HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-05-27, Page 7TIHIURSIDAY, MAY 27, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PGE SEVEN Canadian social 'worker Dorh Clark invites you to write bar about your problem. She aanwrrs letters of sieurd inter t.& this column but can't rndertake personal 'spike. DEAR DORIS — My husband and I are both in the Boy Scout movement and my husband makes scouting his God. We just have not got any people who will come to visit us, be- cause they say all he will talk about is scouting, When I want to go to visit our married children, he won't gb; but if I suggest going where there are Scout leaders, he'll toI can't get him to take me to a show. We have ma n y a quarrel about his lack of interest in me. What would you do, Doris, with a man who makes you feel you come last with him? Nobody DEAR NOBODY—So it would almost seem that you husband married the Boy Scout move- ment? You won't change things by protesting — and you wouldn't even want him to drop his Scouts completely, would you? The thing that is wrong with this hobby is that he has gone overboard. Serve notice that you plan to spend at least one night a week out; that you also intend to visit your children and grand- children regularly. When he looks up from his camp kit and can't find you, and discovers that his grandchildren ar e growing up without knowing him, lie may reconsider. Don't forget that he is also doing good for other young fel- lows. He's not drinking or phi- landering while he's Scouting. DEAR DORIS — We have to give talks on occupations or something connected with them. Last time T discussed nursing. This time I'd like to have some- thing everyone will enjoy and think great; maybe a panel with two others. Counting On You DEAR COUNTING — one of my pet themes is that every single one of us has a special talent. When we discover this and choose the career related to it, life is a breeze, Your work should be your fun. My leaflet "On Choosing a Career" goes into this, pointing out that we must avoid false clues, as well as discovering our own special aptitudes. Your panel discussion could cover both, giving examples of people who have found the right job, and some who haven't. (Anyone may have this leaflet by writing in for it, enclosing ten cents and a stamped, self- addressed envelope.) DEAR DORIS — Daddy's day starts at 10 a.m. and he loves staying up until two a.m. This is bad enough, but he encour- ages the children to stay up, too. If I tell the kids to get to bed it's, "Oh yes, here she is asserting her female rights, the battle of the sexes to put dad in his place." The kids love it! I am shak- ing with exhaustion at 6:30 a.m. when I have to rouse the boys. The two wee boys get enough rest but dad's pals, ages 19 and Dashwood (Intended for 'eat week) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke and daughter, of Brampton, visited with Milt Haugh. Mrs. Wilbur Stewart, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaiser and Kim. Mrs. Loretta Zimmer attended graduation exercises of St. Jo- josep's Hospital School of Nurs- 15, I can't cope with. Still Shaking DEAR SHAKING — 'Then put dad in his place as the head of the family -- by stressing his privilege of having rested, heal- thy teenagers. Ash him wheth- er he plans to let you run things alone. Right now his actions suggest those of an irresponsible child. His tactics are unfair and de- signed to make you retire in confusion. To Untouchable—Your grandfather has taken advan- tage of his kindship to maul you since you were little. Now, as a young lady, the nearness of a nice young man revolts you —a reaction which could per- mantly affect your relations with the opposite sex. A better undersanding of our need for affection and how it should be used to express love could help you. Write in for my list of books on "Sex, Mar- riage and Birth Control", en- closing ten cents and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. And find a mature friend or coun- sellor, to talk all this out with. 11111111111111111, BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Carom Agent for Dry Cleaning oWn sigaXIMINIIIMINIMM NM IN If you're asking yourself This message might provide a positive answer. IlI BANN' /pampa wows If a major purchase costs more than you want to spend, the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan might well be the difference between having it to enjoy and going without. 1E1,51 r<. g;":.'.:..,x;:F>*�';:igr:,.,.:..::er;;:k 4•rim,:,;g! ? ?;y% `?' -,cmmm%'dtrNro.,y, tv.�,,.r er 4•:�s ywn.,:,.�, You CAN BRING ALL YOUR CREDIT NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF The Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan is the modern, economical way to take care of all your credit needs without putting a heavy strain on your pay- cheque. It puts cash in your hands for a new automo- bile, washing machine, TV set, wardrobe for your family — or for meeting emergencies and recurring commitments. 