HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-06-24, Page 3ti FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1965: PAS THOM "46ea¢ale MRS, MAUDE U1i DDEN, Editor Hensa11 Spring Fair Results Beef Feeder Calf Club Grain—Wayne Corbett, Brian Miller, Leslie Coleman, Joanne Ho d g e r t, Bradly Oarnoohan, Beth Passmore, Barry Miller, Jack Hodgert. Finish — Bob Smale, Judy Mauer, Jack Mauer, Doug Smale, Barry Miller, Craig Kerslake, Brian Miller, Wayne Corbett. Junior Showmanship—Tom- my Ryan, Doug Smale, Craig :Kerslake, Bevin Kinsman, Barry Miller, Leslie Coleman, Doug Dick, Joanne Hodgert, Senior Showmanship—Gerald Townsend, George Townsend (brothers), Beian Miller, Tom Papple, Don Papple, Jim Pap- ple, Leslie Broadfoot, Rick Etherington. Champion Showman—Gerald Townsend. Showmanship classes judged by Bob Parsons and Carl Wil- iort. Groups of four — Jack Cor- bett (1), Ross Corbet (2), Dun- -- ------------ BROWNIE'S DRIVE- IN Theatre — Clinton ; Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free Two Complete Shows Nightly CAME AS LATE AS 11 P.M. AND SEE A COMPLETE SHOW Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. MON-, TUES., WED., THURS June 21-22-23-24 From Harold Robbins' Best Selling Novel THE CARPET BAGGERS (Adult Entertainment) George Peppard Carroll Bake,, Alan Ladd Color A Short Special Admission Price $1.00 Per Adult Children Under 12 Free • Friday Only—June 25 A Special Evening For Your Family The Widely Hailed Family Picture "Island of the Blue Dolphins" Celia Kaye, George Kennedy Color Plus a "Walt Disney Cartoon Carnival" FREE POPCORN FOR THE CHILDREN BEFORE 9:45 SATURDAY and MONDAY June 26-28 "Ride the Wild Surf" Fabian Tab Hunter, Shelley Fabares Color Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 29-30 War Drama "Behold a Pale Horse" (Adult Entertainment) 'Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn, Omar Sharif Cartoon COMING JULY 1 TO. 7 "GGLDFINGER" can Etherington (3). 'Baby Show Over six months — Shannon Smale, daughter of Mrs. Eric Smale, Zurich; Frankie Vander boorn, son of Mrs. Edith Van derboorn, H e n s a 11; Tracy Moore daughter of Mrs. Ted Moore, Hensall, Six months and under—Bar- bara Streton, daughteer of Mrs, Norni Stretton, 1•Iensall; Tammy Alexander, daughter of Mrs. Ross Alexander, Seaforth; Dan- ny Reid, son of Mrs. Don Reid, Hensall, Horses Carriage Team—Mr, and Mrs. Ross Thomas, RR 1, Smithville, Percheron Team — Orville Bestard, Thorndale, Belgian Team — Len Bok, Wingham; Oliver Bannerman, Monkton. Wagon Team — Carmon Ful- lerton, Paisley; Oliver Banner- man, Monkton, Road Team — Mr. and Mrs. T'h o nt a s, Smithville; Alden Craven, Ailsa Craig; Len Bok, Wingham. Heavy Draft Team — Charles F. Halliday and Sons, Chesley; Peter Graham, Ilderton. Pony Team — Jones Pony Farm, Belton; Cityview Pony Stables, RR 4, Stratford, Light Draft Team—Charles F. Halliday and Sons, Chesley; Peter Graham, Ilderton, Hackney Pony Team — Mac Armstrong, Beachvllie; Harvey Moore, Ingersoll; Walter Clarke, RR 8, St. Marys. Shetland Pony, Saddle Class —James Ross, Brumfield. Carriage Single — Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thomas, Smithville; D. W. Besley, RR 2, St. Pauls. Best Saddle Horse—Caldwell Stables, Shedden; Wilmer Pres- cator, RR 1, Exeter; Bob Den- omme, Exeter. Fine Harness Pony Team — Jones Pony Farm, Belton; Mac Armstrong, Beachville. Single Roadster—Alden Crav- en, Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thomas, Smithville; D. W. Besley, RR 2, St. Pauls. Four Horse Hitch—Charle