HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-02-25, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1965. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAG FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum SOc. CASH DISCOUNTS-.. z�l Off if paid by Saturday following last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE-- lOc added on second btll. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE HEN STABLE Building, 12 feet by 24 feet, in good repair. Also Warner electric brooder, 500 - chick size. Reasonable for quick sale. Hilton Truemner, Box 13, Zurich, 236-4096. 8,p 1954 GMC Pickup. Ideal for use on the farm; new tires. Cheap. Phone 107 Dashwood after 6 p.m. 7,tfb WINGHAM Clipper Cook Stove. Elmer Hayter, Varna, 262-5361. 8,P WINTER FOOTWEAR Clear- ance Sale. 10% to 50% off regular price. Oesch Shoe Store. 5,6,b TWO HOLSTEIN - HEREFORD 'heifers, due soon. Stan Ginger- icb, 236-4874. 6,b CHESTERFIELD and two rock- ers, matching. Apply at Rose Lunch Bar, Zurich, 236-4712. 6,b ENGLISH BONE China, cups and Saucers. Special, only 88c, 3 for $2.59. Regular price $1.25. At Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 8,p VIKING CREAM Separators — Viking Milkers, pump and two units, installed for $498. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, Phone 482-9131. 7,19,p FOR THE GIFT of Love, give her a diamond. There's one for her in our fine selection. Let us remount your diamond in a modern setting. Hess the Jewel- ler, Zurich. 8,p CULL BEANS, $35 per ton. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., Hensall, 262-2605. 6,7,b SPECIAL SALE of apples from February 15 to 20. Cooking and sating apples $1.50 per bushel at the farm, in your own con- tainers. Fred McClymont & Sons, one mile south of Varna. 6,b DO YOU NEED a Clock? We have a large assortment of new alarm clocks, cuckoo clocks, Westminster chime clocks and beautiful 400 -day anniversary clocks. At Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 8,p BRICK HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, large living room, garden, nice- ly located in the village of Zur- ich. Apply to Harold Reichert. Mrs. Ernie Laidlaw, Mrs. Earl Love. 8,tfb MODERN HOME, well located in the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway and big garage. Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich. 236-4396. 46tfb DIESEL ENGINE, 71/2 horse- power, upright, like new, only $275. Also large quantity of high pressure hose. Large num- ber of 550 volt motors from 5 hp to 40 hp equipped with mag netic brakes. Also 4,000 feet acetylene hose. Apply Factory and Refinery Surplus, RR 2, Zurich. MILDMAY BRAND sweet apple butter —made from ripe apples and sweet apple juice. No sugar added. Macle since 1903 from an old German recipe. Schatz Grocery, Dashwood. 2,3,4,p Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 woomisumemmlimmesummeemassmisek WANTED TO BUY OATS WANTED—Suitable for seed or feed, of Rodney, Garry, Russell, C 1 1 n t l a n d varieties. Please bring sample. We can take delivery any time at high- est prices. Alex M. Stewart & Sons Limited, Ailsa Craig. 2-8,b OLD ONTARIO tradesmen's to- kens, due bills, adv. tokens, bar checks, bread checks, milk checks, etc. Write to K. A. Palmer, 10 Wesanford Place, Hamilton, Ont. 5,6,p FOR RENT BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. TWO - BEDROOM Apartment, basement and garage, private entrance. 262-5080. 8,b FOUR -ROOM Apartment with bath. Apply to Bill Smith, 2364913, Zurich. 8,9,b MISCELLANEOUS CATTLE SPRAYING. Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, contact Wil- liam Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood. 48tf FURNITURE REPAIRED, re- modled and refinished, Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools,. etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Applications Wanted Applications for organist and choir leader for Carmel Presby- terian Church, Hensall, will be receivved up to February 20, 1965. Apply, stating salary ex- pected, to Earl Campbell, Clerk of Session, Hensall, Ontario. 5,6,7,b CUSTOM WORK SANITATION Services — Sep- tic pumping, tank and drain- age. Repairs. For immediate service, phone Bill Finch, 238-2291, Grand Bend. TENDERS SILO AND BARN less litter carrier, steel stabling and fan. Located at 120 Raglan Street, Clinton. Sale to include removal after 10 May. 1965, and before a date acceptable to the Clinton Dis- trict Collegiate Institute Board. Offer to state •clearly if price includes levelling of site or leaving of foundations. Barn may be viewed until 26 Feb- ruary, 1965. Highest bid not necessarily accepted. Tenders so marked, to be post marked not later than Friday, 26 Feb- ruary, 1965, and addressed to Mr. L. R. Maloney, Business Administrator, Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board. Births HOFFMEYER — Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hoffmeyer, Clinton (nee Patricia Carter) are hap- py to announce the birth of their son, Russel Daniel (Dan- ny) at Clinton Public Hospital, Friday, February 12, 1965. A grandson for Mrs. Ruth Cart- er, Clinton. MOORE—Dan and Marlene (nee McBride), Dutton, wish to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Christine Dianne, at St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital, February 8, 1965. SMITH—Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Smith, Zurich, announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Jean, at South Hur- on Hospital, February 15. A sister for Patti and Cathy. JASNEY—Jim and Sharon (Mc- Arthur), Exeter, are happy to announce the birth of twins, a boy and a girl, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Fri- day, February 19, 1965. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank everyone who remembered me with flowers, treats and prayers while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, and since return- ing home. — Mrs. Cecile Mei- dinger. 8,b Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flaxbard thank their neighbors, relatives and friends for the gifts, flow- ers and many lovely cards they received on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. 8,p I wish to thank all who re- membered me with cards, let- ters and visits and the CP&T, Hensall Kinettes, WMS and Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church for Christmas boxes and flow- ers. I am most grateful to Dr. Goddard and the staff of South Huron Hospital. — Mrs. W. H. McLean. 8,p We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all our friends and relatives and the ladies of the friendship and visiting committee of Hensall United Church for their cards, letters, flowers, treats and visits while in hospitals and since coming home. All were very much enjoyed. Thanks too to Dr. Goddard and hospital staff in Exeter and to all who re- membered us in prayer. We are truly thankful God heard and in His loving care has given us health.—George and Alma Hess. 8,b I would like to thank every- one for the flowers, treats, cards and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff of Clinton hos- pital, also those who helped out at home while I was away and since returning. It was all very much appreciated.—Mrs. Audrey Christie. 8,b FEDERAL - MOGUL- BOWER (CANADA) LTD. Mechanical Rubber Division Mitchell, Ontario REQUIRES WOMEN For Tight finishing jobs on a full or part-time per day basis — five days per week. (We are adding a shift.) We Also Need YOUTHS For Various Jobs Call 348-8471, or Apply in Person to 80 Arthur Street Mitchell COMING EVENTS Solo Party, for men only. Dashwood Community Centre, March 8, 8 p.m. 8,b Euchre, Legion Hall, Hensall, Friday, February 26, at 9 p,m. Good prizes, lunch served. Ad- mission 50c. Sponsored by the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary, 8,b 0 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of valuable 100 -acre Farm and Miscellaneous Items on the premises LOT 15 CONCESSION 14, HAY TOWNSHIP 21/z miles west of Zurich, thence 114 miles south or VA miles west of Dashwood, thence 3% miles north. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 13 at 2 p.m. Real Estate — Consists of Lot 15, Concession 14, Hay Township, 100 acres of land on which is situated frame dwelling; large well-built frame barn; both covered with new galvanized roofing. Farm is ex- ceptionally well drained, major- ity of land choice clay loam; all tillable and in first class state of cultivation. Inspection invited. Quantity of miscellaneous items. Mow of loose hay. Terms of Real Estate — %10 on day of sale, balance in 60 days. _Sold subject to a rea- sonable reserve bid. BRITISH MORTGAGE AND TRUST HARRISON SCHOCH Executors for •the Estate of the late Albert Sararas. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 8,9,10,6 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of LAURETTA REICHERT, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Lauretta Reichert, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 18th day of January, 1965, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 13th day of March, 1965, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 8,9,10,b 0 Renew Your Subscription Now Presentation To Past President Hensall UCW At the general meeting of Hensall UCW, held Monday eve- ning, Mrs. Walter Spencer, past president, was presented with a life membership certificate and pin by Mrs. Robert Rea - burn and Miss Mary Goodwin, The devotional, "Lord Teach Us", was in charge of Mrs. Har- vey Keys and Mrs, Pearl Pass- more. Beautiful colored slides taken by Lorne Elder, of Hamilton, a former Hensallite, were shown and very much enjoyed. Mrs. Edison Forrest, leader of the unit in charge, read the inter- esting commentary converning Peru, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, the Andes