Zurich Citizens News, 1965-09-02, Page 5U-ILRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1945 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS P!A01111r�rvr99 C assified Rates For Sale, etc„ Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriam*, !Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 7Sc, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum SOc. CASH DISCOUNTS— MI Off if paid by Saturday f'oll•owing last insertion. BILLING CHARGE— lec added on second bill FREE— Births, REE—Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE W311TE LEGHORN cockerels, weedy to kill. Call McKinley's F.arn? and Hatchery, 262-2837. 35,b MODEL 60 ALLIS CHALMERS Co.mntdne, with pick-up and mo- ior; :new canvass; good condi- tion. Apply to Elmer Faubert, RR y. Chatham, or phone Chat- ham 252-7344, after 8 p.m. 34,5,b SEE' ;LTR NEW Fall Stock — Hw' Puppie, Shag Puppies, for •all tie family. Also many more mc':& 1 -vies of fall shoes. Oesch .Sh•c+e Store, Zurich. 34,5,b .SLAT WOOD. We deliver. Dal - Bur Lumber, Hensall. Phone 262-'2726, 33tf USED TELEVISION S E T S, ;ark:: c' from $25 up, at Ginger- andService Ltd. 23,b SECND CROP hay, alfalfa and wed rover. John Robinson, phone Hensall 262,5390. BEAN COOKER, one year old, 60 s.`•., square type, 220 volt, ;Op• , v. att. Andrew Rau, Dial 236:+1.53, Zurich. 35,b CHO CE HOLSTEIN springer heife:s, due to calve soon. Ap- ply :^ Jerome Dietrich, RR 3, Zu: is phone 236-4787. 35,6,7,8,p Di MO LABEL MAKERS, and ron'.h'ete line of Dymo tapes, now available at Zurich Citi- zen:, News. Machines at $9.95 yp. .apes at $1.25. 27tf Births DeMOOEY —1VIr. antd IVIrs. A. DeMooey, Zurich, are happy to announce the birth of a son, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday, August 28, 1965. GINGERICH — Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gingerich, RR 2, Zur- ich, are happy to announce the birth of a .daughter, at South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter, on Monday, August 10, 1965. HELP WANTED THREE MEN for work in bean elevator. Apply to Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd•, dial 262-2605. 35,b FOR RENT IN HENSALL — Comfortable home on Queen Street, close to post office and business section. All modern conveniences. Dial 262-2390. 34,4,h HEATED 2 -bedroom apartment, private entrance and garage. Newly decorated. Phone Hen- sall 262-5080. 34,tf THRLE-POINT hitch, 6 -bar bean side r:livery rake. Phone Kip - pen Garage, 262-5186. 35,6,b B1J NESS — Good summer business, lunch counter, gas pump, bait for fishing, located tin wharf at Grand Bend. Ap- ply In Len Rau, proprietor, ,ilial 238-2411. 32,3,4,b HURON County's leading trac- lor and farm equipment depot. Lowest possible prices on stock an hand of tractors and over SO other new machines in stock or l+e:r:g shipped to us at once in bulk shipment, plus a large sto:•): r.f used row crop. Kongs- tilde and other used cultiva- , rs, disc harrows, spring tooth harrow s, grain and fertilizer •rills, planters, manure spread- ers, plows, mowers, swathers, hay N nditioners, combines and many ether machines. Phone 527.1:220, John Bach, LH. Deal- er, S-: aforth. 24,31,p CEMENT TILE — 4 -foot and 3- iloot. with steel reinforcements inside. Lawrence Ziler, RR 3, Dasr.rt,od, phone 31r4 21to27,b MODERN HOME, with all con- veniences, located 21 miles north of Zurich. Apply to Ger- ald Gingerich, dial 236-4351. 28,tf AT ST. JOSEPH—on Bluewater Highway, 5 -room home, reason- able rent. Apply to Mrs. Sarah Geoffrey, dial 236-4163. 28,tf BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. MODERN Ground Floor apart- ment, with bath, two bedrooms and laundry room. Apply to Bill Smith, phone 236-4913, Zurich. 32,3p HEATED APARTMENT — Up- stairs. Available immediately. Contact Tasty -Nu Bakery, Zur- ich. 32,b CUSTOM WORK COMBINING AND SWATHING of grain, beans and corn. We have new equipment to handle your complete job. Phone George Troyer, 262-5282, or 236-4072. 35to41,b UNDERWOOD LETTERA 32, portst e typewriter; new;! reg- ular $99.50 for only $85. South 31u;on Publishers Limited, Zur- ich. 21,p 3I ODF RN HOME, well located sn the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway and tg garage. Apply to Miss Medi, : Surerus, Zurich. 236-4396. 46tfb 195P CHRYSLER Windsor, 2- atna+: hardtop. Phone Zurich 236.4731. 