HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-02-25, Page 7THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2$, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN Local, Minister At Conference Five Mennonite ministers from south central Ontario are among 42 taking part in the 1965 ministers' school at Goshen College Biblical Seminary, Go- shen, Ind, February 9-26. They are Rev, Gordon Bau- man, Alma, pastor of Berea Mennonite Church; Rev. Ray- mond Erb, Elora, pastor of Bethel Mennonite Church; Rev. Amsey Martin, Glen Allan, pas- tor of Glen Allan Mennonite Church; Rev. Orval M. Jantzi, Zurich, pastor of Zurich Men- monite Church, •and Rev, Irvin W. Cressman, Kitchener, pastor of Biehn Mennonite Church. Ministers from 11 states and two provinces of Canada have enrolled in the 14th annual min- isters' school to study the Bible, Christian doctrines and pastoral leadership. NEW FARM GASOLINE FROM CO.OP* BUILT-IN RUST INHIBITOR protects tanks, lines and pumps from corrosion. One of five premium extras yeu get with CO -OP -Farm Gasoline. • i -CO-0PIt *Registered Trade Mark Hensall District Co-op Zurich • HENSALL - Brucefield A couple of experiences re- cently have confirmed some- thing I've long suspected, People spend far too much time going to the doctor. Most doc- tors would probably agree. My wife, who could go 15 rounds with Cassius Clay and not breathe hard, goes to the doctor about twice a month. He says, "Well, you're certainly looking in fine fettle", gives her a bottle of pills and sends her about her business. My experience with doctors has been on two levels, the so- cial and the professional. So- cially, you can't beat them. They like a drink, a good story, good company, Professionally ... well, let me tell you. Just after the war, the medi- cal profession told me I had tu- berculosis. There was a shad- ow on my •chest X-ray. They pumped out my stomach and poked among the horrors ex- humed. They vampired blood out of my arm. They sucked marrow -out of my breast -bone. Ever so often, a specialist in reading X-rays would show me the "shadow" on my lung. There were about 484 shadows on the X-ray. I'd nod intelli- gently, though I'll swear it was a different one every time. I still think they gat a fly- speck en the original X-ray. But I bear them no grudge. This used to happen to me during the war. We'd be flying form- ation, on a mission, heads swivelling, wildly to watch for German fighters. Suddenly, I'd spot a whole gagle of the foe and holler over the radio, "Enemy aircraft, above, 10 o'clock!" After a frantic silence, in which everyone else swept the sky with his eyes, a sardonic voice would announce„ "Smil- ey's got oil specks on his wind- screen again." So I forgave the docs. In 12 • Puts the things you want within your reach BANK OF MONTREAL a family finance MYHANHV Plan a��m Bring all your personal credit needs LOW-COST LIFE -INSURED LOANS I3cnsall Branch: Zurich Branch: VICTOR PYETTE, Mg,, JOHN BANNISTER, Mar. months, •they couldn't prove, at least to my satisfaction, that I had T13. But they needed the practice, and I bore no ill -will. About eight years later, I had a very sore back. Could hardly straighten up. I went to a spe- cialist. He took $28 worth of X-rays and a ten -dollar fee, poked me painfully, and on the second visit informed me that I had a "severe" irritation of the lumbar region." I was pretty scared and asked him what it involved. "To put it in lay- man's language," he pontificat- ed, "you have a sore back". Couple of years later, I hob- bled into another doctor's office. My knee was acting up. A Ger- man feldwebel had tried to kick the kneecap off, one day in 1944, and every so often it went on the fritz. The doc twisted it until I screamed, told me it was very painful. He took X-rays, wrenched it until I was bathed in sweat, and told me I had a bad knee and should be careful with it. Recently, 1 went to the veter- ans' hospital, for my regular chest check-up. The doc couldn't find the scar on my X-ray, and had to ask me which lung it had been. 1 didn't know. The other day, I went to an eye specialist. I can see fine, but my wife thought I should go. I haven't had my eyes checked since another eye spe- cialist, 15 years ago, prescribed the glasses I wear for reading. Well, this young fellow the other day, who can give you an appointment within four months of the time you call, told me I didn't need glasses. Said the ones I had were as useful as window panes. He didn't realize I' had them renewed at about $25 a rattle, four or five times since the original prescription, whenever I'd broken them or lost them. Well, I'm going to fool him. I'm going to go right on wear- ing those glasses, if only to hide the bags under my eyes. Doctors! It's not that I'm pre- judiced. Some of my best friends are doctors. But how would you like your sister to marry one of them? COVER THE GLOBE—Stanley Burke (left) and James M. Minifie (right) are two of the senior men in CBC'c lineup of foreign correspondents. Burke covers stories in France and other parts of Europe from his home base in Paris. On the other side of the Atlantic Minifie keeps Canadians in-, formed about happenings in Washington and other parts of the United States. Zurich Institute Busy Group The November meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Siebert, when