensall, was interviewed Monday afternoon by Don Gray on his program, "The Don Gray Show" on CFPL-TV, Channel 10. As a hobby Mrs. Van Mrs. Al Hoggarth and two sons left recently by plane for England to vacation for three weeks with the former's par- ents. The reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. John Erb, (nee Ruth Smale), bridal couple, held in Zurich Community Cen- tre, Saturday, October 23, was largely attended. The couple were presented with a well- filled purse of money. The presentation was made by Paul Erb, of Windsor. Desjardine orchestra provided music for the dance. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Borden, of RCAF Station Clinton, at- tended the Erb-Smale wedding Saturday at Hensall United Church, .and the reception and dinner later at the Legion Hall. District deputy president Mrs. Edna Caldwell and installing staff installed the officers of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Sea - forth, on Monday, October 25. Baptismal Service Sacrament of holy baptism was held in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church Sunday morning, conducted by the minister, Rev. J. C. Boyne. Receiving the rites of baptism were Darlene Mar- garet, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valley; Bar- bara Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MacGregor; Cath- arine Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Troyer; Mur- ray Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor; Barbara Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton. For his sermon theme, Rev. Boyne spoke on "The Larger Purpose". Danny Laing, of Exeter, rendered a lovely solo, "The Holy City", accom- panied at the organ by Mrs. Murray Keys. Flowers in the church sanctuary were in mem- ory of the late Mrs. Samuel Dougall. Members of the East Kippen 1 CONKLIN'S Pre -Winter Value lender! ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS 14.95 COMBINATION WINDOWS UP TO 60" Install now to beat the bad weather. Com- pletely assembled including self -stor- ing screen. You can save the price in heat loss in a few years. FULL 11/4" Aluminum Combination DOORS ONLY 29.95 Heavy extruded aluminum, completely as- sembled and self -storing. These main- tenance -free windows are expertly installed for only $10.00 extra. Compare at $40.00. No Money Down! Easy Payments! EXETER, 235.1422 GRAND BEND, 238-2374 WI will visit the Ontario Hos- pital, Goderich, Monday, No- vember 1, to entertain the pa- tients there. In charge of the program is Mrs. Edna Caldwell and Mrs. W. J. F. Bell. Robert (Bob) McKinley, of Zurich, Progressive Conserva- tive candidate in the forthcom- ing federal election November 8, was guest speaker at a recent dinner meeting of Hensall Kins- men Club. Harold Bonthron has been in- formed that he is eligible for a trip to the Caribbean sponsored by the Seally Mattress Com- pany, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bonthron will leave Sunday by plane from the new Interna- tional Airport, Toronto, to New York where they will .spend three days, followed by a boat cruise to the Caribbean. They will be away 12 days. Mrs, Pearl Shaddick spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaddick, Clinton, ana atended the Shaddick-Hart wed- ding in the new Anglican Church, Woodstock, Saturday, October 23. Died in California Residents of Hen s a 11 and community were saddened to learn of the passing of Mrs. Ruth Curtis Bell, wife of the late Dr. James W. Bell, of Hen- sall. Mrs. Bell, a resident of Hensall for 20 years, coming here as a bride, died at her home in Alamo, California, on Sunday, October 17, after a brief illness. She left Hensall over two years ago for Cali- fornia. While here Mrs. Bell made many loyal friends, TO ADVERTISE The Best Week Is Every Week ! Optical Service Large Assortment of Modern Frames Broken Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired Let us fit you with a comfort- able pair of spectacles at a rea- sonable price. Let us suggest a qualified optometrist for an eye examination. Hearing Aid Batteries, all Sizes. ALBERT HESS Jeweller and Optician VARNA NEWS The United Church Women held their October meeting in the church on Thursday evening last with a good attendance. Group two were in charge of devotions with Mrs. Louis Tay- lor leading. The theme was Thanksgiving. Mrs. William McAsh read the Scripture and Mrs. Tom Con- sitt the meditation. The offer- ing was taken by Mrs, William Taylor and Mrs• Robert Web- ster gave the offering prayer. There were a number of sick and shut-in calls made during the past month. A discussion on "God and His Purpose" was led by Mrs. Joe Postill who also presided at the piano. The president, Mrs. Robert Taylor, conducted the business period. Mrs. Louis Taylor closed the meeting with prayer. Group four served lunch at the close. Layman's Sunday was ob- served in the United Church on Sunday last. The pastor, Rev. M. Morrison, was assisted by Gary McAsh and Robert Taylor. Donald Barker, of King City, was the guest speaker. A laymen's choir, under the di- rection of the organist, Mrs. Robert Stirling, sang an an- them and Frank and Peter Postill sang a duet. A meeting is being called in the near future to consider the selling of the United Church shed, which has been used as a skating rink for the past 10 years. 