HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-02-04, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE News of HENSALL District The results of the CNIB can- vass for Hensall and area has been 'announced by V. M. Pyette, chairman of the campaign, •and the amount raised was $321.05, Miss Phyllis Case, Grand Bend, is visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Wilson, at St. Catharines, Members of Hensall Women's Institute and guests will appear on "Act Fast' on CFPL-TV, Sunday, February 14. Eight girls are entered in the snow queen contest for the Stratford Jaycee Winter Carni- val, February 6 to 13. The queen will be crowned February 12 at the carnival ball. Among the contestants is Miss Bonnie Foster, 18, of Stratford, form- erly of Hensall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster. LAC Earl Titterington, of RCAF Station Centralia, form- Hensall Kinettes Plan Bake Sale The regular meeting of Hen- sall Kinettes was held Wednes- day evening at the home of Mrs. Ron Wareing, with president Mrs. John Baker presiding. Spe- cial guest was Mrs. Grant Mac- Gregor, who was chief march- ing mother for the March of Dimes on February 1. Mrs. Harold Caldwell was presented with her Kinette pin and welcomed into the club. Mrs. Bob Caldwell won the raffle and at the next meeting the Kinettes will hold a bake sale among the members at the home of the president, 1VIrs. John Baker. ra®1111111111111111 BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hale. Cr.'a Agent for Dry Cleaning t. .A'I,ma.. .,r K .m... 1k..YtA. erly of Hensall, underwent sur- gery at Westminster Hospital, London, Tuesday, February 2. Miss Anne Lawrence is taking a 10 -month course for registered nurses assistant at South Huron Ho spit a 1, Exeter. She com- menced her course on Monday, February 1. John Joynt, who has been a patient in War Memorial Hos- pital, London, returned home on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Roland Vanstone is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital. Miss Marcia Little was a week -end guest with her aunt, Mrs. Marguerite Ulch, Windsor. Hensall Couple Are Honoured Before Departure The staff of the Bank of Montreal honored Doug John- ston and presented him with a parting gift, prior to leaving for Chatham where he will be as- sistant accountant at the branch there. Mr. Johnston has been re- placed by J. D. Marcell, of Campbellford, who is married with two children, and will take up residence in Hensall this week. Mr. Johnston, treasurer of the Kinsmen Club, and Mrs. John- ston, a member of the Kinette Club, were honored at a joint party arranged for them by the two clubs. Mr. Johnston was presented with a desk set, and Mrs. Johnston was made the presentation of the Kinette playing cards, with the Kinette crest inscribed in gold. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, presidents of the Kinette and Kinsmen clubs, made the pres- entations. THE MOST "RELAXED" WAY OF HEATING YOUR HOME You can turn on electric heat at the flick of a switch. No fuel supply to store. Just relax and enjoy silent comfort, See Us for All Your PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL TIEMAN'S HARDWARE FURNITURE — COAL — CEMENT PHONE 8 DASHWOOD MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied YOUR CHOICE — PARKLAND (SIX ROWED) BETZE (TWO ROWED) An Excellent Crop for Early Cash BEA = SE Excellent Quality Ontario Registered Michigan Certified — SANILAC — SEAWAY -- SAGINAW — MICHELITE — SANILAC — SEAWAY All Seeds Grown from Foundation Stock BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices I,II IIIIIIIIIIIIII11,11 v.1,I1111111,1111111t111t,Y,it,UI,,ultII),ttl,l Drop in Now for Your Spring Seeding and Fertilizer Needs or PHONE 262-2714 COLLECT E. 11,s HENSALL nCI NE & SON LIITED ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and family, Willowdale, were week -end visitors with Mrs. John Henderson and family. Cpl. Ken Harrison, of Prince Edward Island, who is on course as an instructor at Clinton RCAF Station, was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Smale. Cpl. Harrison is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Smale, A surprise party for Miss Susan Broadley was held at the home of Miss Sharon Smale Fri- day evening when several girl friends presented her with a gift. Susan is leaving shortly for Marlette, Mich., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broadley. Miss Ruth Ann Hume, of Burlington; Mr. Garry Cornack, Toronto; Mr. John Coughell, professional figure skater of St. Thomas, visited Saturday with Miss Pauline Bell,. Paul Bedard, of London, is spending a week's vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. —0 Annual Meeting Of Huron C.A.S. The annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Hur- on County will be held in the form of a •dinner meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 1965, at Knok Presbyterian Church, Goderich, commencing at 6:30 p.m. Tickets at $2.00 per person are available until Friday, Feb- ruary 5, at the office of John G. Berry, secretary, board of directors, Court House, Goder- ich. Kippen United Church Women Elect New Slate of Officers for 1965 Members of the UCW of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, met recently to elect their officers for the new year. Prior to the election, Rev. Howard Plant presented an il- lustrated lecture on "Amos, the Prophet". Mrs. Edison McLean read the treasurer's report which showed 1964 had been a good year financially. The following is the 1965 slate of officers: Honorary pres- ident, Mrs. Harold Jones; presi- dent, Mrs. Bert Faber; first vice-president, Mrs. Emerson Kyle; second vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd Lovell; recording