HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-09-16, Page 3'YF T URSDAY, SEPTEMBIER 16, 1965 %die About People You Know ... ITEMS ABOUT HENSALL. Harry Hoy attended the fa - Dere) of his brother, Charles Hoy, at Kitchener on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Miekle, Bolt; acid Ann, visited Sunday with the former's daughter and son-'-;f•law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac?Millan, and family in Kit- chenez. Visitors at the hone of Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray over the week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen, •of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hansen and Sandra, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur O'Hara and Peter, London; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schualm and Susan, of Strat- ford, and Mrs, Alfred Pfaff, of Zurich. They also visited Mr. Pfaff, who is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Rcbert Miekle returned the begiir'ng of the week to attend University of Western Ontario, where he will enter his third year in Honors Physics. He will be a resident •of Sydenham Hall again this year. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Drysdale are artending the national Kins- men convention in Montreal this week. The auction sale of Duncan Stewart, Saturday last, was very successful. High prices were realized, with plenty of antique dealers on hand. The house was sold to Dirk VanWieren, RR 1, Hensall, for $6,000. Mr. Stewart, who owned the prop- erty and who is 99 years young, was on hand for the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fink, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drysdale and Mr. and 'Elrs. Al Scholl, attended the Shriners Convention at In- dianapolis, U.S.A., over the week -end. The Misses Amy and Greta Lammie were prize winners at Western Fair for the various articles listed here: knitted goods. first prize, infant's bon- net. Miss Amy Lammie; men's hand knit socks,second prize, Miss Greta Lammie; Ieather work, wallet, first prize, Miss .Amy Lammie; loom weaving, place mats, Misses Greta and Amy Lammie, first and second, respectively. Mr. end Mrs. Merlin Love, John end Pamela, of London, Ewen. tile MRS. MAUDE I EDDEN, Editor Official Dedication of Education Building Will Be Held on Sunday Three years of planning, working and giving will be cul- minated in the official opening and dedication of the new Christian Education Building of Hensall United Church next Sunday afternoon, September 19, at 3 p.m. This new building adds great- er facilities for Christian edu- cation work within the congre- gation; as it gives 10 extra classrooms for teaching in the church school plus a large and pleasont assembly room used on Sunday for the senior de- partment of the church school, and on other occasions as a general purpose room to be used by the young people and Unit- ed Church Women in various ways, to promote their Iife and work. It is well equipped for sup- pers and teas by a very modern kitchen on the lower level, and a kitchenette on the second level, just off the new church parlor. Included also in this spent a few days last week with Mrs, Love's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, prior to leaving for California where Mr. Love will attend the Uni- versity of Claremont for the corning year. Jack Chipchase left Tuesday for the Toronto Maple Leaf training camp at Peterborough. Mrs. John Henderson is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Rudy Petzke is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Miss Mary Payne, of London, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mit- chell have returned from a de- lightful four weeks' vacation. During their 7,000 -mile motor trip they visited Yellowstone Park, Calgary, Banff, Lake Louise, Edmonton, Moose Jaw, Peace River district, Dawson Creek and other places of in- terest. They travelled by the States, returning home by the Canadian side. Mrs. Anna Moffat, of Bruce, field, was a week -end guest with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc- r5.naono caoo.rnamo®n®e41one..o.a.n....o.®n®oaro..een...a.wnsnan+.wn+ma1 YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND The Official Opening and Dedication OF HENSALL UNITED CHURCH NEW CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BUILDING Sunday, September 19, 1965, at 3 p.m. 0 Speaker: REV. W. C. WINLAW (Fortner Minister) Dedication Chairman of Huron Presbytery Special Music, including Junior Choir aown+enc.nssnwmn.®u.s.nro...u.s.nso.wu.ru•s.n+1romeue.oar►n.aeoi THE,E FRUIT PLAIT RED BREAKF ST DRI K Comes to you FRES r from the dairy is a delicious Mend of fruit flavors with added vitamins. Here is the fruit flavored breakfast drink that comes fresh from the dairy—all ready to serve. Beep contains added Vitamin C and Pro. vitamin A. Has a smooth "never tart" flavor that both children and grown-ups love! And to top everything --- Beep costs less than fresh squeezed juice! Alienable only from dairies—at your door or store HENSALL amoir HURONDALE DAIRY Z U 921 ned addition is a board room, minister's study, and a spacious choir room, It should indeed be a grate- ful and thankful people who gather for the dedication next Sunday by Rev. Arthur Higgin- botham, chairman of Huron Presbytery, It is also antici- pated by the committee in charge of arrangements that the Right Reverend J. R. Mutch- mor, D.D., of Toronto, formerly moderator of the United Church Canada, may also be able to be present. Rev. Currie Winlaw, a former pastor of this congregation, will be guest speaker. Music for the service will be provided by both senior and junior choirs, under the direction of Mrs. John Turkheim, church or- ganist- A reception in the assembly hall will be given by the United Church Women, with Mrs. Vern Alderdice as convenor. An ap- preciation of all for the many hours of planning toward the erection