HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-05-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 'T'H'URSDAY, MAY 27, 1945 Skippin' ger Sports by Agus "Red' Mkcintosh Another Victory Scion Gratton, Bob McKin- ley's brilliant young horse, won his third race in a row last week at Mohawk. In winning his race, Scion Graton lowered his time for the season to un- der the :08 mark. Track Winners Eugene Guenther, of Dash- wood, won the senior boys' high jump at the Huron -Perth Sec- ondary School track meet held in Mitchell recently. He placed second in the shotput and fin- ished second in the discus throw. In the junior girls' soft- ball throw, Diane McKinley placed third. . League Meeting A meeting of the Huron - Perth Baseball League was held in the Mitchell Legion Hall last Wednesday, May 19. At the meeting it was decided that the deadline for entries and a sche- dule would be drawn up, at the next meeting. which was held last night. Definite entries in the league were Walkerton, Staffa and Zurich. Hanover, t was understood, was seeking franchise in ;he league. 3 Theatre -- Clinton Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted Free wo Complete Shows Nightly COME AS LATE AS 11 P.M. AND SEE A COMPLETTE SHOW Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 27-28 "Pail~ 4, Springs Week -end" TROY DONAHUE CONNIE STEVENS TY HARDIN Color Cartoon SAT. - MON. -TUES. - WED. May 29.31, June 1-2 ow The :st was on CARROLL BAKER HENRY FONDA LEE J. COBB GREGORY PECK DEBBIE REYNOLDS JAMES STEWART And Many Other Stars Color Cartoon PLEASE NOTE: 1 Shaw Nightly at 9:30 405 Smart Fool Somebody thought they were pretty smart last week and pulled the horseshoe pegs out of the ground at the court be- hind the Citizens News. We hope they got a big kick out of this childish 'L.rick, and will do it again. Then, when the volunteer look -out spies them, they will get another big kick. right on the seat of their pants, N t ted Doctor To Address Group Dr. Neville Lefcoe. of Lon- don, will address the annual dinner meeting of the Huron County Tuberculosis Associa- tion in Seaforth on Monday. His subject will be, "Research in Lung Disease Today". Dr. Lefeoe is a medical doc- tor from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, and re- ceived his Fellow Royal College of Physicians in 1956. He has had extensive post -graduate study and experience in the United States and Canada. At the pr e s e n t time Dr. Lefcoe is associate professor of medicine. University of West- ern Ontario. His interests are Iargely concerned with teach- ing of pulmonary disease at the Medical school, managing the lung function laboratory at Vic- toria Hospital, and various re- search problems, including the distribution of bronchial dis- ease in different occupation groups in London, with regard to dust exposure in the various occupations, and the effect of exercise and body conditioning on lung function in normal people, and in people with vari- ous diseases. NO DANCING AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND UNTIL Friday, June 11 Music by "The Cavaliers" �AYVIEW Golf Course (1/2 Mile South of St. Joseph) Green Fees Opening to May 31 — Sept. 15 to Closing and Weekdays, June 1 to Sept, 14 $1.25 WEEK -ENDS and HOLIDAYS from June 1 to September 14 $2.00 Membership Fees Men, Full Season _ ... $25.00 Ladies, Full Season ____w________ -. _ $20.00 Students, Full Season _..______..w__...- $12,00 half Season, To and After August 1 Less 40% Trap Shooting The interest in trap shooting has risen so high that it has been decided to hold shooting every Wednesday night and not every other Wednesday as had been the intention. In spite of the rain, last night's shoot was successful. Changes At aayview The new holes at the Bayview Golf Course went into effect over the week -end, with differ- ences of opinion being voiced on them. We feel that the green on No. 3 is a long way from top condition and the fair- way is in rough shape. How- ever, when the new green grows into the condition of the rest of the course, it will be one of the toughest holes on the course and should provide the golfer with a lot of hard shots. One -of the mare noted sports names in the area, Jack Chip - chase, of Hensall, and star de- fenceman of the Toronto Marl- boros, was seen shooting a fine round at Bayview over the week -end. Huron -Perth Baseball At the second meeting of the Huron -Perth Baseball League, held last night in Mitchell, it was decided that three teams would not make a good enough league and supply the ball play- ers with sufficient ball. Walk- erton, Staffa and Zurich were represented. The meeting was called to draw up the schedule and was also supposed to be the dead- line for entries. However, the decision was reached to allow another week for entries while the president, Bob Sadler, and John Livermore, the secretary - treasurer, "scouted" the area for at least one more team. The executive felt another team was a must and they hoped to talk Dashwood into putting in an entry and draw- ing