HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-06-17, Page 3T'H'URSDAY, JUNE 17, 1945 PAGE THREW Celebrates 96th Birthday Today Congratulations are in order for Mrs. Phoebe Weber, patient at the Queens wa y Nursing Horne, Hensail, for the past two years, who will celebrate her 96 birthday Thursday, June 17. The oldest resident in Hen - sell, Mrs. Weber was a life-long resident of Zurich, where she was a seamstress most of her life, and her favorite hobby was gardening. She was also an active worker in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. Members of her family are: one son, Morris, Zurich; daugh- ters, Mrs. Hugh Thiel, Zurich, and Mrs. Gertrude Deters, of London. The event will be celebrat- ed with a birthday party at the nursing home. Honoured On 35th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harvey John- ston. of Huronview, were hon- oured last Saturday night when their family took them out to dinner in Zurich on the occa- sion of their 35th wedding an- niversary. Mrs. Rebecca John- ston, mother of Mr. Johnston, was unable to attend. The party then went to the home of their eldest daughter, Mrs. Grant MacLean, where they were joined by Bert and Mhs. Johnston and James and Mrs. Thompson of Wingham. The family presented Mr. and Mrs. Johnston with two lawn chairs, and an anniversary cake and ice cream were served. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have four daughters: Helen (Mrs. Grant MacLean) Hensall; Leona (Mrs. James Armstrong) Brus- sels; Doris (Mrs. Berne Mc- Kinley) North Bay (who was unable to attend), and Joan (Mrs. Dwight Campbell) Blyth. THAT'S THE WORD FOR These VALUES BY EASY TERMS NKL1 L i; Medicine Cabinets $7.99 Attractive steel construction in baked -on white en- amel finish. QUAL- ITY mirror. NO MONEY DOWN 111 Plastic HOSE 7/16" SIZE Ribbed. Randall colored.ft n, Brass couplings. .0 7 50' TRANSPARENT $2.98 Green transuscent "T-6" quality. Brass couplings, 50 ft. %2" TOP QUALITY . $4.95 Top quality. Transparent. 50 ft. 12 - year guaranteed. Brass couplings. Plastic Clothes Line, 50 ft. ____--_ 95c CEILING TILE Double coated — white. 12" x 12" square. Full 1" thick. $6.99 CORRUGATED PANELS 8 foot x 261/2". For patio fenc- in g, room dividers, Carport liners. Green, white and yellow. 99 PVC DRAIN PIPE $2.85 10 Ft. Length - 3" Dia, The best of all pipe values for FOUNDATION drainage, DOWN -SPOUTS 'home or cottage SEWERS, industrial drainage and waste disposal, septic tank, farm and low- land drainings. Get yours now! BUY NOW PAY LATER N O W i• A VACATION HOME WITHIN THE REACH OF ANYONE * FREE BUILDING PLANS * COMPLETE FINANCING If you are planning a new summer cottage see us now! You'll be surprised how easily you can arrange to build it. Act now — and enjoy your new home soon, Free Pian Book Available LIMBER CAMPY 11MV ED C I.91 d Bend Exeter in Hensail Kinettes Visit Hospital Regular .meeting of Hensall Kinettes was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Drysdale Wednes- day evening, with Mrs. George Beer as special guest. A donation was made to the Mental Health Society. Kins- men and Kinettes will visit the Goderich hospital to entertain patients on Wednesday, June 23. Following the meeting court whist was prayed, with Mrs, Bob Caldwell high winner. Four Kinette birthdays were celebrated: Mrs. William Cle- ment, Mrs. William Mickle, Mrs. William Fuss and Mrs. Jack Drysdale. Hensall Institute Enjoys Picnic On Member's Lawn With ideal weather' prevail- ing the annual picnic of Hen - sail Women's Institute was held on the lawns at the home of Mrs, Garfield Broderick, Hen - sail, last Wednesday evening, with a delicious picnic supper served and enjoyed by 23 adults and seven children. At the conclusion of the sup- per a short business meeting was .held presided over by Mrs. Beverly Beaton, when Mrs. R. A. Orr gave highlights of the district annual at Zurich re- cently. Mrs, R. M. Peck, Mrs. James Bengough and Mrs. V. M. Pyette were appointed a committee to arrange .articles for the exhibit at Exeter Fall Fair. A full line of sports were en- joyed, under direction of Mrs. Wilbert Dilling and Mrs. Eliza- beth Riley, and the winners were: putting balloon in basket, Mrs. Archie Noakes; girls' race, Karen Broderick; boys' race, Allan Reid; boys' shoe scrarn- 1?tepftd MRS. MADE HEDDEN, Editor Carmel Church Prepares For SpecialOccasion Sunday morning last, Douglas Codling, BA, was in charge of the service and for his theme chose to speak on "Longing For God". The choir, under direc- tion of Mrs. Beatrice Hess, con- tributed a selection. ', * , Arnold Circle anniversary meeting will be held Monday, June 21, at 8:15 p.m., in the school room, when Mrs. J. C. Boyne will be guest speaker. * * The United Church members will be worshipping in this church the last Sunday in June and the four Sundays in