HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-03-18, Page 5TH.UR$PAY, MARCH 10, 1965 PAGE FINN Classified Rates For Sale, etc„ Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriems, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS 2c a word; Minimum 54c. CASH DISCOUNTS- % Off if paid ,by Saturday folkwing last lnsertlon• BILLING CHARGE- 10c added on second bili. FREE - Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE 1954 GMC Pickup. Ideal for use on the farm; new tires. Cheap. Phone 107 Dashwood after 6 p.m. 7,tfb FOUR BLACK ANGUS Holstein beef cows, with calves. Curtis Gingerich, R 2, Zurich ,2364875 10,p 1960 FORD, 6 cylinder, black. $650. 262-5150. 10-11,p ONE PUREBRED Jersey heifer, clue in March. Four 600x16 tires, in real good condition. Apply Louis Farwell, 2364646. 10,b GOOD SPY eating apples, Also some cookers. Josiah Steckle, 262-5442, Hensall. 10,p BALED HAY. Apply Ivan L, Kalbfleisch, 2364958. 10,b ENGLISH BONE China, cups and Saucers. Special, only 88c, 3 for $2.59. Regular price $1.25. At Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 8,P VIKING CREAM Separators - Viking Milkers, pump and two units, installed for $498. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, Phone 482-9131. 7,19,p FOR THE GIFT of Love, give her a diamond. There's one for her in our fine selection. Let us remount your diamond in a modern setting. Hess the Jewel- ler, Zurich. 8,p BRICK HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, large living room, garden, nice- ly located in the village of Zur- ich. Apply to Harold Reichert, Mrs. Ernie Laidlaw, Mrs. Earl Love. 8,tfb MODERN HOME, well located in the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway and big garage. Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich. 236-4396. 46tfb DO YOU NEED a Clock? We have a large assortment of new alarm clocks, cuckoo clocks, Westminster chime clocks and beautiful 400 -day anniversary clocks. At Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 8,P MUSKRAT TRAPS and pelt stretchers. Apply Mrs. William Denomme, 236-4853, or Bob Denomme, Exeter. 11,b INTERNATIONAL W-4 Tractor, live PTO, hydraulic, in good condition. Apply to Bill Tal- bot, Jr., 59r25, Bayfield. 11,13,p WANTED TO BUY OATS WANTED -Suitable for seed or feed, of Rodney, Garry, Russell, C 1 i n t 1 a n d varieties. Please bring sample. We can take delivery any time at high- est prices. Alex M. Stewart & Sons Limited, Ailsa Craig. 2-8,b RODNEY OATS, suitable for seed. Hensall, 2625434. 10,b FOR RENT BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. FOUR -ROOM Apartment with bath. Apply to Bill Smith, 236-4913, Zurich. 8,9,b Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 Births HABERER-Dr. John and Ellen Haberer, Toronto, are happy to announce the birth of their son, March 14, 1965, at To- ronto Western Hospital. MARTIN -Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Martin, RR 2, Zurich, an- nounce the arrival of a son, Dwayne Andre, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, March 11, 1965. Cards of Thanks We wish to express sincere thanks to all who were so kind, remembering us in many ways while being hospitalized in Vic- toria Hospital, London, and since returning home. This thoughtfulness is deeply appre- ciated. - Roberta Wadel and Sandra. 11,b I wish to thank all niy friends neighbours, relatives and the students of South Huron District High School for cards, treats, flowers and visits while I was a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Ron Deichert and Bill Dinnin and others who assisted at the accident. Thanks also to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Sober and the nursing staff of St. Joseph's Hospital for their care and at- tention. The thoughtfulness and kindness of everyone was much appreciated. -George Far- well. 11,p My sincere thanks to every- one for visits, flowers, gifts and cards while I was a patient in St. Joseph''s Hospital. -Jeanette Turner. I sincerely thank my rela- tives, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness, cards of sympathy, donations to the Heart Fund and the Gid - eons, and the beautiful floral tributes received during my sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Rev. and Mrs. Shatto, the pall bearers, the WSWS of the EUB Church and the Westlake Funeral Home. - Dorothy Koehler. 11,b COMING EVENTS Dessert Euchre, Lodge Hall, Hensall, Wednesday, March 31, at 2 p.m. Admission 50c. Every- one welcome. Sponsored by Amber Rebekah Lodge Hen- sall. 11,p HELP WANTED REGISTERED NURSE, part or full-time w o r k. Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, 262- 2830. 