of this beautiful struc- ture, must go to the men who served so faithfully and well on the building committee and the finance committee. The building committee are as follows: Walter Spencer, chairman; Douglas Cook, sec- retary; Robert Drysdale, treas- uruer; Elgin Rowcliffe, Ken- neth Elder, Edison Forrest, Vern Alder dice and Jack Corniel (deceased). The finance committee are: Ian McAllister, chairman; Ro- bert Drysdale, Elgin Rowcliffe, Ross Forrest, Don Joynt, Bill Mickle, Lorne Hay, Robert Rea - burn, James McGregor, Clar- ence Smillie, Peter McNaugh- ton. The committee in charge of planning the dedication service are: Rev. Harold F. Currie, min- ister; James McGregor, chair- man; Lorne Hay, Eric Mans- field, Peter McNaughton, Mrs. Walter Spencer and Mrs. Robert Drysdale. Hensall Bride Honoured At Several Showers Mrs. Ra ye Armstrong, tzong, 1Ien- sail, the former Dianne Koeh- ler, whose marriage was sol- emnized in Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Saturday, Septem- ber 11, was honored at several functions prior to her wedding, when hostesses for miscellan- ous showers were Mrs, Bert Bean, Goderich; Mrs. Glenn Koehler, RR 2, Hensall; Mrs. Luella Willert, Hensall, and Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Clinton, She was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Tne bridal party were enter- tatned at the home of groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstrong, Varna, following re- hearsal Friday evening. At a reception and dance in the Zurich Community Centre Saturday evening, which was packed for the occasion, the young couple were presented with a well-filled purse of money. The address was read by Ken Boyce and presentation made by John Erb. Music was supplied by Desjardine Orch- estra. 0 Legion Auxiliary Plain Anniversary President Mrs. Roy Smale presided for the first meeting of the fall season of Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, Wed- nesday evening, in the Legion Hall. The charter was draped in memory of the late Mrs. Wesley Venner. The group will cater to a wedding in October and will observe their 15th anniversary on October 7. To commemorate the event they will visit veter- ans at Westminister Hospital, London. Mrs. Roy Smale won the guessing prize and Mrs. Mary Taylor the mystery. Bingo was played and a pot luck lunch served. United Church Rally Day services will be held in Hensall United Church next Sunday morning, September 19 at 11 a,m. This is a combined service of the Church. School and the morning eongreation. The teaching session will be withdrawn so that the children may attend the morning wor- ship with their parents as a family unit, Tlie church school are given an opportunity to con- tribute at this service toward the mission work of the church through their special rally day envelopes. The congregation of Hensall United Church are deeply grate- ful for the beautiful pulpit drape presented by the Pater- son family, Mrs, Robert Pater- son and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pa- terson, at the morning worship last Sunday morning in memory of Mr. Robert Paterson, Walter Spencer, clerk of ses- sion, on behalf of the family presented the drape for dedica- tion by Rev. H. F. Currie, !Chrselhurst UCW Resume Meetings Chiselhurst UCW made plans for their annual fall bazaar on October 29, when they resumed their meetings Tuesday evening. Seventeen members answered the roll call. Worship was led by Mrs. Ben Stoneman, on "Born to the Purple". Mrs. William Brint- nell read the Scripture and gave a prayer for missionaries. Mrs. T. Brintnell convened the program on "Stewardship", and gave a paper on "What is my business". 1Vlrs. Percy Har- ris gave a reading, "The Button Box". Mrs. Harold Parker presided for the meeting and closed with prayer. Hostesses Mrs. Gerald Glenn, Mrs, William Brintnell and Mrs, Ross Sararas served lunch, PAGE THIRi.I1 Honey Crop Ready More people are eating more honey, according to beekeepers, processors, wholesalers and re- tailers. This was revealed at a recent meeting of the Ontario Food Council, when reports were given that sales have ii-- creased more than one-third above last year in many 'cut- lets. The new 1965 crop is new available, and, although utzfer, tunately, honey production in Ontario was affected by severe drought and crop conditions early in the season, much will depend on sunshine and honey. producing crops in the next few weeks. Most honey on the consumer market today is No, 1 grade, art lower grades are used for other purposes. It is available h creamed and liquid forms, which give smooth, fine -tex- tured, creamy honey that will remain clear of crystals for many months. N11111111111111111111111....armal New CSV Service for HENSALL CUSTOMERS Want To Ship a Carload? Need Information? Beginning September 21, just pick up your phone, dial the operator, and ask for ZENITH 00550, and you'll be put through to CN in London free of charge. Watch your mail for the handy CN telephone card. it'll give you a list of our London department numbers for ready reference, CANAD1.9N NATIONAL MI CED Smoked Side ib. 49c aeon - - ib. 6 S� c Pork or Bee Save 24c— Solid White Meat —7 -Oz. Tins Paramount TM 3/$1 Save 9c — Peter Pan — 8 -Qt. Size Pu led Wheat Save 18c— Clark's -48 -Oz. Tins Tot to Juice 2 65c 894 PV,11,17:11=307011=SEMOSEN=Marti=i6ii=11201161MMTEMNIMMIta FROZEN FOOD atzlzesi Save 10 — 1-lighliner (Haddock) — 24 -Oz. Pkgs. Fish/Chip Dinner _ _ _ _ 55c Save 14c — Green Giant -14-0z. Tins filets Save 10c— Good Morning -24-0z. Marma Save 10c— Kraft -16 Oz. Jar 11 51 5/8 ees Save 16c -3 -Lb. Economy Pack � 3Z � `�I f ue "'J�k of et argeri e _ 89c Save 6c — Betty Brownie Crocker's — 15 Oz. 2/79c Save. 6c — Betty Crocker's — 14 Oz, Date Sare Mix_ - - ave 6c — Betty Crocker —16 Dz. +YY Butterscotch Squares /c PRODUCE FEATURE misizramecenzamacnizzauz Save 19c— No. 1—Size 1 80c Sunkist Oranges _ 2doz. 59c