HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-04-15, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 150 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAIN MVO paargimsnasow Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50e. CASH DISCOUNTS - foOff if paid ,by Saturday llowing last insertion. BILLING CHARGE- 10c added on second bill. FREE- Births, REE-Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday J FOR SALE SELKIRK Spring Wheat. Ap- ply to Philip Durand, RR 2, Zurich, Dial 236-4749. 15,6,7,p FOUR HEREFORD Steers, 600- /00 lbs. Call Clinton 482-9159. 15,p ONE GREEN Frieze Chester- field, with matching chair; one rocker, reed chairs and drap- eries. Phone 236.4346. 15,b 1956 CHEV, above average con- dition. Phone Hensall 262-2311. 15,p HOUSE For Sale, to be moved. 11 storey frame, in good con- dition; best offer, must be sold. Apply to Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., Hensall, phone 262-2605. 15,b PARKLAND Seed Barley. Con- tact Russell Oesch, phone Hen - sell 262-5422. 15,p 500 USED BRICKS, 1954 Chev Coach, in excellent condition, beef by the quarter or half. Call Elton Bender, 236.4734, Zurich. 15,b MODERN CUPBOARDS - 41/2 feet, only $35. Ray Ducharme, phone Zurich 236-4863. MANURE LOADER to fit Allis Chalmers WD or WD4 tractor, in good condition. Glenn Weide, dial 2364629, Zurich 14,5,b BEAN STRAW - 200 or 300 bales; 15c bale. Phone Zurich 2364768. 15,b UPRIGHT Bell Piano, in good eondition, cheap for quick sale. Call CIare Masse, 236-4184, Zur- kb. 14,5,b EASTER FLOWERS -0 r d er your Ea s t e r flowers early. Lilies, Gloxinias, Mums, cut flower arrangements. Nete's Flowers, Mrs. Milton Oesch, dial 236-4614 or 4602, Zurich. 12,tf RIBBONS for typewriters and adding machines. All makes in stock. .South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich. 12,tf MODERN HOME, well located in the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway and big garage. Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich. 236-4396. 46tfb MIMEOGRAPH PAPER - All sizes, all colours. Best prices in the district. South Huron 'Publisers Limited, Zurich. 12,tf Births VERMUNT - Mr. and Mrs. M. Vermunt, RR 2, Zurich, wish to announce the arrival of a son, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Wednesday, April 7, 1965. :BLACKWELL - Stewart and Irene Blackwell (nee Sweet) of RR 2, Hensall, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, April 12. A brother for Mary and Ida Ann; also a grandson for Mrs. Clinton Sweet, Exeter. WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUES Or ALL KINDS - Lamps, china, buggies, organs, mandolins, toilet sets, cars, furniture, etc. Mail price and *onclition to Box 123, Zurich Citizens News. 13to21,p HELP WANTED `i'WO MEN for general garage duties. Apply in person to Snell. Bros., Limited, Exeter. 14,5,13 BOOKKEEPER - SALESMAN, -required in new car franchise; half day on books, balance on ;sales. Salary and commission. 'Charlie's Auto Sales, Hensall. 15,b WANTED MEN WANTED for day and night shift. Good starting rate. Apply to General Coach Works. Hensell, 15,b FOR RENT BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. CUSTOM WORK SANITATION Services - Sep- tic pumping, tank and drain- age. Repairs. For immediate service, phone Bill Finch, 238-2291, Grand Bend. MISCELLANEOUS CATTLE SPRAYING. Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, contact Wil- liam Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood. 48tf FURNITURE REPAIRED, re- modled and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned, Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Sehwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock, 33-tfb MARLATT'S DEAD STOCK REMOVAL HIGHEST CASH prices paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses, $5.00 and up weighing over 1,000 lbs. For prompt service, please call collect: Marlatt Bros., phone 133, Brus- sels, 24-hour service, Licence No. 390-C - 65. 14,26,p Realize -the highest, :returns - for; ydur;wool by patronizing your ,ouvh `:Organization. SHiP`COLLECT--TO Our Registered: Warehouse No. -1.. • Westen,•Ontario. Obtain sacks and'twine- withbut charge from Russell Manson (Shearer). ZURICH or by writing -to 1. . CANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair :Avenue.East, ' Toronto.; 7, Ontario. EASTER DANCE IN THE Bayfield Town Hall ON SAT., APRIL 17 Country Music by the "RHYTHM RAMBLERS" Proceeds for Crippled Children Hotel Imperial GRAND BEND ENTERTAINMENT and DANCING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS FRIDAY NIGHT - ROGER QUICK and His Orchestra SATURDAY NIGHT--. DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA r r r. r.