HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-08-19, Page 5THURSDAY„ AUGUST 19, 1944 ZURICH Clfima SNS. N15311FS. , , PAO* POI Classified Rates For Sate, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, !Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS- 2c a word; Minjmum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS - 5 Off if paid .by Saturday Hallowing Last insertion. a LUNG CHARGE- 10c added on second NIL FREIE-- Births, ILEIE--Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE -- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE GRAIN DRYERS - Propane ideated; Meyer Rotary Batch, 350 bushels size, one year old, power take -off, like new $3788. Behlen Batch, 500 bushels size, eight years old, complete with all electric motors, roof attach- ed. very good condition, only $1500. The driers are being replaced under plant extension program and .are in excellent working condition. Apply Canr:s Mill Limited, Exeter. 30,2,b FOR SALE SLAB WOOD. We deliver. Dal - Bur Lumber, Hensall, Phone 262-2716. 33tf USED TELEVISION SETS, priced from $25 up, at Ginger- ioh's Sales and Service Ltd. 23,b SECOND CROP hay, alfalfa and red clover. John Robinson, phone Hensall 262,5390. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain and beans, with Case 600 self- propelled combine. Reasonable prices. Contact Laverne Gould, 36r4, Dashwood. 33,4,p CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain or corn, with Massey super 92 self-propelled combine. Con- tact Edgar Willert, 2364724, Zurich. 32,3,p CUSTOM COMBINING •-- with Case 1010, with straw chopper, 2 self unloading wagons, 40 - foot PTO auger. Will combine wheat, oats, barley, beans or corn. Call Peter Bedard, RR 1, Dashwood, dial 2364665, Zur- ich, 28,tf SANITATION Services - Sep- DYMO LABEL MAKERS, and tic pumping, tank and drain - ;complete line of Dymo tapes, age. Repairs. For immediate moi, available at Zurich Citi- s e r v i c e, phone Bill Finch, tens News. Machines at $9.95 238-2291, Grand Bend. up. Tapes at $1,25. 27tf :BUSINESS - Good summer business, lunch counter, gas pump, bait far fishing, located ten wharf at Grand Bend. Ap- ply to Len Rau, proprietor, odial 238-2411. 32,3,4,b HURON County's leading trac- tor and farm equipment depot. Lowest possible prices on stock mn :and of tractors and over 30 other new machines in stock ger being shipped to us at once in bulk shipment, plus a large ateck of used row crop. Kongs- kilde and other used cuitiva- 1t,rs, disc harrows, spring tooth harrow s, grain and fertilizer drills, planters, manure spread- ers. plows, mowers, swathers, Shay conditioners, combines and many other machines. Phone 527-0120, John Bach, I.H. Deal- er, Seaforth. 24,31,p CEMENT TILE - 4 -foot and 3- geot, with steel reinforcements inside. Lawrence Ziler, RR 3, Dashwood, phone 31r4 21to27,b 'UNDERWOOD LETTERA 32, iportible typewriter; new;! reg - 'alar $99.50 for only $85. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zur- acb. 21,p MODERN HOME, well located in the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway .and big garage. Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich. 236-4396. 46tfb n59 CHRYSLER Windsor, 2 - door hardtop. Phone Zurich 2364731. 24,5,p THREE BEDROOM home in Zurich, with all conveniences, full basement, oil heat. Phone Zurich 236-4937. 32,3,p SECOND CUTTING of Alfalfa. Apply to M. Quigley, half mile south of St. Joseph, on High- way 21. 32,p VALUABLE PROPERTY - 8 acres of choice land, nicely sit- uated in northwest section of Zurich. Ideal for sub -division or industrial site. Apply to Mrs. Freida Heideman, Zurich. 32tf SECOND CUT Alfalfa and red clover, Apply to Bill Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood. 32,3,b DUO -THERM SPACE Heater. Contact Mrs, Oliver Moore. 33,p .A•STR•ICAN APPLES, $1.00 a bushel if you pick them your- self. Phone 262-5442, Josiah Steckle. 33,p. POTATOES --- Apply to Wilf- red Mousseati. Phone 236-4110. 33,b. HARVEST! APPLE S, - any amount. Contact Bill Watson, !phone 37r18, Dashwood. 32,3,b GIRL'S BICYCLE in good con- dition. Tires like new. Phone 9364976. 32,p REGISTERED HOLSTIEN Cow, from Holstein Unit. Also Choice young beef by the quarter. Available next Week. Apply to Russel Oesch„ Phone 262.5422. ,o FOR RENT IN HENSALL-Two bedroom home, modern conveniences. Apply to Mrs. Jean Turvey, phone 262-2030 after 6 p.m. 33,b 3 -BEDROOM Brick House, 3 - piece bath, cupboards and fur- nace. Three miles from Hen- sall or Zurich. Apply to Keith Love, RR 1, Zurich, dial 236- 4728. 30,p MODERN HOME, with all con- veniences, located 2112 miles north of Zurich. Apply to Ger- ald Gingerich, dial 236-4351. 28,tf AT ST. JOSEPH -on Bluewater Highway, 5 -room home, reason- able rent. Apply to Mrs. Sarah Geoffrey, dial 236-4163. 28,tf BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. MODERN Ground Floor apart- ment, with bath, two bedrooms and laundry room. Apply to Bill Smith, phone 2364913, Zurich. 