F. Halliday and Sons, Orville Bes- tard, Peter Graham. Single Pony — Jones Pony Farm, Belton; Mac Armstrong, Beachville; Cityview Pony Stables, RR 4, Stratford. Lady Driver—D. W. Besley, St. Pauls;; Mac Armstrong; Mrs. Schaeder. Roadster, Single — Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thomas, Smithville; Alden Craven, Ailsa Craig; Allen S. Knill, RR 3, Paris. Single Wagon Horse, 1500 lbs. and under—Oliver Banner- man, Monkton. Single Wagon Horse, 1500 lbs. !and over—Carmen Fuller- ton, Paisley. Fine Harness Single Pony — Jones Pony Farm, Belton (1 and 2); Cityview Pony Farm, Stratford. Hackney Pony, Single—Mac Armstrong, Beachville (1 and 2); Harvey Moore, Ingersoll. Hackney Single, 15.2 and over — Mrs. and Mrs. Ross Thomas, RR 2, Smithville. Gentleman's Turnout—D. W. Besley, St. Pauls; Allan S. Knill, Church Notes Monday, June 28, at 8:30 p.m., general meeting of the United Church Women, con- vened by Unit 4. Guest speak- er, Miss F. Clarke, Trinidad. Miss Clarke will be accompan- ied by a student from Trinidad who is a graduate of Archibold Institute in Trinidad. This stu- dent at the present time is in Canada attending the Christian Training Centre in• the Mari- times and will return shortly to Trinidad. Union services for July and August begin next Sunday, June 27, at 10 a.m. in Carmel Pre- byte.rian Church, Hensall, and will 'continue in the Presbyter- ian Church. through July, Union services will be oontinued in ,the United Church beginning Sunday, August 1 to August 29, at 11 a,m. h v,: g, Regular sessions of the Sun- day school will be withdrawn for the vacation months of July and August, commencing with the. last Sunday of June. $: Members •of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary attended serv- ice Sunday morning and were addressed by the minister, Rev. H. F. Currie, who chose for his sermon topic, "What Is a Great Religion". The choir sang. RR 3, Paris; Mac Armstrong, Beaohville, Saddle Parade Class — Lloyd Schwartaentruber, Exeter; Joyce Sinuns; D, W. Besley, St. Pauls. Cattle Herefords — W. Coates, Cen- tralia, Angus, aged Bull—Chauvenet Farms, RR 1, Ayr, (1 and 2); T. Alex Edwards, Arva; Richard Doane, Thorndale. Bull, under one year--Chau- venet (1 and 4); Edwards (2 and 3). Bull, under two years—Chau- venet (1 and 3); Edwards, Doane. Cow — Edwards, Chauvenet, Doane, Heifer, under two years — Chauvenet (1 and 3); Edwards, Doane. Heifer, under one year—Ed- wards (1 and 2); Chauvenet (3 and 4). Get •of Sire—Edwards, Chau- venet, Doane. Best Bull—Chauvenet, Best Herd — Chauvenet, Ed- wards. Shorthorns: Cow — Russell Parker, RR 8, Waterford, (1 and 2). Best Bull—Parker (1 and 2); Jack Coates, RR 1, Centralia. Heifer, under two years — Parker (1 and 2); Coates; Frank Falconer, RR 5, Clinton, Heifer, under one year— Parker (1 and 2); Falconer (3 and 4). Get of Sire—Parker (1 and 2); Falconer. Aged Bull—Coats, Parker (2 and 3). Bull, under one year—Park- er (1 and 2). Bull, under two years — Parker (1 and 4); Falconer; Coates. Best Herd—Parker (1 and 2); Falconer. Market Cattle: Grade Butch- er Steer or Heifer, under 850 lbs. — Dick Etherington, Hen- sall. Over 850 lbs.—Robert Kins- man, RR 2, Kippen; Bill Cole- man, Kippen. Breeders' Special: Steer or Heifer, under 900 lbs. — Bob About People You Know .. . ITEMS ABOUT HENSALL Eric Kennedy was the lucky winner of the jackpot of $140. in 61 calls •at the Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary bingo held in the Legion Hall, Exeter Thurs- day evening. B i 11 Taylor, 15, s o n of Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, had the misfortune to fracture his leg on Friday evening when he slipped and fell. Bill is a student at South Huron High School. Miss A. Consitt will celebrate her birthday on Tuesday, June 29. Draw Winners Money winners at the South Huron Agricultural Twilight Spring Fair, Wednesday evening were; $60.