players from Exeter. Han- over was also going to be ap- proached again. The report from that centre was "enough players but no managers". If no other team enters then the schedule will be drawn up with the three interested teams. Elan Practice Zurich intermediate baseball team will hold its first practice at the ball park on Friday night, at 6:30 pan. All interested players and fans are invited to attend (weather permitting), and also to attend the meeting at 8:30 in the township hall, At the meeting a new slate of officers will be named. Softball Teach, The boys down at Fax Milling and Lumber Company are or- ganizing a softball team for the season, Their first game will be next Wednesday in Kettle Point. Although not in a league as yet, Jim Dalton said today that they may try to put an entry in the Lieury League, The team has no diamond in Zurich to play on, but hope to be able to play on the baseball diamond when the minor soft- ball leagues start. Due to shift work at the mill some nights the team will be short a player or two and any softball players interested in filling out the team can contact Jim Dalton at the mill, for fur- ther details. Help Appreciated We wish to thank those who have helped us by giving us tips on sports stories. If you have any sports stories or know of any in the Hensall, Dash- wood, Grand Bend. Bayfield or Zurich area, or if any of the area's former residents are high -lighting the sports world, we would appreciate a eall with the details. Thank you! 0 Attend Ceremony Members of the Girl Guides of Canada, Huronia Area, held their first Gold Cord Certificate presentation Sunday. May 16, in Owen Sound Collegiate and Vo- cational Institute. Thirteen Guides who earned the Gold Cord during the past year were presented with their certificates by Mrs. Donald Gunn, Toronto. Ontario Provin- cial Commissioner. Five of the girls are from Huron Division and are Joanne Cook, Goderich: COME _ ,. S _ YOU _ PLEASE DANCE ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE ON SATURDAY, MAY 29 Dancing, 9 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. MUSIC BY .. . "The Cavaliers" IG -th �teates� J the FiRgest! i 'tile Uestl White Swan Tissue _ _ _ _ 8/$1 32.Oz, Bottle Javex Bleach 24c 12 Inch Stuart House Foil Wrap __ _ _ 33c Saluda Tea Bags, 60s _ _ _ _ 79c Aylmer— 15 Oz. Fancy Creamed Corn _ _ - ._ 6/$1 Jell-O Jelly Powders _ _ _ 10/$1 15 Oz. Libby's Fruit Cocktail _ _ - 4/$1 Regular or Chubby Kleenex Tissues _______6/$1 11.Oz. Bottle Libby's Ketchup 5/$1 15.Oz. Tin Libby's Peas 6/$1 Assorted Supreme Biscuits 3/89c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET CLARENCE GASCHO —y ZURICH Linda Nicholson, Clinton; Glen- da Wade, RCAF Station, Clin- ton, and Lois Simmons, Hensall, The 500 guests were welcom- ed by the Area Commissioner, Mrs. Park e r Evans, Owen Sound. Greetings were brought to Girl Guides by Mr. Robert Rutherford, mayor of Owen Sound; Mr. V. Sergent, MLA, Province of Ontario, and the Provincial Commissioner. The color party, composed of Owen Sound Guides, was in charge of Mrs. M. Atton. A choir of Guides from. Clifford, Harriston and Palmerston, un- der the direction of Mrs. Burt Dixon, deputy area commission. er, presented sevveral Guide songs. Arrirorrorarillrir_ VILLAGE 1 FOR YOU SATU NN, GRAND BEND PRESENTS R LISTENING and ENTERTAINMENT PLEASURE RIDAY, MAY 28 — PETRIE'S TRIO RDAY, MAY 29 — JACK HARTMAN'S TRIO ack"n"Rall -- Western Music Open every night, Monday through Friday, till 1 p.m. Open Saturday night Till 11:30 p.m. WHITE BEAN GROWERS M�M'dt'y,., f+-aww'rw.evMMMu^W+.iWd.,�.1•./'4+.. HARRISTON FERTILIZERS LTD. will be mixing THINET for the control of Mexican can Beattie n Leaf oer �ryY ry . Anyone wishing this insecticide mixed in their bean fer •ilizer please contact our office by May 29 a � � r " ,'s »,t 0 Phone 482-9133 Clinton SPECIAL BUYS F GREENFIELD CONTROLLED -RELEASE LAWN FOOD 20-5-5, A com- plete lawn food recognized Icy turf experts as en ideal lawn fertilizer. Con- tains quick -acting nitrogen for im- mediate results. II lbs. Covers $295 '2500 sq. ft. 22 lbs. Covers $495 5000 sq. ft. WEED PREYENTER Gives effective pre- emergence control over moat of the ono *Rua) broadleaf weeds. Is not harm dui to animals, or humans. Makes 'gen. aiening a breeze. $1198 III CAN 25 oz. Can Covers 250 aq. ft. 50' LENGTHS -7/16" Plastic Hose Only $i.25 Lawn Rakes Only $x.29 Shears - $4.99 r®a.. S' HEDGE TRIMMER sial495 REG. $33.95 Deluxe starflyte hedge trimmer with 13" double cutter bar. Pre- cision ground teeth that easily slice through the thickest hedg- es. Over -load clutch and life- weld features protect it from shock. Powerful AC -115 volt mo- tor. ALUMINUM Lawn Chairs Reg. Value $4.95 $3e99 Nommememerammemommassow ELECTRIC "Zip -Screw" Driver Only $33.95 each OSCILLATING Lawn Sprinkler Full coverage up to 1800 sq. ft. Sale Price $4.88 V w.r 5 -FOOT ALUMINUM Step Ladder REG. VALUE' I $17.95 Only $9.99 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TH ESE SPECIAL BARGAINS ZURICH HARDWARE