HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-03-25, Page 7THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1965 PAGE SEVEN From My Window By Shirley Keller With spring in the air, the female eye will be turned to the fashion houses in the dis- trict. A new Easter ensemble may set dad back a few dollars so if the girls are in need of an original argument to justify the expenditure, I have just the thing. Did you know that statistics show if a husband was required to pay his wife the going wage for the services she performs, it would cost him about $8,285.- 68 annually? These figures were drawn up by experts in the USA and per- 4 haps are a little high for our particular area. Let's be rea- sonable about this. The average housewife goes on duty at 7 a.m. in the morn- ing. By the time the dishes are done in the evening and the children are safely tucked into bed, it is 8 p.m. That is 13 hours a day. We'll deduct three hours for break- fast, lunch and dinner plus an- other half hour for coffee breaks. We are back to 91/2 hours a day. For the sake of easy figuring, let's knock off an additional We Have The Best When you think of interior painting, be sure to ask for the best. Super Kem-Tone and Kem-GIo ASK TO SEE . p able OUR COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK SHORT F FILL YOUR BIN NOW! THERE'S STILL PLENTY OF COLD WEATHER AHEAD. Stade & Wed Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" D IAL" 236.4921 ZURICH movgra.s.wakv,Asti,,,,t.. .11 Kt,Ait. &Vt. * .4K n••••••••••••••up.a...11•••••••••9106.11•6•10ISIN•0141.42• HOW TO BE A "PIG" WHEN IT COMES TO PROFIT Feed your pigs your own home-grown grains fresh - mixed with profit -proven National Hog Concen- trate! It's rich in meat meal protein, so that it forms a perfect nutritional balance with the vege- table protein you supply. Whether you have your own grains or, we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy—right here at the mill—using National Concentrate, of course. (P S. Ask about National's profit -prover, Pig Starter, too !) NATIONAL HOC CONCENTRATE •••••••••••••••Merson at" A PRODUCT OF CANADIAN INDUSTRIES ILIMITIM Ed. Schwartzentruber R.R. 2, ZURICH Hensall District Co-operative HENSALL BRUCEFIELD ZURICH ma. half hour for talking on the telephone and chatting over the back fence. Now there remain nine hours in the normal work day. We will allow husbands the benefit of the doubt. We will agree to a five -clay week. We know that isn't so, but we do want to be fair. Labor on Sat- urday and Sunday will be free of charge to offset the occa- sional shopping spree, time at the hairdressers and an after- noon at the beach. Nine hours a day for five days represent 45 hours. I think that is being generous. And at the minimum wage of $1 per hour, the kill comes to $45 a week. Wait a minute. What about room and board says same ador- ing husband. Okay. Subtract $20 a week, giving the little woman a take home pay of $25 a week. Time 50 (two weeks holidays she never gets will be deducted without pay) makes it $1250 annually. To make hubby feel even bet- ter, we point out that only $250 of that suin is taxable since he can claim $1000 expenses for his wife on his income tax. From that $1250 owing to the wife, we can deduct $85 for care of the hair, $50 for cosme- tics, $25 for club due, $100 for gas, $100 for nylons and un- mentionable plus $100 for medi- cal and dental bills. Throw in $40 for miscellaneous items. This leaves her exactly $750 to spend on clothes or as she please. Therefore ladies, you need not fear the encounter with hubby when you show him your new $10 Easter bonnet. You have mathematical proof that he owes you much more. If he protests too much throw off the taxable $250. You still have $490 -to spend. Happy shopping. 0 Legion Euchre British Mortgage PIan Opening For few Building At Exeter Location The new Exeter branch office of British Mortgage & Trust will be officially opened on Friday, April 2, at 2 p.m., Wilfrid P. Gregory, QC, presi- dent and managing director, an- nounced this week. A brief ribbon-- cutting cere- mony, followed by Open House, will give the public an oppor- tunity to inspect the modern building. Open House hours contenue until 9:30 on Friday evening and on Saturday, April 3, from 9 to 5 o'clock. Architects of the new build- ing are Rounthwaite & Associ- ates, of Toronto, and general contractor is Pounder Bros., of Stratford, Interior decoration has been done by Allison Bain, of Toronto. Built on the site of the old Central Hotel, the building adds the finest contemporary design and workmanship to Exeter business area. Comfort and convenience are provided for those who do business with the Company. A spacious parking lot at the rear gives direct ac- cess to the building. A massive reinforced concrete vault con- tains safety deposit boxes and safekeeping facilities. Air -con - Winners in the St. Patrick's euchre .held Wednesday night in the Legion Hall and spon- sored by the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary were: Ladies, first, Mrs. R. A. Orr; consola- tion, Mrs. Garnet