HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-04-08, Page 4i *AGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1965 Goshen Women Hear Reports of Huron Presbytery The March meeting of Goshen United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Robinson's on Thursday night, March 25. Mrs. Ken Parke opened the meeting, followed by hymn 388. Psalm 733 was read responsive- ly with Mrs. Richard Robinson leading. Mrs. Elgin McKinley gave a report she gave at the Presby- terial held in Seaforth. Two interesting reports were heard from the Presbyterial by Mrs Elmore Hayter, the morning re- port, and Mrs. Anson McKinley the afternoon report. A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. R. Errat and seconded by Mrs. Jim Keys for the fine reports. Mrs. Jim Keys gave the treas- uruer's report. It was moved by Mrs. Errat and seconded by Mrs. Bruce Keys that the group accept the invitation to Bruce - field on April 20. It was also moved by Mrs. Mel Elliot and seconded by Mrs. George Si- mons that the organization en- tertain in May. A motion was made by Mrs. John Robinson and seconded by Mrs. Ken Parke that the UCW sponsor two delegates to attend the demonstration school for S.S. teachers to be held in Clin- ton from May 12 to 14. Te meeting closed with hymn 400 and prayer by Mrs. Ken Parke. 111111SEXaMeleIrr MINIM St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 11 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. Services each Wednesday at 8 p.m, throughout Lent. You Are Welcome semEnrammissmogemininimaimmana Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, APRIL 11 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., M Iniater Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 11 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.—Church School. Classes for All. 7:30 p.m.—Lenten Devotional. Subject: "The Bystander'sStand" Special music by the McClinchey Trio You Are Welcome Huron County Faces Heavy Road Work Program During Coming Year Goderich—No place in Huron County is more than three miles from a county road or provin- cial highway, County Engineer James Britnell told county council in explaining the county road system as fitted to the "needs study" carried out un- der direction of the Ontario Minister of Highways, C. S. MacNaughton. Of six criteria for county roads, the primary one is to "connect cities, towns and vil- lages, police villages and ham- lets of more than 150 persons in 500 acres or less, to each other and to the King's High- way system by the shortest route along existing road allow- ances, unless such a system is now provided by the King's Highway system." Of road construction items in the 1965 program, largest is $180,000 for grading of five miles on road 13, west of Clin- ton (Bayfield Road). For pav- ing road 16, Brussels west, $65,000 is provided, and new machinery is expected to cost $60,000. Maintenance a c co u n t s for $500,000 and bridge construc- tion another $235,000. Donny- brook bridge, a 270 -foot span, will cost $140,000, and it ap- proaches, $15,000. Development road 759, Credi- ton to Khiva corners, five miles, will cost $550,000, and the sec- ond eaand part will be started later this year or early next. The province will finance this work. The rep or t, presented by Reeve Grant Stirling, of Goder- ich Township, chairman of the Huron road committee, stated, "Your committee met with Hon. C. S. MacNaughton Feb. 23 to discuss our request to designate county road 3, from Bayfield to Egmondville and Seaforth as a development road, The minister was most sympathetic to our proposal and advised that while he could not designate the road at this time, since we now have a development road in progress, it will receive serious consider- ation by the department as soon as development road 759 is well under way." Reeve Stirling announced a sale of tractors and trucks in May. "We have to go along with the needs study," he said, "and 100% development roads. We need them in this county." For consideration of the re- port clause by clause, the Ward- en called Reeve Calvin Krauter of Brussels to the chair. Mem- bers desired to scrutinize a half- dozen deletions from the coun- ty system at March 31 next year, and three a year Iater. One addition to the system is the Sky Harbor airport road, a half mile. Deletions to be made next March 31: Road 1 (Middlesex boundary north to Centralia) from road 5 to road 21, 1.28 miles; road 9, Hensall east, 4.25 miles; road 10, Highway 4 at Kippen to Highway 21, 10.12 miles; road 15, Base Line to Highway 4 (Hullett), 3.60 miles; road 24, Highway 21 to Shep- parton to road 25 near Auburn 8.90 miles; Road 26, Highway 4 (Bruce boundary) 14.60 miles. Regarding Road 2 from Zur- ich, north; scheduled for dele- tion in 1967, Reeve Ernest Tal- bot of Stanley said the Elgin McKinley hatchery was a traffic creator, and Reeve Milton Oesch Double Value of Manure by Adding SHUR-GAIN Stable Phosphate stable phosphate Retard leaching after manure is spread. Check fermentation and ammonia