HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-03-18, Page 6PAGE SEX THURSDAY, MARCH 1L 196$ DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RAD)ER, Correspondent) (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff o r d Salmon attended the 56th an- nual Hydro convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, re- ' ntly. Cliff was among 22 Western Ontario officials re- eiving long service awards. He has served 15 years on Dash- wood Hydro System board of trustees. Mrs. Mary 'Marlene and Ed- win spent several days at the home of Cliff Salmon last week. Miss Sharon Rader spent a few days last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader. Music results: Mrs Ruth Stire AWCM, announces that her sum Double Value of Manure by Adding SUR -GAIN Stable Phosphate pupil, Miss Lily Mae Johnson, received first class honors in grade 5 piano and first class honors in grade 2 theory with the Western Ontario Conserva- tory of Music, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner spent the week -end at Walker- ton with Constable and Mrs. Don Genttner. Mrs. Bertha 1layter has re- turneds after e spending ho home ft r two months with her daughters and husbands, 31r. and Mrs Joe Bruce, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, of Brantford. Miss Ruthanne Rader, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family and is vacationing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred stable phosphate Retard leaching after manure is spread. Check fermentation and ammonia fumes --particularly a prob- lem in poultry houses. Absorb moisture and gasses through which nitrogen and potash are otherwise lost. Join the leaders in your area who are increasing the value of—Cattle„ Hog and Poultry Manure by adding SHUR- GAIN Stable Phosphate. A small investment will double the total plant food nutrients in manure. Your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill operator has all the details. Contact him now. M. DEITZ and SON ZURICH Miller and Brenda, of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and Mrs, .Henry Eagleson spent the week -end at Southampton with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Eagleson and family. Harry Hoffman, Mrs. Ken McCrae and Mrs. J. M. Tiernan visited their sister, Mrs. Norm- an Evans, who is a patient in York Central Hospital, on Sun- day. William Gassman is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, Wedding Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Ed Stire cele- brated their 49th wedding an- niversary March 1. Present for the occasion were Rev. and Mrs. Gatz and Billie; Mr. and Mrs. Gurd Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Barr and family, all of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stire and family. Dashwood WI Mrs. Emil Becker was chair - lady for the March Dashwood WI meeting with the historical research and current events group in charge. Roll call was answered by giving a current event. Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan conducted a sing -song. Mrs. Charles Snell discussed the mot- to, "The use of diaries and their value as historical records". Bill Becker showed three films, namely, salmon fishing in the Fraser River, United Nations, and the mounted police musical ride. Mrs. Sid Baker, president, presided for the business. Teams were picked for the Red Cross canvass. The directors are to be the nominating com- mittee. WSWS Meeting Mrs, Charles Snell, convenor of the missionary education group, was chairlady for the March meeting of the WSWS of the Evangelical UB Church. she opened the worship service with hymns and prayer. Mrs. Jessie Rader read the Scripture and Miss Beth Snell sang a solo. The concluding c h a p t e r, "North Africa and the Middle East" of the study book, "This is the church in the new na- tion", was introduced by Mrs. Charles Snell, and presented by Mrs. LloydEagleson. This was What's your stand on Mutual Life's higher dividends? Mr. Blake Dividends: That's the money you get back from the life in- surance company every year? Interviewer That's right. Mr. Blake Well if Mutual Life returns more I'd have to say it's a good thing! Interviewer It's even better when you leave the dividends to accumulate and earn interest. Mr. Blake How much interest? Interviewer Well, this year Mutual Life is paying 5% interest on accumu- lated dividends. And that's just one of the options you can choose, 1..65.7C Mr. Blake I'd like to know more about it. Where can I ...? Interviewer Just call your nearest Mutual Life of Canada representative. The MutualLife ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ff AD OPPICEr WATERLOO, ONTAREO/Z 5DMLESIVit0 &C0 REPRESENTATIVE: G. R. Godbolt, CLU, Phone 235.2740 Collect, Career Sanders and Edwards Streets EXETER, ONTARIO. followed by a true -false quiz on the ehapter. Mrs. Latta Taylor, vice-president, presided for the business. Mrs. Eben Weigand reported that the box of band- ages rolled by the ladies is be- ing shipped to West Africa, and the scrap books to the Ontario hospital at Goderieh. Mrs, Breimer, Hamilton, will be guest speaker and will show pictures of Africa at the April meeting. The sunshine com- mittee for March is Mrs. Eben Weigand and Mrs. Gordon Bender. Television Views by William Whiting Another break -through in col- or TV came a few days ago. CBS -TV, the only network with all black -and -white series, an- nounced that three of its week- ly shows next season would be in color: "Red Skelton", "Dan- ny Kaye" and the new "Thurs- day Night Movies". This an- nouncement was made right after NBC-TV said that 96 per cent of its weekly night-time seriesofferings in the coming season would be in color. ABC- TV has announced that at least three of its new weekly pro- grams next season would also be in color: "The F.B.I. Story", "The Big Valley" and "Gidget". Obituary ry Samuel William Elsie, 78, passed away at South Huron Hospital, Thursday, March 4. Surviving