Allan; gents', first, Bill Forrester; consola- tion, Walker Carlile; lone hands, Harold Campbell. Door prize was won by Mrs. Mary Taylor. The hall, decorated in Irish motif, was arranged by Mrs. Garnet Allan. DUWARD *ADAMS RADIO — TELE -VISION • Sales and Service • DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Dial Zurich Days — 236-4094 Nights — 236-4186 "Always ready to serve you" imiumwsammomr Kippen East W./. Use Irish Theme ditioning assures comfort in both summer and winter. Priv- acy is afforded by the attractive offices and individual coupon booths. A special feature of the build- ing is a Community Room which can be reserved for meetings of local groups both during and after office hours. No charge is made for its use — it is given as a public service by the Com- pany. A Canadian company founded in 1877, British Mortgage & Trust has 16 offices located throughout Ontario. This is the second new office building erected by the Company in Hur- on County. In 1962 a distinctive building was opened in Goder- ich. Manager of the Exeter branch office is C. V. Barrett and sav- ings manager is David Cross. A local advisory board consists of E. D. Bell, QC, P. L. Raymond and B. W. Tuckey. The regular meeting of Kip - pen East WI was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Sararas on Wednesday evening, the co - hostess being Mrs. James Drum- mond. The roll call was answered by, "Suggestions for the in- struction of our children so that they may become better citi- zens." Irish songs were sung to cele- brate St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. Robert Bell read the motto which was prepared by Miss Margaret McKay. This inspir- ing motto was entitled, "The Canada we enjoy was not brought to nationhood by timid citizens." Mrs. Van Rooijen gave an in- teresting talk on her native Holland, its climate,' gocial se- curity, sick benefits, farming, the war years and Christmas customs. She gave a resume of her trip to Canada and their establishment here. Mrs. Robert Gemmell intro- duced the guest speaker, Miss Gladys Thompson, of Seaforth, who spoke on her European tour to Holland, Belgium, Ger- many, Austria, Italy, France, Norway, Sweden, D e n m a r k, Spain, Portugal and :the British Isles. She stressed the care- free abandon with which the people enjoy themselves, OUR BUNNIES Are Multiplying! GET ONE FREE! Man Food Forum The Best Week For Huron Areas (Continued from Page 3) are various topics to choose from such as "Never a Dull Meal", "Cooking With Your Hat On" and "Freezer Forum". The advisory committee for the Brussel's Food Forum chose the topic "Trix With a Mix", which is designed to show how a basic home-made biscuit mix may be used to make a variety of products from tea biscuits to pizza to coffee cakes! At the end of the evening the audience is invited to taste the food which has been prepared. A food forum is an event that is both informative and inter- esting. New ideas are present- ed which can assist the home- maker in her daily meal prepar- ation, and which can make eat- ing more fun for the entire family. WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 4111141401E.le' • FOURTH ANNUAL SAUERKRAUT SUPPER DELICIOUS SAUERKRAUT WITH TASTY SPARERIBS — HOME-MADE PIE — Wednesday, April 7, 1965 Served from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Tickets: $1.50 Childreno under 12: $1.00 Sponsored by Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce 4,4 H1LC Television or Hi-Fi AT INGP IC IS Sales and Service Ltd. ZURICH ‘1101•1111.1111111111 Annual Meeting OF TILE HAY TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL Telephone System WILL BE HELD IN THE Township Hall, Zurich ON Wednesday, March 31, 1965 at 2:00 p.m. JOHN H. CORBETT W. C. HORNER Reeve Secrefary-Treasurer 1 .fwett,t, TO ADVERTISE Is Every Week! marmaarommausiomannommaerm HAVE YOU HAD YOUR Diamond Checked? Let us do this for you you lose it. Come in and see our Fine Selection of NEW MOUNTINGS At Reasonable Prices before Hess the Jeweller ZURICH animmosism MATTRESSES See our wide selection of SEALY, SIMMONS, ETC. AU at Rock -bottom Prices! We carry the best selection of all sizes, in all the most popular makes. OUR PRICES ARE THE BEST See Us for Ali Your Fioor Coverings Congoleums O Inlaids G Vinyls • Terrazo Coriolis We will gladly furnish you with FREE ESTIMATES on any room of your house! stiake Ur ZURICH — DIAL 236-4364 1 o you have to r tion hot water on wash days and bath nightsP ••111.. a Cascade 40 electric water heater can change all that Cascade 40 has two elements: a 1000 -watt lower element for? normal use, and a 3000 -watt top element that surges into action at times of extra heavy use. That's why the Cascade 40 can sup- ply more hot water than the average family is ever likely to use. Cascade 40 is flameless, safe and clean. It requires no flue so It can be installed anywhere. The ten year guarantee on the tank is your assurance of Cascade 40's reliability. With a Cascade 40, the cost of abundant hot water is low. For More information... ask your hydro