HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-09-02, Page 8Ph. $E ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1165: ippin' e'er Sports by Angus 'Red' McIntosh The MAA playoffs started eileriday night. Some el the teams have been short players Ter the games because of vaea- titns and some of the games were forfeited. The managers have been doing a lot of the umpiring because .Angus Mc- Ir,t•osh, who started the season as umpire in chief, has quit the position and no one has re- placed him. Some of the umpires have done more than their share of wc'rk and deserve a lot of cred- it. There have been several ocmplaints by the players and managers about the umpiring ern it has been good for the Experience the umpires have 1 Lad. .e Dashwood Tigers have bf-Er, eliminated from further pay this year as far as OBA hesebail is concerned, They dropped a tough serifs to Zur- ich. four games to two. with two tie games. but deserve a lot ('S credit for the fine p-erforrn- °, IPS IV 1 Theatre - Clinton �'hildrer: Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free Two Complete ShowsNig.tty COME AS LATE AS ll P.M. AND SEE A COMPLETE w SHOW Box Office Open at 7:30 p.m. (FIRST SHOW AT 8 P,M, THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 2.3 Yourself Codec tri" The Dove dark Fve MARY ANN MOBLEY CHAD E.VERETT JOAN OBRIEN THE ANIMALS C c•ilor Cartoon .er.r,ns.rar.e.wrv.e+' SATURDAY and MONDAY September 4-6 - DOUBLE FEATURE - Itinclialets y' ER.NEST BORGWIINE JOE FLYNN Color PLUS "Forty Pounds of TONY CURTIS, PHIL SILVERS Calor Cartoon .�.w'-.rww,�ra1MMrw.r-< SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY September 5 "Masque I i usque ofthe Red i'ea KiltA (Adult Entertainment) VINCENT PRICE HAZEL COURT Color PLUS "The Brain Th' Wouldn't lee Ac;i :t Entertainment) Cartoon e..rwra.rm.o. nn... TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 7-8 Li �4 ves an Lovers" (Adult Enter1ainr e::t) JANET LEIGH VAN JOHNSON SHELLEY WINTER'S Cartoon anc•e they turned in during the season and the playoffs. The man who deserves the most credit is Ron Merner. Ron got their team organized this year and kept them to- gether all season. He took on a big task when he entered the team at the start of the year, as only Bob Hoffman and Bill Schade had came out to prac- tice with Zurich and showed much interest in playing ball. But they got enough players for a team and as they played together for a while they start- ed playing a good brand of baseball. We take aur hats off to Ron Merner, the manager of the team; Larry Weida, their stat- istician, and the players, Bob Hoffman. Bill Schade, Art, Ken and Richard Rader, Mike and Alphonse Denomme, Wayne and Dave Ratz. Eugene Guen- ther, Gordon Vincent, Ken Gettner. Jack Schenk and the rest of the people who helped revive baseball in Dashwood. The Zurich bowling lanes are almost ready for another season of bowling. The Ladies' iLeague starts on September 7, and the Mixed League will be starting September 14. Open bowling will begin on Saturday. September 10, with I open bowling Saturday and Sunday. Congratulations go to Zurich's fine young pitcher, Jim Pfaff, who was married on Saturday. He has playgd fine ball for Zurich in his first season with the team. and on behalf of the ball club and the fans we want to pass on our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff. and wish them a happy future. Zurich won the toss for the third game in their OBA series with Ivy. If the Kings Iose Sunday's game there. the final tante will be played on Mon- day, September 6. in Zurich, unless the Sunday game gets rained out. A bus will be taken to the i game in Try with room for pas- sengers still available. Anyone wishing to go can call Phil Overholt or see Louie WiIlert for tickets. :r. Earl Wagner ended the Dash- wood -Zurich season as the top hitter. The fielding honors go to Ken Gettner, Jim Bedard, Mike Denomme, Doug O'Brien. Angus McIntosh and Eugene Guenther, Player BA FA Wagner D. Bedard Guenther _.- Hoffmann _ .571 .400 .384 .347 Don O'Brien _ _ .347 D. O'Brien _ _ . _. _. _ .333 McIntosh .294 Schade _. _. _... .291 K. Rader .263 A. Denomme _ _._ . _ .240 A. Rader . _ _._-.._ .237 Vincent - _ .222 Haggitt __ •__ .192 M. Denomme __ . _ .187 Johnston _.._._____ .185 Stade .178 Pfaff .142 Overholt .136 D. Ratz _ _ -- .125 R. Rader .