11,b PART-TIME Salesman to handle a line of electrical appliances, television, etc. To work Zur- ich and surrounding area. Box 124, Zurich Citizens News. PART-TIME help, male or fem- ale, in Zurich. Apply Box 222, Citizens News. 10,p RADIO, television electronics - RETS will train you in only one year. One four-hour class per week. Evening class starting April 5. Box 111, Zurich Cit- izens News, 10,11,b LOST and FOUND LOST IN ZURICH -One ladies' black heeled shoe. Finder please call collect 84r10, Dub- lin. 11,b CUSTOM WORK SANITATION Services - Sep- tic pumping, tank and drain- age. Repairs. For immediate ser vie e, phone Bill Finch, 238-2291, Grand Bend. 1VIISCELLANEOUS CATTLE SPRAYING. Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, contact Wil- liam Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood. 48tf FURNITURE REPAIRED, re- modled and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week, For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655.2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Combines, Farm Implements, Household Effects and Misc. Items. on the premises Lot 23, Lake Road West Stanley Township 3 miles north of St. Joseph or 7 miles south of Bayfield, Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY„ MARCH 30 at 1 p.m. Tractors and Combines: 1958 Power Master Ford stan- dard tractor, completely equip- ped, in guaranteed condition; 1954 Ford tractor, newly over- hauled; 1949 Ford tractor, in good condition; No. 80 Int, power take -off combine, com- pletely equipped, also bean at- tachments, recently purchased; Bidwell motor driven bean com- bine, in A-1 condition. Farm Implements and Miscellaneous Items: Int. 15 -run double disc grain and fertilizer drill, in new con- dition; New Holland No. 67 hay baler; Int. 91/2 -ft. heavy duty spring tooth cultivator; New Idea power take -off '7 -ft. mower; Spray motor 3 -point hitch weed sprayer; Int. heavy duty rubber tire wagon; M -H 3 -drum steel roller; Int. 10 -ft. cultipacker; Fleury Bissel 9 -ft. tractor disc; Dearborn 3 -furrow 3 -point hitch tractor plow; Int. 2 -furrow plow on steel; Ford scuffler; M -H bean puller; 3 -section Diamond harrows; heavy shaft Ford pul- ley; fanning mill; grain thrower with pipes; chicken brooder; electric cattle clipper; chains; 50 -ft. welding cord; electric fencer; shovels, grease guns, etc. Household Effects: 12 kitchen and dining room chairs, tables; beds, dressers, chesterfield chair; stands, lard press; meat grinder; Bosch uni- versal food mixer; Westing- house roaster oven; sealers; crocks, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms - Cash PERCY BEDARD, Proprietor ALVIN RAU, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11,2b 0 AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Thresher, Farm Implements, _Livestock, _H a y, Grain and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 20, Con. 7, Hay Township 21/2 miles east of Zurich, High- way 84, on FRIDAYI, APRIL 2 Complete listing in next week's issue. ELTON BENDER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 8, Con. 12, Stanley Township 2 miles north of Blake The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 6 Complete list of this sale in next week's issue. DAN STECKLE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 Auction Sale Listings Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood March 19 -Clearing farm sale, George Link, proprietor. March 24 -Clearing farm 'sale, Aaron Gingerieh, prop, March 26 -Clearing farm sale, Norman Kleinfelt, prop. March 30 -Machinery sale, Per- cy Bedard proprietor. March 31 -Clearing farm sale, Bill Essery, proprietor. April 2 -Clearing farm sale, El- don Bender, proprietor. April 6 -Clearing farm sale, Dan Steckle, proprietor. April 7 -Complete dispersal of reg. Herefords, Orville Hay- ter, proprietor. April 9 -Clearing farm sale, R. Martin, proprietor. April 10 -Furniture sale, Exe- ter. April 12 -Extensive implement sale, Irving Snider, proprietor. Sale dates reserved. - April 14, 17, 21. AUCTION SALE Of High Quality Holsteins, Tractor, Farm Implements and Misc. Items. on the premises LOT 24, CON. 12, HAY TWP. 11/4 miles west of Zurich, thence one mile north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24 at 1 p,m. Holsteins: Cow, carrying third calf, bred October 18, milking; cow, milk- ing; heifer, milking, carrying second •calf, bred Dec. 24; cow, milking, second calf; cow, carry- ing second calf, due May 2; cow, third calf, milking; cow, second calf, recently freshened, calf at foot; cow, milking, bred Nov. 26; heifer, recently fresh- ened; heifer, milking; cow, sec- ond calf, recently freshened, calf at