HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-02-04, Page 5• THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4,, 1965 PAGI FIV$ Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriam:, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. RE PEATS- 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS - 7A Off if paid .by Saturday following last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE - Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE -- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE APARTMENT HOUSE in Zurich. Five self-contained apartments, two business rentals. Fully ,oc- cupied at present. One block north of main intersection, on Goshen St. Apply Mrs. Mary Bedard, 236-4652. 5,p GENERAL ELECTRIC Stove - 4 -burner with combination, in good working condition. Phone 61, Dashwood. 4,5,b SPECIAL SALE of apples from January 18.23, Cooking and eating apples, $1.50 per bushel at the farm, in your containers. Fred McClymont & Sons, one mile south of Varna. 2,b MODERN HOME, well located in the village •of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway and big garage. Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich. 236-4396. 46tfb DIESEL ENGINE, 71 horse- power, upright, like new, •only $275. Also large quantity of high pressure hose. Large num- ber of 550 volt motors from 5 hp to 40 hp equipped with mag netic brakes. Also 4,000 feet acetylene hose. Apply Factory and Refinery Surplus, RR 2, .Zurich. MILDMAY BRAND sweet apple butter - made from ripe apples and sweet apple juice. No sugar added. Made since 1903 from an old German recipe. Schatz Grocery, Dashwood. 2,3,4,p PORTABLE TYPEWRITER - Underwood model, new, regular price $94.50, for only $83.50. Two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich. ELECTRIC SHAVER SALE Philishave Sped Flex -Regu- lar Price $34.95, Sale Price $29. Philishave Speed Shaver - Regular Price $24.95, Sale Price $21.00. Sunbeam Deluxe Shavemas- ter-Reg. Price $33.75, Sale Price $27.95. Sunbeam Regular - Sale $19.95. Bulova Shave Pak -Reg. Price $34.75, Sale Price $26.95. Several Used Shavers. Albert Hess, Jeweller 4,p 'WINTER FOOTWEAR Clear- ance Sale. 10% to 50% off regular price. Oesch Shoe Store. 5,6,b HOLSTEIN - HEREFORD Bull calf. Apply Harold Widrick, 236-4170. 5,b ONE 7.50 x 14 Whitewall Snow Tire, used only one year. Very few miles. Robert Westlake, 236-4391. CHOICE YOUNG beef by the quarter or side. Willing to ar- range •date to suit customer. Apply to Elton Bender, 236-4374. 5,b WANTED TO BUY OATS WANTED -Suitable for seed or feed, of Rodney, Garry, Russell, C l i n t l a n d varieties. Please bring sample. We can take delivery any time at high- est prices. Alex M. Stewart & Sons Limited, Ailsa Craig. 2-8,b OLD ONTARIO tradesmen's to- kens, due bills, adv. tokens, bar checks, bread checks, milk checks, etc. Write to K. A. Palmer, 10 Wesanford Place, Hamilton, Ont, 5,6,p CUSTOM WORK SANITATION Services - Sep- tic pumping, tank and drain- age. Repairs. For immediate s e r v i c. e, phone Bill Finch, 238-2291, Grand Bend. Births CHRISTIAN -Mr. and Mrs. Ross Christian, Toronto, formerly of Hensall, are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son (David Bruce) at St. Joseph's Hospital, Sunday, January 24, 1965. REGIER-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regier, a daughter, Michelle, on January 26, 1965, at South Huron Hospital. BEDARD-At St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, February 1, 1965 to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Be- dard, a son, Denis. A grand- son for Mrs, Mary Bedard. PARKER - George and Judy Parker (Shaddick), Hensall, announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Tuesday, February 2, 1965. A brother for Ricky and Cindy. COMING EVENTS Women's Auxiliary to the South Huron Hospital will hold a social meeting in the Auxil- iary Room on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 9, at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. M. Geiser will be guest speaker. 5,b HELI.' WANTED CLASS A Licensed Mechanic for GM dealership, immediate employment, top wages, bene- fits, good working conditions. Phone collect 524-8391, McGee's Goderich. 