HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-04-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1965 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Easter Visitors Mrs. Harold Maine and girls, of Kitchener and Mr. and IIrs. Miss Carolyn N e 11 in a n. of Pembroke, was guest soloist at the Easter Sunday service in the EUB Church. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stormes: and family, of St. Thomas, and Miss Lynda Tiernan, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tie- rnan. Miss Thelma Weber, of Lon- don, with Mrs. Dan Weber. Miss Grace Keller, of London, with her father, Adolph Keller. Miss Ruthanne Rader, of Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader. Arthur Rader, of Fort Wayne, with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and boys. Roy Rader, of Wisconsin, with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader and family. Mrs. Verna Keyes, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annan and family, of Pickering, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and also at Grand Bend with rel- atives. Miss Carolyn N e u m a n, of Pembroke; Ron Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell and family, Mrs. Mary Pitt and Barry, and Bob Watson, all of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell and Beth. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hindley and family, of London; Mr. and IMP Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST ZEST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, APRIL 25 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. YOU ARE WELCOME! emeeineteeemens eseesenemaieme moo" EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., PW I sister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 25 — St. Mark, Evangelist Day 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.—Church School. Classes for All. 7:30 p.m.—Dr. E. E. Hallman, C.S., Preaching Spring Session, Local Conference You Are Welcome Reinhold Miller with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller and fancily. Elmore Deters is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where he is undergoing tests. Easter Services Special Easter services were observed in the Evangelical UB Church and the Lutheran Church, Dashwood, both on Good Friday and Easter. Sunrise services were held in both churches Easter morn- ing. Following the 6:00 a.m. service in the Lutheran Church the Ladies' Aid, with group 2 in charge and Mrs, Milford Merner convenor, served break- fast. At the 7:00 a.m. service in the EUB Church the Youth Fellowship was in charge. Rob- ert Hoffman was the leader in worship. Gary Eagleson read the Scripture and Ricky Gaiser lead in prayer. Norma Wei- gand and James Weigand read Easter poems, Douglas Bender read an Easter reading and Bonnie Mason and Beth Snell sang a duet. A fellowship breakfast was served by the Bethany Sisters Sunday school class. Ladies' Aid The regular meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held Wednesday, April 14, with group 2 in charge of devotions, program and lunch. Margaret Merner played a piano solo and Mrs. Charles Mar t en e and Joanne sang a duet, accompan- ied on the piano by Janet Mil- ler. Rev. William Getz had as his topic, "Discipleship". Mrs. Leonard Schenk, presi- dent, dealt with the business. The mother and daughter ban- quet will be in the form of a pot -luck supper in May with group 3 in charge. The Aid will cater to two banquets in May in the community centre. Closing devotions and lunch brought the meeeting to a close. St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 25 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service You Are Welcome JESUS CHRIST IS LORD I And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, yea, death of the cross. Wherefore also God highly exalted him and endowed hien with the name above every name; that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to God the Father's glory. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Here's a Bargain/ g REFRIGERATOR ND RANGE (BEAUTILUL COPPERTONE PAIR) REFRIGERATOR Model FYI 14T Large Double Door Unit RANGE -- 30" Model RDG 308 You must see this beautiful matching pair to appreciate their value. ONLY $495. For The Pair LAST OF THE '64 MODELS See Them Now At CI GERICH' ZURICH ---• CLINTON -- SEAFORTH Dashwood Gardenetes The Dashwood Gardenettes held their second meeting Mon- day. April 19, with 1.3 girls and the leaders, Mrs. John Rader and Mrs. Rudolph Miller, pres- ent. Following 4-H pledges, roll call, and secretary's report, discussion was on preparation and the care of the garden. The meeting closed with "The Queen". 0 Crop Report by D. H. Miles Agricultural Representative for Huron County A few people did do a little plowing on high land early in the past week. No other work on the land as yet. Weather is cool and wet with some snow as of April 20. 0 VARNA NEWS Easter Services A large congregation attend- ed the Easter service last Sun- day morning in the United Church with the pastor, Rev. M. Morrison, in charge. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Robert Stirling, sang a suitable anthem. Also Miss Carol Taylor and Miss Ann Stephenson sang a duet, "In the Shadow of the Cross". Next Sunday evening, April 25, the Aeapello Choir of Zur- ich will present a sacred pro - program in the United Church at 8 p.m., sponsored by Group One of the United Church Women. Miss Joyce Hamilton and Miss Shirley Mustard are spend- ing the holidays on a conduct- ed bus trip of New York City, where they will visit the United Nations, Radio City Music Hall and the World's Fair. nxprorers of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mus - d tard. The Varna Explorers au their leader:; paid a visit to Iluronview on Saturday last. A program of readings, solos, etc., was presented to about 45 of the residents. also Easter bas- kets, filled with cookies, can- dies and oranges, were passed around to everyone by the girls. BLAKE NEWS (Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich, Correspondents) Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gingerich have returned from their win- ter home at Fort Ogden, Flor- ida to their summer home at Blake. Mr. Brian Mustard, Sudbury, visited at his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Mustard, on the week -end. Mr, Bob Clark, Toronto, was a week -end visitors at the home Sunday guests with Me. and Mrs. Ken Gingerich and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ging- erich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich and ,Mr. and Mrs. Ainos Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gingerich, Catherine and Mary Ellen, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gingerich were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Jantzi, Kitchener, were week -end vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb and family. Miss Carol Erb accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gingerich to St. Louis, Missouri, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manson and family, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger and Mrs. Mary Manson. Mrs. Norma Mustard visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. PULL -APART Coffee (tikes 38c Date Turnovers 40c DOZEN THEY'RE NEW — THEY'RE DELICIOUS TASTY LEMON BUNS 39c DOZEN TASTY -Nil BAKERY DIAL 236-4912 — ZURICH Kadona — 100s Tea Bags 59c Duncan Hines — Assorted Cake Mixes _ 2 for 83c 5 -Lb. Economy Bag — Quick or Instant Quaker Oats 59c 64 Oz. Javex 43c Billy Bee — 16 Oz. Liquid Honey 39c Aylmer — 10 Oz. Vegetable Soup - - 3/39c Fluffo — 3c Off 1 -Lb. Prints Shortening 36c 69c Size Crest Toothpaste _ _ _ 65c Success — 1 -Lb. — 5c Off Floor Wax 69c 6 -Oz. Bottle Resdan $1.2 York — 15.Oz. St. William's — 9 Oz. Assorted James _ _ 3/59c Raisin or Apple Supreme Pies 39c Cheery Morn — 15c Off — 6 Oz. InstantCoffee - - - - 89c 11 Oz. Aylmer Catsup - - 2/39c Tempt — 15 Oz. Dog Food 3/29c Aylmer Canadian Style — 15 Oz. Beans and Pork _ _ 2/29c Garden Patch — 15 Oz. Assorted Pegs - - - 2/29c Club House — 16 Oz. Peanut (utter 45c Esquire—AII Shades --Reg. 29c Shoe Polish Paste _ _ '9c Golden Wax — 20 Oz. Aylmer Beans - - - 2/39c Red Raspberries - _ - Sc Spy wpples _ FR IT and VEGETABLES FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 96s _ - 10 FOR 69c SUNKIST NAVAL ORANGES, _ - _ - 2 DOZ. 85c CALIFORNIA CELERY, 24s BUNCH 29c MEAT SPECIALS HAM SAUSAGE LB. 49c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LB. FOR 79c WHOLE OR HALVES SCHNEIDER'S BONE -IN HAMS LB. 59c _ 3 lbs. 29c DOERR'S DIAL 236-4354 — ZURICIt ,16' 1• Tuesday. and week Mrs. ily. Ispent er and visitors Allen Mr. and �MMrs. Ervin Bender family. of Guelph, were -enol visitors with Mr. and Curtis Gingerie'h and fam- Mrs. Vernon Oesch and David a few days with her moth- at Goderieh. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Oesch family were Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs, Roy at Carlow. Ii,p ppen News Deborah and Karen Ford Grand fiend, are spending the. Easter h o l i d a y s with the; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wi liam Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen, i London, were Easter week -en guests with Mi', and Mrs. Jac Bell. GARDEN Your Choice 30 i 's ���\ \�� \ TROWEL, TOOLS ro>< Triple chrome °brilliantly dished. Contoured dles of genuine wood or oak and lacquered; for hong-up I II; II, 49 mirror storage. . r,1i I'lrp4 11,131[0i1 I S94 plated, pa• hen• hard-. stained eyelet -0' i, tI�I? I t1 6 , I 1 I IIIIIiI IhI P• ASHTON I I IIIiiI u , 1iI I� ;l MI 0 1 31 EACH CULTIVATOR r TAANCPLANTCN �/3^' 29 Sko�.tc ELECTRIC 4110.'ZIP-SCREW" �°'�59 '► lFu DRIVER ` ' Specifically designed '• - for home. use to drive C~~� 4c � or remove screws, any '� B- size from no. 4 through 111 no. 12 slotted head and Philips head. 3.0 AMP 'industrially rated motor. Instant on-off switch. 6 foot 3 -wire cord, 2 )Octal �'395 slotted finders and 1. Philips 'head bit in - eluded with tool. ALUMINUM SCREEN CLOTHra Roo �O j Lifetime aluminum W,T R.r.•- screening, won't stain, R,f is lightweight yet strong. Easy-to-use. Available in widths1 5 4 from 18" to 48 inches. 64 PER SQ. FT. PAGESLEPAGE'S `..:;' 11P.:.rdec PANTeRusti B. Wiwi t1,..bu op "'' etwt DIC -A -D00 PAINT BRUSH BATH 3 PACKAGES 294 FOR Cleans and restores brushes and rollers. 69 PAINT BRUSHES Mixture of tynex and bristle. Holds a heaping brush full. Metal ferrule, wooden handle. 2" SIZE $ 129 SPECIAL 7071 �` 3"SIZE• SPECIAL =-'--...i _E -00)...m.„ i`-. 88 ®® $ i SHOP CRAFT 3/6 -INP ELECTRIC ILL t{y chuck capacity ' for slower speeds. In- dustrially rated 3 wire, 6' cord. Full 2.0 Am- peres. 3 -Jaw geared j chuch. Capacity 3/8" in steel, 3/4" in hardwood, �� RA,Bigger 99 ----- •' �•6 ) I. 53 xv LONG HANDLE , GE ''' EAR Permanently lubricated 7 -inch drop led- forged bled- es. es.36" 43 long alumi- num handle with com- fortable plastic hand grips. REG. $6,50 Special 499 FULLER 8 -PC. HANDYMANSH TOOL KIT 5, 7 1 fust r ' * '� 1 o r, Morse t REG. $5. 694 Special Set: 6" Adjustable wrench, 51/," long -nose side -cutter plier, un- :. breakable handle with screw chuck, 5 Blades. Zurich Pro Hardware MAIN STREET — ZURICH 1- >f k