HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-06-10, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE IQ, 1S5 Television Views by William Whiting It's not often the two Cana- dian networks carry the sante prorame, unless it's an import- ant announcement from the copied, but last Sunday we had an opportunity to see how CBC and CTC handled the same event — the Dominion Drama Festival from Brockville. CBC took 30 minutes far the show , while CTC used an hour. The big story is always the •award of the trophy from the Canadian Association of Broad- casters and $1,000 in cash which went to St. Francis Xavier Un- iversity in Nova Scotia. The Hamilton entry from the West- ern Ontario region placed sec- ond. CTV used their extra 30 min- utes to interview the various actors and directors from aoross the Dominion. The formal open- ing by Prime Minister L. B. Pearson was another highlight in the CTV coverage. plus the brief addresses by John Brook president of D. D. F. from Sim- coe and the president of the C. A. B., Jean Pouliot. There were lighting problems in the Brockville Theatre. This always seems to be a problem when awards are televised at regional or Dominion finals. If you wanted to see only the awards, then CBC was the one to watch, but if you wanted more colour about the D. D. F. and the official Monday night opening with the P. M., then CTV had to be your choice. The I.T.O. stations in Can- ada Independent Television Operators) picked the right shows for this season, accord- ing to the latest ratings. Out of 16 programs. L T. 0. beat CBC shows 11 times. Here are the top 10 in order of households tuned: The Munsters, Red Skelt- on. Flintstones, '_flan fron U. N. C. L. E.. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Burke's Law, Count- ry Music Hall, The Lucy Show and Peyton Place. 0— St. Peter's CWL L Hensall United Church Women Unit 4 Carmel Church Make Plans For General Meeting The highlight of the June UCW Unit 4 meeting held on Thursday in the Christian edu- cation building of Hensall Unit- ed Church was vocal selections by two budding UCW members, Barbara Cooper and Betty Anne Beer. Mrs, James McAllister opened the meeting with .invo- cation. Program convenors were Mrs. Fred Beer and Mrs, J. Flynn, with Mrs. Beer presiding for the program. The devotional was taken by Mrs. Flynn, who also gave a commentary on "choosing a faith", taken from the study book. The topic, "New Evangelism Needed " was taken by Mrs. Beer, who stated, "we, as Christian, must have more concern for those who have fallen by the way- side. Mrs. Beer gave courtesy remarks. Mrs. McAllister, leader, took the ohair for the business. An interesting report was heard from the visiting group of the month of May. It was suggest- ed all members make calls dur- ing July and August on their regular meeting day. Two in- vitations were received, one for the '35th anniversary of Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, and for the annual strawberry supper at St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen. Mrs. McAllister thanked all members who had helped in any way for a very successful smorgasbord. The spring bale donations and packing were re- ported as being a wonderful Monsignor Bourdeau opened the June meeting of St. Peter's CWL with prayer. Regular du- ties of the meeting taken care of, attention was then turned to final plans for the Knights of Columbus communion break- fast to he •held at the parish hall on June 20. There will be about 100 men present. Mother Jean Marie sent word there will be ten graduates out of grade eight. As in other years. the league will provide scholarships to the highest and second highest girl or boy and a communion breakfast after graduation exercises. 1The meeting was voted ad- journed by Mrs. Jerry Flana- gan and seconded by Mrs. Clem Regier. Prayers closed the meeting, and a social hour followed. work, and the eight ladies who helped in packing ware grace- ously thanked. Boxes were sent to Hazelton, B.C., eight to Toronto for overseas relief and six to the Salvation Army, at London. Pyjamas made for the Children's Aid Society Christ- mas gifts were handed in. The general meeting for June will be in charge of this unit. Miss Florence Clark, a mission- ary from Trinidad, formerly of Centralia, will be guest speak- er. This unit is also in charge of nursery and flowers for Sep- tember, arrangements for same to be made at September meet- ing; Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. Sim Roobol to be in charge. Memorials for the United Church was brought to their attention, proceeds of this to go towards the missionary and maintenance fund. Members were divided into groups for a buzz session to dis- cuss for seven minutes the tur- moil in the churches. 0 Receives Degree On June 4, 1965, at the an- nual spring convocation at Thanes Hall, University of Western Ontario, David Noakes received his Bache 1 o r of Science degree for Honors Bi- ology. David was presented with a gold medal, awarded by the University Board •of Gover- nors. He is currently working for his Master of Science de- gree. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes, Hensall. always .r,..- t..�.......�..� SERVED iN OUR MODERN DINING ROOM ENJOY THE NNE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE Or STEAKS - CHICKEN - RSH m � � i m 5 ate! DAL 236.4371 — ZURICH 1 i ,,..N.... r4,, 4,6,.1,0` ,by RED FISHER ,,,.....�...