32,3p HEATED APARTMENT - Up- stairs. Available immediately. Contact Tasty -Nu Bakery, Zur- ich. 32,b HELP WANTED SALESMAN WANTED for an old established feed company, to sell direct to farmers on sal- ary and commission. Our sales- men are covered with an in- surance policy, medical and hospitalization. He must own a car and be between 40 and 55 years of age with recent agriculture experience. Write giving full particulars to Box 4333, Station C, London, On- tario. 29,b TWO WOMEN for part-time work packaging beans, com- mencing September 13. Apply to Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., phone 262-2605, Hensall. 33,b MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE REPAIRED, re- modled and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb CUSTOM SWATHING and hay conditioning. Contact Jack McClinchey, 236-4784, Zurich. MASONRY REPAIRS to chimp neys and brick work; pointing and repairs to stone work, plas- ter, fireplaces. Leaks in roofs repaired. Contact Raymond Squire, Box 335, Isabella St., Seaforth, phone 527-1332. 32to39,p Births INGRAM-Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ingram. (nee Marlene Reid), Hensall, are 'happy to an- nounce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter, Wednesday, August 18. FLEMIN•G-Mr, and Mrs, Greg Fleming are happy to 'an- nounce the birth of a son, Robert Gerard, August 2, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. COMING EVENTS GRAND OLE OPRY from Nash- ville, Tennessee, on August 31, starring Wilma Lee and Stoney Cooper, in the Hensall Arena. Sponsored by Hensall Kinsmen. 29,30,1,2,b Huron County Hog Producers -Pork chop barbecue August 11, 1965, 6 p.ni. to 8:30 p.m., Londesboro Community Hall. Adults $1.50, children under 12, $1.00, Guest speaker, enter- tainment. Caterer s, Wibb's Pinebrooke Farms, Pinkerton. 33,b WANTED LADY WOULD like ride to London daily from September 7, Monday to Friday. Contact 262-2030 Hensall, after 6 pm. 33,b NOTICE SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb MARLATT'S DEAD STOCK REMOVAL HIGHEST CASH prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses, $5.00 and up weighing over 1,000 lbs. For prompt service, please call collect: Marlatt Bros,, phone 133, Brus- sels, 24-hour service, Licence No. 390-C - 65. 14,26,p THE FIRST meeting of the Zur- ich Ladies Bowling league for 1965-66 will be held at the home of Ruth Clausius, Thursday August 19, at 8:00 p.m. The Ex- ecutive and team captains are requested to come and anyone interested is welcome. For in- formation call 236-4832. 33,b ANNOUNCEMENTS The family of Mrs. Jean Mc- Kinley are holding Open House in honor of Mrs. McKinley's 90th birthday, at the home of her grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Scotchmer, Bayfield, on Saturday, August 22, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Every- one welcome. 33,p Mrs. Pearl Koehler, Hensall, wishes to announce the engage- ment of her daughter, Dianne Catherine, to Mr. Raye Alexan- der Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstrong, Varna, The wedding will take place Saturday, September 11, 1965, at 3:00 p.m. in St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, Zurich, 33,p Cards of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my relatives, neighbors and friends for the cards, flowers, visits and treats while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. -Flor- ence Joynt. 33,b I wish to take this opportun- ity of thanking our friends, rel- atives and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown during our recent bereavment, Special thanks to Dr. J. C. Goddard, the staff at South Huron Hospital, Rev, H. F. Cur- rie, and all those who assisted in any way. -Allan Crerar. 33,p I wish to thank our relatives and friends for their flowers, gifts, cards and visits to the baby and I during my stay in the hospital and while visiting my parents. -Dianne Beattie. 33,p I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their visits, cards and treats, while a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Flow- ers, the superintendent and staff of Clinton Public Hospital. -Peter McNaughton. 33,b IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate,, House. hold Effects, Antiques and Mis- cellaneosu Items en the premises in the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instruction to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 at 1:$0 p.m. Real Estate: Obituary Mic'haei Corriveau Michael Francis Corriveau, 20 -month-old son of Mr, and Mrs, Francis L. Corriveau, Lon- don, passed away on Tuesday, August 17, in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Surviving besdes his parents are two sisters, Melissa and Lisa; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Corriveau, Zur- ich, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Les- perance, Tecumseh. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, un- til Wednesday morning, when Mass of the Angels was held at St. Boniface Church, with in- terment in the adjoining cem- etery. Father C. A. Doyle of- ficiated, Consists of Lot 68, Knell Sur- vey, in the town of Zurich, on which is situated well -con- structed two-storey brick dwell- ing. Main floor - living and dining room, den. kitchen and utility room. Second floor -3 bedrooms and clothes closets. Full sized basement, newly installed oil furnace. Dwelling duplex style suitable for two families; ample garden and shade trees. Inspection in- vited. Terms of Real Estate - 10^'0 on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Household Effects: Grand upright, medium size, piano, in good condition; 3 - piece chesterfield suite; Ad- miral 21 -inch television, like new; electric radio; solid oak dining table and chairs, buffet and china cabinet; cherry round top centre table; end tables; fernery; hall tree; pedestals; settee; 2 toilet sets; 2 wicker rockers; oak rockers; chest of drawers; glass cupboard; dry sink, White sewing machine; electric lamps; coal oil lamps; mirrors; pictures and frames; cuckoo clock gothic clock; an- tique kitchen clock; single bed; 3 oak bedsteads; dressers; com- modes; captain's chair; kitchen table and chairs; cedar chests; trunk; couch; round top ma- hogany extension table, like new; washstand; leather chair; Axminster rugs, various sizes; carpets; mats; quilts; bedding; linens; pillows; comforters; dia- mond ring; assortment glass- ware; silverware, small ladies' watch; antique dishes; kitchen utensils; eleotric stove; antique wood scale; copper boiler; galv. tubs; sealers; crocks; quantity fruit; quantity coal and wood. No reserve - everything will be sold to settle estate. Terms -Cash ALBERT HESS, HARRY HOFFMAN, Executors for the Estate of the late Anna Hens ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT AUCTIO SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items on the premises in the Village of Hensel! directly across for Hensall Coach Lines, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at 1 p.m. Sale consists of real estate, including large 2 -storey brick dwelling and valuable building lots, suitable for residential property, Complete list in following issues. DUNCAN STEWART, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises, Market Street, in the Village of Lucaln The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 at 1 p.m. Complete line of Household Effects MRS. DAVID EGAN, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer size :,.s of Dt shwood District 'MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Personals Miss Sharon Rader spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda, of Zion. Mr. and Mrs, Ron Braid and family and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Smith attended the Witney- Musselman wedding at Elmira August 7. Nancy Braid was junior bridesmaid for her cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reste- mayer and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Restemayer and Robert 'vaca- tioned at Inverlocky Lodge near Parry Sound. Mrs. Albert Seiling, of Elmira, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Braid and family. Miss Elsie Miller, of Zion, spent the week -end with Miss Norma Weigand. Relatives from this community attended the trousseau tea at the home of Mrs. Tam Hern for her daughter, Muriel, bride - elect of Saturday. A surprise party was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker on the oc- casion of Mrs. Becker's birth- day. Present for the event were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ten Eyck, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brandt and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Eckstein, all of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs, Allan Becker and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Glanville and family, of Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff and family. Miss Diane Becker spent last week -end with Miss Marilyn Pfaff. Joanne Pfaff is spend- ing this week with Diane. Rev. and Mrs. M. J. James and family have returned home after camping 'and' visiting the eastern provinces. Rev. James was camp director of the church camp for juniors for a week at Golden Lake, Ontario. Follow- ing camp they visited Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. Miss Antionette Zimmer has returned to Dearborn, Mich., edding Barnes -McCann Miss Mary Louise McCann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cle- ment J. McCann, Dashwood, be- came the bride of Robert John Barnes, Sarnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnes, St. Thomas, in a cerm•ony performed by Rev. Father Joseph Clark in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church at 2 p.m. Saturday, August 7. Paul J. Dietrich, L o n d o n, played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mr. T. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood, who sang Mother Beloved and Ave Maria, Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a floor - length gown of ligoda tapped with guipure lace and styled on empire lines with.sabrina neck- line, bell sleeves and chapel train extending from a bow at the waist. A wedding ring •of matching lace held her four - tier veil of imported illusion. She carried a crescent bouquet of gardenias and pink roses. Miss Margaret Campbell, Lon- don, was maid of honor, and Misses Nancy and Shelley Barnes, sisters of the groom, were bridesmaids. The attend- ants were dressed alike in floor -length gown of French crepe in hot pink with white lace bodices, and matching headdresses. They carried cres- cent bouquets of white gladioli. Wayne Cromwell, London, was best man and Kenneth J. McCann, London, and Roy Le- Blanc, Sarnia, ushered guests. A reception was held in Dash- wood Community Centre where the bride's mother received guests in a two-piece ensemble of green linen with three-quar- ter matching coat, coffee acces- sories and corsage of white car- nations edged in gold. The groom's mother chose lemon yellow nylon over taffeta with black accessories and white carnation corsage. For travelling to Manitoulin Island for the honeymoon the bride changed to a two-piece linen ensemble in hot pink with black accessories and a white cymbidium orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes will re- side on Alfred Street, Sarnia. after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Crocker. Infant Baptized Connie Dianne, infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sch- roeder, was baptised in Zion Lutheran Church by Rev. Wil- liam Getz. Mr. and Mrs. James Hayter were sponsors. Adults Confirmed T w o adults from Zion Luth- eran Church and one from Peace Lntheran, Exeter, were confirmed recently at Zion Lutheran Church by Rev. Will- iam Getz. Mrs. Flossie Stade Mrs. Flossie Stade, the form- er Flossie Gieger and widow of the late William Stade, passed away suddenly at South Huron hospital, Exeter, •on Thursday, August 12, in her 75th year. She and her husband farmed in Stephen Township and after his death she moved to Dash- wood. She was an a c t iv e member of Zion Lutheran Church, a member of the choir and the Ladies Aid. She is survived by a son, Melvin, and a granddaughter, Sherrie. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Sunday noon and then at Zion Lutheran Church where Rev. William Getz was in charge of the service. Interment was in the Luth- eran cemetery. Pall hearers were Gordon and Kenneth Kraft, Vernon Schatz, Lorne Dietrich, George Tiernan and Hugh Boyle. Surprised For 90 Years Old Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac was taken by surprise when t e n ladies from the neighborhood called on her Thursday, Aug- ust 12, on the occasion of her 90th birthday, to wish her many happy returns of the day. Her son Wilfred of Detroit also spent several days with her. Ronald Mclsaac and Miss Aneta Spear of Detroit spent the week -end with her. 0 Abn.al People You Know .. . Mrs. Henry Eickmeier has moved into her new home at the east end of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robin- son left Monday on a trip through Western Canada, 0 Renew Your Subscription Now Honor Bride Before Warriage Mrs. Tony Hoffman, Mrs, Tony Bedard, Mrs. Charles Burgess, Miss Sharon Ball and Miss Gail Bedard were co -hest•• esses at a bridal shower to honor Miss Shirley Anne Debus, bride -elect of September 4. Guests were received by Mrs, Tony Hoffman, Mrs, Charles Burgess and the groom's moth- er, Mrs. Nap Bedard. The table, covered with -a. white Irish linen cloth, was centred with pink and white candelabra flanked with ar- rangements of roses and sweet peas. Mrs. Gerald Masse read a witty recital to the attending crowd and Sharon Ball read the address to the bride -elect. A delicious turkey buffet was served and the bride -elect -,u.s the recipient of many lovely. gifts. 0 HENSALL Week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander, David and Susan, of George- town, and Mr. and Mrs. C. May, of Milton. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander Mrs. Lorne Webster, Mrs. 3. Christie, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Me - Cue, of Seaforth, spent Sunday as guests with Mr. and Mrs Clendon Christie and Catherine Anne. Billy Consitt, son of Mr. an i Mrs. Jack Consitt, spent last week holidaying with his grana. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Shepherd, at their summer cot- tage at Ipperwash. F/0 A. L. Birosh, Mrs. Biresit and family have returned to Ottawa after vacationing with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd, at their cottage at Ipperwash. The Shillelagh MOTOR EOTEL LUCAN Presents For Your Entertainment THIS WEEK DESJAR I E ORCHESTRA MISPZEZINAMMIENINWSIMESEZU tint on Us t 1 ,w HEATING Do Things Right! Our skilled, experienced men take pride in their expert work- manship, When they da a jab, you KNOW it's right: PLUMBING # HEATING ® ELECTRICAL WORK FOR EXPERT REPAIRS OR NEW 1 ST 3LLATIONS Call TIEMAN'S H . RD FURNITURE - COAL - CEMENT PHONE 8 - DASHWOOD tesSiorcomorsoirrow ROBIN $T4h P$AREA "J tE$4PmG root SPEED ' South Huron ruwwlshers ACCURACY DIAL 236-4672 - ZURICH We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps...at budget prices. Drop in and tell us what you want - we'll have it ready for you with. in a couple of dal's. ater waeaeo