HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-02-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY il•, 1965. Annual Meeting Of Wheat Board Brines Results I Three area men were eletted isUnlnlilteemen On the Huron] County Wheat Producers' Board at its annual meeting hi Clin- ton. Philip Durand, RR 2. Zur- ich; Gordon Ratz, RR 3, Dash- wood, and Robert Welsh, Bay- field, were named to the posi- tions after an election conducted' by 1). II. Miles, of Clinton. agri- cultural gri- cultura1 representative for Huron. Robert Henry, Blyth, was elected chairman, with Alex Chesney, Seaforth, named vice- chairman and Carl Hemming - way, Brussels, appointed secre- tary -treasurer. Russell Bolton, Se a f or t h, former chairman of the Huron Wheat Producers and now chair- man of the Ontario Wheat Pro- ducers, will also sit on the Hur- on board. Guest speaker of the occasion was Otis McGregor, Chatham, assistant secretary -treasurer of the Ontario Wheat Producers Marketing Board. McGregor said the board has purchased 4,600,000 bushels of the 12,000,000 bushels of wheat soild in 1964. The average yield per acre is up about one bushel within a period of five years. Wheat prices, he said, were up. In 1963, wheat producers in Ontario sold 12,000,000 bush- els at $1.65 per bushel, less fees of SOc per bushel. In 1958, they sold 12,000,000 bushels at $1.35 per bushel less l0c per bushel of which 5c per bushel was re- turned as rebate. Zurich Mennoni+e JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! teREZIIINCISIEMEMETOMEISIS ammumagazasaccestsr ADEN Married 50 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flaxbard, of Zurich, observed their 50th wedding anniversary Wednes- day, February 10, 1965. The bride of 50 years ago was Miss Bertha Brenner, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Allas Brenner, of Dashwood. The groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. August Flax bard, of Zurich and Hay Town- ship. They were married in Dash- wood by Rev. C. Graupner and the attendants were Miss Flossie Howald and Daniel Staubus. They have lived in Zurich all their married life and are mem- bers of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Mr. Flaxbard was employed at the Kalbfleisch Flax and Plan- ing Mills for many years. Mrs. Flaxbard has made many lovely quilts and mats as a hobby. The have two sons, William, Listowel, and Earl, PUC man- ager at Zurich, and a daughter, Mrs. Harold Thiel (Vera). of Zurich. One daughter, Mrs. St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev, A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.O. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. You Are Welcome 1111111111111111111 Allan Dolmage (Greta), passed away in 1940. The couple has 13 grandchildren. Mrs. Flaxbard, now 73, has one sister still living, Mrs. Nick Stire, of Oshawa, out of a 'fam- ily of six boys and four girls. Mr. Flaxbard, now 78, has one remaining sister, Mrs. Mary Hey, of London, out of a fam- iy of eight girls and three boys. February 10 aso marks the 23rd wedding anniversary of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiel. Celebrations The Flaxbards received 45 friends and relatives at on "open house" at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard, on Sunday, February 7, 1965. Mrs. Flossie Staubus, London, brides- maid of 50 years ago, was in attendance. Many gifts, cards, flowers and messages of congratulations were received by the celebrants. The grandchildren remembered Mrs. Flaxbard with a corsage while members of the family presented their parents with a lamp and serving tray. Tea was poured in the after- noon and evening by Mrs. Lau- retta Weido and granddaughters Shirley and Ruth Flaxbard and Kathryn Thiel served. A family dinner was also en- joyed to mark the occasion. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., M i nister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 — 10:00 a.m.—Rev. George Peck, Northern Indian Mis- sions. WSWS in charge. 11:05 a.m.