HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-02-11, Page 3THURSDAY., FEBRUARY 11, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE News of HENSALL District Mrs. James Drummond will be hostess for Kippen East pub- lie relations meeting Wednes- day, February 17, 2 p,m. Roll call, "What I have learned from the handbook"; Miss Mattie Ellis will give the motto, and Mrs. Harold Currie will speak Aon "public relations". Mrs. Hensall Couple Married 45 Years Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hor- 'ton celebrated their 45th wed- ding anniversary with a small dinner party at the Commercial Hotel, Hensall, Saturday eve- ning, February 6, and were the recipients of many lovely gifts, cards, congratulatory messages, also messages from England, A social hour was enjoyed following a delicious turkey dinner. The choir of Hensall United Church presented them with a floral table centre, .and neigh- bors called on Sunday to offer felicitations and enjoy a cup of tea with them. 0 Guiders' Dinner Held in Hensall Huron division second annual Guiders' dinner and camp com- mittee meeting was held in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hen- sall, last Wednesday evening with 37 present.. Reports showed that 18 Brownies, 110 Guides and five Rangers in Huron camp in 1964, with 16 Guiders, eight Junior Leaders and 1 non -Guide on staff. Mrs. Joyce Irwin, of Clinton, and Mrs. Beth Walker, of RCAF Centralia, were presented with camper licences. One Pack Holiday certificate and four Camperaft certificates were also earned in the division last year. Camp training dates were set for Thursday and Friday of Easter week, Cecil Pullman is convenor of lunch. Mr. Laird Mickle and Mr. Wil- liam Miekle left Saturday by plane on a trip to London, Eng- land. They plan to stay two weeks and will fly home again by jet. Flowers in Carmel Presby- terian Church Sunday were in loving memory of Mrs. Jack Tinney placed there by the by the family. Mrs. Gus Voth, of Royal Oak, Mich., was a week -end guest with her mother, Mrs. Lou Simp- son. Hensall WI will appear on Legion Ladies Aid Scholarship Sixteen members attended the February meeting of Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary with president Mrs. Roy Smale con- ducting the meeting. Plans were made for a tea and bake sale in the Legion Hall Saturday, February 13, at 3 p.m., and to hold a euchre once a month, the next one to be on February 26. A motion was passed to discontinue the 50-50 draw. Twenty-five dollars was voted to the Bursary Scholarship fund. Mrs. Roy Smale was winner of the 50-50 draw, and Mrs. Garnet Allan won both guess- ing and mystery prizes. 0 CGIT Meeting Studies Psalm The CGIT girls of Carmel Presbyterian Church met at the home of their leader, Miss Leila McFolls, Wednesday evening, February 3. The meeting open- ed with song and prayer, fol- lowed by a study of Psalm 63 written by David when his life was threatened by Saul. \'\\\ 1 1111/1, i ° 1111111 \\\\.' THE MOST "RELAXED" WAY OF HEATING YOUR HOME You can turn on electric heat at the flick of a switch. No fuel supply to store. Just relax and enioy silent comfort. See Us for All Your PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL I TIEMAN'S HARDWARE s FURNITURE — COAL — CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD Amentaimmonsummemmonamilmilm MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied YOUR CHOICE — PARKLAND (SIX ROWED) BETZE (TWO ROWED) An Excellent Crop for Early Cash BEAN SEED Excellent Quality Ontario Registered Michigan Certified — SANILAC — SEAWAY — SAGINAW — MICHELJTE — SANILAC — SEAWAY All Seeds Grown from Foundation Stock BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices mum, 1llulnIlnu,n1111uuu1tllglnnlltllllttll"111tItn1 Drop in Now for Your Spring Seeding and Fertilizer Needs or PHONE 262.2714 COLLECT E. L MICKIE & SON LIMITED HENSALL ONTARIO "Act Fast" this Sunday evening on CFPL-TV at 6:30 p.m. Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle at- tended the London Little Thea- tre last Friday evening. 