24,5,p VALUABLE PROPERTY — 8 ;acres of choice land, nicely sit- uated in northwest section of Zurich. Ideal for sub -division 'or industrial site. Apply to Mrs. Freida Heideman, Zurich, 32tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED D — 3-bedroomnouse in tl .n:1 rll. Cash sale. Write Tlr , f3. »n call. 35,b SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Cards of Thanks We wish to take this oppor- tunity of thanking all our rela- tives, neighbors, friends and all those who helped in any way, for the cards, visits, goold wishes and gifts, on the occa. sion of our 25th silver wedding anniversary. — Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedard, 35,p I wish to thank my neighbors, friends and relatives for the nice cards, treats and prayers while I was a :patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, L o n d o n. Special thanks to Father Doyle, the Sisters, the C.W.L., and the nurses, and Sisters of Brescia Hall.—Mrs. Alex Mei•dinger. 35,p MARLATT'S DEAD STOCK REMOVAL HIGHEST CASH prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses, $5.00 and, up weighing over 1,000 lbs.- For prompt service, please call collect: Marlatt Bros., phone 133, Brus- sels, 24-hour service, Licence No. 390-C - 65. 14,26,p CUSTOM COMBINING — Grain and beans, with Case 600 self- propelled combine. Reasonable prices. Contact Laverne Gould, 36r4, Dashwood. 33,4,p I wish to thank all those who sent me cards, flowers and gifts, and the many who paid me visits, while in South Hur- on Hospital. Special thanks to my neighbors and friends, Rt. Rev. W. Bourdeau, Dr. Walden, Dr. GoddarUl, Dr. Gans, and to all the friendly nurses who were so good to me. — Clem Regier. 35,b We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown during our bereavement. —The Chris Gingerich family. 35,p IN MEMORIAM CUSTOM COMBINING — Grain or corn, with Massey super 92 self-propelled combine. Con- tact Edgar Willert, 236-4724, Zurich. 32,3,p CUSTOM COMBINING — with Case 1010, with straw chopper, 2 self unloading wagons, 40- foot PTO auger. Will combine wheat, oats, barley, beans or corn. Call Peter Bedard, RR 1, Dashwood, dial 236-4665, Zur- ich. 28,tf SANITATION Services — Sep- tic pumping, tank and drain- age. Repairs. For immediate s e r v i c e, phone Bill Finch, 238-2291, Grand Bend. Denomme—In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, William Denomme, who passed away September 4, 1964. The dearest father the world could hold, With cheery smile and heart of gold, To those who knew him, all will know. How much we lost, one year ago. —Sadly missed and always re- membered by daughter Lil, and son-in-law Tony, and grand- children. 35,p Drysdale (Continued from Page 1) his mother and other members of the family over the week- end. Farmers had the good weath- IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises in the Village of Hensel'. The undersigned Auctioneer received instructions to sell by public Auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at 1 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of well constructed 2 -storey white brick dwelling, newly installed oil furnace and bathroom; also small barn suit- able for garage. Property consists of lots 15- 19 and 24-28, namely 10 lots, suitable for residential or com- mercial use. Complete list of household furnishings in next week's issue. DUNCAN STEWART, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Denomme — In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, William Denomme, who passed away September 4, 1964. Quickly and suddenly came the call, His sudden death surprised us all; Dearer to memory than words can tell, The loss of one we loved so well. And when old times we do re- call, It's then we miss him most of all. —Sadly missed avid always re- membered by daughter Theresa, son-in-law Leonard, and grand- children. 35,p MASONRY REPAIRS to chim- neys and brick work; pointing and repairs to stone work, plas- ter, fireplaces. Leaks in roofs repaired. Contact Raymond Squire, Box 335, Isabella St., Seaforth, phone 5271332. 32to39,p CUSTOM SWATHING and hay conditioning. C o n t a c t Jack McClinchey, 236-4784, Zurich. >FURNITURE REPAIRED, re- mndled and refinished, Phone 107 Dashwood, 7,tfb Denomme — In loving memory of a dear husband, William Denomme, who passed away one year ago, September 4, 1964. They say time heals all sorrow And 'helps us to forget, But time has only proved to me How much I miss him yet. . Deep in my heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest; In memories frame I shall keep it, Because he was one of the best. —Sadly missed and always re- membered by his wife, Alice. 35,p RECEPTION AND DANCE FOR LEO PAUL BEDARD and SHIRLEY ANNE DEBUS in the Dashwood COMMUNITY HALL ON SAT, , SEPT,. 4 Music by DESJARD1NE ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome Nd WNrPJ.J WNrN.O V W.rA TE DERS er for saving their fall wheat and as well their spring crop. In the month of June things looked blue for the farmers; all crops remained at a stand still due to it being planted when the land was deep dry. Fortunately a heavy rain fell Saturday giving the land the necessary moisture at the right time. When writing of the rain in time and good crops we are referring to these parts. To the memory for the older people it has never been as good in the past. Mr, Maxime Jeffrey, of the 15 concession, a reliable and prosperous farmer, tells us that his oat crop turned out 125 bushels to the acre in a large field. Such yields far surpass the years gone by and the aver- age. Who knows of something better? Will be received by the under- signed for construction of a DIAL EXCHANGE BUILDING on the premises of the under- signed in the Village of Dash- wood. Building is to be Fire- proof, Cement Block, Brick Veneer Construction, approxi- mately 30 ft. x 40 ft. x 9 ft. Drawings a n d Specifications will be made available. Tenders must be sealed and• clearly marked "TENDER" and must be accompanied by a Cer- tified Cheque for guarantee drawn for 10 per cent of the Tender amount. Tenders must be received by the undersigned not later than 6 p.m. Septem- ber 14th, 1965. The Township of Hay Municipal Telephone System, W. C. HORNER, Secretary -Treasurer, Box 99, Zurich, Ontario Oesch—I•n ford and loving memory of our dear grand- mother and great grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch, who passed away one year ago, Sep- tember 4, 1964. If everyone had had a grand- mother like ours, What a wonderful world it would be; She was. gentle, thoughtful, loving aid kind, She was all that a gramma should be; But then came the day God took her away, Just why, we do not know. Forgive us, God, if we mourn her, For she was ours and we loved her. so. We know she is happy in Heaven, For there she is free from pain, So we'll treasure her love, For we know that some day We will see our gramma again. —So sadly missed by Dianne, Ken, Carol, Tom, Ricky and Wendy, 35,p esimmessonsaiserikaren TENDERS This year farmers have been blessed by providence for their good crop and as well good weather for saving it. Even though farmers reaped a heavy crop there is a drawback for them by prices for a paying return. There is no compari- son in the price they receive for their product and those to run their farm. The high price of hired help and as well the high prices they have to pay for their implements to work their land. Some of the farm products they sell are no higher in price than they were some years ago. Why cannot adjust- ment be made for farmers so that their dollar will compete with the business world of to- day. Perhaps some day farm- ers will awake from their long slumber and make the neces- sary demand. wormaravomesoregmai For the Best in TV Serviice, CALL Will be received by the under- signed for electrical wiring and service of a DIAL EXCHANGE BUILDING on the premises of the under- signed in the Village of Dash- wood. Drawings a n d Specifications will be made available. Tenders must be sealed and clearly marked "TENDER" and must he accompanied by a Cer- tified Cheque for guarantee drawn for 10 per cent of the Tender amount. Tenders must be received by the undersigned not later than 6 p.m. Septem- ber 14th, 1964. The Township of Hay Municipal Telephone System, W. C. HORNER, Secretary -Treasurer, Box 99, Zurith, Ontario qo SA !NOS) .0•14ikesi golit sttop Carnation Evaporated Milk 5/77c Cheese Slices, Maple Leaf _ 29c 9 -Oz. Jars Jams and Jellies _ - - - _ 4/89c Miracle Whip, 16 Oz. Salad Dressing 39c LUCKY DOLLAR FOO MARKET CLARENCE GASCHO — ZURICH ANSVIEINITSIZRZEINSt CADAM RADIO AND TELEVISION Dial 236409.4 or 4188 ZURICH mommemmornmommilikullimmni LAKEVIE CASINO rAre� GRAND BEND BY POPULAR REQUEST A Go -Go -Go With Kitchener's THE ROULETTES Featuring Lee and Dee Choir Boy Rock and Roll Singers SEPTEMBER 3 and 4 Fri. and Sat., 9:30 - 12:30 Return Engagement Sunday Night Only ' 9 - 12:30 o'clock THE CHECKFATES Terrific here last week, Hear them before going to ;Ed Sur. liven Show. Frigidaire Ranges Trade in that old range now, on a brand new Frigidaire RANGES AS LOW AS si !ti yd ;re ReIriger.t.is We are in desperate need of your old re. frigerator — the demand is terrific — sa why not deal now when prices are lowesr, 9. (with your trade) (not exactly as illustrated) immencoememisivimpeimummertiamisammempoismiessmin REFRIGERATOR AS LOW AS (with your trada9 (not exactly as illustrated) Fir:i*Nii u, e: •1a:ana FREEZERS AS LOW AS $139.50 GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE CLINTON ZURICH SEAFORTH