HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-03-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, MARCH 38, '1965 News of Dashwood District Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jack (raiser and Kim and Mrs. Wilbur Stewart 'ltiVe returned home after va- c<<ttuning in Florida for two `eks. Miss Eleanor Saluron is spend- ing ?he week at London with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and girls, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family. .Arthur Rader and Larry Lentz, of Saskatchewan, stu- dents at Fort Wayne Lutheran Senior College, spent several days with I<Ir. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and boys. Sim Willert is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, with a heart condition. JIr. and Mrs. Albert Rader and Mrs. Milford Ilierner spent last Tuesday at 'Willowdale with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore. Mrs. Rader remained for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore, Returning home with her, they spent the week -end here. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and"Darlene spent the week- end at Brantford with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Telfer and family. Visit Huronview Some 35 members and friends of Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid, along with several children, vis- ited Iluronview, Clinton, and provided a program of sing- songs, vocal duets, tap dancing, readings and a skit to those able to attend. Home-made cookies were distributed to the residents as well as plants to those in residence from the Lutheran church. Hold Open House Dashwood Public School rec- ognize "Education Week" by holding "open house" last Fri- day. Parents were able to visit classrooms and view the work done by their children, as well as discuss any problems their children had. The new course in arithmetic was discussed at some length. Open house was also held at V. L. Becker and Sons on Fri- day, March 12, with a pancake harvest. One thousand pan- cakes were served to approxi- mately 300 people who took ad- vantage of the harvest to visit the shop, see movies, and eat. Door prizes were won by George Zurich Lutheran Church Women Study "Women Beautiful" Chapter The March meeting of St. Peter's Lutheran Church Women studied a chapter from the book "Women Beautiful". The chapter entitled "Love- ly Lips" stressed the impor- tance of the tongue as a little member subject to a critically dangerous disease known as -false fever". It was noted that lips can be lovely if time and thought is taken before the tongue is put into action. It cautioned those who speak to ask themselves if the statement they are about to make it true, necessary and kind. The Biblical reference used was from Psalm 19-14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be ac- ceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord". The group's constitution was read. Various sections were discussed and explained by Rev. Latta, Carl Turnbull and Han- ford Luther. Attend Convention Mrs. Hubert Miller and Miss Sharon Jennison attended the Ontario Hairdressers' conven- tion at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Sunday. August C. Miller August Miller, 84, passed away at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Wednesday, March 10. Besides his wife, Laura Miller, he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Louis (Regina) Zimmer, of Dashwood; one granddaughter, Carol; one brother, Henry, of Mount Carmel. He was a re- tired highway maintenance man. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Saturday, March 13, when Requiem Mass was sung in St. Boniface Church, Zurich, by Rev. C. A. Doyle, with burial in adjoining cemetery. Pall bear- ers were Earl and Elmore Zim- mer, Orville Farrell, William Ziler, George Grenier, ra n d Mahlon Watts. Ladies' Aid The Ladies' Aid of Zion Luth- eran Church met last Wednes- clay evening following the Len- ten services. The message de- livered by the pastor during the service served as the topic. The president, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, dealt with the business. Reports were heard from the secretaries. A sunrise break- fast will be served with group 2 in charge following the Easter Sunrise service. The quilts have all been finished. It was decided to continue subscrib- ing to the booklets "Strength for the Day" to be carried by the visiting committees. Group 1 conducted closing devotions. 0 Blackwell. Mrs. Carl Willert conducted the business. It was noted that attendance and membership is on the increase. Thirty-seven attended the meeting and one member was added to the roll call. A note from Mrs, R. F. Stade was read. It requested that a donation to the LCW in honour of the 50th wedding anniversary of she and her husband be used to purchase two sets of acolyte gowns. Eighteen visits were made to shut --ins and 75 young people were served at the Youth Fel- lowship dinner on Sunday, Feb- ruary 21. Knitted squares were brought in and one finished afghan was displayed. Mrs. H. Klopp, Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Moore presented the program. Puts the things you want within your reach BANK OF MONTREAL Familq Finance M"B"-"" Plan Bim Bring all your personal credit needs LOW-COST LIFE -INSURED LOANS Hensall Branch: Zurich Branch: VICTOR PYETTE, Mg`. JOHN BANNISTER, Mgr. Legion Auxiliary At the March meeting of the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary with 20 members present made plans for the Red Cross Society canvass. The group will appear on "Take Your Choice", CFPL-TV, London, Saturday, March 13. A euchre will be held in the Legion Hall March 17. Winner of mystery prize was Mrs. Ed Roberts and the guessing prize was won by Mrs. William Smale. The group will cater for the Legion bonspiel March 20. Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, MARCH 21 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general interest,in this column but can't undertake persona! replies. DEAR DORIS — My mother does not like the boy I love, and objects to my accepting a ring from him. She says just because he missed his year at school that he is not ambitious and will never amount to any- thing. But Doris, he is all a gi»•1 could ask for, tall, Clark ancl handsome, and I'm crazy about him. How can I make her see what he is really like? ENTRANCED DEAR ENTRANCED—If you could spend your life in a trance, just gazing at Hand- some and sighing long, heart- felt sighs, you might be right. Sooner or later — usually sooner — one stops gazing and starts the business of living. How will he measure up when there are bills to pay, babies to care for, friends and leisure hours to share? What happens when that dark hair goes grey or falls out? When the good looks give away EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 21 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.—Church School. Classes for All. 7:30 p.m.—Lenten Devotional. Subject: 'The Hypocrite's Stand' Special music by the Earl Oesch Family. You Are Welcome St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 21 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. Services each Wednesday at 8 p.m. throughout Lent. You Are Welcome to worry lines and wrinkles? You'll be wishing he'd done his homework! I'm sending my leaflet "What Is Love?" which gives you some ideas about what to look for in a marriage partner besides breath -taking beauty — which turns out to be of minor impor- tance, after all. .(Note to readers: The above leaftlet is available to anyone sending in ten cents and a stamped, self-addressed envel- ope.) FOURTH ANNUAL SAUERKRAUT SUPPER DELICIOUS SAUERKRAUT WITH TASTY SPARERIBS — HOME-MADE PIE — Wednesday, April 7, 1965 Served from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Tickets: $1.50 Children„ under 12: $1.00 Sponsored by Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce • • HAY TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL Annual Meeting TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL OF THE Telephone System WILL BE HELD IN THE Township Hall, Zurich ON Wednesday, March 31, 1965 at 2:00 p.m. JOHN H. CORBETT Reeve W. C. HORNER SecretaryTreasurer DEAR DORIS — I read in your column about the woman who was afraid to have a baby. When I became pregnant I was terrified of the pain and agony to come. I would only like to say that pregnancy isn't the most wonderful time of your life, but when you feel your baby moving and know it is forming inside you, these few discomforts are soon o v e r - looked. As for the labor and delivery, this is the hardest and most painful part of the whole preg- nancy. But when you hear the first little cry of your baby and the doctor says, "Well, you now have a healthy son (or daugh- RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP ter)," and the nurse places the little pink squirming bundle in your arms, all the memories of pain melt away to nothing. Then, when your husband smiles at you and says, "Tie's beautiful," you can smile and look forward to having more children in the future, free of fear, MOTHER OF THREE DEAR MOTHER—Your letter will comfort others who tend to panic, Memories of pain do tend to disappear in the miracle of life which happens to young parents. DEAR DORIS—The topic of our debate is, "Resolved that poverty in this country can be substantially eliminated in this generation." A subtopic quali- fies poverty as material poverty by which a man is deprived of basic necessities. Where can we look for material? Does this stipulation of ma- terial poverty rule out intellec- tual and social poverty? MARK ANTHONY DEAR MARK — Government statistics can show you trends between one census and the next, re cost of living, stan- dards of living, numbers on public assistance rolls, Indexes of national productivity and spending can help, To stay with the qualifica- tions of the debate, I'd say you roust stick with material pov- erty. At the same time, there are some inescapable links be- tween material poverty and re- sources of mind and spirit. With better counselling, to- ward.happier marriages, we may raise a man's morale so that he may find or stay with a difficult job. With education and a trade he may become em- ployable and off relief rolls. With counselling, a couple can make a skimp budget stretch to support a large fam- ily. With planned parenthood, we can keep family size within practical limits. And so on. Good luck! DUWARD MADAMS RADIO — TELE -VISION • Sales and Service r DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Dial Zurich Days — 2364094 Nights — 236-4186 "Always ready to serve you" 111111111111111111111111111111A SPRING SPECIALS !! OUR OWN—TASTY, FRESH RHUBARB PIES ONLY 60c EACH Try Our Delicious HOT CROSS BUNS Package of 9 — Only 38c TASTY -NU BAKERY DIAL 236.4912 — ZURICH ellePodUlef St. William's — 9 Oz. Assorted Jams _ _ 4/85c Monarch Pouch Pack — Assorted Flavors Cakes Mixes _ _ _ 2/29c Delsey — Assorted Colors — 2 -Roll Pkg. Toilet Tissue 24c Heinz — 15 Oz. Cooked Spaghetti _ 2/31 c Instant or Quick — 32 Oz. or 36 Oz. Robin Hood Oats _ _ _ 29c Kellogg's — 8 Oz. Corn Flakes _ _ 2/39c Club House — 2 -Lb. Jar Peanut Butter _ _ _ _ 79c 11 Ounce Chase and Sanborn — 6 Oz. Jar Instant Coffee _ _ $1.05 Gold Seal Solid — 7 Oz. White Tuna 39c Allen's — 48 Oz. Apple Juice 37c Large Size — 3c Off Ivory Snow 49c Large Size Spic and Span _ _ Giant Size Spic and Span _ _ 5c Off — 3 Lb. Tin Crisco Shortening Salted or Plain — Lb. - _ 45c __97c - $1.19 McCormick's Sodas _ 35c Van Camp — 20 Oz. Heinz Ketchup _ _ 2/45c Beans and Pork _ _ 2/39c FRUIT and VEGETABLES FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 96s _ _ SUNKIST ORANGES, 138s JUMBO SIZE CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE _ _ SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER MEAT SPECIALS _ 10 FOR 69c DOZ. 49c _ _ 2 FOR 39c HEAD 29c HAM SAUSAGE LB. 49c FRESH PORK LIVER 2 LBS. 55c SMOKED PICNICS LB. 39c DOERR'S DIAL 236-4354 — ZURICF' FOOD MARKE"S.