5,6,b PRINTER required, mature man to each basic printing skills two days per week to junior stu- dents in special secondary school program in C 1 i n to n. Duties to commence as soon as possible. Salary to be arranged. Apply in writing not later than February 12, 1965. Address applications to Mr. C. R. Ma- loney, Business Administrator, Clinton District Collegiate In- stitute Board. Applications Wanted Applications for organist and choir leader for Carmel Presby- terian Church, Hensall, will be receivved up to February 20, 1965. Apply, stating salary ex- pected, to Earl Campbell, Clerk of Session, Hensall, Ontario. 5,6,7,b FOR RENT BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. SPACIOUS FARM Home, furn- ace, 4 -piece bath. Part rent in exchange for checking of cattle. Apply Box 47, Dashwood, or phone 70W, Dashwood. 50,1,b 2 -BEDROOM Apartment, hot water heated. Apply Box 47, Dashwood, or phone 70W, Dash- wood. 50,1,b IN HENSALL, downstair apart- ment. Available immediately. 236-4122. 3,b WANTED TO RENT 2- or3-BEDROOM apartment or house in or near Hensall. Phone Seaforth, 527-1895. 2,b MISCELLANEOUS CATTLE SPRAYING. Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, contact Wil- liam Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood. 48tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial '155.2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 miliiiemposimmisommumeatameosisorearee IN MEMORIAM Pearson -In loviny memory of a dear mother, Sylvia Pearson, who passed away 11 years ago, February 9, 1954, but still very much in the thoughts of her only daughter, Shirley. Weido-In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Clif- ford Weido, who passed away four years ago, February 5, 1961. You left us quietly, your thoughts unknown, But you left a memory we are proud to own, Though absent, you are very near, Still loved, still missed and ever dear. -Lovingly remembered by Mother, Glenn and family. 5,p Cards of Thanks I wish to express my appre- ciation and thanks to neighbors, friends and relatives for remem- bering me with cards, telephone calls and visits while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital and since I came home. Special thanks to LCW for the basket of fruit and Rev. Blackwell for visits and prayers. -Henry Flaxbard.- 5,b Harold and Edith Widrick wish to thank their many neigh- bors and friends for the kind- ness shown to them by cards, treats and prayers, and for their help in various ways through hospitalization a n d accident. Special thanks to Pastors Eph- raim Gingerich and Orval Jan- tzi, Dr. Wallace and Westlake ambulance service. 5,p I wish to sincerely thank all my relatives and friends for visits, cards and letters sent to me while in the hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to the men of the EUB church for the flowers sent. Thanks for all kindness and prayers. -Herb Desjardine. 5,p The family of the late E. A. Westlake wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their many acts of kindness, for cards of sympathy, floral tributes and donations to the Gideon Bible Society, re- ceived during their sad bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. T. L. Hobbins, Rev. B. H. Eaton, pallbearers, flower bearers and Westlake funeral home. 5,b I wish to thank all those who remembered me with congratu- lations and good wishes as I be- gin my term as warden of Hur- on County. Also a special thanks to the members of the Dashwood Men's Club for their gift to my wife and L -Glenn Webb. 5,p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of BRUCE JACOB KLOPP, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Bruce Jacob Klopp, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 18th day of November, 1964, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of February, 1965, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice hose been re- ceived. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario 5,6,7,b BUILDING CONTRACTOR • CUSTOM CARPENTRY • YOU NAME IT . . WE'LL DO IT! No job is too large or too small for us. DICK BEDARD D!AL 236.4679 -- ZURICH air Us for Free Estimates istassweariwwwimiummes Hensall United Church Annual Sees Prosperous 1964, Challenge Ahead The congregation of Hensall United Church sat down to a bountiful dinner, prepared by the UCW, in the new assembly hall prior to their annual busi- ness meeting last Wednesday evening. A very pleasant program pre- ceded the meeting with special musical numbers and readings. Miss Joyce Flynn was soloist and Miss Ann Mickle gave a piano instrumental, followed by a humorous reading by Mrs. Earle Rowe. The program was arranged by