HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-08-19, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS MEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 196$ NOTICE Debentures are being offered for sale to the public by BELL, GOUINLOCK CO. AT d% INTEREST The prosect for which the principal is to be used is for the conversion of the Dashwood Exchange of the Hay Municipal Telephone System to Dial. P-o•z ortivo biyera, please contact either H. W. BROKENSHIRE, ."lerk-Treasurer Hay Township WAYNE HORNER, Sevret:u'y liay Municipal Telephone System OPEN AIR IN ED ESD , AUG ST 25 8:30 P.M. SEAFORTH LIG\S PARK 10 REGULAR GAMES AT $10 3 SPECIALS Draw For $50 Admission: $1.00 WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS Lawn Chairs REGULAR $6.95 Only $5,45 i! Th e e l b +N r r j'�N 1I 'tY REGULAR $11.55 Only $9/5 MIZZONEMICOMMAMIMICIIIIMIDEMINENSEZI PATIO r i° TE:Irth Lights REGULAR $2.49 • Only $1.95 �Chaise ilges REGULAR $11.49 On y $995 MNIIIMMISMIIIIMMINIMINIMINIUTZEMIELMEM Patio Tabes REGULAR $3.98 On' y $3.25 43" x 10' 'Wading P sols REGULAR $3.98 Only $325 SETS OF FOUR King Size Snack Tables REGULAR VALUE $9.50 19" CUT - 4 -CYCLE Power .fie , er REGULAR $61.25 Only 57.75 BRIGGS STRATTON 4 -CYCLE Roto Tiller REGULAR $131.95 Only $109.95 Lawn Rollers Reg. $16.95 FOR $14.95 Reg. $11.95 FOR $10.50 Only $6.95 18" CUT - 2 -CYCLE Power Mower REGULAR $43.95 Only $39.95 iaiiimmommemiewiameismimmini 2 SWINGS AND GLIDER OUTDOOR Gyri Set REGULAR $21.50 Only $19.95 velmommereeeseveserimoni ALUMINUM Fan Trellis Reg. $3.95 FOR $3. Reg. $5.95 FOR $4.95 18" MODEL Sunbeam Electric Mower REGULAR VALUE $73.00 Zurich Only $65.95 Hardware E 1 MR. AND MRS. KARL GEORGE REGIER were married in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, by Rev. Remi Durand. The bride is Mary Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shea, Dublin, and the groom is the son of Mr. and' Mrs. George Regier, Zurich. The couple will reside in Windsor. STe ,1 SEN Drysdale Mr. and Mrs, George Harvey, of Detroit, spent some days of their vacation with the former's mot h e r. Mrs. Nettie Harvey, on this highway. They called on yours truly and Mrs. Du- charme and other relatives be- fore returning to their home in Detroit. Also, from Madison Heights, Michigan, were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stansberry and family and Miss Jennie Doman - ski, of Detroit. IIIIIIMEgralmaimowasmassansiammonamesimINNIMIN 21 YRS OLD? When you turn 21 you're no longer cov4, ered by your parents°I Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi� vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion, NEWLY VP D? The `family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti' fy the Commission. NEW JOB? To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer Is required to give you on leaving. Your ONTARIO' HOSPITAL INSURANCE man Ontario Hospidll Services Oommisalee Toronto 1, aided* Mr. Fred Wagner and daugh- ter, of Detroit, on Saturday last called on relatives in this neigh- borhood. Attend. Shower On Saturday evening last, several ladies from this sur- rounding motored to Zurich to attend a bride-to-be shower given to Miss Shirley Anne De - bus, which was held in the Zurich Town Hall. Miss Debus received many valuable gifts, which showed the high esteem she is held in her home town and as well in the surround- ings. Miss Debus-has been em- ployed in the business place of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess, of St. Joseph, for five years, which speaks well for her. The marriage is to take place in Zurich on September 4, in St. Boniface Church, officiated by Rev. Father Bedard, an uncle of the groom. Birthday Celebration On August 14 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha, of this highway, was the scene of an enjoyable event- the 67th birthday of Mr. Sopha. For the occasion Mr. and Mrs. Edile Sopha, a brother, also from De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sopha, from Dearborn, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baler, from Mount Carmel; Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deitrich, of the Goshen Line south. Other mem- bers of the family were not able to attend. Those present gathered around the table to partake of a very delicious dinner pre- pared by Mrs. Sopha for the occasion. Mr. Sopha was the recipient of many gifts from his children. He thanked them all for their gifts and for their good wishes and as well for their ,forethought to be present. Birthdays or other greetings extended to their parents by children are always welcomed and it is a means for children to show their respect and love, such as this passing incident was. STARLITE 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE AUGUST 19, 20 and 21 "Genghis Kahn" (Colour) Stephan Boyd, James Mason AUGUST 23, 24 and 25 "A Shot in the Dark" r(Colour) (Adult) Peter Sellers, Elke Somner TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY -- Rain or Shine - First Show at Dusk Children Under 112 in Cars Fre*? items About Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Lee