July. ble, Michael Davis. Sponge contest, Mrs. Robert E1gie's side; potato race, Mrs. Joe Ferguson's side; birthday closest to day of picnic, Mrs. Thomas Kyle, Sr.; button con- test, Mrs. Fred Beer; measuring contest, Mrs. R. Elgie. The hostess and sports com- mittee were thanked by Mrs. Elgie. Huron TB Group Attend Annual Members of Huron and Perth TB Associations who attended the annual Ontario TB Associa- tion and annual Canadian TB Association meetings in Toron- to were: G. A. Watt, Blyth, president of Huron County TB Association; Mrs, D. C. Cornish, Seaforth, chairman and secre- tary of the Seal Sale Commit- tee; D. M. Rae, Stratford, a di- rector of OTA and elected vice- president OTA; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Davis, Stratford, who re- ceived citations and life mem- berships in CTA for 18 years of work for the control. and eradication of TB; C. W. Leach, Stratford, Perth County's OTA representative 1964-1965; Mrs. Kae McDonnell, public health nurse, St. Marys; Mrs. H. J. Graham, Stratford, Seal Sale secretary, and Mrs. Beryl Dav- idson, executive secretary for both associations. Dr. J. C. Ross, of Goderich, was elected honorary vice-presi- dent of the Ontario Association. Dr. Ross retired from the local association this year after many years of constant support. OPS ` ING DANCE SEAFORT4H LIONS PARK Picnic Pavilion Saturday, June 19 Dancing 9 to midnight with music by the CHEVELS OF WALKERTON ADMISSION $1.00 Dancing will continue each Saturday night, with music on June 26th zy the Concords. Enjoy the big new floor amid the pleasant surroundings of the Lions Park Brucefiekl Couple Married 30 Years Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, of Brucefield, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary Fri- day, and a surprise family din- ner held at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, in their honor. Attending the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ilaist, Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Don Brunzlow, Exeter, and Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, of Bruce- field. After dinner they were sur- prised with a get-together of the relatives held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Brunzlow, Exeter. An enjoyable evening of progressive euchre, followed with the presentation of lovely gifts and lunch, rounded out a delightful evening. 0 A few seconds spent in seri- ous thought about the dangers of water recreation could pre- vent hundreds of drownings. Think ... don't sink! This is Red Cross Water Safety in Can- ada. Be water wise! Toronto Minister Guest Speaker At United Church Dr. Earl S. Lautensehlager, BA, BD, DD, LLD, principal orf Emmanuel College, To rant o, was guest minister at annivers- ary services in Hensall United Church, Sunday, June 13, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., delivering inspiring and challenging mes- sages to large congregations. For his morning subject he spoke on "Keeping the Sabbath Holy". Guest soloist, Allan El- ston, of Centralia. sang two lovely solos, "I walked today where Jesus walked" and "The Stranger of Galilee". The choir anthem was "Praise my soul the King of Heaven". At the evening service Dr. Lautenschlager chose for his theme "The Two Trees of Eden". The choir for their se- lection sang "Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord", and "Glory to God". Mrs. John Turkheim was organist. Flowers in the church were in grateful recognition of all those who .have served the church in the past and at the present time. Rev. H. F. Currie, minister of the church, was in the pulpit and introduced the guest speaker. HURON COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURAL ANNUAL WORSHIP SERVICE THE AT AT THE SALVATION ARMY CAMP SALLY ATiON ARMY CAMP (GLEN HURON) 3 miles north of Bayfield on Highway 21 Sunday, June 2O at 2: Please bring sandwiches and tarts or cookies! Coffee and Chocolate Milk will be provided REV. I. BODENHAM WILL BE GUEST SPEAKER �1 ti i ip: t fel ‘AT-�K::�.. Mkt.,. d. i+4� . �ri d'(�r�:-: zIrm�? Cubed Stewing Beef 113.59c Ground Beef 2 lbs. 79c MACARONI -CHEESE, DUTCH LOAF, CHICKEN LOAF Meat By .. Products Pork Chops OR Ham Steaks 69c Ib. FRESH Side Pork OR PURE ork Sausage 45c lb. REGULARLY 55c EACH — 24 OZ. Produce Feature No. 1 CELLO TOMATOES 14 -Oz. Tubes 2 Tubes 33c INSTANT — 3 -LB. PACKAGE CARNATION SKiMILK POWDER _ $1.09 REGULARLY 43c EACH MONARCH DESSERT TOPPING _ _ 2/59c REGULARLY 75c EACH McCORMICK'S Assorted COOKIES _ 59c 2 TINS BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP _ _ _ _ 2 for 65c 16.OZ. JAR INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAI - - - _ 49c 15.OZ. TINS CATELU Cooked SPAGHETTI _ 3 for 49c REGULARLY 65c EACH NESTLE'S QUIK Lbe Tin 55c HALF GALLONS Farm House Apple Pies 2-39c Frontenac Ice Crearn