HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-07-29, Page 1No„ 20 --FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1965 7 CENTS PER COPY Hire Services of Consulting Engineer LANDMARK DISAPPEARS — What was known as probably the oldest stone house in this section of Huron County is being torn down this week, on the farm previously awned by Robert Armstrong, in Stanley Township. The ,farm was recently purchased by D'Arey Rathwell, of Bru•ce- field. Well over 100 years old, the house was originally huilt by Harry Hardwick, and later sold to Robert Nicholson, who was related to the McKinley families. In 1895 the t•:trm was bought by Edward Robinson, and then in 1912 was taken over by his son, Thomas Robinson. Robert Armstrong purchased the property in 1922, and bas owned it since until he recently sold to Mr. Rathweli. FAMILY AFFAIR — When it comes to harvest time .at the farm of the Hoffman brothers, south of Zurich, every- one joins in to help along with the work. Shown here stooking the early crop of barley, as brother Joe Hoffman operates the binder, are Leo, ]eft, and Wilfred, right. "This is a great way to spend a holiday,” said Wilfred, who had a day off from his job in London. While the barley is not very long in the straw, the brothers feel confident the crop will be up to expectations. Huron Federation Plan Centennial The Huron County Federa- tion of Agriculture have vol- unteered to be the sponsoring body of the Farmstead and Rural Improvement Centennial project combined with the com- petition supported by the local committee of the International Plowing Match 1966. C. H. Thomas. of Brussels, is chairman of the event, with Gordon Elliott, of Seaforth, as vice.ehairman, and Bob Henry, Blyth, as secretary. It is hoped that each township will have at ].east 20 completed entries. Entries are to be sent to the township chairman, and a cham- pion will be selected to com- pete for the county champion- ship and reserve, Township chairmen are: Ash- field: Eldon Culbert, RR 6, Goderich; Colborne; Jamieson Ribey, RR 6, Goderich; Goder- ich: Lloyd Bond, RR 3, Clinton; Grey: Clare Veitch, RR 2, Brus- sels; Hay: Harold Campbell, RR 1, Exeter; Howick: Jack Ferguson, RR 1, Clifford; Hul- lett: J. Robert Henry, Blyth, and Ted Hunking, RR 1, Au- burn; McKillop, John Moylan, RR 5, Seaforth, and Oliver Pryce, RR 1, Dublin; Morris: Ted Fear, RR 5, Brussels; Stan- ley: Les Armstrong, Bayfield; Stephen: Bruce Shapton, RR 1, Exeter; Tuckersmith: Wilmer Broadfoot, RR 3, Kippen; Turn - berry: Cedric Moffatt, Wing - ham; Usborne: Sam Skinner, Centralia; We s t Wawanosh: Murray Wilson, RR 2, Aubttrn; East Wawanosh: Robert Henry, Myth. IyZ Committees Are Named By Zurich Lions Club For Coming Fall Term At an executive meeting of the Zurich Lions Club last week, at the home of president- elect Donald L. O'Brien the slate of committees for the coming term were named. The executive also discussed several ideas for fund-raising activities, and further plans will be an- nounced shortly, Standing Committees The first named on each com- mittee is chairman. Under first vice-president Leroy Thiel: Attendance — Ivan Yungblut, Jake Haberer, Ed Gascho, Ed Datars. Membership—Wes Coxon, Ferd Haberer, G. K. Crocker, Mil- ford Doerr. Program—Russ Grainger, Herb Turkheim, Lloyd O'Brien, Gord Hess, Alvin Walper. Health and Welfare — Herb Turkheim, Ray McKinnon, George Deichert, Leroy O'Brien. Special Events—Hubert Schilbe, Ray McKinnon, Bob Merner, Gord Bloch, Robert Merner, Milford Doerr, Bob McKinley, Doug O'Brien, Gordon Hess, Earl Yungblut, Howard Klopp, Arnold Merner, Lloyd O'Brien, Herb Turkheim. Convention—Don Oke, George Deichert, Lloyd O'Brien, Vic Dinnin. Under second vice-president Morris Webb: Public Relations—Ray McKin- non H. Schilbe, Alvin Walper, Robert Westlake. Bulletin—Vic Dinnin, Ed Da - tars, Wes Coxon. Auditors—Earl Weido, Ray Mc- Kinnon. Girls & Boys—Doug O'Brien, H. Schilbe, Robert Westlake, Gord Bloch, Earl. Yungblut, Robert Merner, Bob McKin- ley, Interclub Visits—Georg Deich- ert, Ivan Yungblut, Joe Hoff- man, Delbert Geiger, Leroy O'Brien. Agriculture — Delbert Geiger, Val Becker, G. K. Crocker, Joe Hoffman, .Arnold Merner. Under third vice-president Clare Geiger. Finance—Jake Haberer, Earl