HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1965-01-21, Page 7THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1965 PAGE SEVEN ...raw.! If you don't remember the "good old days" then the thing to do is catch the Vancouver show, "Some of Those Days", where styles, personalities, fads and tunes from the past are recalled each Thursday •on CBC -TV. Giving out with toe - tapping oldie are (left to right) Betty Hilked, Barney Potts Roma Hearn, backed by the Barbershop Quartet. ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE (AL.. FRED DUCHARME, Correemondentl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masse and family, of Windsor, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme of this highway. Their daughter, Jane, being employed by the city council of Windsor for of- fice work, remained with the Ducharmes, her grandparents, to spend •a week's holidays. Mr. Gerald Hartman, of London, .also a grandson of the Du- •eharmes, spent Sunday last with them. Those who packed luggage and bag and took off for a two- week trip to Florida the past week, were in luck. For them, the past week -end of blustery weather will be unknown. They will enjoy the sunny south weather while we in this north - Annual Meeting OF THE ZURICH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL BE HELD IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general Interest in this column but can't undertake persona! replies. DEAR DORIS — Last year 1 took in my stepdaughter, who had been living with her moth- er but was unhappy there. Then I •discouvered she was •about to have a baby. She is 17. When the baby was born she refused to give him up because she said the boy was coming bacb to marry her. Now she works but .pays no board. She has started dating the boy and he is here all the time, He sleeps in her room with the baby and she squashes in with her younger sister. I have five daughters and one son. I don't think he should go upstairs, but I'm told I have a dirty mind. FED UP DEAR FED UP — Protesting to me will do no good. Take charge where you are. This unmarried father is tak- ing liberties; your girl is assum- ing that they ,have a right to live like a family. At this point there is no real proof that these two are good marriage mates, since they are both adolescent. .ern climate will be trying to keep comfortable in our homes and away from the roadways and byways where the going, due to stormy weather, being dangerous. Perhaps by the time this will appear in print, the snow squalls and high winds will have ceased and again giv- ing us normal weather. The month of January has many times being a month of disturbance and many times causing unexpected damage of some kind due to poor travel- ling visibility for those who have to be on highways on business or to report for their daily work. The past week -end and the opening of this present week was also accompanied by bitter cold causing damage to some water systems in some homes by frozen pipes. ON Mr. William Borri, of Wind- sor, a broker representing dif- ferent food companies, called on yours truly and Mrs. Du- cherme on Thursday last on one 8 P.M. of his weekly trips. Mr. Borri found the weather somewhat •cooler in this northern part than in his home town, it being his first trip •so far north. IIU111111IEau■Ill■I 111111■11111t11III■Lal■IIIEIII®111®1111111II®III■IlbillI* l itu.il111111 llll■iil111111•III■III■III■111E11l®III■111111II1 A i FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1965 V. L. BECKER,, President MARGE SCHILBE, Secretary -Treasurer i i Annual January Ciea:ran:ce ill■ il OF i MOFFAT WHITE GO MOFFAT GOURMET ...,.---—,0.,,,-;,,,,,,, , li, � •�,::��.��::: RANGE is 1A1 ■ A III IIIIIIIUIIIEIIl�1111i1III1IIINIIIRI11Ell IIII11111EIi1E111MMI111gIIlEIIIEIiIMIIItrNIIIEI IMI II■III®II II�IIIEIIIiiII1111ilIIIIr181111g1111E1118tI I101ell *...;. = w..•nw,.wvnv„,,,,;.•.vvwG'•':..vu.>v..,.w . were r...�>s:Y N.M.'