HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-02-18, Page 3'THURSDAY,. FEBRUARY 18, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAW THRRR News of HENSALL District Mrs. Clendon Christie, who has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, where size un, derwent surgery returned home Sunday. The home bake sale and tea, sponsored by Hensall Ladies' Hensall Kinettes Raised $205 For March of Dimes The regular meeting of Hen- sall Kinettes was held Wednes- day evening at the home of the president, Mrs. John Baker, with all members present. The group was pleased to welcome one guest, Mrs. Alvin Campbell. 'treasurer Mrs. Bob Caldwell gave a report of the March of Dimes campaign and announced that $205 had been raised. The next meeting, February 24, will be cancelled so that all members can go to the Ontario Hospital at Goderich to enter- tain the patients there. This is a joint Kinsmen Kinette serv- ice project. The draw prize was won by Mrs. Harold Knight. After the business .a successful auction bake sale was held by the mem- bers. arsisimmelo 11151MMINN Don't Risk disappointment e= v J -M SEEDS and be SURE! It takes a seed expert with world-wide experience to buy the right seeds, at the right time, from the right sources, at the right prices. So, if you're not an expert, trust Jones, Mac - Naughton to provide you with seeds that will give you com- pletely satisfying r es-nits— they're su1ts— they're experts! In fact, seeds — and only seeds — are Jones, MacNaughton's business ... and they've spe- cialized in seeds for Western Ontario for a great many years. You can be sure of reliable and dependable performance from all Jones, MacNaughton Seeds —true to variety, high in germ- ination and exactly suited to the soils and climate of Western Ontario. Get full value, too, from Jon e s, MacNaughton's long -tithe policy of selling the best seeds at the fairest prices. For all your seed needs, order from your local dealer or Jones, MacNaughton Seeds EXETER CREDITON Phone Phone 235-0363 234-6363 Legion Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall Saturday, was very successful. Mrs. Dorothy Biemold, Toron- to, is a house guest with Mrs. Rheta Charles. United Church Notes Flowers in the sanctuary of Hensall United Church Sunday morning were placed in loving memory of Mrs. (Dr.) B. A. Campbell and infant son Bryon, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murdock, and two sisters, Miss Ethel and Vera, Mrs. C. A, Ilog- garth, by the Campbell family. Installed in office Sunday morning at the service were the recently elected members of the committee of stewards: Jack Drysdale, Cecil Pepper, James Drummond, Murray Traquair, Lorne Hay, Wilmer Ferguson. 0 Huron UCW Over Allocation Mark By Nearly $2000 An executive meeting of the Huron UCW Presbyterial was held at the Blyth United. Church on February 8, 1965. The meeting was opened by a short worship service conducted by .Mrs. Philips, Blyth. Mrs. Allan McTaggart, Moncrief, was in charge of the business for the afternoon. Mrs. Brock Olde, Clinton, gave a splendid treasurer's re- port and reported that Huron had exceeded their allocation of $29,400 by $1,904. Mrs. Orval Harrison, Monk - ton, reported that $7,000 had been reached towards the West - minister College furnishing fund and still have $2,000 more to pay. Delegates were named to at- tend the UCW conferece, which is to be held in Windsor on March 31 and April 1, 1965 Plans were made for the an- nual Presbyterial meeting which is being held in North Side United Church, Seaforth, March 24, 1965. Rev. Frank Morgan, from Trinity United Church, Kitchener, is to be the guest speaker. Also Rev. and Mrs, G. Mills, Ontario Street, Clinton, will give "impressions" on their visit to the General Council last September in Newfoundland. Mrs. Philips moved a very hearty vote of thanks to the re- tiring president, Mrs. Allan Mc- Taggart, for the untiring lead- ership she had given the Pres- byterial in the past two years. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies of Blyth UCW. MOSITSX=EMMIZTEMMIEMMIM BUIL IN CONTRACTOR • CUSTOM CARPENTRY 40 YOU NAME IT . . WE'LL DO IT ! No job is too large or too small for us. DICK BEDARD DIAL 236-4679 — ZURICH Call Us for Free Estimates mmmmeisampaa The 27th Annual Meeting OF THE Hensall District Co-operative INCORPORATED Will Be Held in the LEGION HALL, HENSALL ON Tuesday, February 23, 1965 AT 8 P.M. Guest Speaker: Don Slinger, head nutritionist for the Co -Op Feed Department, 1lsluable Door Prizes Refreshments Will 13e Served Every Member Should Make a Special Effort to Attend! EDGAR RATIIWELT, President BERTIiAM KLOPP Secretary Fu111,u11n11"nun,/,tliil,I,ii„uU1i1„nn,l11i,1111,11111111111, hIiItlIflhIUtIIIl'Iit)l*IIlll Ilists111.1111,11,11ffiltifittlittl 1 Obituar / Mrs. R. Middleton Residents of Hensall and cont munity were saddened to learn of the passing of a highly esteemed and belovved citizen, Mrs. R. H. Middleton, who passed away on Monday, Feb- ruary 15, at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. The former Jean M. Woods, she was born in .Bayfield,• daugh- ter of the late Dr. Ninian W. Woods and Margaret F. Buchan. She attended Clinton Collegiate Institute and Stratford Normal School and then taught near Orton and in Galt before enter- ing into Toronto General Hos- pital School of Nursing as a trainee, She was a member of class '33. She was married to R. H. Mid- dleton, June 18, 1938, residing in Port Credit for one year be- fore moving to Hensel' where her husband was a druggist for 20 years. A member of St. Paul's Angli- can Church, she was secretary - treasurer of the Deanery WA, served as both president and secretary -treasurer of St, Paul's WA, Hensall, and interested and active in all departments of church work. Surviving are her husband and one son, Bob; also one sis- ter (Lucy) Mrs. Carl Diehl, Bay. field, Resting at the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hensall, the pub- lic funeral service will be held from St. Paul's Anglican Church Thursday, February 18, 1965, at 2:30 p,m., with burial in Bay- field cemetery. Rev. J. P. Gan - don will officiate. 