HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-02-25, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE Many Winners at Euchre Party The fourth group of Kippen East WI. arranged a successful euchre held in the Legion Hall, I•Iensall, on Friday evening, with ten tables in play. The winners were: ladies, Mrs. Ross Robinson, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Ken McKay; men, Ross Broadfoot, Diane McKay, Art Finlayson. Travelling lone bands, Mrs. Charles Eyre. Door prize, Mrs. Winston Workman. Mrs. W. Scott Funeral service for the late Mrs. William Scott, 42, of RR 1, Ayr, was held from Trinity Anglican Church, Galt, Tuesday, February 16. Mrs. Scott, the former Doreen Caldwell, of Lon- don, passed away at South Wat- erloo Memorial Hospital, Galt. —Survivors are her husband; three sons, Peter, Michael and Derek, all at home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wesley Cald- well, London, formerly of Hen- sall, and one brother, Ross, of Chatham. Mrs. Scott was .a niece of Mrs. Alice Joynt, of Hensall, and T. J. Sherritt, also of Hensall. NEED SEED GET TOP VALU Saar J Jaines, MacNaughton Seeds have have provided residents to Western Ontario with reliable and dependable results for years and years. Long experience with the soil types and climate peculiar to this area, has made the Jones, MacNaughton ex- perts completely familiar with the strains that are best suited to these conditions. You can be sure of successful results from all Jones, Mac - Naughton farm 'seeds, true to variety and high in germina- tion. They know your needs and fulfill them exactly! And Jones, MacNaughton have always enjoyed the reputation of offering full value — the best quality seeds at fair, low prices. Always demand seeds from Jones, MacNaughton — Western Ontario's leading seed special- ists. From your local dealer or Jones, MacNaughton Seeds EXETER Phone 235-0363 CREDITON Phone 234-6363 •1111111e111111 Amber Rebekahs Birthday Meeting Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hen- sa.11, observed their annual 16th birthday party in the lodge hall Wednesday evening, with the hall decorated with lovely spring flowers. Special guests for the evening were Clinton and Se a f or t h lodges and district deputy presi- dent, Mrs. Ruby Beaver, of Ex- eter, who brought greetings, to- gether with the noble grand's of both lodges. Presiding for the meeting was Noble Grand Mrs. John Ingram. At the conclusion of the meet- ing a social hour was enjoyed playing card bingo. A draw on a cake was won by Mrs. Jean Scott, Seaforth; and an apron by Mrs. Percy Campbell, RR 1, Ex- eter, A euchre will be held Thurs- day, March 11, in the lodge hall, sponsored by the CP&T com- mittee. 0 St. Pauls WA Arranging Supper The regular meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church WA was held on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 17, at the home Mrs. Tom Lavender. After opening de- votions the rector, Rev. J. P. Gandon, reviewed the third chapter of the study book, "We must be a listening church open to changing ideas". Part of the Twentieth Century Folk Song Mass was played as a basis for a discussion on mak- ing the church more relevant to modern ideas. Mrs. Tom Lavender and Mrs. Richard Taylor will represent the group in the World Day of Prayer Service March 5 in the Presbyterian Church. It was decided to hold a smorgasbord on Saturday, April 24. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Richard Taylor. 0 Carmel WMS Plan Prayer Service The Senior Women's Mission- ary Society of Carmel Church niet Thursday afternoon for their February meeting, with president Mrs. Earl Campbell opening with a poem, "On a Happy Year", after which Mrs. Malcolm Dougall took over for the presentation of the devo- tional with the theme, Missions on our doorsteps". Members answered the roll call and visits were reported, A life membership was present- ed to Mrs. Robert Madge by president Mrs. Campbell. The World's Day of Prayer will be held in Carmel Church Friday, March 5, at 3 p.m. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Campbell. The Ladies' Aid held a brief business meeting at the close. MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied YOUR CHOICE — PARKLAND (SIX ROWED) r3ETZE (TWO ROWED) An Excellent Crop for Early Cash BEA Excellent Quality Ontario Registered Michigan Certified — SANILAC — SEAWAY — SAGINAW — MICHELITE - SANILAC — SEAWAY All Seeds Grown from Foundation Stock BEAN CTRACTS AVAILABLE SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices 1,1111111111111111t111111111111111tt111t1111111111111111,1111,111111111' Drop in Now for Your Spring Seeding and Fertilizer Needs or PHONE 262-2714 COLLECT E. L MILK :EIt SON LIMITED HENSALL — ONTARIO Kippen East Women's Institute Hear Interesting Taik on Public Relations The regular meeting of the Kippen East WI was held at the home of Mrs. James Drummond on Wednesday, February 17, at 2 p.m,, with Mrs. Ken McKay as co -hostess. The president, Mrs. Vern Al- derdice, chaired the meeting. The opening ode and the Mary Stewart Collect comprised the opening exercises. Roll calls was answered by excerpts from About People You Know ... Katharine McEwen has suc- cessfully passed her grade 5 piano examination of the Royal Conservatory of Music. Kath- arine is a pupil of Miss Greta Laramie. —Mrs, Fred Beer is visiting with Mrs. Perce Phillips, in Toronto. Mrs. William Simpson, Birming- ham, Mich., has been visiting with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Lou Simpson. the hand book. The secretary, Mrs. William Kyle, read the minutes which were approved. Motions to contribute to the Huron County Bursary, to send a delegate to officers' confer- ence and to give a donation to the Hensall Legion for the fur- therance of their work, were approved. Reports were given by the treasurer. Mrs. Robert Be11, and by the sunshine convenor, Mrs. Drummond. Sewing for the Sick Children's Hospital was distributed. • Mrs. Harry Caldwell, public relations officer, introduced the guest speaker on public rela- tions, Mrs. Harold Currie, of Hensall. This difficult subject IMAM BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Car*'° Agent for Dry Cleaning 16-11. Amorisms WANTED :RD OLD MATTRTTRESSES ESSES DON'T DISCAYOUR OLD MA THE BOY SCOUTS NEED THEM! Members of the Hensall Boy Scouts wil pick them up! If You Have a Mattress to Donate, call HENSALL — 262-2491 of many facets was ably dealt with by this excellent speaker, Mlss Mattie Ellis, of Hensall,. commented on the motto; "An Institute is like a ship, every- one should take •a turn at the wheel". Miss Ellis' approach to this motto was new and very thought provoking, Mrs. Drummond conducted a contest. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save the Queen", aftter which lunch was served NEW FARM GASOLINE FROM CO-OP' MORE MILES PER GALLON Carburetor detergent washes out harmful deposits ...cuts fuel costs. Ona of five premium extras you get with CO-OP Farm Gasoline. c 0 0l P \i 'Registered Trade Mark I-Iensall District Co-op Zurich - HENSALL - Brucefield BARLEY&BEAN CONTRACTS PARKLAND BARLEY • the most dependable variety to grow • Proven from past results • Recommended by Department of Agriculture as best malting barley • FERTILIZER supplied with seed. SEED GRAIN -- • early orders placed carry discount • all packed sturdy paper bags SEED BEANS ALL VARIETIES IN REGISTERED STOCK, with high germination re- sults this year FERTILIZER -- • check with us for our low prices COOK BR MILLING CO., LTD. Phone 262-2605 llensall, Ont. if a M1y t� K:04;i:•-•.- Read A' ,.. Head Str ht for our ti GRADE "B" Turkey broilers 37c LB. CUBED Skwing 49c LB. 4. BEEF OR PORK Liver - - Ib. 19 c GROUND Chuck - 16. 49c Potatoes No. IONTARIO SMOKED PICNIC rS 37c LB. ROLLED M Pot Roast �3 .c 50 LB. BAGS 1.99 Gerber's — Strained Vegetables or Fruits„ 5 -Oz. !ars FIESTA of FROZEN FOODS Baby Foods 9/$1 Gerber's — Junior Vegetables or Fruits, 8 -oz. jars Baby Foods 6/$1 Turnovers, 101/2 oz. _ 2/75c Liquid — 32 Oz. (Free Tin Comet Cleanser) Apple or Cherry — 14 Oz. Ivory Detergent _ _ _ _ $1.19 Strudels _ _ _ -- _ - 2 for 89c Puritan — 15.Oz. Tins PEPPERIDGE FARM PRODUCTS Apple, Peach, Raspberry, Cherry, Blueberry, Strawberry Beef Stew 2/59c Paramount Flaked — 6.Oz. Tins Tun It Fish 2/55c Shrimp — Oyster Stew — 10.Oz. Tins Ca;pbell's Soup - - 2 for 75c Pineapple, Chocolate, Devil's Food, Fudge, Strawberry Parfaits, 9 oz. pkgs. _ 2/85c Swanson's Chicken, Beef, Turkey — 8 Oz. Meat Pies _ - Campbell's — 10 -Oz. Tins Potato Soup _ 4 for 89c _ 2 for 39c Vanity -2 -Roll Pack, Assorted or White Toilet Tissue _ - - 8 rolls 89c Hanlci-pak, Assorted or White Kleenex 6 boxes 59c Fray Bentos Brand — Braised — 16 Oz. Beef Steak 59c Fray Bentos Brand — Stewed — 16 Oz. Beef Steak 59c Fray Bentos Brand — 16 -Oz. Tins Beef Steak/Kidney - _ _ 59c 12 Pack — Boxes Kttex, Regular 3/$1