HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-09-02, Page 4rGi~ FOUR News of Dashwood District (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Ray Guenther Ray M. Guenther, 40, passed away at 'Victoria hospital, Lon- don. Wednesday, August 25. He is :survived by his wife, the former Jean Ann Wilson; two daughters. Jane and Elizabeth; two ons, ,Iohn and Robert; all at home: his father, Earl, Dash- wooc1. two sisters. Mrs. Glen (Huth) Waiper of London: Mrs. Elkin (Shirley) Kipfer, Dash- wood; two brothers, Lloyd and Rd,,. of Dashwood. The body rested at the T. Har- ry Hoffman funeral home until Saturday at 1 p.m., when the M. 3. James of the Evangelical L'. B. Church, with intermit in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were: Archie Bender, Don Ben- der. Ted Ducharme, Glen and Jim Love, and 11. Bleachler. Mrs. William Schroeder Mrs. William Schroeder. 88, the former Selma Weseloh, passed away at South Huron hospital, Exeter, where she had been a patient for several months. on Thursday. August 28. Besides her husband William, of R.R. 2 Dashwood, she is sur - vived by one daughter. Anne (Mrs. Frederick Smith) of Cook- sville; three sons, Hubert of Exeter, Harold (Bud) of Dash- wood. arid Jacob,of Ilay Town- ship: four sisters, Mrs. William Thiel, of Zurich; Mrs. Thomas Gittus, of Hensall; Mrs. Arthur Meitlinger, of Detroit; a broth- er. Frederick, of Tecumseh, Mich.; also nine grandchildren. The body rested at the T. Harry Koffman funeral home until Saturday, at 4 p.m., when I Rev. H. Fetzer, of Monkton, conducted the service, with in- • torment in Zion Lutheran Cem- etery. Pallbearers were: Albert Ra- der, Howard Maier, Fred Smith, ! Hubert, 11 aro 1 d and Jake Schroeder, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh were Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Knecktel, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Padre, hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Cobers, o Peterborough. S'lr. and Mrs. William Miller, Mrs. Chris Beierling, Harvey and Frieda, spent Friday at Sarnia and attended the funeral of the late Francis LaFond. 0001110 000011100101****, ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS WHIL$ PRESENT STOCK LASTS La ' Chairs REGULAR $6.95 Only $5.45 Wheelbarr a' REGULAR $11.55 Only 59.75 Immmetamapammommommommmammom PATIO Torch Lights "REGULAR $2.49 Only X1.95 Chaise Lounges REGULAR $11.49 Only $9.95 Patio Tables REGULAR $3.98 Only $3.25 43" x 10' Wading Pok REGULAR $3.98 Only $3.25 SETS OF FOUR King Size Snack Tables $9.50 LAR VALUE Only $6.95 REGU 19" CUT -4 -CYCLE P over Ma , t.er REGULAR $61.25 Only $57.75 1 Only $39.95 18" CUT -2 -CYCLE Power Mower Only GOLF SETS 2 WOODS and 5 IRONS Only $39.95 Regularly Priced at $49.95 stsommurimmusissammassum Golf gags REGULAR $8.95 - FOR $7.95 mossommussmissmissomman Golf Carts REGULAR $12.95 - FOR $10.95 REGULAR $43.95 Married 25 Years Ago Father Richard Bedard sang mass in St. Boniface Church,) Zurich, on Saturday morning,1 August 28, for 111r. and Mrs.I Lawrence Bedard, on the oc- casion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mass was served by two sons of the couple, Larry and Aubrey. The couple were married 25 years ago in St. Boniface Church. Best plan and bricl s - maid of 25 years ago.. Napoleon., Bedard and Mrs, Claren0e'' Geoffrey, again attended the couple on the anniversary oe-- casion. Two other brothers of the groom, Claire and Donald' Bedard ushered the guests. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 194 Follow:ng 1:ihe mos.; a family dinner was served at the Do- minion Hotel, Zurich. Open house for relatives and friends was held at the couple's home' "reefs Drop cedes This Time of Year Some home gardeners become disturbed when the old leaves or needles on their evergreen plants become yellow and fall off. horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture say there is no need for concern since this is a normal occurrence. Evergr• eens, de- pending on species and plant o:edition, may r et a i n their Mrs.. 'Naves from one to five years. Each year, new needles are SUNDAY, produced and some of the older, ones on the plant die and fall 10:00 a.m..-.Sund':ar School off. 11:0) a.m.-Wors11 p Service You Are Weeeme This year, many evergreens including fir, pine spruce and yew are showing browning, and'. this year's needles are dying. This is quite prevalent on trees that have been transplanted within the past several years and one of the main reasons for it is the severe June drought that a major part of the prov- lb.ar;,wKa ra ate, St. Peter's Lutheran Churc+ Rev. A. C. Blackwell, H.A., 8.D Pastor Audrey' Haberer. .organist TENDERS ! Firm price bulk tender for a! £5-ited Home for the Aged,; near Zurich, Ontario, will be received by Riddle, Connor, ?'ails and Irvvine, architects, 747 Hyde Park Road, London, Ontario, until 3 p.m., Septem- ber 23, 1965. Sub trades bids are by invi-1 tation. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the architects upon deposit of $50, which will be returned upon receipt of plans and specifica- tions in good condition. Plans may be viewed at the office of the Chamber of Com- merce in Zurich, Ontario. The Board does not bind it- self to accept any tender: G. GINGERICH, Secretary, Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich, Ontario.. :ter the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Bedard have 7IJriek Menrrryni+, three children, Lai ry. Detroit; Aubrey artd Patrick, both at home. 'I ley have Beed) in Zur- ich since the'r m:a:riaee. Pastor: terve: M. Jantzi JESUS CHRIST IS, LO.6@D JESUS CHRIST EST S1_IGNEiJ 0 Mr.. and Mrs. Victor Hartman,. Dashwood,. and Mrs. Tlre•resa Hartman and Robert spent last SSaturday with, Mr. and Mrs. ;11i::ha?1_ Hartman and girls.. at Toronto. 1 JESUS CHRIST IS LORD3 "Because of these cometh the wrath of God: upon the sons•, of disobedience..'' Fornication is one of the sins. which is hr uging the im- pending wrath of God upon the nations. A young man who sins in this way, sins first against the one he pretends to love, then against the holiness of, God. A fornicator is a slave to his passions and to the devil whose purpose it is to destroy God's image in man. A fornicator steals what he cannot pay back. There is a way out. The blood of Jesus Christ has power to heal and deliver. ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER REGULAR VALUE $33.95 Now Only $29.95 PLEASE NOTE After September 1, the store will close Saturday Night at 6:30 p.m, -- Open Every Friday Night Zurich PRO Hardware ilAPOWnat '4f Olt5 Write to THE MENNONITE Box ME EVANGELISM COMMITTEE 1 11 i SUNDAY, d'I,OU a m. -Sunday School. 11:00 a.m -Worship Service. YOU AHE WELCOME' ince experienced. Also, a con- tributing factor could be ferti- lizer injury to the roots under these dry conditions but if th., growing tips are not dead, frequent watering may prove effective. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church. Rev. ,M. Shatto, H.A., B.G.,, M iniater Mrs. Miltzl,n Oesch. Organist SUNDAY, 11.00 a.m.-C'ctureh Scheel o, 10:0n a.m.-Worship Service. l;i ZURICH You Are Wecom.. BILI FIOLIDAY WEEK -END AHEAD! Your last chance ke'r that ,picnic or ba:rbecue1 M'M' GCOO-TASTY-NU; ROLL1:1 Hot Dog and! Hamhurg Rales Pkg. of. - %.c Insist an the' Ses:C- -. Insist on Tasty -•Nis Rnl1's1 BUTTER TAR'S Pkv'., of _ 35c U BAKERY DIAL Z iii'ui fl a FOR D £0 Maple I-!JW`A2.l.J.IYVJ't,P:VMIJJ J:f.1Y.AAJ.J South Huron District High Sc'ho elm Tuesday, Septe er 7, 1965 1 Students are asked to report to the auditorium at 10 a.m. 2 Out-of-town students will be picked up by bus 45 Minutes later than usual. 3 School will be dismissed at 12:30 and buses will be at the school to take students home. 4 The afternoon should be used to purchase school supplies and get note books in order. 5 Grade XIII students will be assigned lockers on open- ing day. Also locks may be purchased by all students and lockers assigned if you have a school lock. Only Dudley combination locks may be used. 6 The Registration Fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) should be presented to the home room teacher on Opening Day. This fee is used to: (1) Help promote student activities in the school; •(2) Pay for your year book "Inkspot 1965"; (3) Provide a caution fee for the careful use of school pt'operty and textbooks. This part of the Regis- tration Fee ($2.50) is refundable in June after all the textbooks are returned, More information about this fee in the student hand- book. '7 Students going to Clinton on Opening Day will be on the same schedule as our students add all the buses will make connection on the above schedule. 8 Regular school hours this school year will he 8:55 a.m. to 3:50 p.m, 9 The school is very crowded and it has been necessary to schedule four 40 -minute lunch hours that begin at 11 o'clock and end at 1:50 p.m. Students will not always have the same lunch hour, hut we have tried our hest to do so. 10 Lateness and absenteeism are a major reason for failure. Please try to co-operate with us to keep both to a minimum. Thank you for your interest and support. L. ID. PALMER,'B.A., M.Ed., Principal Leaf Fancy Red 7::1 Sockeye Salmon 55C, Hereford,---.12 Oz. Corned Beef - - - _ '9c Chase & Sanborn --1.11x. Bag Coffee, 6c Oft _ _ - 79c Post's New --.6.0z. Honeycomb Core ._ 27cc Purex - 2.Roll Pak Toilet Tissue _ - - _12c Top Crop -16 Oz. - Pzt6ce•ges Popping 'Coro - - - _ 33c Pineapp}e-Grapefruit•-43 Ori. ei Monte Drinks _ _ 37c 14 Ounce Nibiets Co _ ^ _ 2/39c FPRICENT 5t. William's -20 Oz. Cherry Pie Ready - - 39c Debbie -32 Oz. Liquid Detergent _ - 9c Charcoal, 5 Ib. bag _ c Deep Brown -15 Oz. L b y's Bens - - - 2/ ,9c s1/Jnier-20 Oz. Cream Style Corn _ 2/39- 11 Ounces Aylmer Catsup _ _ 2/39c Heinz -13 Oz. Barbecue Sauce _ 2 -Lb. Size -20c Off Nestle's Quik - - Club House - 16 Oz. Jar Peanut :Butter _ FRUIT and VEGETABLES LOCAL CELERY, WASHED _ LARGE HEADS S'4O WHITE CAULIFLOWER CR'IS'P NEW CABBAGE - - - 99c 4h STALK 15c 25c 2 HEADS FOR 25c MEAT SPECIALS SKINLESS WIENERS ,_ _ M I N C E D H A M SMOKED PICNICS OE DIAL 236.4354 - ZURriCN _ 2 LBS. For 85c I.B. 55c __,____L . 49c