•s,r sr.u•.1 Chicken and Fish Fries Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MARY JANE RAU All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Jane Rau, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Hur- on, deceased, who died on the 6th day of February, 1965, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of May, 1965, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of April, 1965. McCONNEL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors 15,6,7,b a Notice To Creditors In the Estate of CAROLINE MEIDINGER, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Caroline Meidinger, late of the village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 28th day of March, 1965, are requirecl to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the lst clay of May, 1965, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- in regard only to those claims bf which notice has been re- ceived. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 15,6,7,b 0 COMPLETE AUCTION SALE Of High Quality Holsteins, Beef Cattle, Dairy Equipment on the premises Lot 9, Con. 6, Stephen Twp. First farm south of Crediton The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 17 at 1:30 p.m. Cattle: Holstein cow, fourth calf, fresh two weeks, calf at foot; Holstein cow, fourth calf, fresh three weeks, calf at foot; part Holstein -Durham cow, t h i r d calf, milking, due in July; Hol- stein cow, fresh two weeks, calf at foot; part Holstein -Hereford cow, fresh three weeks, second calf; part Holstein ,Hereford cow, fresh one week, second calf; part Holstein - Hereford cow, fresh seven weeks, second calf; Holstein cow, carrying sec- ond calf, due in June; 2 Hol- stein cows, second calf, fresh two weeks, calves at foot; Hol- stein heifer, rising two years old; 6 Hereford heifers, rising two years old, ready for mar- ket. Universal 2 -single unit milk- ing machine; De Laval cream separator. This is an excellent herd of dairy cattle. Convince yourself by viewing them before sale date. Terms - Cash STEVE PERTSCHY, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer U AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Antiques, House- hold Effects, Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 17, Con. 8, Usb%rne Twp. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 23 at 1 p.m. Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Items: John Deere tractor disc; 3 - drum steel roller; Mc -Deering binder; M -H mower, 6 -ft. cut; M -Deering 11 --run grain and fertilizer drill; ; riding plow hay loader; 4 -section diamond harrows; M. H. horse drawn manure spreader on steel;Me- Deering s id e delivery rake; John Deere cultivator; dump rake; Woods electric grinder equipped with 3 h.p. electric ,Velwrnan Skia,ren PHONE 238.2303 GRAND BEND Real Estate and Business Broker Representative - G. Norman Rivers, Phone 94, Bayfield COMMERCIAL • RESORT • RESIDENTIAL. • FARM "YOUR SUMMER LIVING IS MY BUSINESS" motor; colony house 10x12; 2 wheel trailor; rubber tire wag- on and rack;; 32 -ft. extension ladder; steel tire wagon and grain box; Maxwell power lawn mower; vice; sledges; team bells; snow fence; walking plow; harrow cart; sledges; chains, electric fencer; root pulper; electric motor; bag truck; chains; forks; shovels; other miscellaneous items. Household Effects: Dining room table and chairs; kitchen table and chairs; Gilson medium size refrigerator, re- cently purchased; 4 -burner elec. tric stove; Maxwell electric washing machine; glass cup- board; sideboard; dry sink; day bed; cedar chest; Raymond sewing machines various bed- s t e ad s; dressers, commodes; high chair, writing desk; 3 toilet sets; vacuum cleaner; oak rock- ers; large assortment glassware; antique dishes; coal oil lamps; electric lamps; - gas lantern; mantel clock; mirror; electric radio; chest of drawers; antique furniture; pictures and frames; crocks; sealer; etc. Quantity coal and wood, Terms - Cash PEARL DUNCAN Proprietress GARNET' HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0- IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Auto, First-class Furniture and Miscellaneous Items. to be held in the