HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-04-22, Page 7THURSDAY, APRIL 22, '1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN Canadian social worker Doris Clark Invites you to write her irbout your problem. She answers letters of general Interest.in this column but met undertake personal replies. DEAR DORIS — My fiance lived with his aunt because his mother had a long illness. When he was 13 his mother died. Later his father remar- ried. Our problem is just who s h o u l d be "parents of the groom" at the wedding. His DUWARD McADAMS RADIO .-.– TELEVISION • Sales and Service • DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Dial Zurich Days — 2364094 Nights — 2364186 "Always ready to serve you" 19 YRS OLD? When you turn 19 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. NEWLY WED? The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. NEW JOB? To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL NSU RANCE Plan Ontario Hospital Services Commission Toronto 7, Ontario aunt and uncle are the ones who raised him. Is there any way that both his uncle and father could have an equal standing in the receiving line? ENGAGED DEAR ENGAGED—Yes. In the receiving line, your mother •is first, then could come the aunt, with your mother explain- ing, perhaps, that "This is the aunt who raised Michael". Then attendants, bride, groom, more attendants, or whatever •order you decide. Both father and uncle of the groom could stand, not on the receiving line, but close to its other end, to share honors with your father in taking care of wedding guests, serving refresh- ments, introducing one to an- other and performing other hosting duties. DEAR DORIS—I go out with the sweetest boy in the world, and he is 22. A11 .of the other girls of my age bring their boy friends into the house with • CUPID'S DREAM Engagement Rin© $250.00 Wedding Ring $22.50 0 BLUE BIRD and KEEPSAKE DIAMOND and WEDDING We have a Fine Selection Let us clean and check your Diamond Ring at No Charge ALBERT HESS Jeweller and Optician mmaesemmeemmrrommoorms STARLITE DRIVE-IN 1:1( THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY APRIL 23 and 24 "Man's Favourite Sport" (Colour) Rock Hudson, Paula Prentiss TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free FOR SALE BY TENDER Valuable Real Estate Property The Zurich Agricultural Society are offering for sale, by tender, a piece of property about 132 feet deep by 330 feet wide, located immediately east of the Zurich village limits, on the south side of the road, on highway 84. Tenders will be accepted both with •the present show building on the property, and without the building. This is a valuable piece of property, either for residential or commercial use. _.Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sealed tenders will be accepted by the undersigned, until Wed- nesday, April 28, 1965. WILLIAM BAECHLER, secty-areas. Zurich Agricultural Society Zurich, Ontario SANDING SPECIALIST— Every skate- board manufactured at Fox Milling and Lum- ber in Zurich must be sanded to a glossy finish before the product can be finished. An old hand at the art of operating the big power sander in the mill is Dan Gascho, who recalls running the same type of machine in the old Kalbfleisch Mil before the fire, years ago. Mr. Gascho is quite enthusiastic about the new product being manufactured at the Zurich plant. them to stay after their parents go to bed. Now my parents don't want me to start this until I am older. I am 14. What they don't seem to realize is that we can do just as much outdoors as we can in the house, if we want to, and that won't stop us. I love my parents and I also love this fel- low. What should I do? IN LOVE DEAR IN LOVE — Try with all the good sense you can mus- ter to understand why your par- ents are holding out about this. Boys and girls are attracted to one another physically; they tend to think this means love, or at least a go-ahead for neck- ing. They are not ready for the sometimes overwhelming urgency of their attraction. Nor for its unstable nature. Everyone should value pro- tection and rules. And should play in their own league. To you, this means abandoning a 22 -year-old man, as well as sit- ting up alone (indoors or any- where) with any date. DEAR DORIS--My only child is now 13 and I feel that I can get a full time job again. I am a registered psychiatric nurse (Great Britain) and have always had skill at handicrafts, which I have certainly not allowed to get rusty. Would it take much extra training for me to qualify for work in the field of occupa- tional therapy? I would enjoy this work, remembering from my mental -nursing days how much good can be done. NURSE DEAR NURSE—Many hospi- tals now give couses to train the occupational therapy assis- tant in the mental health field. 4 �tY�16�G Count on Us to arta HEATING Do Things Right! Our skilled, experienced men take pride in their expert work- manship. When they do a job, you KNOW it's right! PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK • FOR EXPERT REPAIRS OR NEW INSTALLATIONS Call TIEMAN'S HARDWARE FURNITURE — COAL — CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD a Your past training and your own skill will be a valuable asset. DEAR DORIS — My nephew, 22, has been on social .assis- tance since school. days. Three months ago we let him came to stay with us, and said we would carry him until he accumulated some money to go on his own. I finally got him started put- ting something in the bank. But he missed banking anything for the past two pays. I was so dis- appointed. He only needs coffee and cig- arette money. What do you say? Give him till summer time? He doesn't even realize it takes a lot of everything to run this house, with eight chil- dren in it. Charity Begins At Home DEAR CHARITY—A lifetime of leaning doesn't groom a lad for independence. He has no idea what money is for. How would he know what it costs you to feed him? Make it clear that if he lets you down, the support lets up. But try first to train him; dis- cuss what you expect of him, give him a deadline, and praise even the slightest sign of thrift. UCW Unit 3 The E este r thank -offering meeting of Unit 3, T.CW, was held Monday evening amid a setting of Easter lilies. Mrs. Ron Mock, who presided, open, ed with two Easter poems, "Res- urrection" and "He Is Risen" - Mrs. Ross Corbett gave an Easter meditation for her de- votional, assisted by Mrs. Gor- don Munn. This Unit is in charge of the general meeting, April 26, when Mrs. Clysdale, of St. Marys, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Jean Cornell gave the study, "The Education of Trin- idad". Mrs. Douglas Cook gave humorous readings. Hostesses Mrs. A. Munn, Mrs. Robert Cook and Mrs. Walker Carlile served a delicious lunch. BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Care Agent for Dry Cleaning BUY ALL YOUR SEED REQUIREMENTS FROM A RELIABLE DEALER! Hardi-Green MIXTURES Climax Timothy, Vernal Alfalfa, Einar Alfalfa, English Red Clover Long -Term MIXTURES AND HAY PASTURE MIXTURES Stade & Weide) Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" DIAL 236-4921 ZURICH vosisseswo 1 Successful banking begins with a savings account Like almost everyone else, you use your local chartered bank as a safe and handy place to build the savings reserve that is so important to your financial future. In doing so, you do more than build a solid founda- tion for financial plans. You are building a valuable banking relationship and helping to establish your credit. And as you get to know the manager and staff — as you use other banking services to meet personal or business needs — your banking contacts become even more useful to you. And it all starts with a savings account! THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Through 5,650 branches, all across Canada, the chartered banks bring full -range banking within the reach of everyone. ViiiaSetee