HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-10-07, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH. CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1965 ectitilduai ecxototemi MIN - MN We're Ali Behind You Our heartiest congratulations go out this week to Robert E, "Bob" McKinley, who last week won the nomination as Con- servative candidate for Huron County, in the forthcoming election, We are mighty proud of you, Bob, especially for the ele- gant manner in which you conducted your- self at the nominating convention. Anyone who attended the meeting must agree that our local candidate far surpass- ed any of his six opponents on the plat- form, speaking in a straightforward and confident manner. Instead of spending much of the alloted time in building him- self up, Bob got right to the point and told the gathering what he would like to see accomplished in Huron County. If any- one had doubts about the capability of the candidate, they would most certainly have changed their minds after his fine address. This newspaper is solidly behind Bob McKinley in his quest for a seat in parl- iament, and urges everyone in this area to give him their support. We take this stand, not because of political affiliations, but because he is a local man and comes from a highly -respected family of our com- munity. We will all be proud if we can say after November 8 that the member of par- liament for Huron is a Zurich area resi- dent. And we must agree that Bob has a number of worthy objectives he would like to see accomplished. His point that young farmers need more help in starting out in business today, merits a lot of con- sideration. We all realize that if a young man wishes to start out in farming has no financial help from home, he has a tough road to travel. As well, his point about seeking lower interest rates for farmers, should be acknowledged. The candidate also pointed out that Huron County needs more industry, and we all know that if elected he will work towards this end, untiringly. Another point that Bob brought forward was the fact that the Lake Huron region from Grand Bend to Amberley needs more tourist pro- motion and developement, and we most heartily agree. Bob McKinley is a local boy, one of us, and he deserves your support on No- vember 8. ST® JOSEPH and DRYSDALE AL.. FRED DUCHARMEC Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess and family, of St. Joseph, left their place of business on Wed- nesday last for a motor trip in Northern Ontario, where they relaxed after a busy summer's work. They report the weather Corres,ordent3 up north was a little chilly, taking in some of the little burgs and towns along the Georgian Bay, returning by way of Toronto, and arriving at their St. Joseph's home on Sunday last. On this Monday morning the weather has taken a sudden change since Saturday last. It is too early in the season to expect wintry weather and per- haps this month of October will be normal and with season- able weather. Those attending the Du- charme-O'Rourke wedding from Detroit. Mr. and 1Irs. Tyrus This man has he h! Ian to keep your homecomfortable IIII., aII year round. f - FREE CONDITIONING SERVICE Including annual inspection of the furnace, smoke pipe, chimney base, burner and oil tank. Your heating unit Is thoroughly cleaned, lubricated and tuned up for maximum efficiency. FREE 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Emergency calls answered on a 24-hour basis to correct any temporary failures of customer's equipment. You pay only for parts and for work berformed on heat exchangers and combustion chambers, or for re- building motors. YOU PAY ONLY FOR OIL AND REPLACEMENT PARTS WITH THE SUNGLO FURNACE SERVICE PLAN .044 SUNGLO ,t FUEL OIL Home heating comfort With the big "plus factor" There's double satisfaction in dealing with your Co-operative. You can depend on the quality of Sunglo service and products because Co.operatives are owned and controlled by the people they serve. Remember too, when you patronize your Co-operative, you are making your business stronger and more successful. f • Automatic Metered Deliveries • Easy Payment Plan HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE ZURICH — HENSALL — BRUCEFIELD urich e 074. N•ws PRINTED BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS LIMI'A+kID, ZTJRICH HERB TURICHEIM, Publisher J. E. HUNT, Plant Superintendent Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash. Member: Member: Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Canadian Community Newspapers Representatives Subscripti,n Bates: $3.00 per year in advance, it Canada; $4,00 in United States and and Foreign; Single copies 7 cents. Stansberry, Mr. Thomas Emer- ieh and Miss Dianne Stansberry. rFom Windsor: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masse, Master Freddie Masse and Miss Reta