HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-04-29, Page 6vAGE ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1965 Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of genera, interest in this column but can't undertake personal replies. DEAR DORIS _ My mother never once: offered to help me after my baby was born. I was really lost, as I had never taken care of a baby before. The only time we hear about her is when she phones to tell us about her troubles. We have helped her with money when my dad was out of work. She never did much for me when I was young, either. She slept in while I grabbed toast and a glass of milk before I was off to school, My dresses were dirty and torn and never fitted right. comatteassereaseastaidermszeweseasassmo tither Shop MAW STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Card' Agent for Dry Cleaning My husband thinks she is hot', rible, and wants nothing more to do with her. Confused and Hurt DEAR CONFUSEED — Be thankful you got dragged up somehow and are now able to manage. Might as well accept her as she is. and always has been. Bearing a grudge helps no one. DEAR DORIS — 1 have been separated from my faithless husband for years. I started going with a man whose wife ran around, too, and left him with two children who are now working, and living with their father. Two years ago we put his daughter and mine together in my home while they attended high school, and we both worked away from home, coming home week ends. This did not work out as his daughter was not brought up the way mine was. Count on Us to TING Do Things Right! i ", Our Entire Hotel is Equipped with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure 1 t Our skilled, experienced men take pride in their expert work- manship. When they do a job, you KNOW it's right! PLUMBING ! HEATING itti ELECTRICAL WORK i FOR EXPERT REPAIRS OR NEW INSTALLATIONS Call TIE;P !;A'S HARDWARE FURNITURE — COAL -- CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD f�9 SERVED 1N OUR M DER I Di' G R ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM STEAKS WE SPECIALIZE ilr CHICKEN DIAL 236-4371 — ZURICH ,EMm•sa sti r FISH I Exciting New Profit Opportunities FROM CALVES THAT GROW AND GROW AND GROW She smokes, drinks, does not help with chores. I am now in love with the girl's father and he says he j loves toe, but what can we do, about it? We are not divorced or well off, and neither home is big enough for two families. Ile tells me when the children are on their own we will get to- gether. 1 hate this kind of life; 1 don't want to just go around with any man forever. Do you think I am wasting my time on him? There is nobody else I'd care to go out with, Tired of Waiting DEAR TIRED — Let's suppose you were both free, right now Fd question your chance of ere- ating a happy home. Later, with no children to think of your love might be strong enough for an adjustment. • Meanwhile, you must decide wheather "in love" means phy- cal compatability, or some thing more. If enough more, you could both prove it by engaging in a down-to-earth plan for sav- itig towards your two divorces. Kippen East WI Annual Meeting The regular meeting of Kip - pen East WI was held in the Legion Hall, Hensall, on Wed- nesday, April 21, with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and Mrs. William Kyle as hostesses. The presi- dent, Mrs. Verne Alderdice, chaired the meet 1 n g, which opened with the Opening Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada. This annual meeting with the reports of the DEAR DORIS — I am marry- ing outside my faith, My parents have refused to attend the wed- ding. The nuptial mass will take place at 7 p.m. We plan to have no invited guests. What would be a suggested procedure with regard to the following: (1) Number in bridal party? (2) Formality of dress? (3) Musical requirements? (4) Wedding announcements? Over Twenty -One DEAR OVER -- (1) Minimum sides Happy Couples, is three: requirements in attendance, be - Clergyman and two witnesses. (2) Informal. A pretty suit or an afternoon dress, in season. (3) Nothing is essential; n o t even the wedding march. (4) Make up a list of friends you'd like to notify. Have an an- nouncement printed and put in stamped addressed envelopes. Mall right after knot is tied. You may also put the announcement in your local newspaper. CONFIDENTIAL TO IN MIS- ERY — You and many another unmarried mother cherish the thought of keeping their baby. T h e idea of caring for a little one is exciting. But have y o u thought about him and his need for a happy, contented home with two parents in it, and nor- mal opportunities for develop- ment? Talk it over with your social worker. Write again, enclosing ten cents and a stamped, self -ad dressed envelope, for my leaf- let "Unwed Mothers And Their Babies", which will help you to examine the pro's and con's. You can grow calves for the profitable veal calf market in only 10- 12 weeks with SHUR- GAIN Vealer. Approximately 200 lbs. of this exciting new product will raise a calf to market weight calves that will grade `good' to `choice'. FORTIFIED WITH AN- TIBOTICS and with a special high fat level, SHUR-GAIN Vealer gives you amazingly low feed conversions. TEST FEED YOUR NEXT CALF ON SHUR-GAIN Vealer and learn for yourself about the exciting new profit opportunities from feeding for the Veal Calf Market. M. DEITZ and SON ZURICH I CE ' S Theatre — Clinton Open Nightly First Show at Dusk 4 Box Office Open at 8 p.m. e, .rar+.v (TONT THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 29.30 — DOUBLE FEATURE -- "Who's Minding the Store" Jerry Lewis, Jill St. John, Agnes Moorhead Color "Son of Captain Mood" Sean Flynn, Ann Todd Color Cartoon MDW'NM�PMOd'� SAT., MON., TUES., WED., May 1-3.4-5 Four Big Nights of Top Entertainment — DOUBLE FEATURE -- "That A Way To Go" (Adult Entertainment) Shirley Maclaine. Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum and a Top Cast Color PLUS "Marilyn" A Biography of Marilyn Monroe Narrated by Rook Hudson in Color Cartoon COMING NEXT: "LOVER COME BACK" and IF A MAN ANSWERS" dealt presi- dent; secretary, Mrs. Kyle; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Bell; au- ditors, by Mrs. Ernie White- house, the standing committees reports. Mrs. James Drummond gave the sunshine fund report. Sewing and curators report, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs, Ken McKay reported on resolutions. Mrs. E. Whitehouse installed the officers, as presented by the nominating committee. Officers for I96s-66 are: Honorary presi- dent, Mrs. William Bell; presi. dent, Mrs, Verne Alderdiee; first vice-president, Mrs. Grant MacLean; second vice-president, Mrs. Ken McKay; third vice- president, Mrs. Robert Bell; secretary, Mrs. James Drum- mond; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Bell; district director, Mrs. Wil- liam Bell; assistant district di- rector, Mrs. John Sinclair; pub- lic relations, Mrs, Rena Cald- well; branch directors, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Stewart Pep- per, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper. Standing committees: Agri- culture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Cecil P u 11 m a 11, Mrs. Charles Eyre; citizenship and education, Mrs. Robert Gem- moll, Mrs. Arthur Finlayson; historical research and current events, Mrs, Ross Sararas, Mrs, 'William Gibson; home econom- Naughton, Mrs. E. Whitehouse; sunshine convenor, Mrs. Wil- liam Kyle; curator, Mrs. Alex McGregor; sewing, Mrs. Alex McGregor; resolutions, Mrs. Ken McKay; p i a n i s t, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; assistant, Mrs. John Sinclair; auditors, Mrs. William Gibson, Mrs. Ernest White- house; area delegate, Mrs. Verne Alderdiee. Mrs, Kenneth McKay gave an excellent resume of the current events of the past year. Mrs, Robert Bell conducted a contest and lunch was served by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. James McNaughton and ics and health, Mrs. James Mc- Mrs. Jack Sinclair. MELNOR TRAVELING SPRINKLER Designed for lawns up to 40' x. 200° or 8000 sq, ft. Nozzles aro adjustable for controlled cover-. age up to 45' diameter. Travels Special. straight line, curved around corners or up, 1999 hilts! Even shuts' itself off automatic- ally when used with Melnor's . special, shut-off valve. Un- conditionally guar- anteed one year. 25 17 HOSEMASTER JET SPEED NOZZLE Fine spray to a full flow in only %2 turn of the barrel. Alloy metal con- struction, leakproof fit- tings, fits all standard garden hoses. Special 59 PLASTIC CLOTHES LINE 3/16" Poly propylene rope, for home, or sporting needs. REG. $24.49 OSCILLATING SPRINKLER Heavy duty automatic, 4• position spray control dial * Full coverage up to 1800 sq. ft.* Adjust- alsle to partial cover- age as desired* Seal- ed -in motor * Full' year guaranteel REG. 35.95 'Sale Price ;488 VINYL HOSE Said Price $555 50 FT. REG. 36,29 AUT Vinyl plastic hose reinforced with DuPont nylon, cord for strength• under pressure. Full flow solid brass couplings. Guaranteed 10 years. PLASTIC COVERED CLOTHESLINE WIRE Modern — Accurate — Reli- able — Easy to Mount. 63 3/16" B l u e translucent plastic cover- ed wire with stranded steel core for strength and endurance. T:PiG c Colourful watering can of plastic. 2 Gallon Capacity. WEED 20 PREVENTER Gives effective pre - emergence control over most of the an- 'nue! broadleaf weeds. Is not harm= ful to animals,, or humans. Makes'gar- 'dening a breeze. $198 CAN 25 oz. Can Covers 250 sq. ft. E s6 SHEARS 42 Wiss pattern flat Plandled shears with polished blades. Adjust- o5Ie hinge bolt and nut. REG. $4.79 9 L F GREENFIELD CONTROLLED -RELEASE 20-5-5, A com- plete lawn food recognized by turf experts as an ideal lawn fertilizer. Con- tains quick -acting nitrogen for im- mediate results. II lbs. Covers $295 .2500 sq. ft. 22 lbs. Covers $ J 95 5000 sq. ft. 2 OA CAR WASH BRUSH M,Y HEDGE TRIMMER $2995 8 Special IS ERIE FEf:HA SPR SALE PRICE $699 15 One-piece polyethylene head with 1 5/8" bristles. Water shut-off in hose coupling. REG. 333.95 Deluxe starflyte hedge trimmer with 13" double cutter bar. Pre- cision ground teeth that easily slice through the thickest hedg- es. Over -load clutch and Life - weld features protect it from shock. Powerful AC -115 volt mo- tors REG, $7.95 25 Lb. Capacity spreader with 16" spreading width. Dichromate plated re- gulator plate. Serrated agitator blade prevents pellet leakage. Tubular handle, steel teg, rubber tired wheels. URICH Pro AR • WARE