Regier, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meidinger and 11Ir. and MIs. Lloyd Denomme spent the week -end in Detroit visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Henderson, Miss Eleanor Henderson and i11r. and Mrs, Tont Flynn, of Seaforth, were recent visitors with Mrs. Chris Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hart- man and family, 'Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartman and family, Toronto; Pat and Joe Ilartman, Peterborough, spent a week with their mother and grandmother, Mrs. T. Hartman. Week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel were Mr. Paul Edwards, Miss Mary Ellen Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beattie and Brentley, all of London. Mrs. Beattie and son remaining for a week's vacation. Mrs. Henry Clausius is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Elliot, of Watertown, New York, spent the past week at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Goshen Line, and were guests at the Elliot - McCowan wedding on Saturday at Porter's Hill United Church. Also spending the week -end at the Elliot home after the wed- ding were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell and Miss Linda Camp- bell, of Michigan. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Larry Hartman, Lon- don, when the Hartman family gathered for a farewell evening prior to Larry, Mary and chi- dren's departure to their new home in Peterborough. A beau- tiful clock was given to them. Late on in the evening a tur- key dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman thanked their family for their thoughtfulness and gift. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gemmings, of Rochester, New York, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Johnston the past week. Mrs. Gladys Archer, Miss Pearl Robb and Miss Eva Mae Ellison, of Stratford, were re- cent visitors with Mrs. C. Iiaist, Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien and Jimmy, of Sitncoe, are spending their vavcation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien. Mr. and 1121's. Art Risk and family were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yung- blut. Walter Eckel spent several days recently visiting with friends and relatives in the Plattsville area. Corporal and Mrs, Cecil Gib- bons, Susan and John are visit - Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantxi SUNDAY,, 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME? ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bob Johnston. umemouncememmeimixammeamaarommom EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev, M. Shatto, B,A., 8.113,, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch. Organist SUNDAY, 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service. 11.00 a.m.-Church School, You Are Welcome IligerAUSIISIMAIMMISMIlauganagagniemmewim ama•.srt�u St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.13. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service You Are Welcome lizarcinsesewinium JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! There are two main sources of authority for Christian worship and Christian behaviour. One is the writings of the Fathers known as the Tradition of the Church. The other is the written Word of God substantiated by the Holy Spirit of God. The writings of the Fathers tell us that there is such a thing as a Holy War. At the time of the national emer- gency a Christian is supposed to forget what he is or who he is and take up arms._ This is one situation which Jesus cannot handle, The Bible says who so taketh man's life his blood will be required of Him. Who so taketh the sword shall perish with the sword. The Word of God and the tradition of the Fathers are opposite to each other. Which will you choose? Your eternal destiny depends on which you choose. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE TREAT YOURSELF TO FOOD Miracle Whip -32 Oz. Salad Dressing - - - - 59c Discount Tea Bags, 100s _ _ - 69t Clover Cream -Asst Flavors -1/2 Gal. Ice (ream 79c Apple 'Raspberry or Apple Strawberry -4 Lbs, Cottage Jam Heinz -105-0z. Tun a Tomato Juke _ York -20 Oz. Beans with Pork _ 2 64 Ounce Liquid Jame White Swain - 4 Roll Pak Toilet Tissue _ White Swan -Colored Serviettes Christie's Graham Vide rs - _ 85c 59c 43c _ 499ic 37c _ 37c Superior -Carton of 50 Book Matches _ Sunnyvale -28 Oz. Fruit Cocktail _ Lynn Valley -15 Oz. Peaches 1005 Aspirin Tablets ets _ - Minnette - 20 Oz, To» atoes Maple Leaf - 11/2 -Lbs. Cooked Hams - -2ic - _4'5c 2/39c - -7 c 2/49c --$L59 House and Garden Bomb -12 Oz. Johnson's Raid - - $1.29 Cheery Morn -6 Oz. Jar Instant Coffee _ _ - - 79c Aylmer -20 Oz CrushedPineapple _ _ 29c Aylmer -20 Oz. Tidbit Pineapple - _ _ 37cc FRUIT and VEGETABLES LARGE HEADS SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER Each 25c RED ASTRICAN APPLES - - - - 3 LBS. FOR 29c SUNKIST ORANGES, 180s _ - _ 3 DOZ. $1.00 SLUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT ._ - 4 FOR 29c MEAT SPECIALS POLISH SAUSAGE HOFFMAN'S SUMMER SAUSAGE _ SMOKED COTTAGE ROLL DOERR'S DIAL 236.4354 ^ ZURick' LB. 55c _ LB. 75c LB. 65c