EXETER ARENA on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 at 1 p.m. Auto: 1961 Dodge 4 -door hardtop, fully automatic, slant 6 engine, radio, undercoating, white wails, deluxe interior, in brand new condition throughout. Household Furniture: Two chesterfield suites; occa- sional chair; coffee table; two matching end tables; arborite coffee table and two end tables; RCA Victor 21 -inch television; stereo RCA Victor AM/FM ra- dio, 4 -speed Parisienne model with 2 extra wall speakers; Samsonite card table and 4 chairs; hostess chair; king size TV table; table and floor lamps; bookcase with glass doors; lined drapes 84" x 120" 5 -piece dinette suite; kitchen radio (Motorola); 2 39 -inch continen- tal beds; 2 sets lined drapes; 3 -piece bedroom suite; 54 -inch bookcase bed; double dresser with mirror; drawer chest, clock radio and bed lamp; Sisal rug 9 x 12; stater rugs; Frigi- dair imperial automatic washer; Coffield wringer washer; beige carpet 9 x 12, rubber underlay; GE automatic dryer; child's chest of drawers; bathroom scales; baby crib; GE floor pol- isher; Lewyt vacuum cleaner; baby carriage and stroller; play pen; 2 bicycles, toys, coke cool- er; golf clubs and bag; 4 cycle 21 h.p. lawn mower; Kodak camera with flash; Book of Knowledge set; large assort- ment dishes,silverware, kitchen utensils, ironing board, etc. Plant to attend this outstand- ing sale. Terms - Cash GERRY DELISLE, Proprietor 34 Wellington Crescent Centralia Station GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15,b 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of High Quality Holsteins, Tractors, Feed, Straw and Mis- cellaneous Items on the premises Lot 29, Con. 6, Osborne Twp. 2 miles north of Thames Road Church, Highway 83 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 20 at 1 p.m. Dairy Cattle: Holstein heifer, fresh six weeks; Holstein cow, carrying third calf, due before sale date; Guernsey heifer, fresh four weeks; Holstein cow, carrying fifth calf, due April 27; Hol- stein cow, carrying fourth calf, due May 12; part Holstein and Jersey cow, milking, due June 15; Holstein cow, fresh two months; Holstein cow, carrying second calf, milking, due June 20; Holstein cow, c a r r yin g fourth calf, milking, clue July 4; part Holstein and Ayrshire cow, due April 28; Holstein cow, fresh two months, calf at foot; Holstein cow, carrying third calf, due April 29; Jersey cow, second calf, fresh two weeks, calf at foot; Jersey cow, third calf, fresh two months, calf at foot; Holstein heifer due in June; Holstein heifer due in July; 2 Holstein heifers, rising 2 years old, recently bred; Hol- stein heifer due May 7; 14 Hol- stein heifers due to freshen in May and June; 6 fall Holstein calves. This is an extra good dairy herd selected from high produc- ing blood lines. Convince your- self by viewing them before sale date. Tractors and Farm implements: M -H standard 44 tractor, in good condition; M -H No. 3 Farmall tractor, equipped with manure loader; M -H 15 -run grain and fertilizer drill, com- pletely equipped, like new; New Holland super 55 side delivery rake, like new; Int. 3 -furrow plow; 3 -drum steel roller; John Deere 8 -foot binder; Mc -Deer- ing 6 -foot mower; Bissel culti- vator, on rubber; rubber tire wagon and rack; 3 -section Dia- mond barrows; Int. tractor man- ure spreader; Universal 2 -unit milking machine, complete with piping, in new condition; 20 milk cans; Viking cream separ- ator; grain elevator with mo- tor; quantity scrap iron; chains; forks, shovels, etc. Feed and Straw: Quantity cob corn; 500 bales oat straw. No reserve - everything will be sold. Terms - Cash JOHN BREGMAN, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items. on the premises, Lot 105, Main Street, in the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 24 at 1:30 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of lot 105, village of Zurich, on which is situated 2 - storey brick dwelling. Main floor -large living room and dining room, bedroom and den, kitchen with built-in cup- boards, utility room. Second floor -3 bedrooms and storage room. Full size basement; also small garage. Dwelling in first-class state of repair; ample garden land. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate - 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items: Three-piece chesterfield suite; dining room table and chairs; chrome table and chairs; chrome rocker; Frigidaire medium re- frigerator, recently purchased; portable television, like new; Westinghouse electric r a di o; Norge space heater; sideboard; studio couch; flower stands; hall tree; Raymond sewing ma- chine; 4 oak rockers; trilight lamp; table lamp; centre and end tables; electric washing machine, like new; 3 oak bed- steads, complete with springs and mattresses; dressers; steel bedstead, spring and mattress; space heater; mantel clock; mir- ror; coal oil lamps; gas lantern; 2 trunks; storage chest; electric tea kettle; large assortment of dishes, glassware, silverware; complete dinner set; antique dishes; linens; blankets; mats; quilts; kitchen utensils; crocks, various sizes; ironing board; space heater and tank; ladder; lawn mower; garden tools. No reserve - everything will be solei to settle estate, Terms - Cash HAROLD REICHER?', MRS. MINERVA LOVE, MRS. ELDA LAIDLAW, Executors for the estate of the late William Reichert EVRIN GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Thresher, Farm Machinery, Cattle, Hogs, Grain, Corn and Misc. Items. on the premises Lot 13, Con. 12, Stephen Twp. Three miles south of Dashwood, 2 mile north of Khiva Corner ham cow, carrying third calf, The undersigned auctioneer due in May; part Holstein and Hereford cow, carrying third calf, due in May; 7 Durham and Hereford cows, with calves at foot; 5 yearling steers and heif- ers; 4 fall and winter Hereford calves. Cattle all of good quality. Hogs: Three Yorkshire sows, with litters. Grain and Corn: Seven hundred bushels choice mixed grain; 12 ton cob corn. No reserve -everything will 120 feet 6 -inch thresher belt. be sold. Farm Machinery: Terms - Cash M -H 3 -point hitch 3 -furrow MRS. ALEXINE DIETRICH plow; 3 -point hitch hydraulic - Proprietress lift spring tooth cultivator; 3- GLENN WEBB. Clerk point hitch weed sprayer; M -H ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer No. 3 3 -section land packer; 15,6,b Case 3 -point hitch 8 -ft. mower. like new; M -H 15 -run power Iift grain and fertilizer drill, recent- ly purchased; M -H 4 -bar side delivery rake, like new; Bissel 32 -plate tractor disc; M -H 8 -ft. binder; Int. 4 -row corn planter, equipped for dry or liquid fer- tilizer; New Holland power 26 9:00 P.M. take -off tractor spreader; Case tractor spreader; rubber tire wagon and rack; dump rake: Fairbanks -Morse hammer mill; bean puller and scuffler; 20 foot grain auger; 2 -wheel trailer; , fanning mill; cutter: set of scales; Viking, large cap., elec- trc cream separator, like new; Surge milking machine, com- pletely equipped, 2 units and received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, APRIL 26 at 1 p.m. Tractors and Thresher: Massey Ferguson 35 diesel standard tractor, completely equipped, in first-class condi- tion; M -H No. 30 Roe crop trac- tor, equipped with 2 -row scu£- fler; Dion thresher, on rubber, 22x38 cylinder, equipped with shredder, bean and clover at- tachments, in new condition; CARD PARTY TOWN HALL, ZURICH piping; electric brooder; steel • barrels; root pulper; vice; quan- I tity scrap iron; forks; shovels; butcher kettle, etc. Large quantity barnyard man-! FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ure.ANIMALS - CALL CaTwo Holstein heifers, fresh Daring and Company two months, calves at foot: part OFCANADA LIMITED Hereford and Durham cow, i Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect third calf, fresh three weeks, ' Dead Animal Licence calf at foot: Holstein cow, fresh No. 262-c-63 two months, calf at foot; Dur- sag ADMISSION: 50c Lunch Provided Sponsored by C.W.L. Everyone Welcome Dead Animal REMOVAL \.vwo .. 4-H ORGAN!ZAT9 MEET! 'SGS I EXETER 4-H DAIRY CALF CLUB EXETER 4-H BEEF CALF CLUB At South Huron District High School TUESDAY, APRIL 20th, 2:15 p.m. ZURICH 4-H CALF CLUB At Zurich Town Hall TUESDAY., APRIL 20th, 8:30 p.m. HURON COUNTY HOG PRODUCERS' 4-H SWINE CLUB At Ontario Department of Agriculture Board Room, Clinton THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 8:30 p.m. All boys and girls who have reached their 12th birthday by January 1, 1965, and have not reached their 21st birth- day by December 31, 1965, are invited to join one of these clubs. HURON COUNTY CLUB LEADERS' ASSOCIATION SPRING E HARR!STON FERTILIZERS LTD. Phone 482-9133 - Clinton Now Has Available An Adequate Supply of Bagged ulk and Custom r1xed FE TILIZER FOR YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS!