HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-05-27, Page 4i PAGE POUR About People You Know ... 'Eli*:iday week -end visitors at the hoinc> of their mother, Mrs. Theresa Hartman. were Mr. and Mi. 3liehael Hartman anri fang ily, of Toronto: Mr. and 1Irs. Richerd Hartman and family, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hartman nan and David, and herald Hartman, of London. Dr. and Mrs. John Haberer and family, of Toronto, spent the holiday week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haberer. Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Brien and family spent the long week- end in Belleville, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Letts, of London, visited at the home of Mrs. Lett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch, an Sun- day. Miss Margaret Deiehert, of Kitchener, was a holiday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Deichert. Squadron Leader Ray Waters has returned to duties at Bagot- ville. Quebec, after spending a week's leave with his wife and family at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Datars were Sunday visitors at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Don Taylor. at Oakridge Acres, Lon- don. Mr. Jack Bannister, of Little Current, Manitoulin Island, was a week -end visitors with his wife and family, at Zurich, Week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut were Mr. and Mrs. Graham Far- quhar, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Yungblut and family, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Merner and family, of London, were holi- day visitors with members of their family in this area. Rev, and Mrs. E. Heimrich, of Ayton. were visitors on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberer and family. .At the auction sale of Mrs. Adeline Sararas last Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siemon, of the Bluewater High - ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE Correeoondont. AL. FRED DUCHARME Bernard Denomme, of Otta- reach their destination. way, of the Royal Force, called On Friday last, the busiest can Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard. day, hundreds of cars travelled The officer being a nephew of on the highway, cars of differ - the Bedards and being the son cut models, different colors and sizes and all seemed to be in readiness for fast going, and all regardless of the danger ahead there is when travelling at a break -neck speed and espe- cially on a busy holiday. It was amusing to watch them pass on, some were going the allowed speed while others ignored it. At times there were two abreast with one trying to pass the other, having to go that way almost a mile before giving up the race, No wonder so many accidents happen, We sometimes won- der why holidays are pro- claimed and so much freedom given to the public before they are noticed, or noticed at all, or when an accident had hap- pened. Life, the greatest gift given by God, is at stake today in a fast moving world and some measure should be taken to avoid some of the mishaps. Accidents today sends some members of respectable fam- ilies to their grave, while others are crippled for the rest of their life, Much of this hap. pens on national holidays when motorists and others take off for .a day •of gaiety and the re- sult of it all—bereaved families are left to mourn the loss of loved ones. We can only offer sympathy to those who are left. of the late Mr, and Mrs. Frank Denomme, natives of this par. ish. It had been 30 years since he had been in this parish, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bedard, of Courtright, called on friends in this neighbourhood on Sun- day last. Mr. Bedard being a native of this parish, his visit meant much to his relatives and friends. Miss Dianne Stansberry and friend, Thomas Emerick, of De- troit, called on the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Ducharme, on Saturday last, Mrs. Ralph Meek and daugh- ter, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Denis Charrette and Norman Charette of this highway, Mrs. Meek being a sister to them. Mr. and Mrs Paul Masse and Cy Ducharme, all of Windsor, called on yours truly on Sunday last. They also called on other relatives before returning to their home in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Four- nier and family spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corriveau. Heavy Traffic The Bluewater Highway was a busy one the past week -end, as Monday being a Canadian holiday many took advantage of the long week -end. Many came from different centres and travelling on this highway to way, purchased the home. They plan on moving in the very near future. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ginger- ich and family spent the holi- day week -end at their cottage, at Chesley Lake. Mrs. H. Eickmeier is spend- ing this week at the home of her son, Dr. and Mrs. B. Eick- meier and family, in Burlington. Mrs. Herb Mousseau left last Friday for Buckingham, Que- H OW TO FEATHER UR BANK ACCOUNT Feed your young flock your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with profit -proven National Poultry Developer Concentrate It's rich in meat meal protein, so it forms a perfect balance with the vegetable nutrients in the grains you supply. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy—right here at the mill—using National Concentrate, of course. (P. S. Ask about National's profit -proven Poultry Grower, a complete feed, plain or medicated.) NATIONAL. POULTRY DEVELOPER CONCENTRATE OEN A PRODUCT OF CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Ed, Schwartzentruber R.R, 2, ZURICH Henson District Co-operative ZURICH -» HENSALL -- BRUCEFIELD bee, where she plans to spend some time with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Black, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Allen, of Manitoulin Island, visited for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. They have spent the past winter in Florida, and were on their way back home. Morris Andersen, of London, was a visitor on Saturday with old friends in the Zurich dis- trict. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Case and family, of Barrie, spent the holi- day week -end with members of their families in Exeter and Zurich. Crop Report Seeding of all crops is pro - greasing favourably to the ex- tent that crop plantings are near normal. All crops are making excellent growth end show good colour. Livestock is all out on pas- ture. -0 BLAKE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston, of London, visited with Nir. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and fam- ily Saturday. Week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Gingerich were Mr. Swaze, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Hilbert Musselman, of Kitchener, Brian Mustard, of Sudbury, was a week -end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gingerich and family Women's Institute The next regular meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute will be held next Tuesday night, June 1, at the Township Hall, Zurich, Speaker for the occa- sion will be Mrs. Shirley Keller, of Dashwood. Promoted A native of Zurich, Hugh R. MacKinnon, has received a pro- motion with the Ontario De - pertinent of Highways, with whom he .has been associated for some time. Effective June 1, Mr. MacKinnon will be the assistant estimate 'engineer at the head office of the depart- ment, in Downsview. Mr. and Mrs. MacKinnon will be moving from their home in London to the Toronto area in the next couple of weeks. Moves To Saskatoon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schnell, of Hamilton, and Dr. Robert Schnell, of Saskatoon, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Datars last Sunday. Dr. Schnell returned to Saskatoon by plane from Melton airport on Sunday evening and he was accompan- ied by his aunt, Mrs. Anna Hurl- burt, of Huronview, who will makeher home at the Lutheran Sunset Home, Osler Street, Sas- katoon. Mrs. Hurlburt lived in Zurich for over 12 years and her many friends regret to see her leave the area. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! "And it came to pass, while he blessed them he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshipped Him." "But this one when he had offered one sacrifice for sin, for ever sat down ,on the right hand of God, expecting till his enemies be made footstool of his feet." Let all Christians rejoice that Jesus of Nazareth, ascended to the Father and has received power, glory, and authority at the right hand of God. Now all Christians can worship him as the disciples did, as their Lord. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE ANNUAL MEETING Hur wn County Tuberculosis ASSoCipf1011 ST. THOMAS CHURCH -_ SEAFORTH Monday, May 31, at 6:30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Neville Lefcoe, FRCP(C), of London University of Western Ontario, London D. I. STEWART, Seaforth — President NOM Count on Us to and HEATING Do Things Right! FOR EXPERT 9 Our skilled, experienced men take pride in their expert work- manship. When they do a job, you KNOW it's right! PLUMBING • HEATING 0 ELECTRICAL. WORK 0 REPAIRSOOIR NEW 1NST'ALLATIONS TIEMAN'S HARDWARE FURNITURE COAL. --• CEMENT PHONE 8 DASHWOOD THURSDAY, MAY 27, 196$ were Mrs. Sarah Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, and Mr, and Mrs. Allan Schwartzen- truber and Bonnie, of New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Brown, Toronto, and Mrs. Melvin Brown, Zurich, spent Monday with their sister, Mrs. Mary Hey. Mrs. Wesley Caldwell and Mrs, Kathleen Burge, London, visited at the home of Mts. inaiiiiiineaseeennemeesomammummeaimilI St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B,A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 30 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m; Worship Service You Are Welcome spopumanomosaimium monaommimmaimmaiammonsiummum EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., INIsibter Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 30 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service, 11:05 a.m.—Church School. Classes for All. 3:00 p.m.—Ordination Service in New Hamburg. Bishop R. H. M. Mueller in charge. 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study You Are Welcome Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, MAY 30 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME! Mary Hey on the week -end. Mrs. Mary Hey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keller at Dashwood on Sunday. Miss Anna Marie Quiring, of Toronto, visited with Miss Carol Erb over the week -end. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb and fatnityr were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zebr and son, Scott; Miss Kathy Erb and Mr. Paul Steckle, READ {Make Sure You Is the Main part of EVERY MEAL! Try Our Fresh White, Whole Wheat, Cracked Wheat, or French Bread and on the week -ends, try our Raisin Bread, Rye Bread Always Have a Supply on Hand! TASTY -NU BAKERY DIAL 236.4912 — ZURICH Spring House-cleaning Time! This is the time to do your annual housecleaning, and while you're at it --. why not install new floor covering. SEE THE ALL-NEW VINYL 'Cushion - Floor' Available in 6, 9 and 12 foot widths. It's so easy tc In- stall, that anyone can do it themselves. We carry a full range of CONGOLEUMS 0 INLAIDS TERRAZO CORLONS �3 Broadloom and Vinyl Carpeting Let us give you a Free Estimate! Westlake Furniture ZURICH — DIAL 236-4364 Aylmer Fancy -48 Oz. Tomato Juice Aylmer —15 Oz. Fruit Cocktail _ 2/63c Aylmer—Cream Style -15 Oz. Fancy Peas or C rn 6/$1 11 Ounces Aylmer Catsup - - 2/39c Aylmer Canadian Style -15 Oz, Beans with Pork _ 2/29c Aylmer— 10 Oz. Spork — 12 Oz. Luncheon Meat _ _ - 37c Duncan Hines — Assorted Cake Mixes _ _ 2 box 79c Alien's New Breakfast -48-0z. Glass Decanter range `t rink 47c Premium Red -7% Oz, Sockeye Salmon _ White Swan -4 Pack, 4c Off Toilet Tissue 49c 15 Ounce Tomato Soup - _ _ 4/49c Aylmer Peaches _ _ 2/49 Aylmer— 10 Oz. 20 Ounce Vegetable Soup _ _ 2/27c Aylmer Peaches _ , 2/63cc Miracle Whip -32 Oz. Stokely's—_43 Oz. Salad ressing _ _ - - 59c Ping Drink 35c FRUIT and VEGETABLES FLORIDA CELERY, JUMBO SIZE _ BUNCH 29c No. 1 — BD GOLDEANDEN YELLOW BANANAS _ _ •_ _ 2 LBS. 35c SANSONE CELLO TOMATOES _ _ _ _ _ TUBE 29c MEAT SPECIALS INCED HAM _--_LB. SSc SWEET PICKLED ROLLS LB. 55c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LBS. FOR 79c DOERR'S DIAL 236-4354