Weido. Howard Klopp. Constitution—Vic Dinnin, Mil- ford Doerr, Russ Grainger. Civic Improvement—Ed Gascho, Ed Datars, Ford Haberer, Gord Bloch, Wes Coxon. Ladies' Night—Gord Hess, Don Oke, Val Becker, Alvin Wal - per. Earl Yungblut, Doug O'Brien. Bingo — Leroy O'Brien, Russ Grainger, Arnold Merner, Ivan Yungblut, Val Becker, Jake Haberer, Ed Gascho. Dance — Bob Merner, G. K. Crocker. Joe Hoffman, Del- bert Geiger, Howard Klopp, Bob McKinley, Earl Weido, Don Oke. The council of the , . it of a r• Zurich, at a special meeting en ; ee nein'', t . to ;: 'Monday night, agreed 'i. areI;tn , ! the services of a ci lie elf in E e l eeeietei gineer to investigate the tte of a sewage system far true : i ee municipality. The village hes' ebser•» ,. received two notices in the past weeks from the Ontario Water Resources Commission, request- ing them to have a survey ewe I , ducted w: - ducted by an engineering firer. i E. T. Skelton, of the firm Skelton, Gibson and Associates. is to meet with the council at their regular monthly meeting next Wednesday night. eancern- 1i>eichert Family Hilids Rani The annual Deichert reunion was held Sunday at Seaforth Lions Park with about 70 in attendance. Iiistorian Peter Deichert re-, ported that there had been six babies born into the famih• since the last reunion, They are: Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deichert; Susan, daughter of lilr. and Mrs. Earl Deichert: Russell. sen cif Mr. and' Mrs. Roland Gibson; Di- anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 Elgin Keller; Freddie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl -hillier. and Jeffrey. son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hohner. Each of the six was presented with a gift. Following the lunch, a short business meeting was held when the following were elect- ed to office for the coning year: president, George Deich- ert: vice-president, P h y 31 i s Deichert: secretary, Ruth Greb: treasurer, Earl Deichert; lunch committee. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Keller and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligsen; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Keller and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller. Results of games and rages was as follows: four and under. Edward Keller, Margaret Deichert; five to seven. Ernest Horner, Lori Keller; eight to 11, John Elligsen, Ellen Greb: At the et :. E ting of ti. Hu; e ole ._ Ar et and over. George Keller, Aew board as ; c c ;. proposed Pauline Greb. budget of $157.417.05 was ap- Wheelbarrow race, Elgin, and proved for the operation of the George Keller balloon contest, this amount, $'71.434 will be f .:•rn ':tcr b,t,Li€ ' at uhf spe- 3 l t (?t.iti`$, • :niE .', n.ti1 iiir tui l :, r° .? . did lint :1“VC _. ..'in, ...:. ::rte av:1 1:Abl..• 11F1APS CAMPAIGN -- Aeneuncement has been made this week. of the appointment of lc`iti .1'Ii`K:alC'. prerni- neat Stanley Township resident. t.i the position of general campaiee eheIrreen for the Blue'vater Ret Home. Mr. McKinley brings with him to the pesiton a wide ba .kgroand of experi:'-:.'e~ nuhlic service were:, having been active is a iiurnber - ,.,:,.=)ns. "'ie pa: \ Within the nem awst:.,:c., t,c'eks. Mr, _ - K:rut , will e. ,.nnouneing further app latus':..s to varices reeitions i, -nectIon with the forthcc, -.i g :ripener!, for iecie. Tenders fer the eont strut...io. E hest r'I., xie C'i'ted t� C ...:1 w':'l:-n the r:cit ,aE n. as hotel Area Board Draws Up envy Budget For Year's r' Operation Keith Keller and Ruth Greb area for the current year. Of couples walk, Mrs. Ed Keller, paid for by the r,rct:ncial goy - Mrs. Jacob Deichert; men's ernment, dash; Elgin Keller; kick the slipper, Mrs. Ken Keller: short- i The budget w'A i allow for a est adult, Mrs. Ken Keller: surplus of about $11.000 far the tallest adult, Claire Deichert: year. As yet no figures are longest belt, Earl Deichert. i available as to what the mill Plans were made to have the rate will need to be for this 1966 reunion at the same place budget. on Sunday, July 24. The two nrineipais of the 0 area schools. Donald O'Brien HOLIDAY CLOSING and Robert Reaburn, met with There will be no edition the board for their monthly of the Citizens News next