Hender. son, also Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Ducharme accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Masse and Mr, William Borrie and Miss Jane Masse. After the wedding and reception they spent the Sun- day at the home of yours truly and Mrs. Ducharme, Wedding Ducharme—O`Rourke On Saturday last many from this highway attended the mar- riage of Raymond Ducharme, of this parish, and Miss Pauline O'Rourke, of Mount Carmel. The marriage was celebrated in the Mount Carmel church by the Rev. Father Clark and that amidst a full congregation, which showed the high esteem the young couple are held. After the marriage ceremony and the mass was over the bridal couple and all motored to the Dashwood Community Hall for the refreshments, and a very delicious dinner was served. At five o'clork in the afternoon there were well over one hundred persons to take part. After all had partook to their hearts' content, a program which had been mapped to mark the occasion, and under the management of Mr. Andre Durand as .master of ceremon- ies, and which was well con- ducted. The parents of the the bride and groom were the first to respond to the call of the master of ceremonies. In a few words, they were glad to the many who had responded to the invitations by being present. Their words were im- pressive. Other speakers gave short talks touching on the event of the day. The young cohple were the recipients of many valuable gifts. The reception, which was in the same hall in the evening, was well attended. The young couple left on their honeymoon in the States. After their re- turn they will reside in Sarnia, At the break-up of the party the young people left with the good wishes of their parents, relatives and their many friends. BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Care"' Agent for Dry Cleaning Expert 'Watch Repairs e Tro hies and Engraving a' DIAMONDS - WATCHES d CHINA Antett Jedk LTD, CLINTON — WALKERTON — SEAFORTH Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY In :sous. J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH — Phone 791 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m, to 12 noon CLINTON — Dial 482.7010 Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours: 9-12 A.M. — 1:30-8 PM Closed all day Wednesday Phone 235-2433 Exeter LEGAL Bell & Laughton BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER BELL, Q.C., B.A. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings by Appointment PHONE 519-235-0440 EXETER For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability insurance For Information About All insurance — Call BERT KLOPP DIAL 236-4988 — ZURICH Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" PHONE 119 DASHW000 ACCOUNTANTS ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH P.O. Box 478 Dial 524-9521 J. W. Haberer Insurance Agency "All Ki-nds of Insurance" DIAL 236-4391 — ZURICH FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLES OXYGEN SERVICE DIAL 236-4364 ZURICH HURON and ERIE D'EBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES 514% for 1 to 5 Years J, % . HAMER Authorized Representative DIAL 236-4346 — ZURICH umont 66 Beaumont Custom Sport Coupe with Sports Option. Aspirated car from General Motors, offering completely new styling and value unsurpassed in the low - price field! Right Style! For 1966 Beaumont presents bril- liant all-new styling in every one of its 9 exciting models. From the glamorous flair -back roofline on the Custom Sport Coupe to the sleek new lines of the all-new 4 -door hardtop Sport Sedan, Beaumont is captivatingly beautiful. Right Size! Beaumont is full-size inside, slim outside. Settle in behind the wheel and you're ready to take on a whole cityfull of traffic. The secret is flawless use of available apace—styled in a way that lets you enjoy it. Right Price! Look at Beaumont. Take a long look. All this luxury, eye -stopping stye, and the performance to go with it, is priced remarkably low. A 120 hp six or 195 hp V8 is standard, or select a more powerful six or one of two V8s (up to 360 hp with Sports Option*). Transmissions to match. With Beaumont, everything matches. Beaumont Custom Sport Sedan. *Sports Option—includes Strato bucket seats, special wheel trim discs, front fender trim louvres and distinctive exterior trim identification. Sports Option is avalab'le on Custom Sport Coupe and Custom Convertble. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Below, Beaumont Custom Sport Coupe showing new flair -back roofline. './•},vvy�frr!OpN. ,XS,;.ti „N.,yQ�!{vL::,I},�,y::?:: fin^ .; <•:•'!:n .,.:5.:7...:x. y :.64{Y•'..:v.. :h!ry:: Be sure to watch "Telescope", "The Fugitive'rand'"The Red Skelton Hour" now showing on television. Check local listings for time and channel. AUTHORIZED BEAUMONT — PONTIAC — BUICK DEALER ft ZURICH Ll!ti''now'ey. TAYLOR MOTORS LTD. MAIN STREET —• ZURICH