HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-09-16, Page 4'AGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS DEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBiER 1b, 1965 ST. JOSEPH anti D] Al, FRED DUCHARME YALE 'Wq ushered guests. edding The reception was in the Dashwood Community II a 11 Corrtismond®nil BEDARD--DEBUS 1 where the bride's mother re - St. Boniface Church, Zurich,' ceived guests in a pink linen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Papineau prietor, was in their eompat►yi was the setting for the wedding I dress with three-quarter coat. of Windsor, and Mrs. ErXI1II ale l for the day. tie, too, a native Taylor. of Chatham, spent a few' born of this parish, had drifted days t ix past week on their I away. hoist s occupying the farm, Sunday last visitors at the of Shirley Anne Marie Debus, ! pink nylon hat. navy aceessor- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ies and a rose carnation cor- ard Debus, Zurich, and Len sage. The ;groom's mother Paul Bedard. son of Mr, and chose a brown and beige floral home _ f Fred Papineau on the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mrs. Napoleon Bedard, Zurich, lila( ter Highway. Mrs. Fa- 1i rnovicl •e at D u e h a r m e a on Saturday, September 4, at pit;c.:a and Mrs. Taylor are na-'; br'a't were from St. Joseph,: 11 a.m. tive- : f this parish. On Wed-; MIs. Sarah Jeffrey and Baugh -1 baskets of red and white nessla,, last Mrs. Sarah Jeffrey' ters Lucille and Sherie, 33111.6%;gladoili formed the floral back - ion! .x.uuthter Lucille and Mrs. Louise l'autin, Mrs. and Mrs. ground for the double ring Loutso i'antin, all of St. Jo -e Dominique Jeffrey; from the i•,,ri•mony performed by Father sepi:..spent the day visiting the Bluewater Highway, Mr. and Richard Bedard. of Brockville, Papincaus. The getting togeth- Mrs. Pete Jeffrey and Mr. and uncle of the `_;room. Mrs. Steven t'r was all enjoyable one. They Mrs. Fred Ducharme. Mr. and Meidinger played the wedding retie W. litany- past incidents,: Mrs. Mernovidge gave their I tnttsic. even ,t,:valling their school clays company a cheery- welcome, a, Given in marriage by her fa- VheL all attended the salve delicious dinner and served re (her, the bride chose a floor wheel. but as they grew to freshments along with chit- length gown of white nylon elan :,ed womanhood they left chatting and a few games of sheer. The bodice was high - their St. Joseph home and drift-, cards, lighted by a scalloped sabrina ed away seeking somewhere to • The Mernovidges have a tom'neckline of the most delicate better their living standard. Mr. fortahle and up-to-date cottage: French chantilly lace touched Freder ek Papineau, the which they rent out during I with shimmering sequins and long lily paint sheath sleeves. Medallions of the same lace ac- cented the full flowing skirt while a band of chantilly lace formed a panier effect start- ing at the waist around to the back. A queens crown head- piece of tiny seed pearls and aurora borealis crystals held her nylon illusion fingertip veil and she carried a spray of red rosebuds, stephanotis and trailing ivy. Mrs. Anthony Bedard was matron of honor and brides- maids were Miss Sharron Ball and Miss Gail Bedard. They were gowned alike in street - length dresses of pink nylon with lace jackets. Their head- pieces were tiny crowns of pink and white pearls and shoulder length veils. Groomsmen were Mr. David Bedard, Mr. Louis Debus and Mr. Clarence Rau, and Leonard Hoffman and Michael Bedard pro - SEPTEMBER IS APPLE PIE TIME CHERRY, RASPBERRY ALL ONLY l 60c Each DIAL 236-4912 — ZURICH HOW EGGS TO PUT MORE IN ¥SUR BASKET Feed your layers your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with profit -proven National Egbilder Concentrate ! Take your choice of 35% Egbilder or Jumbo 40% concentrate—they're both rich in meat meal protein to balance your own vegetable nutri- ents. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh - mix you can buy—right here at the mill using National Concentrate, of course. A PRODUCT OP' CA NATIONAL ' EGBILOER or JUMBO 40 CONCENTRATE J ADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Eda Schw irtzentrsher R.R. 2, ZURICH Ient dll Dlstrkt Cooperative some of the summer months and reserve for themselves a few weeks for the vacation they are now enjoying. They enjoy the breezy air of Lake Huron, especially at this time of year when the sultry days are past. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha on Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turnbull, of the Dash- wood district. Bean Harvest At time of writing farmers are busy pulling and combining their beans. The stand of beans is good and promises a good yield with a good sample. Farm- ers with a large acreage are hoping a two-week spell of nice weather to save their crop, but some way that kind of weather, for their necessary time should it be granted to them, it would be more than the past average years. The month of Septem- ber is a little tricky regarding the weather. Labor Day Labor Day, the last of the national holidays, has passed on for another year. It is true it is the working people's holiday and has been since before the turn of this century and was established to respect the la- borers so that they too would benefit both in freedom and placing themselves in the com- mercial world, organizing un- ions so that they could take dissatisfactions or grievances to their employers or other au- thority. The early labors were glad of a holiday they could call their own for soon it was approved by the authorities of other countries throughout the land. In the early years of its organ- ization, working people did not take off as they do today. Transportation was not as to- day, for