•• .w„wy.M.M..w•w Zurich Model 30J - 260W The most modern look in electric ranges $449.95 Only .319.95 REG. PRICE (Plus Trade) MOFFAT REFRIGERATOR 12 Cu. Ft. — Model J22-0 REG. 84.9PRICE5 �/ $259e95Onl $3 (Plus Trade) MOFFAT DRYER Model DEF -1510 Q REG. PRICK 011111 $ a I►5 $$219 95 . (Plus Trade) This is just a sample of the low January Prices now in effect on all White Goods. ardware MAIN STREET — ZURICH You do a real disfavor by permitting intimacies at this stage, Since apparently even her father is no help to you, seek personal counselling from the family agency in your area. DEAR DORIS—I have heard of •a system for treating eyes which really improves them. I am convinced that it works be- cause I read a book about going without glasses and I have made some improvement in sight dur- ing the summer. ITbrever, since school started in September progress seems to have reversed. SCHOOL TEACHER. DEAR TEACHER—Sorry, but my consulting ophthalmologist says "Eyewash!” Eye exercises accomplish nothing, Your vis- ion is determined by the shape of the eye you were born with. Better eyesight comes with better health. Rest, diet, recre- ation, make the difference, When you are tired, your eyes are tired. During summer holi- days you put fewer demands on eyes and constitution, So your eyes improved. DEAR DORIS—I am 34 and interested in a girl 19. When I took her out she seemed quite nice, but then when I phoned again she didn't feel like going. I took this for a brush off. Then I heard she was asking about me. They always say no fool like an old fool, and yet I know of marriages with a wide age difference which have turned out all right. BROKEN HEART DEAR BROKEN — So do I. But the chances are against it. Your girl is still unsure of her- self:, still growing up. Look around a little more, for some- one who can match you in ma- turity and interests. If in a few years' time you find yourself still single and The Ausable River Conservation Authority Sealed ceived o'clock Invites Tenders for a NEW HALF -TON PICK-UP TRUCK tenders, marked "Tenders for Truck", will be re• by the undersigned at Exeter, Ontario, until 12 noon, E.S.T., on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1965 Details and specifications for this vehicle may be obtained from the Authority office, 61 Old Mill Road, Exeter. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. C. Hume, Secretary -Treasurer, AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY, Box 459, Exeter, Ontario. k hankering- for her, and her like- wise, the age difference won't matter so much. DEAR DORIS — Our daugh- ter has become engaged. We have met the young man. How do I write him and his parents? When they are married, do we send wedding announce- ments to all r e 1 a t iv e s and friends? REGULAR READER DEAR REGULAR—A warm, friendly note to the fiance car- ries the message that you are happy about the whole thing, welcoming him as a son-in-law. To his parents you express joy at the news and a hope to meet them all soon. Announcements go to all good friends and relatives other than wedding guests: � points to insist on when buying a furnace V Heavy Gauge Steal Combustion Chamber with full 20 -year Guarantee kr Compact, Modern Styling' V Wide acceptance for „r over 100 years 1' Cyclonic Flue CanMpe liiberglas VQuiet, gyration -free ,,✓ Operation 1f Efficient, Economical' Performance CLARE .WINTER AIR CONDITIONERS HAVE ALL 7 QUALITY FEATURES. When buying a furnace — consider quality first. The investment is a substantial one and the comfort and well-being of your family is at stake. Only Clare-Hecla guarantees eco- nomical, efficient performance for a full 20 yearn. Drop in . or Every Clare unit is backed by wee a century of Leadership in anada% heating industry — your assurance e[ complete satisfaction. And, there's a Clare-Hecla furnace to suit your exact heating requirements, whether it be gas, oil or solid fuel. phone us today Stade St Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" DIAL 236.4921 ZURICH • '65 CHEV'OLET the difference is dramatic! see your clealer Just a glance tells you Chevrolet has never been so new New from the Sweep -line roof right down to the road ... and even that'll seem newer with Chevrolet's new Wide -Stance chassis and new Full Coil suspension! ■ From Chevelle, last year's most successful Zine of new cars, a lot of new style and great new ride! in A new debonair look hides Chevy II's practicality and saving ways. And Chevy II has many money -saving mainte- nance -reducers, plus a choice of four great engines. • Sport with an international flair makes its appear- ance with Corvair! And the top-of-the-line Corsa series offers an optional 180 -hp Turbo -Charged engine! ■ Check out all four: '65 Chev- rolet, '65 Chevelle, '65 Chevy II and '65 Corvair -- at your dealer's today! Cherroh lnapada Sport Coupe Authorized Chevrolet NELL ealer in Exeter: A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE EXETER PRONE: 235-0660 Id Sure to see Bonanza on the � CBG TV _ Y network each Sunday. Check your local listings for channel and taint. -^~--� •