0 Hensall UCW Formulate Plans For 1965 Work The executive of Hensall United Church Women met at the manse to formulate plans for the life and work of the UCW for the ensuing year. Mrs, Verne Alderdice, chair- man of the social functions committee, gave a very full and comprehensive report concern- ing the .equipment required for the new church kitchen so that catering projects of all units can be carried out more effic- iently. She also presented a set of rules whereby persons using the kitchen in future shall be governed. The upper and lower halls of the manse shall be redecorated during February. This work was initiated t h r o u g h Mrs. Thomas Sherritt, chairman of the manse committee. The first general meeting of 1965 will be held on Monday evening, February 22, with Mrs. Edison Forrest and Unit 2 in charge. Tentative dates subject to the ratification of the gen- eral meeting were set for the smorgasbord on Wednesday, June 2, and the Snowflake Ba- zaar Saturday, November 27. Unit leaders, Mrs. James Mc- Allister, Mrs. Ron Mock, Mrs. Robert Reaburn and Mrs. Edi- son Forrest reported on their work and projects to be under- taken in 1965. Mrs. Carl Pass- more presented her work as chairman of friendship and vis- itation committee. Finance chairman, Mrs. V. M. Pyette, stated that our alloca- tion to the unified budget of Huron Presbytery will remain at $1,400 for this year, with all units retaining the same re- quired budgets to fulfill this obligation. Lunch was served by Mrs. Harold Currie assisted by Mrs. Edison Forrest. oaramonawmacarmsozikaragammaiminummon BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Care' Agent for Dry Cleaning Television Views by William Whiting CBC officials last week an- nounced that some programs will be dropped for the next two months, so that the corpor- ation can balanee its $110,000,- 000 budget by March 31. The cutbacks result from the CBC's "peculiar position" as far as financing is concerned, one spokesman said. We suggest that the network is put in this peculiar position because of poor budgeting. The Queen's visit was extremely costly. The CBC thought it necessary to cover the United States election by sending per- sonnel to cover the event. Cov- erage of Sir. Winston Church- ill's funeral was very high. We are not .suggesting that the CBC should not telecast these his- toric occasions, but there are ways of covering these events effectively and inexpensively. The CBC should employ these measures to keep within their budget and not mow down pro- grams to save money. A poor rating is reason enough to axe a program — not incompetent management. .h R * Comedian Jimmy Durant e celebrated his 72nd birthday with a guest appearance on Ed Sullivan's program last Sunday A film tribute to the late president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is being prepared by CBC for Telescope, to be shown on the 20th anniversary of F.D.R.'s death .. Fred Davis of Front Page Challenge fame recently made his acting debut at Toronto's Crest Theatre . This Saturday evening at 7:30 Channel 13 presents the motion picture, "An Affair to Remem- ber", with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. Amber Rebekahs Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hen- sall, held their regular meeting Wednesday evening, February 3, and finalized plans for their 16th annual birthday party on Wednesday, February 17, when they will entertain Seaforth and Clinton lodges as their special guests. Twenty members from this lodge attended the official visit to Goderich lodge of the assem- bly president, Mrs. Jessie Hil- lier, of Niagara Falls, last Tues- day. Five members attended a banquet at Wednesday night in honor of the assembly presi- dent's visit to Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter. 0 Hensall Mothers Successful March Ten members of Hensall Kin- ette Club and four volunteer marching mothers canvassed the village of Hensall Monday eve- ning for the March of Dimes and received a splendid re- sponse, collecting $186,27. Committee in charge were: Chief marching mother, Mrs. Grant MacGregor; general chair- man, Mrs. Robert Baker, Jr.; fi- nance, Mrs. Robert Caldwell; supply, Mrs. Doug Johnston; publicity, Mrs. William Mickle. Participating in the canvass were: Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Bob Baker, Jr., Mrs. Harold Knight, Mrs. William Mickle, Mrs. Jim Hyde, Mrs, Harold Campbell, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, Mrs. Ron Wareing, Mrs. William Clement, Mrs. Bob Campbell, Kinette members; and Mrs. Grant MacGregor, Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Mrs. Horner Camp- bell, Mrs. Jack Simmons, vol- unteer marching mothers. 