it was some years later before the automobile had be- come a roadway vehicle of any speed as required today, there- fore many preferred to stay in their homes and relax. From the beginning laborers appreciated their holiday even though there was no movement from its founding. Members helped the organization to in- crease in number so that it would help them to enforce their demand when needed The object of it all was that they, too, would participate in taking part in the benefits of life, Their hope was to be am- ply rewarded for their services given to their employers. In the years gone by work- ing people were not given many privileges and kept away from expressing their rights. It is different today ---the movement founded several decades ago is in good standing and has been given much consideration by high-ranking authority, without weakening their g o ver n i n g power. Laborers in ail walks of life did mueh to improve the economy of our country by working hand-in-hand with is governing services. dress with twitching jacket and beige accessories. and a yellow carnation corsage. For travelling to Nothern Ontario and Windaor the bride donned a yellow suit with big fur cuffs and black assessories. Mr. and Mrs. Bedard will re- side in Zurich. 0 °hituary Mrs. Herb Keller A life-long resident of Hay Township, Mrs. herb Keller passed away suddenly at her residence on the Babson Line, on Monday, September 13. The former Almeda Mary Deichert, she was born in Hay Township BROWNIE'S Theatre -- Clinton Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free Two Cemp!ete Shows Nightly COME AS LATE AS 11 P.M. AND SEE A COMPLETE SHOW Box Office Open at 7:30 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT 8 P.M. WED. — THURS. — FRI. September 15, 16, 17 — DOUBLE FEATURE — on October 25, 1920, a daugh- ter of Mr. Peter Deichert and the late Mrs. Deichert. She married Mr. Keller in 1945. Surviving besides her hus- band are two sons, Wayne and Larry, both at hone; five broth- Rey. ers, Bertram and Lloyd, of Goderich; Harold, RR 1, Zurich: Glenn. London, and Frederick, Mrs. Clinton; three sisters, Mrs. Clarence (Vera) Ilohner, Exe- ter; Mrs. Rose Merner, Zurich, SUN and Miss Virginia Deichert, of Kitchener. The body is resting at the Westlake funeral home, Zurich, until 1:30 p.m. Thursday after- noon, when removal will be made to St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Service will take place at 2:30 p,m., with interment in the Goshen . Line Cemetery, Rev. A, C. Blackwell will of- ficiate. Y JACK LEMMON VIRNI LIST Color (Adult Entertainment) PLUS "STOLEN HOURS" Susan Hayward, Michael Craig Color Cartoon SATURDAY ONLY — Sept. 18 — DOUBLE FEATURE — THE BIG TEENAGE TALENT REVUE "T.A.M.L" St. Peter's Lutheran Church THE BEACH BOYS THE BARBARIANS CHUCK BERRY JAMES BROWN AND THE FLAMES and a cavalcade of performers from the U.S. and England PLUS "MOTORCYCLE GANG" JOHN ASHLEY Cartoon MON., TUES., WED., THURS. September 20 to 23 This Summer's Biggest Hit! `What's Ne Pussycat' ADMITTANCE xterrset le - To PER.soss ie "MARS OF AGE oR OVER ABSOLUTELY NO CHILDREN Color Follow Us! . and find the answer to the comedy question of the year. Peter Sellers, Romy Schneider, Peter O'Toole, Capucine TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY At 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. Special Admission: $1.00 Per Adult Pink Panther Cartoon Minimminialleimilopprommiumummiliof SISIMEMMIMSIDDlee- Zurich Mennoni+e JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME! A, C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Audrey Haberer, Organist DAY, 10:00 a.m.—Sunday Scholl 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service You Are Welcome EMMANUEL. EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church ZURICH Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., M inieter Mrs. Milton Desch. Organist SUNDAY, 11.00 a.m.—Church Schaal. 10:0n a.m.—Worship Service. You Are Welcome ..:.. µ' fl*,. `:-I •h41 .'h: "Ji 1.f ':,w..n',:., •...v_.n.ST:flZ-1aR'MMIMEINI JESUS CHRIST IS LORD I "The heaven and the earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:35. The writings of the Fathers will pass away, the tradition of the church shall pass away, the opinions of men shall pass away but my words shall not pass away. Where is your confidence placed? Are you deluded by the writings of the Fathers, public opinion, newspaper propaganda? Why not study the words of our Lord to see how they rise above all these, it is one or the other, it cannot be both. Jesus Christ demands first and com- plete loyalty. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Clark's —20 -Oz. Tins Beans with Pork - 11 -Oz. Bottle Aylmer Catsup - Si. William's -9 -Oz. Jars Assorted Jams _ Assorted -400s— Packages Kleenex Tissue _ Allen's -48-0z. Tins Assorted Drinks _ 6c Off —64-0z. Bottle - 5/$1 _ 6/$1 _ 5/$1 _ 4/$1 - 3/$1 43c - 531 - - 79c Liquid Javex Mount Royal -20-0z. Tins Cream Style Cara Ellmarr — d -Oz. Jar :Instant Coffee - - Kellogg's—Large 9ir0z. Package Rice Kriipes Saico Solid -7-0z. Tuns White Tuna Superior — Loaves Sliced Bread Rose Brand -24-0z. Bottles Dili PickEes Aylmer — 48 -Oz. Tins Tomato Juke - __ 3/$1 12.Oz. Bomb Johnston's 'Raid' - - - $11 Leaver's—Stems and Pieces -10-0z, Tins Mushrooms 3/$1 FREE - FREE -FREE 5 lb. White Sugar Free with Purchase of 4 Light Balks at Regular Price FRUIT SPECIALS SU KIST ORANGES, 1335 - - - - 2 DOL $1.00 SMO WHITE CAULIFLOWER _ - - - 2 HEADS 45c JUMBO GREEN PEPPERS EACH 9c BRADFORD WASHED CELERY, 24s _ 2 FOR 29c MEAT SPECIALS DINNER HAMS, 1s, Reg. or RTE - - - LB 99c SMOKED SAUSAGE 2 LBS. $1.00 Mace and Cheese or Dutch Loaf LB 49c FRYERS, [Be 39c; LEGS AND BREASTS, LB. 55c WINGS, LB. 29c ERR' DIAL 236-4354 — ZURICH