HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-09-09, Page 37L nI.v_ 1* THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1965 PAGE THRYlIM 74e et44ee About People You Know .. ITEMS ABOUT HENSALL Cirdy Bisback, 4 -year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bisback, will be admitted as a patient to the Crippled Child- ren., Treatment Centre, London, Wednesday, September 8, where she will be taking treat- ments. Mrs, J. R, Murdock of Bruce - field and Miss Minnie Reid of London, returned this week from a three months tour of the Eritish Isles, and reported a long -to -be -remembered holi- day trip. They travelled both ways by sea and found life on board ship most enjoyable. Upon their arrival at Montreal, they game home by train, Mrs. Murdock staying over in Toron- to, with her daughter and Bon- in -law and family, and Miss Reid continuing on to London. Herb Hedden is recuperating from injuries he received in a scar accident. He suffered a fractured right shoulder, coll- ar bone a sprained ankle and 17 stitches in his head. He was treated at St. Joseph's Hospital and later released. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell at- tended the funeral of Mr. Bell's aunt, the late Mrs, Jessie Elder, .at Seaforth on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DuLong and BeLynn, Blenheim, visited +recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan. Ducar' Stewart of Huronview, attended the funeral of his sis- ter, Mrs, Jessie Elder in Sea - forth, 'on Wednesday. Miss Pauline Bell .spent the month of July at St. Thomas Figure Skating Club and was a guest at the Schumacher club during August. She is now skating at Briarwood Arena in Sarnia. John Soldan was in Toronto last .eek attending the CNE. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haslip and family, Burlington, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kennedy re- cently. Mr. and Mrs Howard Smale have returned from a week's vacation at Eckford Camp, Res- toule. Mrs. Gus Voth, of Royal Oak, Mich.. visited over the week- end holiday with her mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson. :hiss,, Ruth Anne Traquair and Mr. Terry North, St. Thomas, visited on Saturday with Mr. and ass. Harry Snell. Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Hooper, Exeter. visited last week with the hitter's father, Mr. George Smale, and other relatives. They also called on friends in the village. Mrs. John Henderson, who has spent the past three weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bates, of Whytewold Beach, 1.Ianitoba, near Winni- MRS, MAUDE REDDEN, peg, and other relatives, ar- rived home on Sunday, She was accompanied home by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Keith Lindsay and f a m i 1 y, of Willowdale, who spent the week -end at the Hen- derson residence. Visitors with Mrs. Hugh Mc- Murtrie for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eller, To- ronto; Mrs, Ross Dick, London; Mr. and Mrs, Ray Hiller, John, Steven and Jimmie, of Chat- ham. Jim B i s b a c k, graduate of South Huron District High School, received word Saturday from Western University that he had been awarded a $400 Atkinson Bursary. Jim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bisback, will enter university shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer spent the holiday week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith at their cottage at Ipperwash. The first bus scheduled for the boat and bus trip for Septem- ber 12 has been filled. There are still seats available for the second bus. Anyone interest- ed is asked to contact Mrs. Fred Beer, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, Mrs, Bill Knights, Stewart and ,Jane, of Blenheim, have returned home after holidaying for the month of August with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Flowers in the United Church sanctuary Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mrs. Wesley Venner. Kippen East WI will hold their Agricultural and Canadian Industries meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles Eyre, Wednes- day, September 15, at 8:30 p.m. Speaker, Mr. Fred Sloman; . roll call, "Things money cannot buy". Lunch convenor is Mrs. Stewart Pepper. Charles Mickle left Monday for Hamilton where he will be- gin his fourth year of high school teaching, at the West - dale Secondary School. 0 Honored On 1 02nd .Birthday M r s. Euphemia Munshaw, patient at Parkwood Hospital, London, was honored at a birth- day party Friday at the hos- pital for all patients whose birthdays are in September. Mrs. Munshaw, who will cele- brate her 102nd birthday on Thursday, September 16, was a •daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh, of Varna, where she was born and later married her husband James. Prior to her husband's death in 1943, they operated stores in Wingham and Detroit. She has been a resident of Park - wood since 1963. s Som.<•. lr_M1_0 IIi 0 fr_ll_Ir_<I o_u_,1_11 OM.4..0 u 10_0 YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND l The Official X Opening and Dedication s OF I HENSALL UNITED CHURCH I NEW U CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BUILDING i 1 1Sunday, September 19, 1965, at 3 p.in. I Speaker: REV. W. C. WINLAW (Former Minister) A Dedication Chairman of Huron Presbytery Id Special Music, including Junior Choir i V...'u ,x_„_0_0_0_0_0, .0_0_o••••••0<=10 U01.l.n_0_0:0_p_U•••••.R NOTICE OF Hydro Interruption ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 5 A.M. TO 8 A.M. Affecting customers north of Main Street anti east of Nelson Street, Hensali HensaII P.U.C. Editor HensaII UCW Resume Meetings The autumn season for Unit- ed Church Women, unit 4, of Hensall United Church, began with the regular monthly meet- ing in the new Fellowship Hall on Thursday afternoon with an attendance of 25, Mrs. James McAllister opened with invo- cation, "Love is the fulfilling of the law". Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. Sim Roobol and their group were in charge. Mrs. Mickle presided and offered a prayer of thanks. The devotion on hospitality taken from Genesis was given by Mrs. Albert Alexander. Two sacred piano solos were given by Mrs. Mickle. Miss M. Ellis gave the study on Brazil, which was most interesting. Mrs. Mickle thanked all who assisted and all who attended and extended a gracious invi- tation to remain for a cup of tea. Mrs. McAllister took the chair for the business. The visita- tion committee for July and August included all the mem- bers and each one reported. The general meeting will be held the fourth Monday of the Month, September 27, and will commence with a pot luck sup- per starting at 6:30 p.m. with unit 1 in charge. The official opening of the new Christian Education Build- ing is scheduled for Sunday, September 19, 3 p.m. Mrs. Walter Spencer and Mrs. Lorne Hay are in charge with two rep- resentatives from each unit as well as social functions com- mittee. The group was remind- ed that on Saturday, Septem- ber 11, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., there is a fellowship meet- ing at Goderich United Church camp. Plans were made for flowers and nursery in the church for the month of September. The Thank -Offering in Oct- tober is in charge of Mrs. W. B. Cross and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt. Each unit has their own thank - offering. Mrs. McAllister gave high- lights of leaders training school Obituary ORVILLE R. MITCHELL Residents of Hensall and sur- rounding community were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Orville R. Twitchell, prominent and popular busi- nessman in the village for over 40 years, who operated Twit- chell's Garage, He died sud- denly in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, Thursday in his 68th year. In municipal life, Mr. Twit, chell served as •councillor for a number of years and was al- ways interested in all the ac- tivities of the village. Surviving are his wife, Verna Preszcator, three daughters, Mrs. Allan (Shirley) Davidson; Mrs. Lloyd (Gloria) Mousseau, HensalI; Mrs. Peter (Audrey) Loiocomo, Tecumseh; one son, Murney, London. Private funeral service was held from Bonthron funeral home, Saturday, conducted by Rev. H. F. Currie. Burial was in Maitlandbank Cemetery, Sea - forth. The bearers were Stan Tudor, Dave Kyle, Joe Flynn, Ron Mock, Jim Bengough and Bert Horton. o VARNA NEWS Miss Annie L. McConnell, of Pittsburgh, Penn., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kain and family, of Montreal, Que., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kain and family, of Mount Forest, called on friends here on Thursday last. The services in the United Church will be withdrawn next Sunday, Setpember 12, owing to anniversary services in the Goshen United Church. at Alma College, St. Thomas, the theme being "Eternal Val- ues in a changing World", it is designed to help U. C. W. rec- ognize and meet todays crises, "If we are able to live by Faith and Love, the two eternal val- ues in the midst of a changing world we need have no fears for the future". United Church Women The United Church Women held their September meeting on Thursday last in the church, with 33 members in attendance. Group four was in charge of devotions with Mrs. Percy John- ston leading. Mrs, William Clarke read the Scripture and Mrs. Frank Hill gave the medi- tation. Two poems were given by Mrs. William Dowson, Mrs. Lyle Hill led a discussion from the book, "God and His Pur- pose". There were 50 sick and shut- in calls made by the members during the summer holidays. The business period was con• ducted by the president, Mrs, Robert Taylor. Arrangements are being made to hold the annual supper early in October. Two members were present- ed with life membership cer- tificates and pins. Mrs, Lee McConnell read the address and Mrs. T. J. Pitt made the pres- entation to Mrs. Jessie Stelck, in honor of her 90th birthday, and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson read the address and Mrs. Charles Reid made the presen- tation to Mrs. Gladys Coleman, who is leaving the community to take up residence in Hensall. Group three served tuaoh srt the close of the meeting, 0 Huron County Crop Report Continued damp, dull weath- er is delaying harvesting oper- ations. A few fields of beans have been harvested but it will he next week before the big start to pull. Corn is maturing very slowly. Federal -Mogul - Bower (CANADA) LIMFTE REQUIRES D MEN and WOMEN FOR FACTORY SHIFT WORK for its STRATFORD AND MITCHELL PLANTS We offer attractive wages and benefits and (excellent opportunities for advancem nnt> For Stratford APPLY TO 1030 ERIE STREET, or CALL 271-3360 For Mitchell APPLY 80 ARTHUR STREET, or CALL 348=8471 ROLLED PFT "M : s' d I 5(HUCK % ht' c 1 S. $1.00 CUBED 55c LL BUTT RK 55c LB SH 39c L FRESH PORK 64 -Oz. Jug Jovex,, oc Of hack _ _ 39 Twin Pack Scott Towels . 2/89c Scott Refill Wax Paper !Roils - - ,_ 2/49c 49c Treesweet — 48 -Oz. Tins Orange Juice ONTARIO No. 1 50 LB, BAG 1.19 411".11,141^.0•47•4•••0 4. FROZEN FOOD • Compare at 69c — 10 Oz. Beef, Chicken Swanson TV Dinners _ or Turkey 55c Astro! — 28 -Oz. Tins Fancy Peaches 331 Thrift -24 Oz. Liquid Detergent - - - - 49c Hair Dressing—Regularly 79c Brykcreern, Special - - _ 59c Club House — 2 Lb. Peanut Butter 65c