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Zurich .Breach: RAYMONE McKINNON, Manager ing at Thames Hall, Friday eve- ning. Robert Wein, of Sudbury, is vacationing with his mother, Mrs, Herb Wein, Arnold Geiger, of Pigeon, Mich., visited with Mrs, Flossie Stade and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stade and Sherie. Rudolph Miller is a patient. in South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter, where he underwent sur- gery last week. Charles Becker, Sr., is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mrs, Edmond Kraft celebrat- ed her 70th birthday last week. Week -end visitors with Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac were Ronald Mcisaac and Mr. and Mrs. Mc - Isaac, all of Detroit. LWML Rally Five members of Zion Luth- eran Church Lutheran Women Missionary League attended the spring rally at Stratford Sun- day, May 16. The theme throughout was, "I am the Vine, ye are the Branches". Pastor C. Evanson, of Stratford, spoke on this theme. An evening workshop also carried this theme. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now PORT ELGIN Safe Beach beckons all; activ- ities for every age; varied ac- commodations. Write BOX 406 PORT ELGIN Huron TO Group Advised About Publicity Program Members of Huron Tuber- culosis Association were told by education chairman, G. A. Watt, that pamphlets and pos- ters had gone out to doctors' waiting rooms and industries in the co u n t y. The association met in Clinton when Dr. R. M. Aldis presided in the absence of the president, D. 1. Stewart. Congratulatory and informa- tive letters to secondary school graduates are to go out, the board agreed, and "Clinical STARLITE DRIVE -1N THEATRE MAY 28 and 29 "Robin and the Seven Hoods" (Colour) (Adult) Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Sammy Davis, Jr. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free No wonder Pontiac is so popular again this year... just look at it! Notes" on respiratory diseases are going to hospitals in the county for doctors' and nurses' use. In the case -finding report, it was noted that as well as reg- ular monthly referral clinics, the fool -handler survey is ready to begin. E. R. Knight, rehabil- itation and social service chair- man, said finaneial assistance is being given to a T13 patient. Plans were finalized for the annual meeting to be held on May 31, 1965, in the Anglican Chureh, Seaforth. Dr. Neville Lefcoe, associate professor of medicine, University of West- ern Ontario, will be the speak- er, his topic being, "Research in Lung Disease Today". D. M. Rae, of Stratford, a director of Ontario Tuberculosis Association, spoke to the group in his capacity as a member of t h e management committee, OTA. Mr. Watt will attend the annual On t a r i •o Tuberculosis Association meeting in Toronto on. June 7. BUY ALL YOUR SEED REQUIREMENTS FROM A RELIABLE DEALER! Hardi-Green MIXTURES Climax Timothy, Vernal Alfalfa, Einar Alfalfa, English Red Clover Long -Term MIXTURES AND HAY PASTURE MIXTURES Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITH: NG" DIAL 236-4921 ZURICH One glance at Pontiac's out -and -.out beauty tells you why it enjoys so much popularity with Canadian car buyers.. But looks are only part of the Pontiac story. Pontiac has a lot more than just glamour. Luxurious comfort, for instance, in the rich fabrics and thoughtful appointments of Pontiac's fashion -plate interiors. Swashbuckling performance, backed by outstanding dependability. And pace -setting Pontiac engineering developments. Like the all-new way Pontiac is built this year, with tough perimeter frame construction and curved glass side windows. Like dramatically improved road -holding ability from the new wider track and Full -Coil suspension. Plus a long list of other fine features and options that easily explain Pontiac's appeal to your practical side. As to how Pontiac gets its special place in your heart just look at it! '— a {{.;.Fi'is•%•ii::�}`'i',{+:Ty:,f::•i{j ri f:.}•,:'vi%:.{� 4}: A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Md look what's happening at your Pontiac dealer's Success Car Sales Celebration in full swing! Here's your Pontiac dealer's way of saying "Thank you" for your enthusiasm about his 1965 models. He's ready to give you the kind of terrific deal you'll want to tell your friends about. Wide selection of models and colors! With Pontiac you can choose from .. . hardtops, sedans, convertibles, station wagons . . - a total of 40 eye -appealing models in all. And you can get fast delivery on most models. Unsurpassed trade- in values! To keep up his stocks of used cars, your Pontiac dealer is offering top allowance on your trade-in at this Celebration time. Which means your present car will never be worth more than it is right snow! Take advantage of this great opportunity today! Authorized Pontiac Dealer in Zurich Parisienne Sport Coupe Visit the Success Car Sales Celebration today! . Pontiac TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED MAIN STREET -- ZURICH N1 OW to Watch "Teles .ops "end The Hopes" now showing on ielevkien. Check local listings for lb* and channel, 144441