the guest speaker was Mrs. Ron Wilson. The home economics teacher took as her topic the selection, care and preparation of "meat —beef and pork". At the same meeting, Mrs. Norma Siebert displayed articles for bazaars made from deter- gent containers. Mrs. Leonard Erb gave some useful house- hold hints and showed how to fold a fitted sheet easily and neatly. Mrs. Shatto was guest speaker at the February meeting. Her topic, "Educating people for civic responsibility", was in keeping with citizenship and education theme. A variety program followed with poems read by Mrs. Del- bert Geiger and Ruby Bierling; piano solos by Ralph Geiger and Kevin Bowman; a solo by 4 -year- old Debbie Bowman; duets by Dean and Kevin Bowman; tap dance routines by Ruby and Joyce Bierling; accordion selec- Feed Your Chicks Right .... From the Start If you are looking for maxi- mum growth with minimum feed consumption . . SHUR- GAIN Chick Starter is for you. Scientifically formulated and tested under actual farm con- ditions, SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter has the right balance of nutrients your chicks need. With SHUR-GAIN Chick Start- er, development of bone, mus- cle, feathers and stress resis- tance come naturally. We know SHUR-GAIN Chick Start- er will give results. Drop in soon, we'd like to talk about your SHUR-GAIN Starter pro- gram. tions by George Mathonia, and a paper on the life of St. Valen- tine by Mrs. Herb Bierling. During the business segment, members saw articles made at the block printing class as well as a button collection owned by Mrs. Herb Bierling. A sum- mary day for the block printing course is upcoming in Seaforth on March 3, Mrs. Ken Breakey was ap- pointed local representative to the Cancer Unit at Exeter. Fees will be sent to the officers' con- ference and Zurich officers will attend the conference at Guelph in May. It was decided to knit mitts and baby sets and sew pyjamas for the Children's Aid in Goder- ich. Materials will be supplied and Mrs. Meyers will give de- tails to all ladies in the com- munity who wish to participate. Mrs. Arnold Merner Sr. and Mrs. Len Prang were welcomed as new members. Hay Telephone System Moves to Give Dashwood Subscribers Dial Service Ilay Township Municipal Tele- phone System officials announc- ed last week their intention to convert to dial at Dashwood, with a Glial building to be erect- ed in that village. Wayne Horne r, secretary - treasurer of the company, said if the scheme goes ahead on schedule, work could not be completed before the end of 1966. At least that length of time will be required topass the necessary by-law, r de- bentures, make agreements with Bell Telephone and purchase and install conversion equip- ment. The 382 subscribers in the Dashwood exchange are at pres- ent completely surrounded by dial users in Grand Bend, Credi- ton, Exeter and Zurich. 7 points to insist on when buying a furnace VHeavy Gauge Steel Combustion Chamber with full 20 -year Guarantee V Compact, Modern Styr VWide acceptance for over 100 years VI, Cyclonic Fins Dea V' rgks Its tt +b V' f b Quiet, Vibration -fres j. Operation • Efficient, Economical Performance CLARE :WINTER AIR CONDITIONERS , HAVE ALV -7 QUALITY FEATURES When buying a furnace – consider quality first. • The investment is a eubetantial one and the comfort and well-being of � your family is at stake. Only Clare-HHecla guarantees eco- nomical, efficient performance for a full 20 years. l.rtPgr.4 Drop in,,.or Every Clare unit is backed by arar s century of leadership in Cancels heating industry — your assurance of complete satisfaction. And, there%a Clare-Hecla furnace to suit yeallr exact heating requirements, whaling it be gas, oil or solid fuel. phone us today Stade 8t Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" DIAL 236-4921 ZURICH S.. M1� (-0 N KtI NS SPECIAL FEBRUARY Month -End Clearance Sale — ifildrOE INGSUPPlits Today, es for over 80 years, CONKLIN sets the pace for biggest values on quality building supplies . .. The offer- ings shown here prove the point . . . So be thrifty! Buy now at CONKLIN and save the difference. cii•OHLIR-GAIN M. DEITZ and SON ZURICH always FINE FOODS SERVED IN OUR MODERN DINING ROOM ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped with "Hi•Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE It - STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH Dominion Hotel 1444.4,40.4040.4.0 DIAL 236.4371 ZURICH MARLITE 16"x16" CEILING TILE! For bathrooms 6 , and kitchens – ' clearwhite and gold nugget. PER TILE DO IT NOUN! "STA -DRI" Basement Waterproofing 5�$. $ 69 i Just mix with water, brush it on and let it ge to work. REZ- EX Wood Finish, Qt. $2.99. NO MONEY DOWN and EASIEST of TERMS The Cerebrated MARLITE Tongue & Groove RANDOM PLANK NOW ONLY 9sci. ft. Nothing matches Marlite "wash- and-wear" interiors. They stay fresh and new looking for years. Ideal for modern and contemporary homes. Panels are 16"x8' in a choice of American Walnut or Swedish Cherry in stock. Other colors also available. "One Pounder" egufarlyr $ 1.29 Strong, forged steel -16 ounces of power. Smooth -grip hickory handle. With coupon . Only ►.UMQER COISPAMi LIMITED GRAND BEND EXETER keterTher Phone 238.2374 Phone 235.1422 Also at: LONDON, GODERICH, WEST LORNE, RIDGETOWN, THEDFORb and throughout Essex and Kent Counties �..•�. ,,•