HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-03-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1965 Hensall School Tenders Called education says that schools p 4hottld be kept open, in in - !element weather, for those (Continued from Page 1) a' architect feels is a suitable •ice for the extra work, new s�•,tcic r, can be called on the <'tt ri jot). - McAllister tta 1icAllister pointed out that t •ae previous tender accepted :•om. the Van Busse' firm for $127,000. and the proposed ad- dition should be only about $70,000, so this would cover the :•cling allowing the board to �t�r�totiate for the extra rooms. Garnet Leitch, board member :�.�t• the village of Zurich, was .)pointed to represent the Hay .roup on a salary committee to be set up by the South Huron Trustees' Association. The y are to meet in Ilolmesville shortly, to discuss salary sche- dules. Arrangements were discussed the board for the meeting at the South Huron Trustees' :association, which is to be held in the Hensall Arena on Fri- day. April 2. The Hay board :vi11 be hosts for the occasion, and the guest speaker is to be Bill Naediger, of the teaching staff at Clinton District Colle- giate Institute. Must Remain Open A new ruling pertaining to closing of schools for stormy weather was discussed by the board members. The directive issued by the department of St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 28 - 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service. Services each Wednesday at p.m. throughout Lent. You Are Welcome pupils who can, and should, at- tend. Grants will only be al. �.t,. Or' QSe .111I A lowed f th hillr'n w•ho are absent because of a break- down of transportation arrange- ments, or if too few teachers are present to carry on classes, even on a combined basis The directive concludes by saying that "the closing of a school when one or more teachers and some pupils are present should, therefore, rarely occur." In other business at the meet- ing, the board 9 agreed to pay $50 to Robert Reaburn, as per his request, for special help in the line of work at the end of the year and dur- ing January. 9 decided to ask the two prin- cipals to report to the board at one meeting each month. 9 agreed to investigate the possibility of a grant towards the purchase of a new lawn mower for the Hensall school, Two board members, Carl Oestreicher and Ross Turnbull, were missing from the meeting which was held in the Hensall school. 0 VARNA NEWS Father and Son Banquet The annual father and son banquet was held in the United Church last Friday evening, with a large attendance. It was sponsored by the Tyros and Sigma -Cs. Gary McAsh, leader of the Tyros, was master of ceremonies and led the community singing before and after the banquet, with Miss Carol Taylor at the piano. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Toron- to, leader in boys' work, gave a very interesting address after the banquet. Anat EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL 8! United Brethren Church' Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., imasiellsimaimasmiaaaanaermeismout • Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, MARCH 28 - 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! SUNDAY, MARCH 28 - 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.-Church School. Classes for All. 7:30 p.m. -Lenten Devotional. Subject: "The Politician's Stand" Special Music by Mrs. K. Breakey and Mrs. Harold Rader You Are Welcome 1 Double Value of Manure by Adding SHUR-GAIN Stable Phosphate SHUL•14%:, stable phosphate Retard leaching after manure is spread. Check fermentation and ammonia fumes -particularly a prob- lem in poultry houses. Absorb moisture and gasses through which nitrogen and potash are otherwise lost. Join the leaders in your area who are increasing the value of -Cattle„ Hog and Poultry Manure by adding SHUR- GAIN Stable Phosphate. A small investment will double the total plant food nutrients in manure. Your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill operator has all the details. Contact him now. sHOR•HAIN M. DEITZ and SON ZURICH ONO F1FC!R/81411Y THE MOST "RELAXED" WAY OF HEATING YOUR HOME You can turn an electric heat at the flick of a switch. No fuel supply to store. Just relax and enjoy silent comfort. See Us for All Your PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL TIEMAN'S HARDWARE FURNITURE - COAL - CEMENT PHONE 8 - DASHWOOD Bowling Scores At Zurich Lanes SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Ramblers >---Jack Bannister 567. 111 Hopes 2 - Lloyd O'Brien 532. Varieties 5-1.4celand Willem 527. Seldom Win 2 -Delbert Geig- er 505. Hawkeyes 5 --- Claire Geiger 518. Whippoorwills 2 -- Leroy O'Brien 524. Iligh single: Vic D.innin 298. High triple: Lloyd O'Brien, Claire Geiger 641. MEN'S LEAGUE Group A Globe Troters 2 -Eric Smale 632. Hot Shots 2 - Earl Horner 760. The 'footers 3 - John Paul Rau 679. Dough Boys 1- Fred Wells 584. The Flyers 0 -Jack Hamilton 603. The Rockets 4 -Lou Schilbe 740. High single: Gib Stade 403. High triplet Gib Stade 812. Higit average: Jim Bedard 210. Group 0 i The Wonder, 0 - Milt Mc- Adams 607. The Wildcats 4 -Paul Bedard 720. The Butcheretes 3 -Ed Gascho 530. The Questionnaires 1-- Earl Zimmer • 575. High single: Pat 1Vorld 320, High triple:: Paul Bedard '720. High average: Bob Haye 199. MIXED BOWLING Nite Hawks 5 ---Jack Simmons 641. Happy Gang. 2 --- Percy 13e- dard 516. Big Six 2 -Mary Laporte 541. Strikers 5 -Roberta Hamilton 699. Bone Breakers 0-Ceciel Mei. Binger 442. Ups and Downs 7 -Glen Thiel 520. Hensall Hornets 0 -Jean Cor- nell 579. Hustlers 7 -Lee Surerus 614. Tops 7 -John Robinson 765. Guys and Gals 0 -Jim Bedard 758. Ladies' high single: Hazel Mc - Ewan 326, Ladies' high triple: Mary La- porte 769. Ladies' high average: Hazel McEwan 194. