Zurich Citizens News, 1965-07-29, Page 7THURSDAY,, JULY 29, 1965 Canadian ,social worker Doris Clark invites you to write Iter bout your problem. She answers letters of sen. beterest.in this column but can't undertake personal replies. DEAR DORIS — My fiance lived in •another town and came down every week -end Last week -end he asked me for my ring, as he wanted to insure it. He was turning Catholic for me. We are both 24. On Tuesday I got a letter from his father saying the mar- riage was off. Then I found Jim had taken our wedding bands from a box where I kept them. He had been studying an the room and must - have looked until he found them. Be has never been sneaky. Their home life was not hap- py; his parents were separated. Both were against the marriage for religious reasons and also just didn't want him to marry. 1 gave up my job to prepare for the wedding; had bought my wedding gown . Should I get in touch with him Do I return shower gifts? I cannot understand why this has hap- pened. Heartbroken DEAR HEARTBROKEN—I'm sorry. "Religious reasons" can be very potent ones, and the pressure on Jim must have been terrible. I'd guess she was used to giving in to his Dad; but to fail to face you himself suggests childish weakness. And this was no impulsive decision. I can't see that a further con- versation with Jim would serve any purpose. Start picking up the pieces. Give back the gifts, STA R L II TE Feature Attractions JULY 29', 30 and 31 (Double Feature) "The Truth About Spring" (Colour) John Mills, Hayley Mills "MdHale's Navy" (Colour) Ernest Borgnine, Jean Willis AUGUST 1 and 2 (SUNDAY MIDNITE) MONDAY "633 Squadron" (Colour) Cliff Robertson, George Ghakiris Plus Short "The Rolling Stones" AUGUST 3 and 4 "Ensign Pulver" (Colour) Robert Walker, Burl Ives (August 3 --Kiddies` Nite) (45 minutes of Cartoons) (Free Pepsi and popcorn for all children until 10 p.m.) %.i" ' "i3 AUGUST 5, 6 and 7 "Cheyenne Autumn" (Colour) James Stewart, Carrel Baker Richard Widmark AUGUST 9, 10 and 11 (Double Feature) "Code '7, Victim 5" (Adult) (Colour) Lex Barker, Veronica Vendell "Only 2 Can Play" Peter Sellers, Mai Zetterling TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free PLEASE NOTE: All Double Features will be shown only once, each night. eeeemeeeeeeeeeeeieseeeeeeereemeee with a brief statement that you have decided not to get married right now. DEAR DORIS — 1 am an eld- erly widow. I have a neighbor, 78, who is very unhappy. For three years now I have listened to her woes. She keeps saying nobody knows how sick she is, The doctor cannot find any- thing wrong and she eats well, She repeats everything until I could scream; knows every move I make; drops in at my supper time daily. Today I looked her straight in the eye and told her to go home and get busy with her hands and try being cheerful. She wined: "What can I do?" She has a keen brain. What can she do. Also 78 DEAR ALSO—She could join a senior's club, go to church, do volunteer work, write letters to pen pals, knit tea cosies. She needs to use some of the drive she puts into complain- ing, into something useful and absorbing. Stick by your guns. You may be what she needs to jar her into discovering that her health will improve with use. DEAR DORIS — I was ex- tremely overweight when I de- cided to diet. My skin on the top of my legs and arms was really stretched to some wild proportions. Now that I've almost reached my desired weight, my good old reliable skin is just lying on the top of my arms and legs like a flabby baloon. Since I'm only a teen-ager, this presents an embarrassing situation. I still look overweight. I've dieted and done exten- sive exercising, but it doesn't help. I'm in dire need of your help. Troubled Teen-ager DEAR TROUBLED — That weight didn't go on in a day. And your crash program for taking it off has given the over -stretched skin little time to readjust to a smaller figure. But it will. Exercise of every part of your body will tone up muscles and firm up tissues. Stretching. bending. walking, swimming—all will help. So will massage. Use a cream and massage with a deep knead- ing motion. Diet counts in this. Skin - building proteins, skin -healing vitamins — the food constit- uents which abound in milk, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits —are you getting plenty of them. Confidential to Unpleased — When skin is poor, hair stringy, carriage awkward, pep only So- so, both Molly and Mom decide that growing up isn't easy. I'm sending you our leaflet "Are You Really Gr o w i n g Up?" Which supplies some helpful pointers. (Available to readers for