111111.11101111•1111111 llllllll 111111111111111111111111111/11.111111111111111111.111 llllllll 111111111111111111111 lllll 1.111113111111 11111„1,1,1 111111111,111111111111111,111111111,111111111111111111111111,111111,111111,1111,1111111111111111111111111111,111111 RECIPE 0 By the Ontario Tender FruitInstitute "Buy Canada Rhid,pe Canned Fruit" PLUM EtOLY POLY Serves 8 For a Snack or Dessert 3 cups biscuit niix 2 tablespoons melted butter IA cup sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1./2 cup canned strained plums (or junior plums) Prepare your own biscuit dough or use a prepared mix. Roll out in 15 x 10 -inch rec- tangle. Spread with melted butter. Combine sugar and spices. Sprinkle on biscuit mix. Spread with strained plums leaving a 1 -inch margin. Sprinkle with remaining sugar and spices. Roll up and cut in 1 -inch clices. Place slices, cut side up. in a greased pan or muffin tin. Bake in hot oven (450 degrees F.) 15-18 minutes. 11111111111111111 Al11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Devotional Theme Study of Faith Mrs. James McAllister opened the February meeting of Unit 4 UCW, held Thursday afternoon, with an article, "Discovering what God is like". Mrs, Fred Beer presided for the program and the devotional was taken by Mrs, Beer and Mrs, J. Flynn, using the theme, "The new year and adventure of faith". "It is a wise providence that hides the future from our eyes," she said. "Faith is our capacity to set out as Paul •did into the unknown with courage and con- fidence, A Christian should be happy. If Christianity is any good it speaks for itself in ac- tions and deeds." Mrs. Flynn offered prayer Mrs. Beer presented the study on `Brazil" and also read a poem "Home is more than bricks and mortar." Mrs. A. Rowcliffe reported for the vis- iting committee. Mrs. McAllister took the chair for the business session and roll call was answered by 21 members. An invitation was accepted from Unit 2 to attend their meeting erokinole party Mon- day, March 1, 8:30 p.m. Mrs. C. Richardson had a letter read concerning used stamps collec- tion and emphasized stamps to be sorted before being brought in; Mrs. McAllister reported on a request from the auxiliary of 1 the Children's Aid Society of Huron County. There are 104 needy families with well over 300 children and they want each child to have a pair of new pyjamas and a pair of mitts for next Christmas. They also re- quire baby sets. Project "Christmas Stocking" brought in $86.00 last year. NEW FARM G,ASQLIN FROM CO-OP' NO POWER LOSS IN STORAGE Minimum oxidation preserves gasoline quality. One of five premium extras you get with OO -OP Farm Gasoline. C 0 0 P V *Registered Trade Mark Hensall District Co-op Zurich - HENSALL - Brucefield 111111111111111111111111111111111 SPECIAL CLEARANCE OF ALL HOCKEY EQUIPMENT ff (with the exception of hockey sticks) ALL SUNBE APPLIANCES fi MEZEMEMEMEBESIMMEild ar MAIN STREET — ZURICH yeseteserammeareitessemeaessaise liZelikSZIERESIZEMIZESIMallatala •i'l,�'°{� 9 m����((�� YJr'''t` +Mu F"M�> "f§'a 5. �y a '�;` rc. ,; `Ui,.,3. 11 •�;.t'g'J� �t�rcl rY 1b ,„�.I�;�t�. � , � . A .1 Fleischman's Corn Oii Margerine _ _ _ _ 2 Lbs. 89c Robin Hood — Chocolate or White, Makes 4 Cakes Family Size Cake Mixes 69c Robin Hood — 15 Oz. Brownie Mix _ _ Robin Hood — 15 Oz. Gingerbread Mix Old Tyme — 32 Oz. Table Syrup _ pkg. 19c _ pkg. 19c 55c FROZEN FOOD SPECIAL Old South — 6.Oz. Tins Orange Juice ' _ _ 3 For 65c PRODUCE SPECIALS No 1 Tomatoes _ _ _ _ 2 Tubes 39c Home-made Style — 15 Oz. Libby's Pickles _ _ _ _ 2/49c Aunt Jemima — 2 -Lb. Pkg. Pancake Mix 29c Weston's — 10 -Oz. Pkg. raham afers _ _ _ 49c 32 Oz. Javex, Liquid Bleach _ 2/45c Mother Parker's — 12 Individual Servings Hot Chocolate _ 49c Steaks or Roasts Fresh Ham 55c LB. Minute STEA..S 79c LB. Minced HAM 49c LB. Fresh SIDE PORK 2 LBS. 89c Cubed Stewing BEE ,� 49c LB.