foot; cow, third calf, milking; cow, milking, bred Nov. 4, carrying third calf; cow, second calf, freshened, calf at foot; cow, third calf, milking, rebred Dec. 1; 4 Holstein heif- ers due June 10, 25, July 27, Oct. 2; 2 part Hereford and Hol- stein heifers, rising 2 years old; 5 Holstein heifer calves; pure- bred Holstein bull, rising 2 years old. This is an extra good herd of catle, TB test negative. Tractor and Farm implements: Mc -Deering 300 standar d tractor, in A-1 condition; Me - Deering hydraulic hitch 3 -fur- row plow; Mc -Deering binder, 8 -ft. cut, on rubber; Mc -Deering 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill; M -M side delivery rake; M -M 28 plate tractor dise; New Idea 90 bushel tractor spreader; Mc - Deering 2 -row corn planter; spring tooth cultivator; M -H 10 - ft. •cultipacker; 4 -section Dia- mond harrow; 16 foot hay rack; set bobsleighs; sleigh platform; logging chain; tractor chains; wagon box with shelves; forage box; Letz grinder and bagger; 200 lb. scales; Clinton fanning mill; quantity milk cans; Cy- clone grass seeder; chicken crates; shovels; forks; other 'miscellaneous items. No reserve as the farm is sold. Lunch booth on grounds. AARON GINGERICH, Prop. ERVIN GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 10,11,b 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Choice Hereford Cattle, Hogs, Tractor, Farm Imple- ments, Hay, Straw and Miscel- laneous Items on the premises Lot 21, Con. 15, Stephen Twp. 11J4 miles west of Dashwood, thence one mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 19 at 1 p.m. Hereford Cattle: Cow, with calf at foot; cow, due before sale date; cow, due in April; cow, due March 15; cow, due March 20; cow, due April 14; 2 reg. Hereford heifers due March and May; 6 choice Hereford yr. heifers; 2 Holstein yearling heifers; 2 Holstein steers, rising two year old, ready for market; Hereford steer, rising two year old; 2 Hereford yearling steers;; Hol- stein yearling steer; 2 part Hereford and Holstein calves. This is an extra good herd of top quality cattle. Hogs: Yorkshire sow, with litter of ten; 2 Yorkshire sows, carry- ing fourth litter, clue in April; Yorkshire hog, 9 months old. Tractor and Implements: 1953 Ford Jubilee standard tractor, recently overhauled, in A-1 condition, including 2 -fur- row hydraulic plow, Ferguson hydraulic cultivator, 2 -row scuf- fler, tractor pulley, heat •houser, bean puller and umbrella; John Deere heavy duty 6 -ton wagon; 16 -ft. grain box and hay rack, like new; Case tractor spread- er, recently purchased; new Myers weed sprayer equipped with 8 roller pump and 22 ft. boom, used one season; Cock- shutt 4 -bar rake; International 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill, in now condition; M -H 6 -ft. mower; 3 -drum steel roller; Int, 3 -bar side rake; M.H. horse cul- tivator; 2 M -H outhrow discs; wagon box with side shelves; 4 -section Diamond harrows; dump rake; set bob -sleighs; 3 - section Diamond harrows; Clin- ton fanning mill; Woods elec- tric grain grinder; Vessot grain grinder; Renfrew cream separ- ator; 32 -ft. extension ladder, like new: single scuffler; walk- ing plow; sugar kettle with stand; steel water trough; self hog feeders; bean knives; 125- ft. hay fork rope; 1/2 h.p. elec- tric motor; Cyclone grass seed- er; heavy duty fence stretcher; heavy set log tongs; chain tightener; iron sledges; 500 cap. Warner chick brooder; 20 ft. well auger; steel pump and pipes; sand point and cylinder pipes; quantity steel roofing; 2 20 -ft. hay rack sills; stone - boat; colony house 10x12; quan- tity hydro poles; cedar posts; 28 -ft. steel roller track, com- plete with hardware; glass door and frame; logging •chains; set of sling ropes; chicken crates; 150 4 -inch tile; pump jack; lard and sausage press; milk cans, Daisy churn; crocks; pails, and many other misc. items, Hay and Straw: 300 bales choice quality clov- er hay; 100 bales mixed hay; 100 bales oat straw; quantity clover seed. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms - Cash GEORGE LINK, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11,b 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE To be held at Lot 22, Con. 9, Hay Township A half mile east of Zurich Sale time is TUESDAY, MARCH 23 1:30 p.m. Featuring 50 head of purebred and grade Hereford cattle and Holsteins, Robert Bell Thresh- ing Machine and Tractors and farm equipment. Cattle: 14 purebred Hereford cows, with calves by side; 7 purebred calves, would make excellent 4-H Club calves; 6 grade Here- ford eows; 5 Holstein heifers, in milk; 6 two-year-old heifers; 4 purebred yearlings. This is an excellent herd of Hereford cattle. Present herd sires being used are Nova Tar- rington, Registered No. 584541, bred by Nova Hereford Farms, La Have, Nova Scotia. The other sire is Ringwood Centen- nial, Registered No. 823568, bred by George Rodanz, Ring- wood Farms. Average rate of gain, 332; liftetime gain 292. The pedigrees of the regis- tered purebreds will be an- nounced at time of sale. James Coultes on pedigrees. 