fumes —particularly a prob- lem in poultry houses. Absorb moisture and gasses through which nitrogen and potash are otherwise lost. Join the leaders in your area who are increasing the value of—Cattle, Hog and Poultry Manure by adding SHUR- GAIN Stable Phosphate. A small investment will double the total plant food nutrients in manure. Your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill operator has all the details. Contact him now. 4:416,00)un.GAIN Ms DEITZ and SON ZURICH of Zurich suggested that the committee "take a good look" at this proposal and possibly seek a development road. "The whole picture will be reviewed," the warden prom- ised. 0 About People You Know .. ITEMS ABOUT ZURICH Mrs. Mozart Gelinas is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rose and family, Michigan, and Miss Stella Rose, London, were week- end visitors with their mother, Mrs. Lerin•a Rose. NIr. and Mrs. Tom Meyers were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick at Port Franks. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jantzi, Dublin, and Mrs. Elizabeth Price, Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Hess and family, of Port Credit, were week -end visitors with Mrs. A. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deichert and family, Trenton, were week- end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger. To Present Cantata The Dashwood choir of the EUB Church are presenting a cantata, "Wonderful Saviour"„ in the EUB Church, Zurich, on Good Friday night at 8 p.m., under auspices of the choir. Dr. and Mrs. Jim Sinclair and 'family, Chatham, vivsited with friends in Zurich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arn Meyer and family, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oxland and family, Kitchener, were week -end visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Gerald Gingerich and Charles Eckel, of Gingerich's Sales and Service, are in Toronto this week attending a school on Coleman's heating systems. Property Changes Two homes in the village of Zurich have changed ownership during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haberer have pur- chased the residence. next to them from Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer, of Palmerston. In turn. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Des- jardine, who have been occupy- ing the Witmer home, have purchased the Haberer home. New Banker Arrives H. R. McKinnon, of Camp- bellford, who has recently been appointed manager of the Zur- ieh branch of the Bank of Mont- real, arrived in the village this morning to assume his new duties. J. E. Bannister will leave Sunday for is new post- ing at Little Current, Manitou- lin Island. Hold Farewell Members of the Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce held a farewell get-together for J. E. Bannister last Friday night, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess, at St. Jo- seph. President Gerald G inger- ich made fitting remarks and vice-president Fred Haberer presented Mr. Bannister with an electric razor. Also speaking briefly at the event were Albert J. Kalbfleisch and Dr. C. 3. Wallace. 0 Lutheran Women Discuss Stamps Mrs. Shatto, speaker for the program at the meeting of the Lutheran Church Women, chose as her subject, "Religion in Stamps". Members were made aware of the value and interest of the stamps. Mrs. Shatto named Walter A. Sager. the editor of Corals Chronicle of religious stamps. He, being a philatist, specializes in stamps of religious symbols. There are 47 stamps depict- ing Lutheran edifices. Coun- tries around the world have issued religious stamps for a commemorative. One of these rare stamps sold for $25,000. The stamp, "Sistine Madonna", by Raphael, issued in 1955, was selected as the world's most beautiful Madonna stamp in a poll of religious stamp collec- tors all over the world. Miss Cheryl Stade favoured the group with a solo, "The Holy City". Mrs. Stade was her accompanist. Mrs. C. Willert presided for business. Reports were that 24 visits were made, lunch was served to mourners at the fu- neral of Mrs. C. Meidinger. The pastor announced the services in the community churches dur- ing Holy Week. A few items of interest were read from "Campus", a Water- loo Lutheran University editor- ial. A former Zurich boy, Camp- bell Krueger, a teacher at Stan- ley Park Senior Public School, received a diploma after serv- ing as a committee member of the local YMCA for 10 years. Plans were made to attend a western district assembly in St. Mark's Lutheran Church at Wel- lesley, on May 5. Mrs. Dinnin and Miss Inez Yungblut as alternative, were selected as a campaign commit- tee member for Bluewater Rest Home. An entertainment is planned for May 18. Week of Prayer Services Holy Week -- April 12 to 15 APRIL 12 — BLAKE MENNONITE CHURCH. APRIL 13 — ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH, APRIL 14 — ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH. APRIL 15 — EVANGELICAL U.B. CHURCH. EACH EVENING AT 8 P.M. FIGHT CANCER