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy; but 1 say unto you, Love your enemies, and pray for them that persecute you; that ye may become sons of your Father who is in the heavens. Does it not seem strange that a man like Pierre Berton should understand the Word of God better than the reli- gious leaders? Does it not seem strange that the church instead of repenting is sending up a barrage of self-justi- fication, excuses and denials? Perhaps Mr. Berton has nothing to protect. He is not obligated to cover up for the sins and blunders of the past. He is not hamstrung by the writings of the Church Fathers. Perhaps this is why he sees the hyprocrisy of changing the pulpit into recruiting offices. Which side are you on? Are you going to give your ilfe to cover the blunders of the past or to obey the Lord? THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE 0 AT rtunity +ays NOW CONKLIN'S * Dress Up Your Home for Spring and Easter - and Years Ito Come ! WALL-TO-WALL Top Quality ARPETING Special No. One DuPont NYLON "Modern Leaf" Attractive, hard-wearing carpeting of a continu- ous filament nylon. Backing is double jute with loop pile yarn pattern definition. The smart Maple Leaf scroll design will enhance the beauty of your home. Choose from 11 lovely shades. Pre -Easter installed price includes felt pad. Smooth edge installation. SIZED RUGS with felt pad: 6'x9' - $54.95; 9'x12' - $109.95 Special No. Two DuPont 501 NYLON "Great Day" New floor beauty for your home. See this lovely carpeting in a continuous filament nylon featur- ing a high -low ripple pattern with dual jute back- ing for stability. Available in 12' and 15' widths. Ten-year guarantee. Pre -Easter installed price includes felt pad. Smooth edge installation. SIZED RUGS with felt pad: 6'x9' - $69.95; Special No. Three $12.45 Square Yard ¢.14.95 Square Yard 9'x12' -$139.95 RICH WOOL "Palace Supreme The ultimate in luxury- deep plush pile wool $19.95 carpet in 13 beautiful colors. 12' and 15' widths. Dual jute backing for added durability. Pre - Easter installed price includes felt pad. Square Yard rs Extra! See It Right Away! 9'x12' TWEED RUGS Specially priced only, handsome tweed rug. Five Complete with Pad for one week hard-wearing smart shades, $39.95 Throw Mats each 49c Limited quantity - service- able throw mats. Choice of shades. 18"x27". Specially priced for one week only, LUMBER COMPANY LOWED EXETER Phone 235-1422 GRAND BEND Phone 238-2374 Men's high single: Laddie Krainik 846. Men's high 'triple: Jim Bedard 801. Men's high average: Jim Be- dard 217. ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE Lites 7 - Hazel McEwan 611. Dominionaires 0 -Carmel Sweeney 541. Dashettes 7 - Elaine Datars 534. Untouchables 0 - Pat Vale 479. OUR BUNNIES Are Multiplying ! GET ONE FREE! WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PHILCO Television or Hi-Fi AT GINGERICH'S Sales and Service Ltd. ZURICH Packers 7 -Irene Frayne 536. Wee Hopes 0 -Elaine Weido 434. The Aces 7-D. Mattson 708, Pin Poppers 0 -Joyce Arm- strong 629. High 316. High 828. Iligh 204. single: Elda Laidlaw triple: Dolly Mattson average: Dot Monroe CAVALIERS PRESENT HARD - TIMES DANCE Zurich Saturday, March 27 9 to 12 p.m. Admission: 75c WEAR YOUR WORST -SEE THE CAVALIERS IN THEIRS FaREsoe/ FRorvl av,� THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL FEATURES: Lemon JeIIy Roll ONLY 30c FRESH BAKED Hot Cross Buns Pkg. of 9 - 38c Delicious Date Dandies 6 for 35c TASTY -NU BAKERY DIAL 236.4912 - ZURICH Green Giant 15 oz Peas 4 for 69c Rosedale 48 oz Tomato Juice 2 for 65c Stuffed -- 12 oz Jar Club House Olives _ _ _ 55c Vanity 2 ply -4 roll pack Toilet Tissues 49c 1 Ib package McNair's Currants __ 29c Golden Dew 1 Ib Prints - Margarine _ _ _ 2 for 53c Prem 12 oz Luncheon Meat 37c Clover Leaf 7 oz tin Solid White Tuna _ _ _ _ 39c Miracle Whip 16 oz Jar Salad Dressing 35c Aylmer 10 oz Tins Tomato Soup _ _ _ 4 for 39c 20 OZ PACKAGE Debbie 16 oz Liquid Detergent _ _ _ 69c Free World Atlas with King Size OMO ___ $1.63 Glide 16 oz Bomb Spray Starch 59c St. William's 9 oz Assorted Jams _ 3 for 59c Sunnyvale 28 oz Tins Fruit Cocktail 45c Superior Package of SO Book Matches 21c Aylmer 15 oz Tins Beans & Pork _ 2 for 29c Yum Yums, Sweet Mixed, Polish or Plain Dills -_48 oz Bick's Pickles 59c Cheery Morn 6 oz -15c off Instant Coffee 89c FRUIT and VEGETABLES NEW CROP TEXAS CARROTS 2 for 29c CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE, jumbo size _ _ _ _ 19c SUNKIST ORANGES 113's dozen 59c MEAT SPECIALS GRADE 'A' FRYERS, 3 lbs up lb 39c SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS Ib 59c VISKING BOLOGNA 3 lbs for $1.00 Delivery Hours - 10.30 A M and 4.00 P M Please have Your Orders phoned in on time, or they will be held over for next delivery. MINIMUM ORDER FOR FREE DELIVERY - $3.00 DOERR'S DIAL 236-4354 - ZURICH