—Church School. Classes for All. Tuesday—Y.F, Meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday—Brotherhood Meet- ing, 8 p.m. LOST AND FOUND "All we like sheep have gone astray,"—Bible. "All have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God" Seeking for the Lost "Jesus is come to seek and to save that which was lost" Rejoicing Over the Found In the parables of Jesus there was rejoicing over ONE sheep and ONE coin that was found. "Likewise, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over ONE sinner that repenteth." For this my son was dead and is alive again; he was LOST and is FOUND, THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE RITISH ISRAEL —'The ible's National Message -- Have you ever considered the evidence on which we base our belief that the Celto-Saxon peoples aro the continuation of God's servant race and notion Israel, and that our ancient Throne is the one ca;Ied in the Bible the Throne of David? If not, we would like to point out that present world conditions are a most emphatic warning that .this question can no longer be safely ignored. Today we are living in the very shadovi of "Armageddon"—that great and final conflict through which Israel can come safely only by a general recognition of her identity and a. complete surrender, both individually and nationally, to God's Will and; Purpose for her. Thus the question of whether or not we are Israel is both vital and urgent. WE WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT. For Your Copy of Our FREE Booklet "An Introduction to the British-tsraol Evangel".i Write to the Secretary: Can British Israel Association in Ontario P.O. Box 744, Station S, Ottawa, Ontario Items about Zurich June Bender, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Elton Bender, has re- ceived word that she has passed her grade 11 theory examina- tions with the Royal Conserva- tory of Music in Toronto with first-class honors. June is a pupil of Mrs. Harold Stade, Zurich, Robert Thiel, Windsor, was a week -end visitor at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiel, and also attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebrations of his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flax - bard. Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Widrick and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moser, Castorland, New York, were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widrick. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buehler and family, of St. Jacob's, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Leah Baechler and Verda. A Zurich mother will call •at every home in Zurich between 7 and 9 p.m. Monday, February 15, in an effort to raise 145. for the March of Dimes. Con- tributions will aid in the reha- bilitation of adult disabled per- ACCOUNTANT LEAVING Pat World, accountant at the Bank of Montreal, Zurich, is leaving this week -end to his new home in Hamilton. J. H. C. Van Wingerden, of Merlin, will be transferred to Zurich and is expected to ar- rive next week. 0 Stall Meeting on Parkhill Dam The long awaited meeting to decide the fate of the Parkhill Dam was postponed at the last minute to give the Ausable River Conservation Authority time to complete negotiations with the government. The meeting, which was to have been held Wednesday, is now expected to take place in about two weeks. Confidential Freeman Hodgins. authority chairman, said the topics of dis- cussion between the ARCA and a government department are confidential and could not be released to the public until a later date. Mrs. Carl Hume, Authority secretary -treasurer, said the Au- thority is making an effort to arrive at a solution to problems concerning the dam project which has brought such solid protests from municipalities in the district. Area Councils Opposed Council of the Township of Bosanquet circulated a resolu- tion among councils in the area asking the support of all muni- cipalities in their bid to stop the construction of the Parkhill dam. Their resolution stated they could not accept any further assessment that that set forth by the Authority in 1962. Bosanquet Township action was brought on when the first estimate of $900,000 for the con- struction of the dam grew to the amount of $1,277,138 by delays and postponements. In