report. Mr. Reaburn informed week, in order that the staff the board that Eric Mansfield, may have their annual hall- Ms. Haugh and Mrs. Forrester days. The next edition will be published on Thursday, August 12. The printing plant in Zur- ich will also be closed from t o n i g ht (Thursday), until Monday, August 9. would teach in the rural schools until the completion of the Hensel] addition. A complaint. was lodged at the meeting by several mem- bers of the board regarding the progress of the addition at Hay Township roceeds With centennial Project; To Build Picnic avili n Shortly Hay Township council is mov- ing ahead swiftly with their Centennial Project plans, and have arranged for the construc- tion of a picnic pavilion on their property north of St. Joseph. At a special meeting last week, deputy -reeve Delbert Geiger was appointed chairman of the Centennial committee, and was given the power to pick members as he sees fit. A by-law providing for the pavil- ion as a centennial project, at a cost of $6,447, was given third reading at the meeting. Of the total amount, $2,002 will come from the federal gov- ernment, $2,002 from the pro- vincial government, and the balance will be paid by the township. Lloyd Mousseau, RR 2, Hen- sall, has been engaged to build the pavilion at a cost of $5,772. The work on the project is to begin shortly. As well as picnic eating fa- ,eiiities, the pavilion will have toilet accommodations. Purchase Tractor In other business at the spe- cial meeting, council awarded the contract for supply of a new tractor to V. L. Becker & Son, Dashwood, Price of the new vehicle, complete with an industrial front-end 1 o a d e r, power steering and all other specified extras, is $3,364.44. The Becker tender was the low -1 est of .three received for the machine. Purchase of the new tractor 'is subject to the ap- proval of the department of highways. Increase Road Expenditure A supplementary road by-law to provide for an additional expenditure on Ilay Township roads this year in the amount of $35,300 has been prepared and sent to the department of highways for their approval. Of this amount $22,000 is re- quired for construction pur- poses, and $13,300 for main- tenance. Two drainage petitions were ,dealt with at the special meet- ing. Elmer Rowe requested a clean-out of the Cann -Mitchell drain, and Jack and Ben Tinney requested a clean-out of the Wildfong municipal drainage works. Both petitions were ap- proved by council, and instruc- tion was forwarded to engineer C. P. Corbet to present a report on the same. The report of auditor A. M. Harper for the fiscal year 1964 was presented to council, and in turn they approved the pub- lishing of' the salve itt this newspaper, as required by law. A grant of $100 to the Exeter switnming pool fund was ap- proved at the meeting. The property comntit- .ist a c. ; .o investi- eine the ` matte. soon as 'c'ssible. Meanwhile, no activity has started at the school located in Zurich. The contract was iinaiiy signed with the contrac- tor. Frank Van Bussell, of Lu. can, some weeks ago, but no work has been started on the project. Also present at the meeting was Robert Hamather_, of Ex- eter, who was awarded the con- tract for bus transportation to the Hensall schaoI. All mem- bers of the board, with the ex- ception of Ross Turnbull, were present for the meeting. 0 Huron Group Tours Farm Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association mem- bers toured test experimental plots Tuesday night at the farm of Scott Clarkson. RR 1, Ford- with. About 100 farmers attended the twilight meeting. Narrator for the tour was Douglas Miles, Huron County agricultural rep- resentative. The plots of grain, corn and alfalfa were planted jointly by the association and the Huron County office of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Mr. Clarkson farms 200 acres. Agriculture officials spoke on the progress of the plots and various chemical sprays used to combat weeds and results achieved. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lewis and Cathy, i,4r. and Mrs. Wilbert Lewis and Carolyn, all of Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Harry McAdams and David. of London, and Mr. and Mrs. John Bullock, of Grand Bend.