HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-04-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1965 Bowling Scores MEN'S LEAGUE Group A Playoffs Globe Trotters -Erie timate 711-- pinfall 2873. Dough Boys -Richard Stade 732 -pintail. 3001. The Tootters - Len Trott 598 -pinfall 2817. The Rockets - Len Bates 636 -pintail 2921. The Flyers -Jack Hamilton 730 - pinfall 3053. Hot Shots -Earl Horner 699 -pinfall 2858. High single: Gib Stade 403. High triple: Fred Wells 793. High average: Jim Bedard 214. Group B Playoffs The 'Wildcats -Clarence Rau 565-pinfall 2554. The Wonders -Leo Hoffman 538 -pinfall 2165. Buteheretes -- Jacob Haberer 555-pinfall 2274. Questionaires - Hugh Mc - Ewan 702-pinfall 3078. High single: Pat World 320. High triple: Paul Bedard 720. High average: Bob Haye 200. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Final Standing Hawkeyes - 156. Seldom Wins - 130. Ramblers - 101. Whippoorwills - 93. Varieties - 88. Hi Hopes - 57. High single for season: Eileen Rennie, Vic Dinnin. 298. High triple for season: Sam Rennie, 700. a BUIL; I!NG C NTRACTOR • CUSTOM CARPENTRY • YOU NAME IT . . . WE'LL DO IT! No job is too large or too small for us. DICK BEDARD DIAL 236-4679 - ZURICH Cali Us for Free Estimates ®ria CATCHING ON FAST -Since the inovation of skate- boards to this district, area youths are quickly developing' the art of manouveuring the tricky gadgets. Seen here trying their skill on the boards are, left to right, Tanya Parkins, Carol Gingerich and Marlene Rader. To date there have been no reports of broken bones around these parts, despite Zurich Organizes T Sponsor all For Area Youths The Zurich Minor Athletic Association is planning to spon- sor local recreation leagues for softball this season, for both boys and girls. As soon as all children wishing to play soft- ball this summer have regis- tered teams and leagues will be formed. A registration form, which is on this page of the Citizens News, must be filled in by both the child and the parent before anyone can play softball under the Minor Athletic Association. All children over 10 years of age. and under 16, will be eligi- ble for teams which the group hopes to organize. 0 Members who say they're too busy to attend meetings are like the man who so busy chopping wood he never had time to sharpen his axe. 11 Ounces Aylmer Tomato Catsup _ _ _ 19c Nabisco - 12s Shredded Wheat - _ Vegetable and Tomato - 28 Oz. Tins _ _ 2/49c 2/41c _ 2/69c Habitant Soup 48 -Oz. Tins Allen's Apple Juke - _ Bananas 2 lbs. 29c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET CLARENCE GASCHO -- ZURICH ZURICH MINOR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION MINOR SOFTBALL REGISTRATION For Boys and Girls 10 and Over Any boy or girl, 10 years and over, wishing to play softball in Zurich this summer under the Zurich Minor Athletic Association, must fill in this form, have it signed by a parent, and leave it at the Zurich Citizens News office, before May 5, 1965. Name Address .._._.........._... Age Please Have a Parent Sign This Part ! 1 hereby agree to allow my child(ren) to play softball under the Zurich Minor Athletic Association during the coming season, and will accept all responsibility for any injuries which could occur. {Signature of Parent) This form must be completed and turned in before any child will be allowed to take part in any game under the Zurich Minor Athletic Association. DASHWOOD criticism of the boards on the part of the Ontario Safety Council. Most children regard the skateboards as being no more dangerous than ordinary roller skates. The boards being used in this photo are products of Fox Milling sand Lumber in Zurich. Personals Misses D a r l en e and Sally Webb spent last week at Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mathers. Wins Award Larry Weido, accompanied by Mrs. Vyrne Weido, Mrs. Lloyd Will'ert and Mrs. Rudolph Mil- ler, attended the science fair a Wingham High School last Friday and with his biology entry, "Insects Are Essential to Mankind", 'won the award and a cash award. They also toured CKNX television station. Father and San Banquet Seventy-seven