this district, councils in Grand Bend, Hay and Stephen have supported the Bosanquet resolution 10 some form. Hay and Grand Bend councils defin- itely asked that the scheme be abandoned while Stephen coun- cil have done so in a modified version, All resolutions were to have been presented at Wed- nesday's meeting. sons in Southwestern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Don Seafe and family, Ailsa Craig, and Mrs. Nora Geiger, London, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger. Zurieh WI will hold its reg- ular meeting in the Township Hall on Tuesday, February 16, at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. A. Shatto will speak on "Citizenship and Education". Members are asked to' bring a "New Canadian' friend. Committee in charge is Mrs. H. Beirling and Mrs. D, Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hess, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Allen and family, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Deitz, Clayton Ortwein is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter. Mr. Herb Mousseau and Mr. Jack Walper spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Case, Barrie, and also enjoyed some ice fishing. .8a.roex:ti•• � ..rtrr�' SA Area Youths Receive Awards Bruce McBride, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McBride, was one of the six students in the "Over 80 Club", who achiev- ed better than an 80 per cent standing during the last three years at Clinton District Colle- giate Institute. He received an "inscribed leather portfilo". Murray McBride, brother of Bruce, and Fred Eckel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckel, have also been members of the "Over 80 Club" for two years and received "inscribed foun- tain pens". The school board honored the 45 students and their parents at a banquet last Friday eve- ning. This club was organized three years ago to encourage students to aim for better marks in order to obtain scholarships in Grade 13. 1 TOWNS & COUNTRY BEAUTY LOUNGE ZURICH Announce Their First ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS RUNNING TWO WEEKS — FROM TUESDAY, FEB. 16 THROUGH TO SATURDAY, FEB. 27 Reg. $7,50 Permanent _ Now $6 FREE CUT With Every Shampoo and Set PHONE 236-4971 — PAT LEHNEN — JOYCE BOWER sA JELLO — REGULAR PACKAGE Assorted Jelly Powders _ _ 3/29c PACKAGES 60s Red Rose Tea Bags 73c 20c OFF — 6 OZ. Nescafe Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ 97c 10c OFF — 1 -LB. TIN Nestle's Quik KUICK OR INSTANT — 5 -LB. BAG 45c Robin Hood Oats 63c ONE PLY — 2 ROLL PACKAGE Facelle Bathroom Tissue - _ - 23c Coleman's Lard _ _ - _ 3 lbs® 59c 20 OZ. Van Camp Beans & Pork _ _ 2/37c PLAIN OR SALTED — 1 LB. Weston's Sodas 3/$1 70 BISCUITS Weston's Mexicala Biscuits _ 59c Bick's Mixed Pickles 33c Javex, 32 -oz. bottle 25c 111.111/I111111Illl■IIIRIIIIIIIRI11uI11R111®IIIuI11RI1IR111RIIlIIIlaI!II0 FREE FREE ONE CARTON PEPSI a ii 'With Purchase of One Carton Pepsi® on $5.00 or Over Order 7_ itim iIRI11RulIlIlllIIII IIRIIlItIu isiIRn1■III■IIIRIIIRIIIRI I IRII ASSORTED FLAVORS Pillsbury Cake Mixes 12 OZ. Ham Luncheon Meat _ 71/2-0Z. PACKAGE Kraft Dinners _ - _ -- _ FLORIDA — 20 OZ. Treesweet Orange Juice _ FLORIDA — 48 OZ. Treesweet Orange Juice _ TALL TINS 37c 2/89c _ 3/41c _ 2/47c --57e 6/99c 2/33c 2/39c 2/49c _ 79c _ 85c Carnation Milk YORK FANCY — 15 OZ. Cream Style C ,rn 11-0Z. BOTTLE Aylmer Catsup 15 OZ. Aylmer Peaches CLUB HOUSE — 2 -LB. JAR Club House Peanut Butter _ ASSORTED FLAVORS — 1/2 GALLON Clover Cream Ice (ream _ _ 1111RI I1111IUI I1R11 IRI I IRI I IRI I IRI I1R11IRI IIRI I IRI IIRI I IUIIIRI I lUl I IRI II10 ▪ Free Free Free Free III 1 ONE GUEST CAKEii e = ▪ With Every Order $5.00 or Over 11111RI1IU 1IRI I IRII I■I1IRII IRI11RI1IRI11/III■IIIRI I1111111111111RIIlUII FRUIT and VEGETABLES 138s CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES _ _ DOZ. 55c JUMBO CELERY _ _ _ BUNCH 29c _ FLORIDA "INDIAN RIVER" — WHITE TEXAS CARROTS _ _ 2 PKGS. 29c GRAPEFRUIT, 96s - _ _ _ 1 O/59c Sliced Side Bacon - - - mg- Ib. 35c Mac and Cheese Loaf - - - Ib. 49c Schneider's Grade A Fryers - - - Ib. 39c 3 LBS AND UP err's Diol 236-4354 - Zurich