0 Valeatine Treats For Area Aged Groups from two Hensall churches visited the Queens- way Nursing Home there on the week -end to display the true spirit of St. Valentine's Day. Residents at the home were pleasantly surprised Saturday afternoon when Mrs. 11. Bon- thron and Mrs. G. Schwalm from the Arnold Circle of the Presbyterian church presented them with a large basket of treats. Arnold Circle The February meeting of the Presbyterian Arnold Circle was held in the church basement February 15, with president Mrs. Gordon Schwalm giving a reading, "Doing the Impossible". Miss L. McFalls read a mission- ary letter from India. Mrs. Al Hoggarth and Mrs. Trevor Wilson, in charge of the w o r s h i p, conducted a skit, "Women of the Church", with Mrs. Bob Bell, Mrs. Harold Bon- thron and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm dressed in clothes 'of the turn of the century, assisted by Mrs. Bob Taylor, Mrs. Gerald Bell, Miss MWFalls and Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau. Mrs, Harold Bonthron gave report of the Valentine boxes to the Queensway nursing home, Hensall, on February 13, Special thanks were given to, Mrs. Al Scholl for the lovely boxes, fixed for all. Visitors at the nursing home are enjoyed and appreciated and a warm wel- eotne was given Mr. Bonthron and Mrs. Schwalm from the pa- tients. Meeting closed with the bene- diction by Mrs. Bev. Beaton. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bon- thron and Mrs. L. Mousseau. THREE STARS—These three youngsters played aimportant role in the Mite exhibi- tion i- tion hockey game played in the Zurich Arena as Part of the annual Valentine Carnival. The game was played Saturday night be- tween IIensall and Zurich, with the latter team winning by a 3-2 score. Left is Danny fy, one of the goal -getters s for Hensall; centre is Gerald Weido, who scored all three Zurich goals; and right is Wayne Buchanan, the other Hensall marksman. Chiselhurst UCW The Chiselhurst UCW oom- bined a pot -luck dinner and quilting with their February meeting. Seventeen members answered the roll call with a verse from Psalm 18. Mrs. T. Brintnell led the wor- ship •on "Blue Depression". Mrs, Clarence Coleman gave the Bible study on "The Living Word", •and told how the Bible was compiled. President Mrs. Harold Parker who presided, reported on the executive meeting in Blyth. Another day's quilting was planned for this week, making the sixth consecutive Tuesday quilting. Guides Adopt New Flag, Too As the new Canadian Flag is being declared official as of February 15, it has been an- nounced that the Girl Guides of Canada will use this official flag in place of the Union Jack. BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Cary" Agent for Dry Cleaning BRITISH ISRAEL --.The Bible's National Message --- Have you ever considered the evidence on which we base our belief that the Celto-Saxon peoples are the continuation of God's servant race and nrtion Israel, and that our ancient Throne is the one called in the Bible the Throne of David? If not, we would like to point out that present world conditions are a most emphatic warning that this question can no longer be safely ignored. Today we are living in the very shadow of "Armageddon"—that great and final conflict through which Israel can come safely only by a genera! recognition of her identity and a complete surrender, both individually and nationally, to God's WM and Purpose for her. Thus the question of whether or not we are Israel is both vital and urgent. WE WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT.. For Your Copy of Our FREE Booklet "An Introduction to the British -Israel Evangel" Write to the Secretary: Canadian British Israel Association in Ontario P.O. Box 744, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario HAS FRIENDLIER CLERKS Red Rose --60s (15 extra bags)—Regularly 87c Tea Bags 73c SIDE BACON 2 Ibs 89a Humpty Dumpty—Regularly 69c Each Fresh Potato Chips _ _ 2 bags $1 AROUND SEE 5 -Lb. Quick Cooking or 72-0z. Instant Regularly 69c Robin Hood Oats _ 55c 24.Oz, Bottle Crisco Oil, 55c FROZEN FOOD YORK-15.OZ. BOX STRAWBERRIES — — — 3/0 1 Sausage Macaroni, Cheese 21 t-21 3 7 WANTS YOU FOR A CUSTOMER MORE THAN WE DO Crest—Economy—Regularly 51.09 Tube Tooth Paste 79c Sweet Mixed — 32.Oz. Jar cLaren's Pickles _ _ 49c Delmonte-48.Oz. S� C Teat' Juice - - - -- 331 Loaf, Dutch Loaf, or Chicken Loaf eat In a Piece, lb. 39c yPro:ucts Sliced, lb, 45c Round, Sirloin or T -Bone Pineapple -Grapefruit — 48 -Oz. Tins est;ate = rink - _ - 3/$1 Delmonte-15 Oz. Bartlett Pers _ - - 2/49c M./IT8-4,7^4,61,P,.t�.,^.CMOW flsn.:�.NM'N^:'�wA+hF•,l'J.N�efWmMP PRODUCE FEATURE No. 1—FLORIDA WHITE—SIZE 96s GRAREFRUI - _ _ 1 O/49c