4 Group of Henson Kinsmen Attend District Convention At Stratford Members of the Kinsmen ern business and professional Club of Hensall attended the methods and ethics and to carry district one fall council meet- on service work in their com ing held at the Victoria Inn, munities. Stratford, October 23 and 24. The Association of Kinsmen Delegates attending from Hen Clubs is a Canadian —young Hen - sail were Jim Hyde, Wayne men's service organization with Reid, Murray Baker, Bob Cald- well, John Baker, Bill Fuss and clubs throughout Canada, More their wives. than one and one-half million The fall council meeting is a gathering of all club presidents of the district, together with the district executive headed by Governor Larry Woods, of Pres- ton. The fall council meeting en- abled Kinsmen from Hensall to exchange service ideas with representatives from the 78 clubs in district one, who learn- ed more about parliamentary procedure, and heard how other clubs raised funds for public- service projects. Two of the Kinsmen Club's objectives are to train their members in mod - Bus Trip A very enjoyable bus trip to Toronto was enjoyed by mem- bers of Kippen East WI and guests on Wednesday, when 43 ladies took the trip. During their itinerary they toured the Dixie Cup at Bramp- ton, new city hall, Toronto, new Toronto International Airport, had dinner at the Town and Co un t r y restaurant, Toronto, and enjoyed a shopping spree at the Yo r k d ale Shopping Centre. In charge of the project were Mrs. Robert Bell and Mrs, Grant MacLean. N TICE A CARLOAD OF CALVES WILL BE ARRIVING IN HENSALL IN A FEW DAYS! A Limited Number of Groups of 4 Will Be Available Any boy or girl under the age of 21, in the Townships of Hay, Hibbert, Tuckersmith, Stanley, Usborne and Stephen wish to feed calves for the South Huron Agricultural Society CONTACT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORS Jim McGregor, 262-5165, Hensall, William Coleman, 262-5031, Hensall, Jack Kinsman, 262-5472, Hensall, Russell Brown, 294-6550, Parkhill. P. L. McNAUGHTON, Secretary, Hensall. i dollars is raised by Kinsmen annually for local service por- jects throughout Canada. THRIFTY KIPPENETTES The fifth meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes was held at the home of Mrs, Robert Gemmell, Saturday. The meet- ing opened with the 4-H pledge and the roll call, "A suggestion for improving my Record Book" was answered by 11 members. The secretary, Diane Stoll, read the minutes of the last meeting. The girls learned how to set in a sleeve, under stitching and how to put on facing. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Eyre on Saturday. NOTICE To Hensall and Area Residents As of October 31, 1965 J. BONTHRON & SON HENSALL, ONTARIO Are Discontinuing Ambulance Service Anyone requiring an Ambulance after the above date, phone WESTLAKE AMBULANCE SERVICE Dial 236-4364, Zurich MAIT EDGAR Liberal Candidate for Huron INVITES YOU TO CLINTON LEGION HALL AT 8:30 P.M. ON Tuesday, November 2 For an Evening of Entertainment and Dancing PAUL CROSS ORCHESTRA The Hon. George J. Mcllraith, Minister of Public Works for Canada, will be in attendance Come and Bring Along Your Friends to THIS GALA BOOSTER NIGHT REFRESHMENTS FREE ADMISSION Published by the Huron Liberal Association `4 i.:CD3"' and fN .0+i yK<I.Y.0?-m.::::,,m 'yrs•«aP 's� • >d'F `' •<. . > r ..: -<.:, � 'mss"e j• • ^ ^; ;",''•.r ,.- FROZEN FOOD MORTON'S 8 -OZ. POT PIES Chicken, Turkey, Beef 5 for 97c PRODUCE FEATURE ONTARIO No. 1 POTATOES 50 -Lb. Bag $1.39 CHRISTMAS BAKING NEEDS 15 -Oz. Doric Sultana Raisins 7 -Oz. Walnut Nibs 3 -Oz. Blanched Almonds 8 -Oz. Cut Mixed Fruit Any 3 for $1.00 STEAKS I. Ib 69c WIENERS - 1 lbs 85c SIDE BACON - Ib 69c POT ROAST - ib 39c STEAKS - Ib 79c Man -Size Kleenex 3 Boxes 79c 7 -Lb. Bag Robin Hood Flour 69c 16.Oz. Tins Carnation Milk _ _ _ _ 5/79c 15 -Oz. Henley Fruit Cocktail 3/79c 15 -Oz. York Raspberries 3/$1 2 -Lb. Kraft Velveeta Cheese _ _ _ $1.15 2 -Lb. Kraft Churned Honey 69c