secretory, Mrs. John Sinclair: corresponding secretary, Thomas Reid; treasurer, Edison McLean. Committees: Christian zenship and social action, friendship and visiting, Kenneth McKay; finance, Mrs. Mrs. citi- Miss Mrs. Mrs, Edgar McBride and Mrs. Robert Elgie; sunshine and flowers, Mrs. Morley Cooper and Mrs. Kenneth McLellan; flower com- mittee, Mrs. Emerson Kyle, Mrs. Norman Dickert and Mrs, Keith Lovell. Press and publicity, Mrs. Thomas Reid; social functions, Mrs. Hugh Hendrick, Mrs. Har- old Jones, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, Mrs. Laird Finlayson; steward- ship and recruiting, Mrs. Ross Loce; social assistance, Mrs. Emerson. Kyle, Mrs. Archie Par- sons, Mrs. Ralph Turner; liter- ature and communication, Mrs. Eileen Consitt. Unit leaders: (1) Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. John Cooper; (2) Mrs. Lloyd Lovell, Mrs. Gerald Moffatt; (3) Mrs. Robert McBride; pianists, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. Harold Jones. A quilting and pot -luck sup- per will be the format of the February meeting. Television Views by William Whiting Top correspondents took tem- porary leave of their assign- ments around the globe to as- semble in London, England, and provide the world with inten- sive coverage of the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill. Telstar, submarine cable, jet -sped films and all other methods of visual and sound communication were used in the excellent coverage of this event. Once again, tele- vision provided instantaneous information. ABC-TV started "Peter Jen- nings with the News" in prime time an a five -a -week basis. Mr. Jennings worked for CVT until moving to New York re- cently. He will cover major stories himself and these assign - Obituary Mrs. Jack Tinney Mrs. Jack Tinney, RR 1, Exe- ter, the former Lolus Mary Mc- Clinchey, passed away Satur- day, January 30, 1965, in her 45th year. She had been a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Eyeter. Surviving are her husband, one son, Dwayne, Exeter; three daughters, Karen, Joan, Carol, all at home; a sister, Mrs. Irene Jinks, Hensall; .three brothers, Garnet, Seaforth; Edgar, Hen - sail, and Beverley, Bayfield. The body rested at the Hop- per -Hockey funeral home, Exe- ter, until Monday, February 1, 1965, where the funeral service was held. Burial was in Exeter Cemetery. 0 KIPPEN EAST WI EUCHRE Kippen East Women's Insti- tute sponsored a euchre Friday evening in the Legion Hall. The winner were: Ladies, Mrs. Edna Caldwell, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. T. Brintnell; men, Ross Sararas, Verne Alderdice, Mrs. Glenn Bell; travelling Ione hands, Gerald Bel; door prize, Mrs. Harry Cadwell. 'NFi.l.I Ih. IY.^w�L4�l. 1 .. .;'fin. ri�.�•. .. n. ments will take him anywhere in the world, ABC officials an- nounced. And what a staff this chap will have! A producer, two associate producers, a news editor, four writers, three film editors, six graphic artists and a few other assistants thrown in for good measure. These U.S. networks really do things in a big way. A new CBS program debuted last Sunday against NBC's "Bon- anza" at 9 o'clock. "For the People" stars Canadian William Shatner who plays an assistant district atorney who has dedi- cated himself to a war against crime. It was dull in places and probably won't give "Bonanza" ratings any trouble. Two teen -aged instrumental. ists were featured on Leonard Bernstein's Young Performers Concert last week on CBS. The two, a pianist and a violinist, displayed their skills by play- ing Mozart and Mendelssohn. x r. * Besides being tops in North American, "Bewitched" is hav- ing great success in England, Australia, Holland and Japan . U.S. networks have 90 pil- ot films ready for airing with 57 being situation comedies ... James Beard's cooking show now plays in New York. Hensall Kinsmen Stage Initiation Hensall Kinsmen held their initiation night at their dinner meeting, Thursday night, when the following members were in- itiated: Harold Caldwell, Wayne Reid, Murray Baker and Ron Wareing. The initiation team was the Stratford club and members who attended w e r e Roland Shore, Herb McClatchey, Amos Pounder, Tim McKeough and Andy Larnb. The Stratford club also an- nounced that their minsterel show will be held in Stratford February 8 and 9. A film, "Traffic Fatalities", was shown and left a lasting impression. Hensall Kinsmen Club made plans for a draw on 5,000 pennies. DUWARD meADAMS RADIO --- TELEVISION (r Sales and Service 0 DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Dial Zurich Days — 236-4094 Nights — 236-4186 "Always ready to serve you" mormitommowoom GRAND BEND CLEANERS February Specials Plain Skirts 47c Air Force 1 I Uniforms 9 Phone 238-2122 for Free Pick-up and Delivery Use Your Window Cards, or See Your Local Agent ..4 x+. -^r mea a rl x an�! �`, .:71114.r .v'Ft,.ln�.l.t:tf?�d i�r �+..z-''L tvla�:ti lit n'"�'fi�r��'r'L`� ra�:4x. .... 10-0Z. JAR — (30c OFF PACH) MAXWELL HOU Super -Save — Quarts Ginger Ale E STORE HOURS: Closed ALL DAY Every Monday Open 'Till 6 P.M. on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY THURSDAY and SATURDAY OPEN FRIDAY EVENING Until 9 p.m. FFEE .. 51.39 rTniversal --- 1/2s 2/29c iSockeye Salmon 55c (Plus Deposit) 2 -Lb. Package — Reg. 39c i Dainty Rice 33c 67c 1 Allen's -- 48 -Oz. Tins Orange Drink 3/$1 Miracle Whip — 32 -Oz. Jar Salad Dressing Doric — 20 -Oz. Jar Cherry, Raisin, Blueberry Pie Fillings 3/89c Schneider's—16-Oz. Jar Cheese Spread 55c LIVER, Beef or ork !b. 2 c SMOKIED — 1 -LB. PKGS. SIDE BACON 15. -59c Pure ork SAU:A GE 3 lb ST AKS WING OR T-BONE c SLICED LB. 29c 01 NA .▪ ,t Ibs 1 i FROZEN FOOD SUPREME BRAND -2 -LB. POLY BAG E (Regularly 53c) ONLY 39c PRODUCE No. 1 FLORIDA WHITE—SIZE 96s G A ,12111 10 FOR 49c