besides his wife, the former Emma Genttner, are one daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Dodge, of Detroit; two grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home where the service was conduct- ed by Rev, William Getz, Sun- day, March 7. Interment was in Dashwood Lutheran Ceme- tery. World Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer in this district took the form of an ecumenical service held in the Mary Ellen Memorial Chapel of Eisenbach's M u s e u m, Grand Bend. Those taking part were Mrs. C. E. Kennedy, of the United Church, Grand Bend; Mrs. Rufus Turnbull, Church of God, Grand Bend; Mrs. F. Plumb, of the Anglican Church, Grand Bend, Mrs. C. Smeekens, Catholic Church, Grand Bend, Mrs. J. M. Tiernan, of the EUB Church, Dashwood. Miss Jean Kennedy, of Grand Bend, was the soloist. The address, "What doth the Lord require?" was ably given by Father W. G. Smith, •of the Catholic Church, Grand Bend. Eighty-six ladies and clergy attended. Following the serv- ice a time of fellowship was held. -- —0 VARNA NEWS A concert staged by the United Church Women in Varna last Friday evening was well attended and enjoyed by all. Pictures shown by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton were of fine quality and most interesting. Mrs. Middleton acted as narra- tor. Excellent music, supplied by the "Pilgrim Singers" of Clinton, was enjoyed by every- one. A father and son banquet is being held on Friday evening of this week, sponsored by the Tyros of the United Church. The United Church Women are catering to the event and a good after-dinner speaker is expected. The official board of the Varna and Goshen United Church met in Goshen Church on Thursday evening last for their quarterly meeting. Rev. Brittain, of Grand Bend, spoke to the board regarding the Mis- sion is- sion a r y Maintenance Fund. Plans were made regarding the 40th anniversary of the church union to be celebrated on June 6 of this year. 0 BLAKE NEWS (Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich, Correspondents) (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Steckle. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oesch and family, Bright, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader and family, Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and family spent Sunday with relatives at Kitchener and Wat- erloo. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gingerich and family. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and fam- ily were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender and family, New Ham burg; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gingerich and family, Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gower, British Columbia; Mrs. Nelson Shank and Mrs. Allen. Fink- beiner, Crediton, called on Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch, Monday. 0 C. Mickle Speaks Charles Mickle, who teaches in a Hamilton secondary school, was guest speaker at a meeting of the London Philatelic Society on Tuesday night. He spoke on the war -time Postal History of Papua and New Guinea, illustrated with covers from his collection. His collection has won several medals, prizes and honor cer- tificates at stamp exhibitions in Canada. Charles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, of Hen sall. CBS -TV is reportedly between 60 and 70% sold for the start of the new season next fall. NBC-TV has about 60% of its prime -time for 65-66 sold out. A new western, "Laredo" is in the NBC schedule far next season. It could be among the toughest shows to top next sea- son in popularity. In this thriller, even the gunfighters hire gunfighters. Also in the NBC schedule is "Mr. Roberts". Roger Smith of "77 Sunset Strip" fame is the star. Another show is "Hank", billed as a hilarious comedy. *: * "Burke's Law" is set for a third season, but there will be some changes made. The brass is planning to convert Detective Amos Burke to an international super counter -agent. In a fu ture show, Burke will get a top- level call from Washington to handle the new assignment. Network officials didn't say anything about his Roils -Royce. We hope they keep writing it into the series, Status of Jimmy Dean on ABC has been firmed. He gets the Friday 10 p.m. slot ... Candid Camera and What's My Line were still unsold late last week . Bob Hope, in response `o some 50,000 letters of fan mail, will do a second special on Vietnam on March 26 for NBC. —0 Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook vis- ited last week with their daugh, ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett, and family in To- ronto. always FINE ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM SERVED IN OUR MODERN DINING ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE Pr 1 STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH DomirnonHotel .] DIAL 236-4371 — ZURICH Charlie's Auto Sales Your RAMBLER Dealer 1 1965 1964 FOR QUALITY USED CARS SEE US TODAY OUR STOCK MUST BE REDUCED Rambler American 300 Demonstrator, 2500 Miles Bel Air Chevrolet 4 -Door Automatic, like new, see this one 1964 Beaumont 4 -Door Sedan, like new, locally owned 1962 Meteor 4 -Door Sedan, V-8 automatic, one owner 1962 Anglia 2 -Door, 4 cylinder . A real buy for a second car 1962 Velox 4 -Door Sedan, 6 cylinders„ also a one owner 1962 Pontiac Parisienne 2 -Door Hardtop,P.B.P.S. A 1961 Ford V-8 Stick, low mileage, A-1 condition 1960 Pontiac Laurentian V-8 automatic 1960 Valiant 6 cylinder automatic, one owner 1949 I/2 -ton Ford Truck Good running condition, cheap beauty GIVE US A CALL IN HENSALL, ON HIGHWAY 4 Another to BEST BISY! NOW Is the Time to Buy that New FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE! Look at this Special Bargain COMBINATION SET RANGE and REFRIGERATOR The Pair as Low as ANN V HMJLYY 399. (with your reasonable trade) TRADE NOW AND SAVE DURING FRIGIDAIRE WEEK GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE LTD