1 mplements: John Deere equipment includes Model 40 rowcrop tractor, com- plete with hydraulic scuffler and bean puller; Model 60 trac- tor with P.T.O.; 4 -row Model 490 corn planter with fertilizer attachment and markers; 10 -ft. spring tooth cultivator; grain fertilizer drill, 15 -run; 2 -furrow plows; side rake; 8 -ft. P.T.O. binder, on rubber; manure spreader; International 3 -for - row plow, on rubber, Ace bot- tom; double disc; International hammer mill; special hammer mill belt; Robert Bell threshing machine, 24x40, with cutter; 120 -foot drive belt; Surge milk- ing machine and two units; 10 - can drop-in milk cooler; land roller, 3 -drum; 2 wagons, 5 -ton capacity, with flat racks; an- tique Portland cutter, in excel- lent shape; cupboard; iron pot; cradle and iron kettle, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Are Cash Farm has been sold. PERCY WILLERT, Proprietor Phone 236-4838, Zurich PERCY WRIGHT and ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneers DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk Hotel Imperial A GRAND BEND ENTERTAINMENT and DANCING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS SATURDAY NIGHT - DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Chicken and Fish Fries CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery, Hay, Grain and Household Effects, for JOHN CONSITT Lot 1, Con. 8, Tuckersmith Twp. 33/4 miles west of Staffa or 5 miles south of Seaforth and 21/2 miles east, on SATURDAY, MARCH 20 at 12:30 p.m. Machinery: David Brown tractor, com- plete with heat houses (2000 hours); Allis Chalmers "B" trac- tor; Allis Chalmers "B" scuf- fler and bean puller; Massey Ferguson self-propelled com- bine, 8 inch innus pick --up; New Holland 66 P.T.O. baler; 32 -ft. George White elevator with motor, like new; George White tractor spreader; new George White 51/2 -ton wagon, with grain box; roller bearing wagon with rack and box; I.H.C. 3 -point hitch 3 -furrow plow, like new; I.H.C. 15 -run fertilizer power drill; I.H.C. Lowboy rake, on rubber; I.H.C. rake, on steel; T.H.C. 7 -ft. binder; I.H.C. 9 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; T.H.C. 6 -ft. mower, Oliver 32 -plate disc__ 2 - section farm hand harrow weed- ers; 5 and 3section of harrows; 3 -drum roller; Letz grinder and belt; 2 -unit Universal milker, with piping and pumps. Hay and Grain: 1000 bales of hay and straw; 800 bushels oats and barley. Cattle: 2 Holstein cows, due in June; 2 Holstein cows, due sale time; 2 Holstein cows, fresh; 2 Here- fords, due in May; 2 Durham cows, due in April; Durham heifer, with calf; Hereford bull, 18 months old; 5 Hereford heif- ers; 3 steers, 11/2 years old; 16 Hereford steers and heifers, 1 year old; 3 Hereford calves. Pigs: York hog; York sow, with litter; 2 York sows, due time of sale; 4 York sows, bred. Household Effects: Including child's crib, high chair, play pen. Other articles too numerous to mention. No Reserve; Farm Sold Terms -- Cash JOHN CONSITT, Proprietor GEORGE POWELL, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 0 Say Great Lakes Levels on Rise There is good news for area lakeside residents if an opinion of experts can be trusted. Officials have made a study of the Great Lakes and have de- termined that by July, levels of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron will rise more than a foot above the 1964 highwater mark. Lakes Erie and Ontario will rise too, but not as quickly. Lake Superior will remain sta- tionary. Statistics show the Lake Hur- on water level began to climb in February and never did dip to the low ebb reached last spring. MAW aas,a® BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Care" Agent for Dry Cleaning Next time, try 5 PRODUCED BY T. G. BRIGHT & CO., �/' LIMITED • NIAGARA FALLS. CANADA CANADIAN SHERRY R. _Newman SI aren PHONE 238.2303 GRAND SEND Real Estate and Business Broker Representative - G. Norman Rivers, Phone 94, Bayfield COMMERCIAL • RESORT • RESIDENTIAL • FARM "YOUR SUMMER LIVING I5 MY BUSINESS" Triple - Header WITH THE CAVALIERS MIXED - UP DANCE Zurich -- Saturday, March 20 9 - 12 Admission 75c ONCE IN THE DOOR - LOOK OUT! HARD -TIMES DANCE Zurich -- Saturday, March 27 9 - 12 Admission 75c WEAR YOUR WORST - SEE THE CAVALIERS IN THEIR WORST