—Doug Gaener, Lis- towel; !$25,—Emmerson Gill, Parkhill; $15, Jack Morrissey, Crediton. Nurses' Reunion A tour of the hospital and school of nursing was highlight of a 25 -year reunion held by Victoria Hospital School of Nursing graduates. The class Kinsman; Debbie Etherington; Duncan Etherington, Hensall; Joyce Falconer, RR 5, Clinton; Janet Falconer, RR 5, Clinton. Baby Beef, under 750 lbs.— Dick Etherington. en'ertained by Mrs. Wesley B� hani 'at her hone on King Edward Avenue, London, prior to a dinner at the Holiday Inn. Included on the list attending was Mrs. David Kyle, of Hen- s all, Sunday, June 27, will be the picnic and closing out of SS 3 Hay (Parr Line Sdhool), with supper served at 5:30 p.m. It is expected that all former teachers and pupils will attend this sohool which is over 100 years old. Pupils from this school will attend Hensall Pub- lic School. Harry Hoffman and Jimmy, of Dashwood, are leaving July 4 for Saskatoon, where Mr. Hoffman will attend a Gideon conference in that •city. Bert Wren, of Exeter, form- erly of this area, is a patient at South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter. William Soldan and Tilman Soldan, of Pigeon, Mich„ were recent over -night guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan and family, and visited with Mr. Mrs. Ed Stelck at Huronview, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. William Kerr and Carol of Callander, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kerr and Larry of Monetville, attended the fun- eral of William Kerr's mother, the late Mrs. John L. Kerr of Seaforth, held Monday from the Box funeral home, Seaforth. While here they were guests with Mrs. Kerr's sister, Mrs. Maude Redden. Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDon- ald, London, and Mrs. Jim Tay- lor, Hensall, were dinner guests on Monday with Miss Cassie Dougal. BEN -JAY BEAUTY SALON PHONE 262-2832 — HENSALL NEW HOURS: Tuesday and Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday __._.. 8 a.m. -to 6 p.m. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. WE FEATURE SCHOOL GIRL PERMS Regular $8.50 for $6.00 WILLIAM GIBSON Operators JACK CALDWELL Puts the things you want withil y(.1.8r reach FamiIqR MYIIAr Bring all your personal credit needs under one roof .LOW-COST LIFE -INSURED LOANS Hensall Branch: Zurich Branch: VICTOR P Y ETTE, Mgr. RAYMOND McKINNON. Ma :avr a� yyAA,,�ds*arix'Stnr. �Il3TU,1 �}11ttll�n,i kd-3�NxH"r?fir., ..om"^'� CRISCO -4c OFF PACK Shortening DUNCAN HINES—19.OZ. PKGS. 2 Lbs. 69c PRODUCE Cake Mixes 2 Pkgs. 89c 11=OZ. BOTTLES Libby's Catchup - .- - - - 3/49c 8 -QUART SIZE iNewport Fluffs - 48-02 TINS _31c CALIFORNIA NEW otatoes No 1 10 LBS. 89c MINESSIXIMINMEEMOMIllageMEMINIE Stokley's Ping 3/$i FROZEN FOOD HOTDOG Weston's Bans Doz. 33c KRAFT LIQUID -8-0Z. BOTTLES, '8 VARIETIES Salad Dressing 3/79c kool-aid or Freshie _ _ _ 1 O/49c OLD SOUTH Orange Juice 6.OZ TINS 5 FOR $1100 CookeH Gro -n PORK OR BEEF IVE Wiener DEVON Side Bacon IA II ST'RA• EKES FRESH DAILY FOR CANNING OR FREEZING (Special Case Prices) dr nmww+1NINNP nrr4`,"P✓aaw r+•rrs,ew,r a dirtf REI ROUND OR SIRLOIN STEAI( k gi ma 1111 s as 2 Ib. 6 Ilial 5(