YOU CAN HELP BY GIVING GENEROUSLY WHEN THE CANVASSER CALLS AT YOUR HOME! Zurich Campaign Monday Night, April 19 Conducted by the Members of the Zurich Lions Club. HURON UNIT Canadian Cancer Society DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Pius Clement Dietrich Pius Dietrich, 52, passed away suddenly at his late resi- dence, RR 3, Dashwood, on Thursday, April 1. Besides his wife, the former Alexine Ayotte, he is survived by six daughters, Phyllis (Mrs. Murray McCrea), of Dorchester; June (Mrs. Norman Breen), Mc- Gillivray Township; Janet, Mar- ilyn, Louise and Michele, all of home; one son, Pius Joseph, at home; four sisters, Mrs. Milfred Ayotte, Stephen Township; Mrs. Alex Gallagher, of Welland; Mrs. Peter Regier and Mrs. Monica Dietrich, both of Kit- chener; also five grandchildren. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home where prayers were said Satur- day and Sunday evening. Re- quiem Mass was said at the Church of Our Lady, Mount Carmel, Monday, April 5, with interment in the adjoining cem- etery, Personals Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hop - croft, Sr., of Welland; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoperoft, Michael and AIma, of Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Free McGill and Mr. and Mrs. William Niven, of Lon- don; Miss Carol Rader and Tom Arthur, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hoperoft Grant, Rusty, Roger and Claire, of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Alma Hoperoft on the occasion of her birthday and of her granddaughter's, C l a i r e Louise, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ha is t have r et u r n e d home after spending a couple of months in Florida. Allan, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaiser, is a house guest at the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. M. J. James due to the arrival of his baby sister. Mrs. Cora Gaiser has returned home after spending some time with her daughter. WSWS Meeting The April meeting of the Evangelical UB Church WSWS was in charge of the member- ship and attendance committee with the convenor, Mrs. Mervyn Webb, acting as chairlady. Mrs. Howard K 1 u m p p read the Scripture and Mrs. Merrill James, Mrs. Lloyd Guenther, Mrs. Ken McCrae and Mrs. Ross Guenther sang in a double duet. Mrs. Bruce Seebach, of Ham- ilton, introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Alex Breimer, of Hamilton, who was recently an a mission tour to Africa. Mrs. Breimer, who was attired in native African costume, showed slides of the missions, hospitals and rural areas she visited. These depicted the progress and hope of the African people. She was thanked by Mrs. Ralph Weber, and Rev. James closed the program with prayer. Mrs. R. H. Taylor, vice-presi- dent, presided for a brief busi- ness. The delegates for the convention in Calvary Church, Kitchener, April 27-29, are: Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and Mrs. J. M, Tiernan, alternates are Mrs. Charles Snell and 1VIrs. Cora Gaiser. The sunshine comtnit- tee for April is Mrs. Mervyn Webb and Mrs. Wes Engeland. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! "If a man shall open a pit or if a man shall dig a pit and not cover it, and an ox and an ass fall therein, the owner of the pit shall make it good." Here we see that, in the eyes of the Lord, •a man is respon- sible for his actions as they harm others. If God demands justice for the loss of an ox how much more for the per- sonality of a teen-ager. A man therefore who, by being bribed, makes it possible for youths to be exposed to dope peddlers shares in the guilt of the dope peddlers. The cries of agony coming from the youth who have been incurably chained cry out to God for judgment. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE 20c Off Fab. Giant Size 57c Assorted 15 oz. Tins — Stews, etc. Canned Meats _ 3 tins 89c White Swan twin -pack — All Colours Toilet Tissue 23c Libby's 20 oz. tins — 5c Coupon Label Deep Brown Beans __ 22c Dr. Ballard's 15 oz. — Assorted Flavours Dog Food 4 for 49c Stuart House 12 inch Foil Wrap 31c New Ellmarr — 1 Ib Prints Margarine 2 for 63c 10c Off — 1 lb Tins Nestles Quick 55c Clover Cream I' Gallons — All Flavours Ice Cream Weston — Light or Dark Hollywood Bread _ 2J45c York 10 oz. Fancy Peas 5 for 55c York 10 oz. Fancy Corn _ _ _ _ 5 f or 55c York 10 oz. Pork & Beans _ _ 5 for 55c Kraft Dinners _ 2 pkgs 31c Chase and Sanborn — 6c off Label Coffee, 1 Ib bag ____ 89c Choice Cream Style 20 oz. Aylmer Corn _ _ _ 2 for 39c Three Diamond Fancy Albacore 7 oz. Solid Tuna 35c Regular Bars Lifebuoy Soap __ 4 for 53c Vanish Toilet Bowl 85c Cleaner, 20 oz tin _ _ _ 29c FRUIT and .VEGETABLES FLORIDA WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 96's ___ 10 for 69c 20 OZ. CELLO NEW CROP TEXAS CARROTS 2 for 25c SUNKIST ORANGES __ 138's dozen 49c MEAT SPECIALS LOIN END ROASTS, (3 Ib. average) _ - _ lb 55c LOIN PORK CHOPS ib 59c MINCED HAM Ib 49c POLISH SAUSAGE lb 49c DOERR'S DIAL 236-4354 -- ZURICH