__ -. .125 Jim Bedard .000 Jim Dalton _ .000 K. Gettner .000 W. Ratz . .. .000 Schenk .000 Louis WiIlert, secretary -treas- urer of the Zurich Kings ball team, informed the players last night that the $180 debt the club was in from last year had been wiped out. .A lot of cred- it must be given to Louie for the upsurge in profit the club has this year. He has done a fine job with the books and has made a Iot of money for the team by going around al- most single handed and selling the ball pools on several of the games the Kings have played. This alone has helped the kitty grow. He has also done most df the advertising for the club and every poster he put up had a bit to do with the increase in crowds. Two Sunday games and the impevement in the ealibre of hall played has also helped im- prove the crowds. Fewer golf scores have been turned in this week than in any of the weeks since we Started putting the scores in the paper. The best score shot this week is Jim Brahman's 38. Jim is a new resident in Zur. .933 .833 .1000 .973 .937 .1000 .1000 .894 .977 .863 .666 .976 .815 .1000 .847 .943 .888 .800 .938 .875 .1000 .500 .1000 .000 .000 Minor MI Hits Zurich Kings Eliminate Dashwood; PIa��Hs; Ptenry o� �c��o� coming One :,,arne Up On Ivy Le.als In OBA Monday night the Zurich MAA playoffs got underway with the Dodgers and the As- tros taking 1.0 Ieads in their best two out of three series against the Braves and Car- dinals. Both games were close, excit- ing, high scoring affairs which could have gone either way. Pete Regier was one of the top stars in the Dodgers win over Braves. He connected for one home run, two doubles and a single in four times at bat and scored three runs. Barry Thiel was another important factor in the victory with four singles and two runs. Kevin McKinnon supplied the power for the win- ners with two weIl-hit, line drive home runs. He also scored on a walk in the second inning, his two home runs com- ing in the same inning. Steve Stark also scored three times and had two hits, one for extra bases to round out the major- ity of the Dodgers offensive attack. Paul Flaxbard scored twice for the winners and had three walks. Gerald and Rick Gren- ier rounded out the scoring for the victorious team. The losing club was paced by three runs each scored by Shane McKinnon, R. Decker and David Jantzi. Shane's runs came as the result of two walks and a home run, while David's cane from two walks and a life on an error. Decker singled, walked and score his other run after he reached base when the catcher missed his strike out. In the Astro win, it was Clare Lawrence and Ronnie Desjar- dine setting the pace with two runs each, one of Lawrence's runs being a home run. Doug Coxon, Larry Hess, Garry Truemner, Ron Corri- veau, Luke Jantzi and Ray Finkbeiner scored the other runs for the Astros. Doug Meidinger starred in a losing cause for the Cardinals. He tripled twice and scored three runs. Mozart Gelinas had two singles and scored twice for the losers. with single runs going to Leo Debus, Dave Sie- bert, John Corriveau and Rick Regier. The next games will be play- ed at the Separate school on Thursday. Umpiring the games were Don O'Brien, Bob McKin- ley, Gordon Bloch and Liz Schilbe. 0 Bob f an Top a'.sA ,, oaf Flitter (by Larry Weido) The Dashwood Tigers have completed their season of base- ball, and for their first year back in the Huron -Perth League they made a good showing. After losing to the league's top team in the playoffs, they hook- ed up with Zurich in as tough a series of baseball as could be founjd anywhere, and finally, after eight games in what was supposed to be a seven -game series. they were eliminated from play far the season. Bob Hoffman Ield the team in both hitting and fielding de- partments in all the regular and playoff games played. Bill Schade was the runner-up bit- ter and Mike Denomme came second in the fielding race. The team finished the season with a batting average of .202, with the fielding average .785. Player Bob Hoffman Bill Schade Gond Vincent A. Denomme .Art Rader E. Guenther Ken Rader Dave Ratz _ Mike Denomme Richard Rader Ken Gettner Wayne Ratz . _. J. Schenk _ BA FA .378 .918 .311 .816 .208 .452 .208 .858 .204 .703 .189 .883 .136 .734 ,130 .890 .094 .900 .091 .883 .000 .715 .000 .250 .000 .333 ieh and must be a good golfer as he shot fours on every hole hut: /cumbers 3 and 4, when he came up with 5s. Doug Stade shot a 41, which was the next Lot score. The Zurich Kings came up with their easiest victory of the season, Sunday afternoon, 8-2 over Ivy Leafs in the first gazne of the OBA semi-final series. Six Kings slid the scoring with Phil Overholt topping the list with three important runs. Zurich lashed two pitchers for their 10 hits. They added four walks and one hit batter while Ivy chipped in with five errors. Overholt and Stade were the top hitters with two each. Dick Bedard hurled for the Kings and allowed five hits in the nine -inning contest. He was in complete control most of the game and had trouble in just two innings. Once, if three players had caught a ball instead of all three just watch- ing it drop between them, and two of their team-mates had not made errors before that, he would have had a scoreless game until the eighth inning. Zurich shot ahead 3-0 in the second inning when they put together a base on balls and three hits for the runs. Over- holt started the inning by draw- ing a walk. Dick Be d a r d, George Haggitt and Jim Bedard all singled. They all scored except Haggitt who was erased at home on a fielder's choice. A wild pitch and five stolen stolen bases in the inning aided in the production of the runs. Eight men batted in the third inning for Zurich with only two runs being scored. Don O'Brien and Phil Overholt tallied the run. O'Brien hit a long double and Overholt singled. Rick Stade also singled and Jin Be- dard and Haggitt walked. How- ever, the bases were left loaded when McIntosh grounded out. Eight men batted again in the fourth inning for the Kings and again the bases were left loaded and only two runs scored. Johnston and Overholt picked up the two runs. Bob singled and stole second before scoring on Phil's hit.. Phil took second when the centrefielder let the ball pass him and scored while Stade and Dick Bedard were reaching base on errors by the third baseman and the shortstop. Ivy broke through for a run in the fifth inning. Kell start- ed with a hit but was erased when Don O'Brien threw him nut when he tried to steal sec- ond. Banning then reached base on Johnston's error and Shewell was safe on Haggitt's error. Ellis hit a short pop fly to right field that dropped between Haggitt, McIntosh and Jim. Bedard when the fielders all thought the other should take it, and this scored Ban- ning. Zurich got the run back when one of the guys who was par- tially responsible for allowing Ivy's run, McIntosh, reached. base on a bunt single, stole sec- ond, was moved to third by Wagner and scored when John- ston hit a ball to the second sacker, who tried to cut the run off at home plate but was too late with his throw. There was nd more scoring until the eighth inning when Arnold walked, advanced to second on a wild pitch before Ellis moved him to third with his single and then came home when BIack hit a fly to Over- holt which was too hard to han- dle and dropped with an error charged on the play. The next game of the series is Sunday in Ivy, which is about seven miles from Barrie, with the third game, if needed, in Zurich on Labor Day, at 2:30. RITE Zurich __ 032 210 OOx-8 10 4 Ivy ___ _ 000 010 010-2 5 5 Win Series 4-2 Over Doshwood The Zurich Kings came up with two runs in the fifth inn- ing on Thursday night and edged the tough young Dash- wood Tigers, 3.2, and gained the right to enter O B A play - downs. The winners were coasting along 1-0 behind Jim Pfaff's superior pitching until the fifth inning when the Tigers put together a double, single, base on balls and a hit batter for two runs and their only lead in the game. The Kings came up with two singles and a walk to get their two runs for the victory, in the bottom of the inning. The highlight of the game was Pfaff's fine pitching per- formance. He retired seven men on strike -outs and had a no-hitter going until Art Ra- der's two -out single in the fourth inning. Up until that time he had retired eleven men in a row and ended the game with a three hitter. Eugene Guenther was hurling for Dashwood and allowed sev- en hits while recording five strikeouts. The first threat was made by Zurich in the second inn- ing when Haggitt and McIntosh had back-to-back singles with two out, but the scoring threat ended when Guenther fanned the next batter. Rick Stade scored the first run of the game in the third inning. He singled and stole second base. Don O'Brien walk- ed and Phil Overholt singled to score the run. In the fifth inning both Pfaff and Guenther struck out three batters but still allowed two runs to score. Dashwood got their runs when Ken Ra- der, who was a surprisingly sharp hitter in the series, dou- bled home Alphonse Denomme and Gordon Vincent. Ilen- onrme had singled and 't tniient was hit by a pitch. The Kings fought back and a base on balls to Tion O'Brien started the Dashwood downfall. He stole second on a play that Dashwood figured they had him out, then scored on Dick Bedard's single, and again the Dashwood club figured he was out on the play. Bedard went to second on the throw to home and scored when Earl Wegner smashed a single to right field. The Tigers batt e d iii the sixth inning but went out one., two, three and the game was called on account of darkness. Johnson, Stade, Overholt, D. Bedard, Wagner, Haggitt and McIntosh were the Zurich hit- ters while Alphonse Denomme and two of the three .Racier brothers, Ken and Art, picked up the Dashwood hits. Zurich ______ 001 02x-3 7 0 Dashwood _.___ 000 020-2 3 ti SECOND ANNUAL RODEO 271iz Miles West of Exete,', om Huron Street TWO BIG PERFORMAI"1i:SS SAT., SEPT. 4 2 P.M, SUN., SEPT. 5 2 P.M. w411v,nr+wvrrs+r11k Calf Roping • Bulid .3gisvg, Ladies' Barrel Race - Steer and Bronc Rang Rodeo Clowns and Lucky Draw. TH RI.LLS TAR GATE ADMISSION IS YOUR TICKET TO SPECTACLE! Buy advance safe tickets again this year *******************-***** DOZENS OF FABULOUS FREE ATTRACTIONS including 3 Grandstand Extravaganzas every days Evening Grandstand Show, Sept. 10 and 11 Two Shows Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. Popular Singing M.C. of Television Fame MIKE S Singing Star of Stage, TV, Radio and Records CARMEL Evening Grandstand Show, Sept. 13, 14 and 15 Two Shows Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. Favourite TV Funnyman GEORGE Swinging Singing Stec JOBB' TH E MAORI SINGERS and DANCERS Hubert Cast'le's Master JACK Illusionist BAUER COMEDIAN DON RICE r. Personality" GLEN HAYWOOD M.C. AL CI C MR. SOUND EFFECTS WES HARRISON I Master Illusionist JACK BAUER Evening Grandstand Show, Sept. 16, 17 and 18 Two Shaws Nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. Afternoon Grandstand Show, Sept. 17 and 18 at 2 p.m. • HORSE SHOW NIGHTLY at 7:45 p.m. 0 LIVESTOCK COMPETITIONS -SALES e MIDWAY AND KIDDYLAND O HOME AND CULINARY ARTS • DANNY SAILOR, World Champion Tree Climber • CONTESTS WITH VALUABLE PRIZES 0 FARM MACHINERY SHOW 0 WARRIORS' DAY PARADE 11 ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY COM PETITION • COMMERCIAL, EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS GOVERNMENT AND JERRY BANGS and His Gang of Fun and Frolic 0 DENNY THE BABY ELEPHANT ContinuousFair EntertaiGrounnmentds on the HENRY FRENCH Bicycle Thrills and Antics JEANINE PIVOTEAU Thrilling French Aerialist LABATT'S MARIONETTE THEATRE Courtesy of John Labatt Ltd. THE RAMBLER MECHANICAL MAN Sponsored by Gallagher Motors Charterwoys GARLAND PARNELL Organ, Grinder and his Monkey SPECIAL "Tricky -Robb" EXGI1RSECI RATES IAA PACKERS SQUARE DANCING Direct Buses Bait K WILLIAMS A•GO.GO y Sponsored by Coca-Cola Ltd. RED Ride. JAMBOREE Plus Added Attraction THE MAORI SINGERS A N D DANCERS SEPT, 10 -- 4:30 p.m. SEPT. lith -- 2:00 p.m. "The Magic of Fashion" Fashion Variety Show '65 and Special Guest Stars BOBBY VINTON MISS DOMINION OF CANADA and MISS PLAYERS 200 Afternoon Grandstand Show, Sept. 13 at 2 p.m. Rodeo Star JONNY RIVERS and his GOLDEN HORSE RANCH THRILL Show Plus Added Attraction JACK BAUER, Master Illusionist Afternoon Grandstand Show, Sept. 14 and 15 at 2 p.m. Hollywood Death Dodgers AUTO THRILL SHOW Afternoon Grandstand Show Sept. 16 at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. RAMBLER MARLIN BRING THE FAMILY ! ADULTS .... $1 CHILDREN . 2k AT ALL TIMES Gate admission Covers The Whole Show CHEVROLET BEL AIR; RAMBLER CLASSIC; 5 HONDAS