���III fl„H�RMk N'S IIALL of RAMC [414 "PLOP” How many times have • you been advised to call off a fishing trip "because the water's mud- dy?" Probably quite often, es- pecially during the rainy months when downpours wash silt down streams and into lakes. For most anglers, fishing comes to a standstill. But there's an exception to every rule, particularly when fishing is con- cerned. And there's one spe- cial style of an- gling in which muddy water can be a real as- set—bass fishing. Fishing when a lake's all cloudy and "messed up" calls for differ- FISHER ent advertising techniques. If a bass can't see a lure, then offer him something he can hear, smell and taste. (Did you ever notice how much better your hearing is in a thick fog?) Take a cork and "dish out" the bottom end so that it will. "plop" loudly when cast by rod or long cane pole to the shore- line. Two feet down from the cork, attach a hook with a glob of worms. As this rig 10 retrieve ed; jerk the rod. up and dowit briskly. The fish hears, melte. and tastes, and he's on, 3`or best remits, cruise around the .shoreline Sunil ,you find a spotwhere 'the muddy water le Just. starting to Blear at the edges, near stumps or in, weed patches. Instead of staying home when the lake looks like it should be be plowed rather than fished, crank up your Mercury and give this technique a try. You might surpris° a Rot 02 bass in the proaess. PRESTON T1TE-LAP METAL ROOFING LOCKS OUT ALL WEATHER! The perfect fit of Preston galvanized steel or Aluminum "TITE- LAP" roofing and siding keeps out driving wind and rain — guarantees weathertightness for your building. Available in both standard and heavy gauge highest quality galvanized steel as well as stucco embossed and diamond embossed ALCAN aluminum. Each 5 -rib sheet covers a full 32" width and is available in any length up to 30 feet! Preston Tite-Lap metal roofing is also available in 5 gleaming. colours with a weather -resistant finish that will keep its fresh appearance for years just like your car -- will not peel or blister; SEE YOUR DEALER LISTED BELOW or write for our free ROOFING BULLETIN PRESTON 4OOF'ING Prt0 FACTORY 1139 Industrial Rd. a Preston, Ontario opam BRANCH -'.46 151 Bentworth Ave„ Toronto, Ontario ZURICH BUILDERS' SUPPLY LTD, Women's Society Is 75 Years Old A milestone in the history of the Women's Missionary So- ciety of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, was reached on Wednesday, June 2, when they celebrated their 75th an- niversary. To nark the .occasion guests were present from the Auxili- aries of Huron Presbyterial, Ex- eter, Cromarty and Hensall churches. Mrs. Earl Campbell presided and was assisted in the devotions by Mrs. Percy Campbell and Mrs. John Boyne, the theme being "Faith". Mrs. Campbell gave a short review of the society's history and Mrs. Beatrice Hess sang a solo accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Ed Munn. The guest speaker was Mrs. W. A. Young, of Guelph, a former minister's wife. In her very inspiring address to the large audience, she used as her thence, "What does God require of us?", and used the story of Naomi to point out the char- acteristics people should try to attain. She was introduced by Mrs. Malcolm Campbell and thanked by Mrs. Harvey Hyde. A social hour followed in the church school room, during which Mrs. George Walker had the honour of cutting the birth- day cake. AMMON BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Cara" Agent for Dry Cleaning I VARNA NEWS United Church Women The United Church Women held their June meeting in the church on Thursday evening last, The devotions and study book was under the leadership of Mrs. Charles Reid's group, the thence being, "The Chris- tian as a Citizen". Mrs. Gordon Johnston read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Mervyn John- ston led in prayer. Mrs. Charles Reid gave the meditation, "How do you like your neighbors". Twenty-five members answered the roll call, Mrs. Fred McClymont had the study period. Twenty-eight calls were made during the month to sick and shut=ins. A donation was made to the Va- cation Bible School which will be held early in July. Mrs. Reid closed the meeting with prayer, and group two served lunch. The local softball team won their game Saturday night with Holmsville, when a good crowd witnessed the game. Presentation and Dance For MR. and MRS. JACK SCHADE (nee Nile Greenlee) in the DASHWOOD Community Centre en Sat., June 12 Music by Roger Quick and the Rainbows Mr. and Mrs, Lee McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. Percy John- ston returnedhome last week after visiting friends in the Canadian West. The fortieth anniversary of the United Church was observed last Sunday with Rev. M. Shat - to ,of Zurich as guest minister, Week end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred McClymont were Mr. and Mrs. Don Barker, Ruth_ Lorne and HEAP BIG TROUBLE? FINANCE YOUR NEW OR USED CAR ON THE BANK OF MONTREAL FAMILY FINANCE PLAN LOW-COST LIFE -INSURED LOANS Calf RAY McKINNON Zurich, 236.4384 Call V. M. PYETTE Hensall, 262.2524 Glenn of King City. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClymont and Michael of Burford. ----0 Here are a few Red Cross water safety tips. Always swim with at least one other person. Swim only during daylight hours. Investigate conditions before entering strange waters. BUILDING CONTRACTOR • CUSTOM CARPENTRY • YOU NAME IT . . . WE'LL DO IT ! No lob is too large or too small for us. DICK BEDARD DIAL 236-4679 — ZURICH CaII Us for Free Estimates sarr Count on Us to Said HEATING Do Things Right! Imo' y Q.Al• 9 Our skilled, experienced men take pride in their expert work- manship. orkmanship. When they do a job, you KNOW it's right! 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So how about seeing your Chevrolet dealer in person and proving for yourself that Chevrolet value is at an all-time high, and that Trade 'N' Travel Time is the time to buy? That way, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you've done the right thing at the right time — made the best deal of the year on a beautiful new Chevrolet. discover the difference! CHEVROLET CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE • CHEVY 5 • CORVAIR • CORVETTE It's Trade'N' Travel Time ... At Your Chevrolet -Oldsmobile Dealer's Now! Authorized Chevrolet Dealer in Exeter C•1165 SNELL BROS. LIMITED EXETER -- PHONE 235-0660 00 aura to see Bonanza on the 0110.1V network aaloh Burley. Cheek your tool listings for channel deed time,