sat down to a father and son banquet at the Men's Club supper Monday eve- ning. President Hugh Boyle we l c o me d everyone. Guest speaker, Magistrate Glen Hayes of Goderich, was introduced by James Hayter. He spoke on the history of Huron County. Ilow- ard Klumpp showed pictures of the 1964 hockey and local base- ba'l films. Offers You the Best in Office Equipment TYPEWRITERS and ALL AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES! Child Safety Is Important Now RS UNDERWOOD PRIMA 20 Adding Machine A portable, high capacity adding with direct subtraction, credit balance indi- cator, printed tape, and other features not usually found in a low-priced ma- chine. SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE -$124.50 THIS WEEK ONLY $109.50 Children have an incredible ability to get hurt or killed. Sometimes it is the child's own fault but more often the re- sponsibility is an adult's whose neglect allowed the accident to happen.. Traffic accidents involving children are in many cases due to a child dashing into the road without watching traffic or obeying the traffic light. Poi- sonings may occur because the adults did not put medicines or household chemicals out of reach of the juniors. Drownings can happen in very shallow water if children go adventuring, especially in early spring when ice is float- ing on the surface of a river, pond or construction trench. The bicycle crowd can both cause and be victims of, a traf- fic accident. Riding two abreast on streets or highway is clang- RS anb LECTRIC ADDERS As Low As $179.50 The Underwood Name Is World Famous for Quality UNDERWOOD PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS The world's most famous portable typewriter with all the features of a standard machine. Underwood Lettera SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE $99.50 Only $84.50 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE UNDERWOOD A TRY I e,,.0",.r.^" d.. COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE LETTERHEADS fl! ENVELOPES • STATEMENTS SALE BILLS • BROCHURES 0 TAGS If it's made of paper --- we can supply you DIAL 236.4672 ZURICH serous and so is the e0111111.00 practice of taking a passenger either on the rear or front of the bicycle. A bike is a one person vehicle. Insufficient lighting on the bike at night contributes to a death toll among youngsters. whose machine should hate a light in front and reflectors on the back, with an extra precau-- tion of luminous Scotch light tape to warn motorists who come up behind the bicycle. 0 VARNA NEWS A large congregation filled the United Church last Sunday evening when the A. Cappello Chair of Zurich presented a sacred concert, which was much appreciated by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot and family, of London, visited over the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and a baptismal service will be held next Sunday, May 2, in the United Church. P �avwew Golf Course ( -z Mile South of St. Joseph) Green Fees Opening to May 31 - Sept. 15 to Closing and Weekdays, June 1 to Sept. 14 $1.25 WEEK -ENDS and HOLllDAY8 from June 1 to September 114 $2.00 Membership Fees Men, Full Season _.. _..... _...... __" Ladies, Full Season Students, Full Season _ Half Season, To and After August 1 s. :25.00 $20.00 $12.00 Less 40% O the best-selii international brand of beer in the world (Enjoyed in Canada and 55 other countries!) Today, Canada's best -liked beer is winning new friends around the world. Originated in Canada, Carling Black Label Beer is now brewed in 18 plants in 5 countries. Next time you have a beer, pour a tall cool Black Label, You'll know why it's so popular. ett MACK LABEL r say: ".14EL, ':gib.. ,�,ve Ckk'K �y� ,v,:9. +t�C :'iz.' j ..ti11v 1? �. f ? �•;" a� w Ileo • `> +.? ��,,'4co.' o-,�.yp,�. < �. , oho: (Enjoyed in Canada and 55 other countries!) Today, Canada's best -liked beer is winning new friends around the world. Originated in Canada, Carling Black Label Beer is now brewed in 18 plants in 5 countries. Next time you have a beer, pour a tall cool Black Label, You'll know why it's so popular. ett MACK LABEL r say: ".14EL,