Mountains and other cities and surround- ing mountainous rugged coun- tryside. Some mountains are as high as 25,000 feet and horses and donkeys are used for travel in these parts. There is a great contrast between the beautiful and modern cities and the very ancient parts. Lorne returned by way of Mexico where he took pictures of the ruins left by the Aztecs, not too far from Mexico City. In Peru he visited the city that had been lost hundreds of years after the native Incas were driven up the mountains by the Spaniards who were never able to conquer them. The Incas built homes right in the rocks on the side of a clif and were eventually forgotten. Recently these people were accidently discovered and a tiny railroad was built up the mountain side for tourists. Lorne visited this lost city and brought hack never -to -be -forgotten pictures of 5': WIFAR SOLIN; NO POWER LOSS IN STORAGE Minimum oxidation preserves gasoline quality. One of five premium extras you get with CO-OP Farm Gasoline. e) "Registered Trade Mark Hensall District Co-op Zurich • HENSALL - Brucefield WARBLE FLY CONTROL Township of Stanley 1. APPLICATIONS will be received by the Township of Stanley for the position of WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR for the year 1965. Inspector must be familiar with the Warble Fly Act and must keep an accurate record of cattle sprayed. Salary will be $1.15 per hour and 8 cents per mile for mileage. Applications to be marked as such and to be in the hands of the Clerk by February 27,, 1965. 2. TENDERS will be received by the Township of Stanley for SPRAYING cattle for Warble Fly Control for 1965. The Township will supply the powder. Tender to state price per head per spray. 3. TENDERS will be received for supplying approximately 1000 pounds of WARBLE FLY POWDER, to be de- livered to the township shed in Varna, quoted in 1 -Ib. bags and 15 -Ib. bags. Sealed tenders for each of the above, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until February 27, 1965. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MEL GRAHAM, CLERK, 7,8,b Brucefield, Ontario. the tiny people and their mag- nificent architecture. Mr. Elder was thanked by Mrs. J. McAllister. Mrs. J. Cor- bett read some poems. Mrs, H. F. Currie presided for the business. Dates were sanctioned for this annual smorgasbord June 2; annual Snowflake Bazaar November 27, and an evening of entertain- ment April 26. Unit 4 will be in charge •of citizenship night in June. Mrs. V, M. Pyette presented the allocation and budget which was accepted. Mrs. Harvey Keys reported on the work being done by the friendship and visitation com- mittee who are doing good every day of the week. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell report- ed for the supply and welfare committee. Items requested are one quilt, six maternity gowns, five pounds quilt patches and skeins of yarn. Korean war widows need nylons for re -spin- ning and depend on used nylons for a livelihood. Also request- ed are used stamps and old woolens. All articles to be in by end of May. Mrs. Currie expressed thanks for the recent decorating of the manse. Announcements were made of the World Day of Prayer on March 5 in the Presbyterian Church with the theme: "What doth the Lord require of me", and urged all to make special effort to attend this meeting. DANCING IN THE ZURICH ARENA ON SAT., MARCH 6 Music by The Ramblers Country and Western Music Everyone Welcome Admission : 75 cents esro Hotel Imperial GRAND BEND ENTERTAINMENT and DANCING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS FRIDAY NIGHT — 'Roger Quick and the Rainbows' This Saturday Night .. . Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Chicken and Fish Fries 1 . Newman &iaren PHONE 238-2303 GRAND BEND Real Estate and Business Broken Representative — G. Norman Rivers, Phone 94, Bayfield COMMERCIAL 49! RESORT • RESIDENTIAL Eo FARM "YOUR SUMMER LIVING IS MY BUSINESS" 4-H ORGANIZA'IsN MEETINGS Stephen 4-H Grain Corn Club AT CREDITON COMMUNITY HALL Thursday, February 25th, 8 p.m. Tuckersmith 4-H Grain Corn Club AT TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH Saturday, February 27th, 8 p.m. Exeter 4-H Sweet Corn Club AT CANADIAN CANNERS FIELD OFFICE Tuesday, March 23rd, 8 p.m. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice Is Hereby Given that the 90th Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will Be Teld in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1965 AT 2:00 P.M. To receive the Annual Report; to elect Three Directors to transact all business as may be done at a general meet- ing of the policyholders. The retiring directors are: Jack Scotchmer, Bayfield; Harvey Taylor, Varna, and Otto Willert, Dashwood, all of whom are eligible for re-election, Hay Township Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Company EDMOND HENDRICK JOHN R. CONSITT President Secretary -Treasurer