ten cents and a stamped, self-addressed envelope.) BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Care Agent for Dry Cleaning HURON LIBERAL PICNIC SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Thurs., July 29 at 2:30 p.m. Meet Hon. Larry Pennel, new Solicitor -General in the Pearson Cabinet PACK A PICNIC LUNCH and bring the whole family Swimming - Sports ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS TOWNSHIP of HAY The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers The Corporation of the Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. PAGE SEVEN Gentlemen: I have auditedthe accounts and records of the Township of Ray for the year ended December 31, 1964, and have prepared therefromthe statements listed in the Index accompanying this report, Operations The operations for the year resulted in pared with a surplus of $8,190,10 for 1963. Presented herewith is a condensed, Revenue and Expenditure for the three years 1963 and 1962. REVENUE Year 1964 Taxation .. _. _ _ _ _ _ $158,858.84 Debenture debt recoverable.. 31,357.50 Subsidies—Province of Ontario____.. 61,259.23 —Other Municipalities Licenses and permits 1,548;50 Interest and tax penalties 3,044.48. Other revenue 2,341.69 Miscellaneous 114.60 Surplus from prior years to reduce levy 35,000.00 a deficit of $2,405.03, com- comparative Statement of ended December 31, 0.964, ended December 31 1963 $161,310.66 20,045.00 44.479.62 199.26 1,319.00 2,964.91 4,510.93 634.18 1962 $137.290.09 8,335.00 37,434.26 16.00 1,481.50 2,583.04 5,193.26 208.53 $293,524.84 $235,463,56 $192,541.68 EXPENDITURE General government $ 13,543.20 Proteotion to persons and property... 3,738.24 Public works — road 79,667.09 Sanitation and waste removal 166.00 Social welfare 674.50 Education 71,482.30 Recreation and community service1,556.38 Debt charges 36,252.83 Capital expenditure out of current revenue 10,188.76 County rates 43 925.39 Police village rates and grants 2,976.75 Taxes refunded and written Doff157,71 Provision for deferred income (3,398.88) Provision for reserve funds 35,000.00 $ 10,913.43 2,916.81 72,171.42 62.00 1,189,32 67,425.42 1,300.73 24,992,52 43,214.92 2,904.50 182,39 $ 9,193.38 2,066.93 52,533.45 234.00 380.67 57,199.80 2,740.25 12,796,51 8,923.27 42,442.96 2,603.25 85.82 266.92 $295,930.27 $227,273.46 $191,467.21 Surplus or (deficit) for year_-.______ $2,405.43) $8,190,10 $1,074.47 The operation of the other Board and Commissions were as follows: Community Centre Board __. deficit $ 1,560.61 Township School Area of Hay__.._____ surplus $ 2,452.30 Union Separate School No, 1, Hay and Stanley ___._ surplus $ 5,637.31 R.C. School Section No. 11 deficit $ 690.75 R.C. School Seotion No. 12 deficit $ 484.72 Hay Munioipal Telephon System__. deficit $24,317,49 General Fidelity bonds have been examined for only those School Boards as indicated on schedule 20. It is presumed that the treasurers of the remaining boards are not bonded as is required by the Schools Adminis- tration Act. With respect to the Hay Municipal Telephone System, the follow- ing comments are presented: In determining the 1964 deficit there has been charged both de- preciation in the amount of $29,180.32 and debenture principal of $11,500.00. It is also brought to your attention that no charges were made against the Depreciation Reserve Account for reconstruction materials and wages; whereas for the year ended December 31, 1963, the sum of $26,220.73 was charged for such expenditures. It is therefor my opinion that a consistent policy is not being followed in this respect, It was necessary to adjust the accounts and tolls receivable accounts by the sum of $3,714.90 to get these accounts to balance with the general ledger control accounts. It would appear that there may be some losses from uncolleotabie accounts and tolls receivable, and a provision for doubtful accounts has been set up in the amount of $7,114.06. If losses from bad debts are going to be reduced, more aggressive action will have to be taken to collect accounts and terminate telephone service. A new .system for billing and recording accounts and tolls receiv- able has been suggested and, I understand, is being installed. Auditor's Opinion Subject to the foregoing, I report that in my opinion (1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice have been within the powers of the municipality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1964, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Dated July 13, 1965. A. M. HARPER, License number 2775. 1 LItT S REPORT Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1964 ASSETS General Fixed (as per schedule 18) Due from School (for debentures) Public,and Continuation Collegiate and High Due from Utilities and other Municipal Telephone System . Enterprises (for debentures) Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17) $' 8,000.00 74;729:20 350,500.00 Due from Other Funds—Revenue funds $' 51,505.32 82,729,20 56,586.84 350,500.00 1,634.67 $542,956.03 LIABILITIES Drainage (other than general $ 58,221.51 School —Public and Continuation_ _ _ _ _ S 8,000,00 8,000.00 Public Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises Telephone System __ 350,500,00 Total Due to Other Municipalities (For Debentures Assumed—Schedule 2) Investment in Capital Assets Revenue Fund Balance Sheet 350,500.00 $416,721.51 74,729.20 51,505.32 $542,956.03 December 31, 1964 ASSETS Cash on Hand $ 77.47 Accounts Receivable Sundry $ 613,51 Agreements 12,306.27 Total 12,919.78 Due from Province of Ontario 66,733.06 Due from Other Municipalities 501,89 Due from Schools 129.05 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) 25,547.81 Property Acquired for Taxes (Schedule 9) .. 38.99 Other Assets Deferred Charges -1965 road grader account 10,188.76 Total Assets LIABILITIES Bank Overdraft Temporary loans (Schedule 6) Accounts Payable _.....___. _______---_-.._Debentures and Coupons Due interest $ 905.00 Due to Schools Due to Other Funds (specify) Capital funds Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) Deferred credit re Provincial Grant on 1965 road grader account Reserves (Schedule 8) Surplus (Form C) Total Liabilities 1,634.67 166.54 4,682.38 $116,236.81 $ 4,220.05 21.000.00 11,981.36 905.00 .10 1,634.67 4,848.92 35,000.00 36,646.71 $1.16,236.81 Revenue Fund Surplus Account December 31, 1964 Debit Credit Balance Balance at January 1, 1964 $81,264.24 Surplus included in Current Budget$35,000.00 Adjustments affecting operations of previous years: (specify) Adjust municipal drains for Township share 1,491.10 , Write Doff uncollectible account receivable from Community Centre 5,721.00 Balance after above adjustments Deficit for the year (Form D) 2,405.43 Totals of Debit and Credit columns $44,617.53 $81,264.24 Balance of Surplus at December 31, 1964 (Form B) Statement of Revenue and Expenditure For the year ended December 31; 1964 REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Sched. 3) Long -Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule 12) Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Ontario— Welfare Assistance $ 524,25 Highway Improvement 53,353.48 Payment in lieu of municipal taxes_ 164.71 Unconditional Per Capita Grants6,206.20 Other (specify) Warble Fly 1,010.59 Licenses and Permits (include dog tax)_ Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues— Rents, Concessions and Franchises__ 452.75 Fines _ _ 132.59 Service Charges __...___. ____... 1,756,35 Micsellaneous (specify) Sundry Provisions for deferred revenue ._ Gross Total Revenue Surplus from Prior Years used to reduce levy Deficit for the Year___.... Total Revenue Section 114.60 3,398.88 Actual Budget $15808.84 $153,742.77 31,357.50 61,259.23 67,126,20 1,548.50 1,300.00 3,044.48 3,000.00 2,341.69 2,625.00 3,513.48 4,006.36 $261,923.72 35,000.00 35,000.00 296,923.72 266,800.33 2,405.43 $299,329,15 $266,800,33 EXPENDITURE General Government Executive and Legislative . _________ $ 2,190.50 Administrative 796.61 Other 4,056,09 Protection to Persons and Property Fire 1,120.00 Law Enforcement 56.40 Protective Inspection ___.------ 390.00 Warble Fly Costs ___. 1,313.80 Ausable River Cons. Authority 858,04 Public Works— Roads, Highways and Streets. etc._ Sanitation and Waste Removal__ .. Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Welfare Assistance ..... _____ ___._ 674.50 Education, including debt charges (Schedule 9) _ Recreation and Community Services___ Debt. Charges Long-term debt charges (Sched. 11) _ 52,045.94 Less own share of school debt charges 18,370.40 33,675.54 Short-term interest and other charges 2;577,29 Taxes written off and refunded _ Capital Expenditure out of Revenue (Schedule 13) Joint or %ecia] Expenditures County Rates 43,925.39 Police Village Rates _ ... 2,976.75 Provision for Allowances, Reserves and Reserve Funds (Sched. 8 and Form G) Gross Total Expenditure ._. Total Expenditure Section ......___.. $46.264.24 39,052.14 $3;36,646.71 Actual Budget $ 18,543.20 $ 12,000.00 3,738.24 2,785.00 79,667.09 96,000.00 166.00 100.00 674.50 1,100.00 71,482.30 71,482.38 1,556.38 1,300.00 36,252,83 3,000.00 157,71 10,188.76 46.902.14 43,925,39 35,000.00 35,000.00 $299,329.15 $266,692.77 $299,329.15 $266,692.77