HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-07-15, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 1Si, 1945 ZURICH CI7"IZI»N.S NEWS a+4i !Flo Classified Rates For Sate, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, (Engagements, 3c a wordi Minimum 75c, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum SOc. CASH DISCOUNTS— IA Off if paid ,by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE— IOc added on second bilL FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 112 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE LARGE BRICK HOME in Zur- ich, with all modern conveni- ences, utility, recreation rooms, bedrooms. Contact Len Bow- man, dial 236-4983. 28,b FRESH CLOVLit HONEY now available, 20 cents a pound. Supply is limited. Ferd Ha- herer. dial 236-4308. 28,b RASPBERRIES — Ready next week. Pick your own or place your order, by calling Stan Gingerich, 236-4874. 28,9,b No. 1 WHITE CLOVER Honey, in customer's containers, 25c per lb., in 50-1b lots, 22c. Apply to J. W. Haberer, Zurich. 28,h SWEET CHERRIES commenced July 8, nice crop. Pick you own lar buy them ready picked. Montmorency sours a week later. Closed Sundays. Ausa- ble Orchards Ltd., Arkona, call Lorne Teeple, 828-3645, or R. N. Thompson, 828-3526. 28,b USED TYPEWRITER — Under- wood standard model, with 12 inch carriage; (reconditioned. Onh $59.50. Zurich Citizens News. dial 236-4672. 27,tf HURON County's leading trac- tor and farm equipment depot. Lowest possible prices on stock (on hand of tractors and over 30 other new machines in stock (or being shipped to us at once in bulk shipment, plus a large stock of used row crop. Kongs- kilde and other used •cultiva- ti,rs, disc harrows, spring tooth iI a r r o w s, grain and fertilizer drills, planters, manure spread- ers, plows, mowers, swathers, 'hay conditioners, combines and many other machines. Phone 527-0120, John Bach, I.H. Deal- er, Seaforth. 24,31,p DYMO LABEL MAKERS, and complete line of Dymo tapes, clow available at Zurich Citi- zens News. Machines at $9.95 up, Tapes at $1.25. 27tf CHILD'S CRIB, large size, $15; also a stroller, a car seat, a itoilet seat, and baby swing. )infant and children's clothing fMn size 6X. Call Hensall 262- 5054. 27,b USED TELEVISION SETS, priced from $25 up, at Ginger- iich's Sales and Service Ltd. 23,b :USED TYPEWRITER — Under- wood, with 15 -inch carriage; re- conditioned. Only $59.50. Zur- ich Citizens News 27,tf CHOICE MIXED Grain, 5 or 6 dons Apply to John Robinson, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5390. 27,tf BRICK HOUSE in Hensall; seven rooms, complete with )bath and oil heat; separate garage. For information call Hensall 262.2123. 27,8,4 CEMENT TILE — 4 -foot and 3 - foot, with steel reinforcements inside. Lawrence Ziler, RR 3, `.Dashwood, phone 31r4 21to27,b (FRAME GARAGE — 16'x10', .eight feet high, with two win- dows. Also 4 house doors. Apply to Aaron Gingerich, 236- 4686. 27,8,.4 ;UNDERWOOD LETTERA 32, portable typewriter; new;! reg- rilar $99.50 for only $85. South ".Huron Publishers Limited, Zur- ich. 21,p MODERN HOME, well located :in the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway :and big garage. Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich, 236-4396. 46tfb 2959 CHRYSLER Windsor, 2• moor hardtop, Phone Zurich '236.473:1. 24,5,p WANTED TO BUY PIANO BENCH -- Not neces- sarily in first class condition. Call Zurich 236-4954. 27,b HELP WANTED WOOD MILL Superintendent, experienced 'in handling men, $2,50 per hour, time and a half for overtime; 21/2 hours over- time per week guaranteed in off season (4 months); 20 hours per week overtime •during sea- son (8 months). We will move you and your fancily to Detroit, ;and assist in ,all legal matter. Apply to Toni Rose, Friendship Window Products, 19460 Mount Elliott, Detroit 48234, Mich., phone area code 313-893-2480, collect. 27,p MAN WANTED to help build silos, good wages. Call Wes Hugill, 236-4928. 28,b HELP to pick raspberries. For further particulars contact Wil- liam Baechler, dial 236.4783. 28,tf ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alexan- der, RR 4, Walton, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Margaret Ann, to Mr. Don- ald Preston Volland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volland, Hensall. The wedding will take place at Cavell United Church, Winthrop, on Saturday, July 31, at 2 p.m. 28,b Cards of Thanks I wish to express my sincere appreciation to relatives, neigh- bours and friends, for the cards, treats and visits while a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital. —Ivan Meidinger. 28,p A since thank you to every- one who so kindly remembered us with cards, gifts and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Ecker and the nursing staff.— Mrs. Robert Taylor and sol Murray. 