Mrs. Howard Scane and Mrs. Douglas Cook. Rev. Harold Currie, chairman, opened the business meeting with a devotional period. The minutes were recorded by Bill Mickle, clerk of the con- gregation. The session report was given by Walter Spencer, clerk. The committee of stewards' report, with Mrs. Peter Mc- Naughton as treasurer, showed that all local committments have been met as well as the M & M allocation for the larger work of the church. The budg- et for 1965, presented by Verne Alderdice, was accepted The report of the United Church Women, presented by Mrs Walter Spencer, president, and Miss Mary Goodwin, treas- urer pointed out that the women had fulfilled the aim and pur- pose of the UCW to unite all the women of the church for HENSALL George Hess is a patient in South Huron Hospital Exeter. On Sunday, February 7, Mr. J. Mitchell, Hensall, will cele- brate his 98th birthday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Olive Horton. Forty-two members and friends of Hensall Women's In- stitute travelled by bus to Lon- don Saturday night to be guests on the program "Act Fast", CFPL-TV. After the shave they enjoyed a delicious lunch at the "Three Little Pigs" restaurant, London. Mrs. Fred Beer or- ganized the trip. The show will be seen on television Sun- day, February 14. Mr. Charles Mickle, Hamilton, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, and Ann. Successful Music Student Master Kenneth Jones, who wrote the grade two theory ex- amination of the Royal Conserv- atory of Music on January 16 has been informed that he was successful in passing with first class honors, having received 94 marks. Kenneth is a pupil of Miss Greta Laramie, of Hen- sall. BRUCEFJELD IOOF LODGE DANCE in the Legion Hall SEAFORTH Friday, Feb. 5 Music by "DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA" iminuasmoupeowassisowwwwwwwwimo VALENTINE DANCE AT Dashwood Conununity Centre Friday, Feb. 12 Music by "THE CARDINALS" Admission: 75c Person Sponsored by the Dashwood Men's Club the total mission of the church at home and abroad. They met their allocation of $1,400 for the unified budget of Huron Presbyterial UCW as well as contributing $'1,200 to the local building fund of the church and fulfilling other local commit- ments to their own •organiza- tion. A very fine piece of Christian service, sponsored by the UCW, was the friendship and visita- tion committee convened by Mrs. Ernie Chipclhase and Mrs. Carl Passmore as treasurer. Douglas Cook presented the work of the building commit- tee and reported that the Chris- tian Education building as it stands now at a cost of $34,600 is free of debt. Final work is expected to be completed this spring with the prospect that the new building will dedicated on the 40th anniversary of the United Church of Canada in June. It is hoped that the whole congregation will take this opportunity now, to share in the building project in this Hotel Imperial GRAND BEND ENTERTAINMENT and DANCING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS FRIDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 22 Variety Show By the Bluetones, of Clinton This Saturday Night . . . Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Chicken and Fish Fries SZBIZGEMEETINIOVOMEESZEZOMMESI 444:`,7X4A1161MAksF 13.1.11 S TRIP AND T OF SHUR-GAIN Experimental Farm Maple, Ontario Wed,, Feb. 10 Bus Leaves Zurich at 8:15 a.m. and arrives home at 6:00 p.m. Anyone interested should contact M. DEITZ & SON ZURICH As Soon As Possible ! County of Huron TENDERS FOR Trucks & Tractors Sealed tenders on forms and in envelopes available from the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 1965 for the following: 1--32,000 G.V.W. truck 2-30,000 G.V.W trucks 1 -25,000 G.V.W. truck 1--1/a-ton pick-up truck 2--y-ton economy vans 2-40 H.P. farm tractors with mowers 2-60 H.P. industrial tractors with front end loaders No trade-ins - used equipment will be sold by public auction. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. BRITNELL, County Engineer Court House GODERICII, ONTARIO its final stage of construction. Walter Spencer is chairman of the building committee. Other reports presented to the meeting were: Christian ed- ucation, Robert Reaburn, treas- urer; Sunday school, Clendon Christie, superintendent; Mes- sengers, leaders, Mrs. C. Chris- tie and Mrs. John Corbett; Young People's Fellowship, David Pyette, treasurer, with Eric Ross as president; senior choir, Mrs. H, Horton as presi. dent and Linda Mock, treas. urer; Presbytery projects, Lorne Hay and Wilmer Ferguson. Elected to the committee of stewards were: Wilmer Fergu- son, Murray Traquair, Cecil Pepper, Jim Drummond, Lorne Hay and Jack Drysdale, Elected to the Christian edu- Sane, Peter McNaughton, Clar- cation committee: Howard epee Smillie, Robert Reaburn and Mrs. Jack Simmons. Auditors are Victor Pyette and Harry Hortotn. Appointed as ushers: Head usher, Wilmer Ferguson! Roy Brock, Gerald Flynn, Ross Cor- bett, Cecil Pepper, Eric Mans- field, Doug Cooper, Grant Mac- Gregor, Grant MacLean, Douglas Mann, Steve Kyle, Bruce Hor- ton. James McAllister expressed the appreciation of the congre- gation to Rev. and Mrs. Harold Currie and a gift was presented by Miss Mary Payne. Rev. Currie thanked all officers, lead- ers and committees for their devoted service to the church during the past year. Newman Sliaren PHONE 238.2303 GRAND BEND Real Estate and Business Broker Representative - G. Norman Rivers, Phone 94, Bayfield COMMERCIAL • RESORT • RESIDENTIAL • FARM "YOUR SUMMER LIVING 1S MY BUSINESS" Vi loge of Zurich Fire Hall Sealed tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by Mrs. Elda Wagner, Clerk -Treasurer, until Wednesday, February 24, 1965 AT 6 P.M. for a proposed Fire Hall and extension to Municipal Build- ing. Plans and specifications may be obtained by General Contractors only, after January 28, 1965, from the Clerk - Treasurer, upon deposit of a marked cheque of $50.00, refundable on return of same in good order. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. ELDA WAGNER, Clerk -Treasurer. Po.p�mw�awsa�tw,v.e.ra.rro�.Tao.c.e�urMw�wc.c w�+e.a�o.n.aV.o�e•..i CTION S; LE AT THE Clinton Legion Hall CLINTON, ONTARIO M nday Eve Ing, Februry 8:00 P.M. SHARP Repossessions -- :,ankrupt Stocks AND MANY, MANY PERSONAL CONSIGNMENTS CONSISTING OF Appliances -- Furniture -- Television Refrigerator with cross top freezer, 2 electric ranges, long skirt washer, 17 cu. ft. food freezer that holds over 500 lbs. frozen food, deluxe automatic washer and dryer (electric), combination radio and 3 -speed record changer, 5 different television sets (all reconditioned and in A-1 working con- dition), 2 hostess chairs, platform rocker, hi -chair, tele- phone table, step stool, chrome rocker, writing desk, 9x 12 rug, step and coffee tables, 4 dinette and kitchen sets finished in chrome and •coppertone, 2 2 -piece davenport suites complete with a hi -back swivel rocker, 2 -piece French Provincial chesterfield suite in a nylon cover, 3 other mod- ern chesterfied suites in 4-3-2 cushion sets. 3 bookcase bedroom suites in light and dark finish complete with box springs and mattresses, 2 39" continental beds complete with box spring and quilt top mattress and head boards, 4 54" quilt top mattresses that fit any full size bed, 2 -piece chestabed living room suite that folds out to a full % size bed with a spring -filled mattress built in, 2 sets of table and trilight lamps, 1 54" continental bed, and many other items too numerous to mention. Children's Clothing ALSO -A NICE SELECTION OF BRAND NEW TOYS FOR ALL AGES JUST ARRIVED -A large selection of Winter Clothing has just been received for Auction from one of the largest Clothing Wholesalers in Canada. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING -Lined jeans, snow suits, jackets, pyjamas, crawler sets, pullovers and cardigans, winter coats, sleep and play sets, shirts and blouses, dresses, a- piece velvet sets, T-shirts, coat and hat sets, jodhpurs, leo- tards, underwear, baby shirts, housecoats, sleepers, babies' orlon knit sets, hooded sweaters, skirts, training pants, gloves, poodle socks, and many other items. MEN -Work and dress shirts, polo shirts, jackets, dress pants, work and dress socks, pyjamas, belts and ties, under- wear, slipper socks, sweaters, and other items. WOMEN -Dresses, blouses, sweaters, pullovers and cardi- gans, skirts, nylons, slipper socks, fall coats, 2 -piece suits, stretch slims, purses, jackets, and other items. This outstanding sale will consist of the largest and best offering that we have ever auctioned in this hall . At Any Time -- Don't Miss It ! See You At the Sale. AUCTIONEER - LEO E. BIRD Terms -Cash Cheques Accepted on Furniture 3% Sales Tax in Effect All the Appliances in This Sale are Guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when your home. hooked up at