28,p I wish to thank all my friends that visited me and sent cards while I was in the hospital, and since returning home. I wish also to thank Dr, Wallace and the staff at South Huron Hos- pital.—Mrs. Ida Wurm. 28,p NOTICE CHIMNEYS repaired and re - pointed, basements c 1 e a n e d, white coated and water proofed. Raymond Squire, Box 335, Isa- bella St., Seaforth, phone 527- 1332. 16,tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33 -tib MARLATT'S DEAD STOCK REMOVAL HIGHEST CASH prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses, $5.00 and up weighing over 1,000 lbs. For prompt service, please call collect: Marlatt Bros., phone 133, Brus- sels, 24-hour service, Licence No. 390-C-65. 14,26,p CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM COMBINING — with Case 1010, with straw chopper, 2 self unloading wagons, 40 - foot PTO auger. Will combine wheat, oats, barley, beans or corn. Call Peter Bedard, RR 1, Dashwood, dial 236-4665, Zur- ich. 28,tf SANITATION Services — Sep- tic pumping, tank and drain- age. Repairs. For immediate ser vie e, phone Bill Finch, 238-2291, Grand Bend. WANTED TO BUY WANTED—Some ladies' closed dial gold watches and chains, in any condition. Will pay cash, Albert Hess, Zurich. 28,9,p Births HAY — At South Huron Hos- pital, on Monday, July 5, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hay, Zurich, a daughter, Jody Colleen. IN MEMORIAM McKENZIE—In loving memory of a dear father, Robert John McKenzie, who passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, July 19, 1963, in his 51st year, This month comes with deep regret It brings back a day I will nev- er forget, You fell asleep without our goodbye But memories of you will nev- er die. I miss you now, my heart is sore As time goes on I miss you more, I mention your name and think of you often God bless you Dad, your are not forgotten. —Always remembered and sad- ly missed by son, Ray Harold McKenzie, of Ocean Falls, Brit- ish Columbia. 28,b MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE REPAIRED, re• modled and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb CUSTOM SWATHING and hay conditioning. Contact Jack McClinchey, 2364784, Zurich, 24to32,p FOR RENT MODERN HOME, with all con- veniences, located 21/2 miles north of Zurich. Apply to Ger- ald Gingerich, dial 236-4351. 28,tf AT ST. JOSEPH—on Bluewater Highway, 5 -room home, reason- able rent. Apply to Mrs. Sarah Geoffrey, dial 236-4163. 28,tf BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. TWO BEDROOM Apartment, all e....veniences, heated, private entrance, g a r a g e, basement. Call Hensall 262-5080. 17,tf ---0 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable ]00 -Acre Farm, T r a c t o r, Implements, House- hold Effects, Antiques and Mis- cellaneous items on the premises LOT 23„ CON. 9, HAY TWP. HaLf mile east of Zurich, thence one mile north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, JULY 15 at I p.m. Real Estate: Consists of 100 -acre farm, Lot 23, Con. 9, Hay Township, on which is situated well con- structed 2 -storey brick dwell- ing, large bank barn, drive shed and garage.. Land choice clay loam, 75 acres tillable, re- mainder mixed bush, majority choice timber. Farin presently all in crop and in high state of cultivation. Inspection in- vited. Terms of Real Estate -10% on day of sale, balance in 90 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Tractor and Miscellaneous Items: 1937 English Fordson tractor, on steel; M -H 6 -ft. mower; platform scales; 3 -horse culti- vator; 5 -section diamond har- rows; fanning mill; electric fencer; vice: bag truck; quan- tity snow fence; steel posts; wheelbarrow; carpenter tools; circular saw; quantity planks, steel wagon; rubber belt; lad- ders; grindstone; International 22/a h.p. gas engine; emery; oil drums; large copper apple but- ter kettle; large apple peeler; camp stove; antique meat grind- er; sap buckets; iron kettles; cow bells; power mower; two hand mowers; logging chains; forks; shovels; other miscellan- eous items. Household Effects: Finlay space heater, .recently purchased; Duo -Therm space heater.-_- dining room table and chairs; 3 chest of drawers; glass cupboard; 3 dry sinks; 4 large cedar chests; 3 small cedar chests; centre table; end tables; wicker and oak rockers; an- tique arm chair, 2 toilet sets, 3 complete bedroom suites, dressers; commodes; mirrors; pictures and frames; antique small spinnig wheel, in A-1 con- dition; parlor lamps; coal oil lamps; jardinere; fernery; kit- chen table and chairs; extra large assortment of new and used quilts, comforters. linens, mats; antique dishes; glassware; china; dinner sets; silverware; kitchen utensils; sealers; 10 - crock; crocks; antique churn, etc. This is an extra large sale. Everything in first-class condi- tion. Plan to attend. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms—Cash ALFRED PFAFF, Proprietor ALBERT DEICHERT and LEONARD ERB, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 17 at 1 p.m Complete list in next week's issue. WILLIAM HEY, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises in the Village of Dashwood The undersigned auctioneer received' instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 17 at 1:30 p.m. Dining room table and chairs; occasional • chairs 2 antique; wicker rockers; 3 oak rockers; settee; glass cupboards; walnut chest of drawers; 2 medicine cabinets; kitchen tables and chairs; centre and end tables; 21 -inch RCA television set; electric lamps; hall tree; util- ity table; 2 oak bedsteads; steel bedstead; dressers; commodes; bureau; brass bed;; assortment of pictures and frames; electric clocks; variety of valuable an- tique dishes; glassware; dinner sets; silverware; linens; quilts; mats; pillows; bedspreads; elec- tric coffee pot; kitchen utensils; electric cooker; sealers; crocks; jugs; Congoleum rug; Beach medium size coal and wood stove, in brand new condition; oil h e a t e r; barbecue; lawn c 1 i p p e r; lanterns; 2 screen doors; garden tools, etc. No reserve, everything will be sold. Ternis — Cash WILLIAM HEY, Proprietor GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Etc, will be held in Hensall at 53 London Road (No. 4 Highway) 0I1 SATURDAY, JULY 24 Commencing at 1:30 o'clock Full particulars ,in next week's issue T. H. TAYLOR, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 0 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Antiques in the Village of Hensall on Main Street SATURDAY, JULY 24. at 1 p.m. The Estate of Mary A. Stephenson Full listing in next week's paper. ED CORBETT, Auctioneer amememeemerasemmemoieemeememeema Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 ompowNwommonsiourowieffammiimpimmea ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE AL. FRED DUCHARME Correaoondentl Visitors at the Masse farm home a few miles south of St. Joseph during this week are Mrs. Margaret Masse and Mrs. Fred Wagner and daughter from Detroit, and Mrs. James Scully and daughters, of Mount Clemens, Michigan. They will occupy the home for some time before returning to their home. Mr, and Mrs. Don Masse and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, of Windsor, paid a short visit on Sunday last at the Ducharme home at Bayview summer re- sort. The past week Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ducharme and four sons, of Windsor, and this present week Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Du- charme and two sons and one of their young daughters were visitors with yours truly and Mrs. Ducharme of this highway. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Udell Sopha, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rose and two children, of Indiana, and from Elgin, Ill., Mrs. Clarence Sopha and Mrs. Leonard Sopha, and Mr, and Mrs. Larry Sopha and daughter from Detroit; from the Goshen Line south, Mr. and Mrs. Harm tw, 440.. Deitrich and family; from Mt. Carmel, Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney. Mrs. Adeline Denomme, of this neighbourhood, spent a few days in London the past week. Cottages in the Bayview sum- mer resort were well filled dur- ing the past week -end, coming from Detroit, London and other points along the way. Much of the hay crop has been cut and stored away and most of the hay crop was well saved due to the dry weather. If for no other good reason the long dry spell meant good for saving the heavy hay crop which will be needed for feel during the long winter months.. The bean stand at the pres- ent time is not too promising for this time of July, and un- less favorable weather is forth- coming the bean crops could be short of expectations. Those who have gambled on a heavy acreage could meet with some disappointment. Of c o u r s e, there are still many growing days ahead, let us hope the farmers will harvest a fair re- turn for their labor. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene and Mr and Mrs. Percy Willert,. of Zurich, vacationed last week at Sauble Beach and Wasaga Beach. BUS DRIVER WANTED FOR ST. BONIFACE SCHOOL, ZURICH Sealed Tenders for the position of Sus Driver for St. Boniface School, Zurich, will be accepted by the under- signed until 5 p.m. on FRIDAY,, JULY 16, 1965. Lowest or any applicant not necessarily accepted. For further information, contact MRS. PATRICIA MEID1NGER, __ _- Secretary, St. Boniface School. Cit )1.I )EN 50 h.\NR7?I l sAttY MERNMIEWEINEINIBMIlialk Offers You the Best ANGES AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES! See Our Wide Assortment of FRIGID !'!IRE RANGES PRICED AS LOW AS twith your trade', Other models at comparatively low prices, BUILT,IN RANGE WE ALSO HAVE GOOD USED RANGES -- PRICED FROM $25 UP GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE CLINTON ZURICH 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115111 SEAFORTH